world civ exam

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What are characteristics of a "Renaissance man

" They were charming, witty, danced, played music, wrestler, and swordsmen

Angkor Wat is ______________________

A Hindu and later Buddhist temple in Cambodia and a symbol of cultural diffusion throughout East Asia, South Asia, and South East Asia

What was the cultural revolution of China in the 1960s

A Mao led revolution that sought to establish a society of peasants and workers in which all were equal. A group known as the red guard looked to stamp out all remnants of intellectual life shutting down colleges and schools.

Which of the following is true in regards to a favorable balance of trade

A country would obtain as much gold and silver as possible and sell more goods than they buy

who were the De Medici's

A family of Italian merchant elites who ruled Florence, Italy and patronized the arts

As trade expanded in the Middle ages____________

A new merchant middle class in the city began demanding privileges' and rights

One result of the conquest of new lands in the new world by the Spanish

A syncretic European and native culture called mestizo

What was the main reason why the Ottoman empire was able to expand their empire from 1450- 1600

Advances in gunpowder and military technology

Looking to prevent Russia from attacking India, The British invaded ________________________ in what we call today "The Great Game"


The academic subject developed by Al- Khwarizmi, a study of the bringing together of unknowns to match a known quantity


Which of the following are examples of blended cultures during Akbar's reign

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following are TRUE of the Treaty of Nanjing

All of the other answers are TRUE

How was the Congress of Vienna to prevent France from future aggression

All of the other answers are correct

The Napoleonic Code __________________________________________

All of the other answers are correct

Under the new 3 field system

All of the other answers are correct

What were characteristics of the plague

All of the other answers are correct

What were impacts of the hundred years war

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following are TRUE regarding the decline of the Ottoman Empire

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following are reasons why the Industrial Revolution began in England

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following describes living conditions in cities in Great Britain in the early industrial age

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following is TRUE concerning the Treaty of Tordesillas

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following is TRUE of Guiseppi Gerabaldi

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following is TRUE of Menelik II of Ethiopia

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following is TRUE of the Boer war in Africa

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following was NOT a cause for absolute rule in the 1500s and 1600s

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following were reasons for the conquest of a much larger empire by the conquistadors

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following were reasons to explore to Asia

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following were tactics used by John D Rockefeller to succeed with his standard oil company corporation

All of the other answers are correct

Which of the following were ways that slaves resisted life on the plantation

All of the other answers are correct

How were the Americans able to turn the tide of the war in the Pacific at Midway

Allied code breakers had cracked the Japanese code. The Americans then hid the American force beyond the horizon surprising the Japanese after they had started their attack.

The Renaissance begins to spread North out of Italy, because____________________

An increase in wealth due to the commercial revolution led to merchants and rulers sponsoring artists.

The politics of Latin America after independence

Army leaders became dictators known as caudillos

Which of the following is TRUE of working conditions in the factory in the industrial age

Average workers spent 14 hours a day and 6 days a week working

What do we mean when we say " Banana Republic" in world history class

Banana producers from the United States built many railroads and monopolized industry in debt-ridden Latin America

What was the peasant response to the protestant reformation

Believed in Luther's equality of all peoples and fought for an end to serfdom- Luther did not back them however

Which of the following is TRUE of Otto Von Bismarck

Bismarck became a master of realpolitik, the politics of reality

Which of the following people are included in the 3rd estate

Borgeoisie and peasant farmers

Why would the ruler of China prefer to be in the Forbidden City and keep the common people out

Both answers are correct

Which of the following describes Ottoman rule in the 1300's

Both are correct

Which of the following is a similarity in how the Ottomans and Safavid Empires declined

Both empires declined because they either killed or imprisoned their sons leading to incompetent rulers

What is true regarding both Japanese Feudalism and European Feudalism

Both governmental systems are based on a decentralized government with lords vying for power

Which of the following is True of the Crimean war

Both of the other answers are correct

Which of the following is TRUE of the Boxer Rebellion

Both of these answers are correct

Why was India considered the " crown jewel" of the British empire

Both of these answers are correct

Hitler defied the Versailles treaty by doing what

Building up his army and moving into the Rhineland

In the 1830 and 1848 revolutions, why are they considered a failure from the radical point of view

By 1849, the governments had returned to their conservative monarchies they had before

How could a dispute between the triple alliance and triple entente draw all of Europe into World War I

By forcing countries to take sides in self-defense

Which of the following was a technology developed by the Europeans during the age of exploration


From 1451-1870, more than 40 percent of all slaves are imported to _________

Caribbean Islands

What advances did the Mongols use in their warfare

Catapults, bows, and stirrups

What ultimately divided the nationalists and communists in China

Chaing Kai Shek and the nationalists intitially fought warlords alongside the communists. However, in 1927, Nationalist troops killed many communist leaders in Shanghai leading to a Civil War that lasted until 1949

Which of the following was an economic impact on India as a result of British East India Imperialism

Cheap cloth from England flooded the Indian market and undercut local producers.

