Woodrow Wilson

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Alcoholic beverages

The 18th amendment made it illegal to manufacture and sell what


The 19th amendment gave who the right to vote

Dominican Republic

The us intervened in Nicaragua sent troops to Haiti and set up an American military goverment in the where

Press conference

Just 11 days after his inauguration he held the country's first presidential what at which he outlined his legislative program


Many congressmen opposed Wilsons belief that the United States should join the league of Nations they did not want America to get involved in affairs where

Popular votes

The democratic nominated wilsion for a second term and campaigned for him on the slogan he kept us out of war but Wilson narrowly won reelection when he carried the key state California by just 4,000 what


The democrats were able to pass many important laws durning wilsions what

To control the amount of money in circulation set interest rates on loans and help local banks that were sort of money

The federal reserve board was established why

Preventing the growth of monopolies

The federal trade commission was established to investigate the operations of certain buissness for the purpose of what

Control the amount of money in circulation set interest rates on loans and help local banks that were short of money

A federal reserve board was established to do what


After the sinking of the Lusitania Wilson got the Germans to order their what not to attack neutral or passenger ships

Lusitania Germans and neutral or passenger ships

After the sinking of the what Wilson got who to order their submarines not to attack what

Amount of self government

At the urging of President Wilson Congress enacted Jones bill which greatly increased the what of the US granite to the Philippines

Jones bill

At the urging of President Wilson Congress enacted what which greatly increase the amount of self government of the US granite to the Philippines

The Philippines

At the urging of president Wilson congress enacted the jones bill which greatly increased the amount of self government that the us granted to who

Urging of president Wilson

At what Congress enacted jones bill which greatly increased the amount of self goverment of the us granted to the Philippines

The president of Princeton university in New Jersey

Before becoming the president of the us woodrow wilson spent eight years as

Rail road workers

Congress passed Adamson act which gave who an eight hour day

An eight hour day

Congress passed the Adamson act which gave railroad workers what

Labor unions

Congress passed the adamson act which gave Railroad workers an eight hour day the idea of a eight hour work day long supported by who eventually spread to other industries

Adamson act

Congress passed what which gave railroad workers an eight hour day

Federal reserve

Federal Reserve act created central bank that was called what and 12 district banks to regulate credit and improve banking service

Credit and improving banking service

Federal reserve act created central bank called the federal reserve and 12 district banks to regulate what

Nobel peace prize

Most of the important countries of Europe join the league of Nations but President Wilson failed to convince the senate that the United States should join the league despite this setback he was awarded the what for his efforts to prevent future wars

National convention

He earned democratic nomination for president at the party's what held in Baltimore in June 1912


How many amendments were added to the United States Constitution during Woodrow Wilson's a ministration


In order to carry out president wilsons legislative program who passed many new laws during the next several years


In politics such a one sided victory is called a


Not only did the democrats put their candidate in the White House they also won control of

Business and industry

President Wilson believe that this new banking system would give all parts of the country not just the east a chance to expand what


President Wilson believed that this new banking system would give all parts of the country not just the what a chance to expand its buissness and industry

Allied powers

President Wilson gave many speeches that help stirrup patronism among the American people and support for the what in Europe

Patronism and Europe

President Wilson gave many speeches that help stirrup what among the American people and support for the Allied powers where


President Wilson negotiate what which ended the fighting in the first world war

New freedom

President Wilson reform program which sought change through the passage of new laws came to be known as what

General John J Pershing

Relations between the United States and Mexico reached a low point When Wilson ordered troops under who to try to capture pancho villa after he raided American settlements in the southwest

Pancho villa

Relations between the United States and Mexico reached a low point when Wilson ordered troops under General John J Pershing to capture what after he raided American settlements in the southwest


Relations between the us and who reached a low point when Wilson ordered troops under general John j Pershing to try and capture pancho villa after he raided American settlements in the southwest

12 district banks

Reserve act created central bank call the federal reserve and what to regulate credit and improve banking service

14 points

Shortly before World War I ended the president delivered a special address to Congress in which he presented his plan for a peace settlement his plan was known as the

World War I address and peace settlement

Shortly before what ended the president delivered a special what to congress in which he presented his plan for what his plan was known as 14 points

