World Civ - Ch6/4

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Who was one of the rivals competing for power after Diocletian retired?


What did the city of Byzantium eventually become?


Where did the Byzantine emperors rule from?


Which city was able to withstand attacks by Attila the Hun and his armies?


What did Diocletian do with the western part of the empire?

he appointed a co-ruler for it

After conquering most of the eastern Roman empire, what did Attila do next?

moved into the west

What did the surviving part of the Roman emporer come to be called?

the Byzantine empire

Which part of the divided empire did Diocletian keep for himself?

the eastern part

Romulus Augustulus

the last Roman emporer, he was 14 years old when he was ousted by Germanic forces in 476

Who restored order to the empire and increased its strength?


In what ways does the Roman empire's cultural influence live on?

its ideas, customs, and institutions influenced the development of Western civilization

Which areas made up the West part of the empire?

Italy, Gaul, Britain, and Spain

How did the Roman government attempt to defend against increasing threats to the empire?

it began to recruit mercenaries to do their fighting

To where did Constantine move the capital of the Roman empire?


What were the military factors leading to the fall of the Roman empire?

- threat from northern European tribes - low funds for defense - problems recruiting Roman citizens to serve in the armies - recruiting of mercenaries - decline of patriotism and loyalty among soldiers

What problems did the Roman military face?

- Roman soldiers had become less disciplined and loyal - soldiers gave their allegiance not to Rome but to their commanders, who fought among themselves for the throne

What were the social factors leading to the fall of the Roman empire?

- a decline in interest in public affairs - low confidence in the empire - disloyalty, lack of patriotism, corruption - contrast between rich and poor - decline in population due to disease and food shortage

What happened when Constantine gained control of the western part of the empire in 312ad?

- he continued many of the social and economic policies of Diocletian - he secured control of the eastern part of the empire in 324 and restored the concept of a single ruler - he moved the capital from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium (now Turkey)

How did Diocletian restore order to the empire and increase its strength?

- he doubled the size of the army - he sought to control inflation by setting fixed prices for goods - he divided the empire into the Greek-speaking east (Greece, Anatolia, Syria, and Egypt) and the Latin-speaking west (Italy, Gaul, Britain, and Spain) - he restored the prestige of the office of emperor by claiming descent from the ancient Roman gods and presented himself in a godlike aura

What factors prompted the weakening of Rome's economy?

- hostile tribes outside the boundaries of the Roman empire and pirates on the Mediterranean Sea disrupted trade - the Romans lacked new sources of gold and silver because the empire reached its limit of expansion - the government raised taxes to increase revenue - the government started minting coins that contained less and less silver in the hopes of creating more money with the same amount of metal - the economy started suffering from inflation

What were the economic factors leading to the fall of the Roman empire?

- poor harvests - disruption of trade - no more war plunder - no new gold and silver - inflation - crushing tax burden - widening gap between rich and poor - increasingly impoverished western empire

What were the political factors leading to the fall of the Roman empire?

- the office of emperor seen as a burden, not a reward - the military interfered in politics - there was civil war and unrest - the empire was divided - the capital was moved to Byzantium

What problems did Roman agriculture face which led to the decline of Rome?

- the soil in Italy and western Europe became increasingly overworked and lost its fertility, so harvests became more meager - years of war had destroyed much farmland - due to meager harvests and less land to farm, serious food shortages and disease spread, leading to a decrease in population

How long did the Byzantine empire last?

1000 years

About how long did the Pax Romana last?

2 centuries

After the reign of Marcus Aurelius and the end of the Pax Romana, how much longer did the Roman Empire survive?

200 years

Who did the Byzantine emperors consider themselves heirs of?

Augustus Caesar

Why did Constantine move the capital to Byzantium?

Because it was on the Bosphorus Strait, it was strategically located for trade and defense purposes between the West and East

Which areas made up the East part of the empire?

Greece, Anatolia, Syria, and Egypt

Why did war break out after Diocletian retired?

His plans for orderly succession failed

What happened to the empire after Constantine's death?

It became divided again, with the East surviving and the West falling

Which emperor was the last of the Pax Romana?

Marcus Aurelius

Why did Diocletian keep the eastern part of the empire for himself?

it included most of the empire's great cities and trade centers, and was far wealthier than the west

Why did the empire last after the end of the Pax Romana?

it was largely due to reform-minded emperors and the empire's division into 2 parts

What happened to the sense of loyalty of the average Roman citizen?

Their feelings of loyalty eventually weakened. In the past, Romans cared so deeply about their republic that they willingly sacrificed their lives for it, but as conditions declined, so did their sense of patriotism. They became indifferent to the Roman empire's fate.

What were the main internal causes of the Roman empire's decline?

There were many contributing factors in the political, social, economic, and military areas.

What did the Germanic people who were living in the northern borders of the empire do in order to flee from the Huns?

They pushed into Roman lands, moving through the provinces of Gaul, Spain, and North Africa. In 410ad, they overran Rome and plundered it for 3 days

Why did so many Germanic tribes begin invading the Roman Empire?

They were fleeing the Huns, who had moved into their lands and began destroying everything. When they were running away from the Huns, the Germanic people moved through the Roman provinces of Gaul, Spain and North Africa.


a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices


a powerful Hun chieftain whose armies terrorized both halves of the empire


a strong-willed army leader who became emperor in 284ad. He was a rigid ruler who severely limited personal freedoms

What hairstyle did some Germanic people wear to identify themselves?

a topknot

Why was Attila unable to conquer Rome?

bouts of famine and disease weakened his armies

What happened after Diocletian retired in 305ad?

civil war broke out immediately and by 311ad four rivals were competing for power


foreign soldiers who fought for money. While they would accept lower pay than Romans, they felt little sense of loyalty to the empire

Which part of the Roman empire did Attila the Hun conquer first?

the Eastern part

In 370ad, what group of people moved into the northern borders of the empire and began destroying it?

the Huns, a fierce group of Mongol nomads from Central Asia

Who conquered the Byzantine empire?

the Ottoman Turks

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