Japan invades what nation to begin its conquest for an empire in East Asia


The code of honor for knights in medieval times was usually called the code of _________________________________


What was the end result for the spreading of Christianity to Japan after Tokugawa Ieyasu died in 1616

Christians were persecuted and all Japanese were forced to demonstrate faithfulness to some form of Buddhism

Which of the following was NOT an effect of colonial rule in Africa

Colonialism resulted in decreased life spans and literacy rates

Just as agriculture and craftsmanship were expanding, so were trade and financing in the ______________________________

Commercial Revolution

The Meiji Era of Japan

Considered modernization to be necessary to compete with Western powers

In 1453, ___________________________ falls leading to the fall of the _______________________________ empire

Constantinople, Byzantine

The policy directed at blocking soviet influence and stopping the spread of communism_____________


What was Justinian NOT known for

Creating the iconoclasm or icon controversy with the Roman Catholic Church

Which of the following was an effect of the railroad industry on Great Britain

Creation of thousands of jobs for both railway workers and mine workers

Spaniards born in Latin America who were the main cause of the revolutions in the early 1800s


Probably the best example of Brinkmanship during the Cold war was ________________________________, in which the United States feared missile sites being built in Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis

A term for a Russian leader that we get from the Roman Empire


What was not an effect of the Crusades

Decreased persecution of Jews and other religious faiths

In order to maintain control, sultans in the Ottoman Empire used the _______________ system to draft boys from the conquered Christian territories to become either slaves in his palace or become janissaries in his army

Devshirme system

Invasions in Western Europe by Germanic tribes led to what

Disruption of trade

How did absolute monarchs in Europe in the 1500s and 1600s claim authority

Divine right

According to what theory, if one state in southeast Asia fell to communism, all the nations would fall

Domino theory

By 1600, this nation owned the largest fleet in the world with 20,000 ships ultimately taking control over Southeast Asian trade


Under this system, natives farmed, ranched, or mined for Spanish overlords

Encomienda System

T/F A guild is exactly the same thing as a labor union today


T/F The word kamikaze comes from the Japanese for "divine wind" because it is the wind that saves Japan bringing rains for their farmland


T/F Writers continued to write in the Latin language throughout the Renaissance


What were cultural interactions that Japan DID NOT RECEIVE from China


Which of the following countries sought to regain Vietnam as a colony after Japan was defeated in World War II


What was the main economic activity of New France

Fur trade

Which of the Following is NOT True regarding Ghandi's tactics of CIVIL Disobedience

Gandhi called for a violent protest against a salt factory to prevent the British having a monopoly on the salt trade

When Hitler could not get rid of Jews through emigration, he ordered jews in all countries under his control to be moved to _______________________, segregated Jewish areas sealed off with barbed wire and walls hoping they would starve or die of disease


Why was Dunkirk so important early on to the war effort for Great Britain

Great Britain sent a fleet of about 850 ships across the English Channel from May 26- June 4, 1939 saving 338,000 soldiers trapped

What is TRUE regarding a difference between a labor union and a guild

Guilds provided training in a craft and regulated the quality and price of goods. Labor unions did not

Prior to the age of imperialism: Japan____________________________

Had almost no contact with the industrialized world and was isolated

The PLO was a group made up of laborers, teachers, lawyers, and guerilla fighters who came to the beliefs that the only way to achieve a Palestinian home state was to ____________

Have an armed struggle against the west and Israel

Which of the following was NOT part of Peter's westernization of Russia

He abolished serfdom

Which of the following were true of Akbar's bureaucracy

He allowed both Hindus and Muslims to rise in office

How did Louis XIV as the sun king try to limit nobles power' and show his power

He brought all the nobles into his palace at Versailles so he could keep an eye on them