Asked Congress to declare war on Germany

Soon after the election Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare promoting the president to do what

Big business

The Clayton anti trust act unlike the earlier Sherman anti trust act listed the specific practices by who that were considered unfair and monopolistic

Unfair and monopolistic

The Clayton antitrust act unlike the Sherman antitrust act list of the specific practices by big businesses that were considered what

Sherman antitrust act

The Clayton antitrust act unlike what act listed the specific practices by big businesses that were considered unfair and monopolistic

Second term and he kept us out of war

The Democrats nominated Wilson for what and campaign for him on the slogan what

A central bank

The Federal Reserve act created what called the federal reserve and 12 district banks to regulate credit and improve banking services

Nicaragua Haiti and military government

The United States intervened where sent troops to where and set up what in the Dominican Republic

Limited working hours

The child labor act did what for children employed by factories and mining companies

Factories and mining companies

The child labor act limited working hours for children employed by what

The voters

Three amendments were added to the us constitution during Wilsons administration , the 17th amendment said that two senators that each state sent to congress would be directly elected by who of each state

Civil War

To bring down prices paid by American consumers for manufactured goods congress passed Underwood tariff that would significantly lower tariff rates for the first time since when

Underwood tariff act

To bring down prices paid by American consumers for manufactured goods congress passed what which significantly lower tariff rates for the first time since the Civil War


To bring down prices paid by American consumers for various manufactured goods congress passed the underwood tariff act which significantly what tariff rates for the first time since the civil war

Manufactured goods

To bring down prices paid by American consumers for what Congress passed the Underwood tariff act which significantly lower tariff rates for the first time since the Civil War

American consumers

To bring down prices paid by who for manufactured goods congress passed Underwood tariff act which significantly lower tariff rates for the first time since the Civil War

The presidents cabinet

To rally support for the League of Nations the president began across country speaking tour but soon collapse from fatigue and nervous exhaustion nine days later he suffered a stroke which paralyzed him for the rest of his life the work of governing in the country was carried on by who

Cross country speaking tour fatigue and nervous exhaustion and stroke

To really support for the league nations the president began what but soon collapse from what nine days later he suffered from what which paralyzed him for the rest of his life

Clayton antitrust act

What act unlike the earlier Sherman antitrust act list of the specific practices by big businesses that were considered unfair and monopolistic


What amendment gave women the right to vote


What amendment made it illegal to manufacture and sell alcohol beverages


What amendment says that the two senators that each state sent to Congress would be directly elected by the voters of each state

The federal reserve act

What created a central bank called the federal reserve and 12 district banks to regulate credit and improve banking services

Progressive Republican

What party was Theodore Roosevelt

Conservative Republican

What party was William Taft


What party was Wilson from

Federal Reserve board

What was established to control the amount of money in circulation set interest rates on loans and help local banks that were short of money

Federal trade commission

What was established to investigate the operation of certain businesses for the purpose of preventing the growth of monopolies

Wilsons legislative program

What was talked about in the first press conference

Remain neutral

When World War One began in 1914 president Wilson declared that the us would what


When did Woodrow Wilson leave office


When did World War I begin

For his efforts to prevent future wars

Why was Wilson awarded the Nobel peace prize


Wilson explained that the US was declared war on who because the world must be made safe for democracy

The world must be made safe for democracy

Wilson explained the United States was declaring war on Germany because what

Governor of New Jersey

Wilson gained political experience and national attention while serving as the

Key state of California and 4000

Wilson narrowly won realection when he carried what by how much popular votes

Electoral votes

Wilson received 435 of the 531 what

435 out of 531

Wilson received how many electoral votes

Conservative Republican William H Taft and progressive Republican Theodore Roosevelt

Wilson won an easy victory in November presidential election when the Opposing Republican Party split it support between who

Theodore Roosevelt

Wilson won an easy victory in November presidential election when the opposing Republican Party split its support between conservative republican William h Taft and progressive republican who

The first world war

Wilson's negotiate an armistice which ended the fighting in .what

Prevent future wars

Wilson's plan included the idea for an organization known as the league of nations which would work to do what

The league of Nations

Wilsons plan included the idea for an organization known as what which would work to prevent future wars


Woodrow Wilson left office in 1921 after serving as president for how many years

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