wordpress essential training 1-3

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

ordered list

1 plus period plus spacebar


1. allows website to load faster. 2. people can browse through more quickly and click on what interests them. 3. looks more organized and can fit more onto the screen.... Essential

amin menu (3 main sections

1. dashboard section (some plugins and stats 2. content management posts, pages, media items comments, form submissions.etc 3. appearance, plugins, social sharing etc

two ways to truncate

1. read more link -go to post in front end, click edit post in tool bar and place cursor where you want to cut it off. press return twice and then click your read more link. scissor line will appear. and that is where it will cut off. 2. create custom excerpt to be displayed -if you search for a word and you don't like the excerpt it gives you...... -go to post. g2 edit post g2 screen options g2 check excerpt box. -you'll get a horizontal blue box for your excerpt. serves 2 pure. it will show this excerpt any time you search up the article. When using SEO plugin it is this excerpt that will get shared when sharing it on public media.

admin panel 3 main components

1. wordpress toolbar at top of page 2. admin menu at left of page 3. the main admin area (where we'll do most of our work) main white page on page

post types (3 main types)

1.posts 2. pages 3. attachments (media items)

post or page

2 questions 1. will readers want to see more things like this (related content) if the answer is yes it's a post, if no it's a page. 2.should I have a link to this item or should it be in the main menu. if yes it's a page if no, post

block quote

> plus space to end block quote press command

what is a post?

A precise description of a post would be and object, typically comprised of text and images, that is organized in categories and tags and displayed in the reverse chronological order of the index page of the site. In plain English, a Post is an article, or a photo, or a video, or anything you publish that shows up in a stream. If you visit a magazine, or newspaper, or blog, or pretty much any type of publication online, what you scroll through are Posts. When they are published matter

toolbar on the front end

L-R sightname: dashboards, themes, widgets, menus. Customize-later on in course Edit post-switches between front and backend views. note: when adding plugins to wordpress it will change diff features to the toolbar. always test function in toolbar and see if you want to turn it off.

posts vs pages cont

Posts are published in a stream of data and are generally current, relational, and a bit ephemeral. Think of them as newspaper or magazine articles, portfolio items, or one of your social media streams. You have an idea, you publish it as a post, it pops up at the top of your stream, and as time goes on, it moves down the stream. Pages are those pieces you put on your sites that will always be there, and are unlikely to change in the future. A good indicator that something should be a page is when you're thinking of adding a link to it on your main menu. Pages are typically things like Contact pages, About pages, Legal pages, and so on.




a commercial website that delivers website as a hosted service Wordpress.com is a site that distributes WordPress as a software as a service application, for free or for pay. You can build your own site on wordpress.com without having to install WordPress itself, but your site will be restricted by the platform and its rules. For example, you cannot install your own plugins and themes on a wordpress.com site.

stick post

allows you to stick a post to the front page


and a community

wordpress word

application free to download from the web It's an app


are done from post editor


are non hierarchical-no relationships to other tags.


best to leave off unless using a specific theme for the eternality of the post. if you must use it use a theme realize that they change and are never consistent as far as layout goes. standard aside are somewhat reliable. best to just toggle it off in screen options.

WYSIWYG toolbar in post editor view

by default content editor has only only line of tool buttons. second row of buttons available click toolbar toggle (far right button) for second row. paste as text (clipboard button bot mid) use to paste your text etc . This eliminates all text style etc etc. strikethrough 3rd button top left. puts a line through text but still keeps it there. bullets: to start bullets just press the button and continue. to get out just return twice. if you have a bullet list that you want to be a number list just place curser and press list type that you want. also can combine opposite lists into one list. block quote " button. basically pulls it out and italics it like a mag would. Horizontal line button adds horizontal line. adds a separation between content into diff blog...not used that often. -try not to use alignment buttons since theme is already doing that for you and you may mess it up. insert read more tag button....sec from TL. Note: in order to delete more tag, click text view in TR of page and go into the html and delete it from there. Title is always heading one. Main heading are heading 2 and sub level heads are 3,4 ,5 and so on if you want them bold. clear formatting button..looks like an eraser. special character symbol (headphones button) you can view can view it as text and preview mode which is under publish.

post organizational tools

categories (mandatory) Tags (optional) author date and time

every post must belong to one category and can be categorized as many as you like

categories are hierarchical taxonomies (parent/child relationships)....basically folders within folders.


cmd B


cmd Y


cmd i


cmd u


cmd x


content management system


controls status of posts blue button changes from pub to update to schedule.....you can publish in the future or even in the past. changing it to the past repositions it in the index page and adjust it's chronology etc.

wordpress ecommerce

core concepts

bullet list keyboard shortcut

dash plus spacebar

customization options

each panel is laid out in a 2 column grid. you can collapse panels by clicking toggle in right hand hand corner....you can drag around. You can toggle panels on and off "screen view" on top right hand corner of page and toggle on and off whatever ones you want to see. Help in RH corner

edit categories and tags

g2 main edit menu g2 posts g2 categories and tags. edit or full edit.


general public license it's free...


gives the users the contextual tools when you need them. So it changes depending on which screen you are using. Dashboard view: L-R -wordpress logo information and forums. -sight name-leads you to the front end of site ~comments for moderation ~new button allowing you to create new posts and other options...just hover

heading keyboard shortcut

heading 2 ## and a space. heading 3 ### and a space


is an interface....between publisher database and visitor. You always have content.


is the website that hosts the WordPress open-source project. including application, forums and development. An example of the correct use of the term wordpress.org would be, "If you're having a problem with your new WordPress site, "try asking a question in the wordpress.org forums."

2 types of links

linking to a page on the web or linking to page that already exists on the website. Just check boxes that apply when you make the link.


links are created in content editor highlight words/pic and press insert/edt link button

post editor view

majority of work in wordpress. left columns holds features directly related to post column Right column relates to features that deal with management and metadata of post distraction free writing mode allows you to turn off side panels when writing so you aren't distracted....little x looking box.

wordpress essential training

morten randhendriksen

there is no page

only the idea of a page`


opt cmd d


organized sorting system

post vs pages cont 2

post pages: timely static current permanent relational metalevel content sortable found in menus often shared

posts vs. pages

posts are: -published in a stream -organized by categories and tags -organized by publish date -sortable by author -comments on by default pages are: published as individual objects organized by Parent/child relationships hidden author/publication date comments off by default


revisions are in the publish panel and also at the bottom of the page. the one in publish allows you to view in html text view and you can see all the changes in the top. you scroll between history of the revisions with blue slide btn in the top middle. Compare any two revisions checkbox....restore revisions more than one person works on a post....or accidentally deleted a post or made a mistake...computer shuts down etc.

post editor view cont

title box....permalink and view post...you can also edit permalink. content editor (WYSIWYG) there are other views hidden g2 screen options if you want to see them. Publish:date and time Format (prob better to hide) categories: Tags. Featured image remember panels can be expanded and moved around.

creating a new post

toolbar g2 new or in the admin panel g2 posts...ad new post both take you to post editor. When you leave it always saves post as a draft.

tags are case sensitive

use existing tags

wordpress to work 3 things

wordpress app.. webserver PHP and MySQL MySQL DB

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