How did Ivan III eventually challenge the Mongols

He called himself czar and refused to pay tribute

What was the main problem with Akbar's land policy

He gave generous land grants, but when they died, their sons received none of the land leading to little motivation

When Oliver Cromwell came into power

He instituted a military dictatorship/ everyone rejoiced when the monarchy was restored with Charles II

Which of the following is TRUE of Muhammad Ali, the leader of Egypt starting in 1831

He modernized his country turning to the cash crop cotton

What is NOT TRUE regarding Vladamir of Russia converting to Christianity

He only did so to increase trade relations with the West

What is true relating to a master

He owned his own shop, worked with other masters to protect their trade through a guild

How did Akbar rule during his golden age

He proved his tolerance by marrying Hindu princesses and allowing them to practice their rituals

What did Mao do to strengthen the peasants loyalty to the communist party over the nationalists

He redistributed land to the peasants

Which of the following was NOT TRUE of Simon Bolivar

He revolted with little help from others

Why did Christopher Columbus sail west

He thought the world was much smaller and thought where the Americas were was China

What was Stalin's view of opening a 2nd front

He wanted Britain and the United States to open a 2nd front in France as soon as possible. Instead, they opened up a 2nd front in North Africa

Why did Charlemagne disagree with being crowned emperor by the pope

He wanted to keep all authority. By the pope crowning him, he was giving up power

What were the characteristics of Adolph Hitler that allowed him to gain success as a leader

He was a good organizer, speaker, and committed to his goals

What was TRUE regarding the emperor during the Heian period in Japan

He was a puppet ruler- the real power was with the shogun, a military leader.

What do Muslims believe about Muhammad

He was the last and greatest of the prophets

What was the initial purpose of stained glass windows

Help to tell biblical stories to the illiterate

What was NOT a result of Henry VIII's reign

Henry VIII became the head of the Catholic church, but his daughters were protestant

What provided the source of conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV

Henry was appointing Bishops and priests, which is the job of the pope

Which of the following is TRUE of the results of the sepoy rebellion

Hindu Nationalists for the Indian National Congress trying to work for self- government

Why was the Amritsar Massacre so important to the Indian Independence Movement

Hindus and Muslims gathered together pray and listen to political speeches. However, the British saw this as a nationalist movement and started firing killing over 400 people pushing more Indians towards the nationalist side

Which of the following is TRUE of the Taiping Rebellion

Hong Xiuquan believing he was the brother of Jesus wanted to create a kingdom where all of China's vast wealth would be shared

Social class in feudalism was usually what

Immobile and inherited

The seizure of a country or a territory by a stronger country is called __________________________________


The medieval European women typically were seen as what

In the upper classes, they could inherit land and send knights out for war. In the lower classes, they performed endless labor

Which of the following is NOT True regarding World War I

India became a battlefield for countries vying for colonial possessions

How did India respond to World War I

India sent 1.3 million troops in hopes of gaining independence after the war

Which form of imperial management included local government officials, limited self rule, and government institutions based on European styles but still with local rules

Indirect control

Which of the following was an effect of the Reformation

Individual monarchs and states gain power

Sukarno was the leader of ________________________________ that with a guerilla army named it independent 2 days after Japan was defeated in World War II ultimately defeating the Dutch


How did the concept of government change in the Middle ages

Instead of a central government, we now have a decentralized government based on the lord-vassal relationship

General Douglas McArthur developed the "island hopping" campaign to defeat Japan which said :________________________________________________________

Instead of storming each island which would cost a lot, the allies would "hop" past Japanese strongholds and seize islands not well fortified but closer to Japan

Stalin's response to the west at Potsdam was that communism and capitalism could not exist in the same world resulting in Winston Churchill saying there was an " ____________________ " that has descended across the continent

Iron Curtain

What effect did the Russian Revolution have on Russia's role in World War I

It brought Lenin to power, who withdrew Russia from the war

Which of the following did the Renaissance have an impact on leading to the age of exploration

It encouraged a sense of adventure and a rebirth in learning especially technology

Which of the following characterizes militarism

It is a policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of fascism

It is generally supported by the lower classes

Why is the Dome of the Rock's location considered to be so controversial

It is located in Jerusalem where Muslims believe Mohammad ascended and where Christians and jews believe Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac

How did nationalism contribute to the unrest in the Balkan states

It motivated ethnic groups to fight for their territory and self-government

How did the Zimmerman note draw America into World War I

It was a note from Germany telling Mexico to invade the United States

What does the term "East Asia for Asiatics mean"

It was an anticolonial idea from the Japanese that they used to justify their take over of Asia creating an empire

What is true of the Reconquista

It was an attempt by the Spanish to Reconquer their lands and drive the Muslims out of Spain

What is NOT a reason why the Arabian Peninsula was considered a crossroads

It was centered near the Mediterranean sea allowing for easy access to the Atlantic Ocean and the age of discovery

Why was Napoleon's encouragement of a blockade of Great Britain called the continental system

It was supposed to stop trade and force continental Europe to be more self-sufficient

Why is the beheading of Charles I so unique

It was the 1st time a monarch had a public trial and execution

Why was Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, important in World War II

It was the Nazi attack on Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues across Germany murdering close to 100 Jews

What was NOT a reason for Italy being the location for the start of the Renaissance

Italy had connections with the invention of the printing press

What ultimately suspended the Chinese Civil War

Japan invaded in 1937 killing thousands, causing many to die of starvation, and causing the nationalists and communists to temporarily unite

In 1639, the Japanese turned towards what new international policy

Japan's borders were closed except for Nagasaki. It remained open, but only to Dutch and Chinese merchants

Because of the introduction of gunpowder and firearms by Europeans

Japanese society was forced to build large castles attracting settlers eventually resulting in large cities

Who published the "Institutes of the Christian Religion," believed men and women were sinful by nature, and went on to say that God has known from the beginning who will be saved

John Calvin

What was the body of civil law created by the Byzantine Empire

Justinian Code

Indian Hindus and Muslims fought over what region that had both a Hindu ruler and Muslim majority population


Which of the following was NOT a reason why the Mughal Empire declined

Killing of successors or imprisonment of successors

Which of the following was the main leader during the Congress of Vienna

Klemens Von Metternich

Which of the following describes the results of the Korean Conflict

Korea was divided at the 38th parallel. North Korea ends up communist while South Korea prospered with aid from the United States

What dynasty in Korea lasted for nearly 4.5 centuries from 935 to 1392 adopting the Chinese civil service although not offering upward mobility like in China

Koryu dynasty

With long working day, low pay, and dangerous working conditions, workers eventually joined together to form______________________________

Labor unions

Which of the following consists mostly of middle class business leaders and merchants who wanted to give more power to elected parliaments, but only the educated and landowners could vote


Drawn by English nobles, this document approved by King John guarantees certain political rights to nobles and the people of England putting a limitation on the king's rights

Magna Carta

What technologies helped China become a seapower and spread technology quickly to the west

Magnetic compass

What was the new Chinese "mandate of heaven"

Mao heading both the Chinese communist party and the national government

What is TRUE regarding Marco Polo

Marco Polo while in China was a diplomat for Kublai Khan learning several Asian languages and brought back knowledge of China to Europe

What was the economic theory that held that a country's power depended mainly upon its wealth


What are NOT examples seen in Gothic Architecture


What encouraged Muslim leaders to support places of learning such as the House of Wisdom

Mohammad's emphasis on scholarship and learning and a connection between science and the Islamic faith

What is NOT true about monasteries during the middle ages

Monasteries often stressed secular matters

How did increased trade increase the power of the king

More trade increased merchants' wealth, some of which was paid to the king in the form of taxes

What in reality was true of chivalrous behavior

Most knights failed to meet the test and treated the lower classes badly

What is NOT true of women's roles in the middle east

Muslim societies have always restricted women's roles

One aspect of the Cold War was the establishing of what two rival alliances

NATO and Warsaw Pact

What is the name of the program by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in which he looked to create large public works projects for the unemployed

New Deal

What were successes of the church during the middle ages

New religious orders like the Franciscans along with unifying the European peoples

What did the Edict of worms by Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire say

No one in the empire was to give Luther food or shelter and banned all of his books

Nations that are said to have NOT chosen a side in the Cold War

Nonaligned nations

In the mid- 1800s, the British smuggled in _______________ to China and received ______________________ to take back to Britain

Opium, tea

How did the raising of United States tariffs expand the world-wide depression

Other nations increased tariffs and trade became even worse

Which of the following groups from 1600- 1900 is losing land and is considered the " Sick man of Europe."

Ottoman Empire

Which of the following empires did Europeans help Greece achieve its independence from


The German princes along with Charles V came up with the ______________________ saying that individual states would decide if they were Catholic or protestant

Peace of Augsburg

What was a teaching of Martin Luther

People could win salvation by Faith alone

Which of the following was a new weapon of World War I used primarily to get soldiers to leave the trenches

Poison Gas

Which country led the way in exploration trying to find a route to Asia around Africa


Which of the following goods had the biggest impact on populations in Europe from 1500-1800


A belief in the "elect," that God knows who will be saved


Which of the following was a Goal of the Congress of Vienna

Prevent future French Aggression by strengthening nations surrounding France

What was NOT a change in society as a result of the printing press

Printing changed society by making more information available, but it was more expensive

The Marshall Plan said _________________________________________

Provide food, machinery, and other materials to rebuild western europe ultimately to prevent the spread of communism

What are the 2 roles of colonies according to mercantilist theory

Provide raw materials/ buy finished products from the mother country

What are the lists of characteristics of Renaissance art

Realism, humanism, and connections to Greece and Rome

Which of the following was NOT a reason why the Spanish Empire was weakening in the late 1500s

Rebellions by colonies in the Americas

Which of the following was NOT a belief of Islam

Reincarnation and achieving nirvana

In order to keep order in Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu

Required all daimyo every other year to spend it in the capital

The zulu are an example of___________

Resistance to imperialism by native groups of Africa

Which of the following is TRUE regarding Belgian rule in the Congo

Rubber production under Belgian rule was one of the worst exploitations of Africans killing or mutilating those who refused to work

Which of the following is TRUE of Russia in the 1860's

Russia attempted reforms, got rid of serfdom, but serfs were still tied to the land through debt

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the Russo- Japanese war of 1905

Russia defeated the Japanese and stayed in Korea

What " failed" attempt at uniting their country actually pushed many ethnicities in Russia toward nationalism


The Monroe Doctrine said what

Said the American continents are not to be considered subjects of colonization by Europe

Which of the following describes Sanford P Dole's role in the annexing of Hawaii

Sanford P Dole and other business leaders did not want to pay a tariff making their sugar and pineapple of equal price to other non-American producers. They led the revolt against Queen Liliuokalan

What was NOT typical of manor life

Serfs were free to move wherever they pleased and they could produce whatever they wanted

What division of Islam believes that only a relative of Mohammad should have succeeded Mohammad


Respect for the forces of nature and the worship of ancestors is most noted in what religion of Japan


Which of the following was NOT a reason why there was a switch from the encomienda system to African slavery

Slavery had already existed in Europe for centuries. When natives started dying, Europeans transported African slaves they already had to the Americas

Which of the following were 3 goods traded via the Columbian exchange that started from Europe and went to America

Smallpox, wheat, cattle

When Cecil Rhodes says, " I contend that we are the first race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race . . ." He is using what false science to justify imperialism

Social Darwinism

In the feudal system, ________________________ determined a person's prestige and power

Social status

In 1964, Leonid Breshnev came to power for the Soviet Union, leading to the Breshnev Doctrine, which said what

Soviet Union had the right to prevent its satellites from rejecting communism

Who invented the alphabet that is used by many Slavic languages

St. Cyril and St Methodius

What is ironic about Joseph Stalin putting the Bolsheviks on trial for crimes against the state

Stalin was originally a Bolshevik and their revolution paved the way for his rise to power

Which of the following can be considered a long-term effect of the Industrial Revolution

Standards of living and working conditions are much improved today

The demand for this commodity ultimately led to great wealth for Portugal and an increased need for slavery especially in Brazil


Which of the following was NOT TRUE in regards to the power of the joint stock company the Dutch East India Company

THE British East India Company established control over Southeast Asia. Therefore, The Dutch had very little control

A blend of Hindu and Muslim styles, Shah Jahan built this memorial to his wife, often called one of the most beautiful buildings in the world

Taj Mahal

What best describes the government of the tang dynasty in China

Tang rulers needed a vast bureaucracy through a civil service exam

When Napoleon took the crown from the pope and placed it on his own head, it symbolized

That Napoleon assumed power over the church

Which of the following was NOT a source of change for the French Rev

The 3rd estate outvoted the 1st and 2nd estates to prevent taxes from being passed on to the other estates

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the slave trade

The African continent remained isolated. The African continent was NOT influenced by Europe at all.

Which of the following are examples of economic imperialism

The Anglo-Persian Oil Company taking over oil reserves in Persia

Why were the British able to defeat the German Luftwaffe in the Battle of Great Britain

The British had access to technologies like radar and the German enigma enabling the British to know where the German Luftwaffe was and decoding German secret messages.

What was the British response to Hitler building up his army

The British looked to give in to aggressor to keep the peace

Which of the following were reasons for the SALT March

The British passed acts only allowing for the British government to sell salt, which included a tax. Gandhi and his supporters marched to the sea to gather their own salt instead

Which of the following is TRUE of the caste system during the age of imperialism in India

The British were placed in a higher caste; the Indians were in a lower caste due to social darwinistic thinking

What is a reason for the success of Islamic Expansion

The Byzantine and Sassanid Empires were weakened and many of their peoples welcomed Islam because their empires persecuted non-Christians and zoroastrians

Between 1934 and 1935 what happened in china

The Chinese Communists and Mao Ze Dong kept one step ahead of the Nationalists on the Long March and eventually settled in caves in northwestern China

How did Lenin's communist party stray from Marx's original concept of communism

The Communist Party became a dictatorship instead of leadership by the proletariat or people

What resulted from the French and Indian War

The English gain eastern half of North America

Which of the following are true regarding the Berlin Conference of 1884 to 1885

The Europeans, without African help, were dividing up Africa amongst themselves agreeing that any European country could claim land as long as it showed it could control the area

In 1378, the church was severely weakened when there was a controversy over who would be pope known as the what

The Great Schism

Which of these was NOT a cause for the Sepoy rebellion

The Indians in the caste system had more power and could dictate Indian culture and affairs

What WAS NOT a reason why the Mongols were able to expand their empire

The Mongol horde kept power in the hands of its khans. Women held almost no power in Mongol society.

What is True regarding Muslim Trade networks

The Muslim merchants used banks and letters of credit called sakks in order to exchange money across the empire

What was NOT an influence of the Persians on the Seljuk Turks

The Persians were slaves to the Seljuk turks helping the seljuks create large plantations for wealth

What is unique about the Brazilian independence Movement

The Portuguese Prince and creoles sought independence and created a monarchy

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Portuguese attempt to crush the Italian- Ottoman control of Asian Trade

The Portuguese attempted to capture Hormuz and Malacca, two important straits in the Indian Ocean trade network

Which of the following was NOT an example of Phillip II being a defender of the faith of Catholicism

The Reconquista against the Muslims

What was a SOCIAL cause for the reformation

The Renaissance values of Humanism and secularism led people to question the church

Surviving the fall of the Western Roman Empire was what institution

The Roman Catholic Church

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Yalta Conference

The Soviets had to pay the allies for loss of life and property in the war

Which of the following was NOT part of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact

The Soviets would give land to the Nazis

Which of the following is TRUE of Napoleon's attack on Spain

The Spanish used guerilla warfare tactics weakening the French empire

How did Germany's post-war economic problems begin with the treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles forced the Germans to pay large war reparations summing up to 33 billion dollars. To pay, they printed large sums of money causing inflation

Which of the following were NOT difficulties for the United States in the Vietnam War

The United States couldn't break the code of the Vietnamese, which led to difficulties in planning attacks

How did the United States respond to Japanese invasions of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in 1941

The United States cut off oil shipments to japan

Why did the Panamanians grant the United States a 10- mile wide zone for a canal

The United States encouraged a revolution against Colombia and helped them with their navy

Which of the following is TRUE of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

The United States had the right to be an international police power in the western hemisphere

Why were the Camp David Accords so important

The United States recognized that Anwar Sadat for the first time in history wanted peace between the Palestinian Muslims and Israelis. Carter brought together Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to work towards a peace agreement.

What was the United States' role in the Soviet-Afghan war

The United States supported the Mujahedeen and Taliban with weapons as they fought against the Soviets

What resulted for Cuba after the Spanish-American War

The United States through the Platte amendment set up Cuba as a protectorate to keep eye on the sugar industry

Which United States and Soviet aims after world war II conflicted

The United States wanted to encourage democracy in other countries while the soviets encouraged the spread of communism

What is TRUE regarding the Vikings

The Vikings eventually settled in many areas in Europe farming and intermixing with local cultures

As a result of the 1st battle of the Marne

The allies pushed the Germans back leading to a stalemate and trench warfare

To keep the Germans guessing, the allies________________

The allies used a huge dummy army to make it seem the attack on D-Day would come at Calais

Which of the following is TRUE regarding church power during the early years of the French Revolution

The assembly took over church lands and declared church officials and priests to be elected and paid as state officials.

What role did the Ayatollah Khomeini have in Iran in the late 1970s

The ayatollah was exiled, but he returned when the shah was forced to flee to the United States. He established a militant Islamic state

In 1869, what happened to increase trade between the Middle East and Asia

The building of the Suez Canal

What resulted from the Concordat of Worms

The church alone could appoint a bishop, but the emperor could veto it

The "Reign of Terror" included all of the following EXCEPT

The church gaining power and prestige

What is TRUE of the Catholic Counter- Reformation

The church sought to reform through education and to establish agreed upon doctrines

What did the Council of Trent say in the mid 1500s

The church's interpretation of the Bible was final. Any christian who substituted his or her own interpretation was a heretic

At the Battle of Legnano, the Holy Roman Empire's knights were defeated by the Italian footsoldiers signifying what

The end of the Feudal age

After the voyages of Zheng He _________

The expense caused China to retreat into isolation

Which of the following are true regarding the Russian economy in the 1920s and 1930 under Stalin

The government in its 5 year plans limited production of consumer goods to produce coal, iron, steel . . .

Which of the following was NOT an improvement in transportation during the Industrial age

The highway system

According to Karl Marx, what would happen to capitalism

The large proletariat working class would revolt and bring about the equality for all people

What was the League of Nations Response to the Italian attack on Ethiopia

The league condemned the attack putting up embargoes, but ultimately did nothing. British continued to let Italians through the Suez Canal and supplies passed through as well

Which of the following is a continuity in North America just like in Central and South America

The natives died of diseases in both North and South America

What was NOT an initial goal of the crusaders

The oldest son saw it as an opportunity to gain power

Why was the Great Leap Forward such a failure for Mao Ze Dong

The plan called for large communes, but they lacked efficiency in production.

What were differences between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches

The pope in the Roman Catholic Church has authority over all Bishops/ in the Eastern Church, the patriarch and other bishops head the church as a group

What was the lend lease act of the United States in March of 1941

The president could lend or lease arms and supplies to any country vital to the United States

Which of the following is a DIFFERENCE between the Mexican Revolutions and the revolutions in South America

The revolutions in Mexico were initiated by Hispanic priests with the help of poor natives. The revolutions in South America were initiated by creoles

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Middle passage

The ships were very spacious because they didn't want the slaves to get sick and die

The main difference between slavery in the Americas and slavery in Africa

The slavery in the Americas was based on race and the false belief that Africans were inferior. Slavery in Africa was based on prisoners of war or people of a different religion.

What is true regarding the Muslim Social Classes

The upper class were those who were Muslim at birth

Which of the following shows how the Persians influenced the Safavid Empire

The use of the title shah for king, their use of a bureaucracy to run their empire, and a new Persian army as well

What do the voyages of Zheng He show us about the Chinese under the Ming Dynasty

The want to show the prowess and splendor of China

What does Kristallnacht demonstrate about the Nazis

Their control over the German people was very strong and they were determined to eliminate the jews.

What is true how a master became a master in the middle ages

Their parents paid for training as an apprentice and then earned a salary as a journeyman before becoming a master

Why according to the Schlieffen Plan, did Germany attack France first

They believed Russia would take a long time to mobilize and was less equipped for war

How were the responses by the United States and Scandinavia similar to the Great Depression

They both created jobs through public works projects and provided welfare services for their citizens

One similarity between Jomo Kenyatta ( Kenya) and Ahmed Ben Bella ( Algeria) is what

They both had to take up arms against their European rulers in order to win their freedom

what was NOT a link between Judaism and Christianity

They both relied on the bible as their sole teaching

One similarity between Samouri Toure and the Zulu

They both resisted and fought back against their imperial power

Which of the following were reasons why the 3rd estate started the French Revolution

They disagreed with the voting system in which they had only 1 vote resulting in the tax burden being placed on them.

Why were the League of Nations and Kellogg briand Pact weak responses to the rise of totalitarianism

They had no means of enforcing the provision that if one country was attacked in the League, all other nations would go to its aid

What is TRUE of the goals of the Jesuit order

They sought to educate, spread Christianity, and stop Protestantism

Why were the Europeans looking for new trade routes to Asia

They wanted to buy directly from Asia due to the Ottomans and Italians hiking up prices

What was the main goal of Hitler and the axis powers in North Africa

They wanted to take the suez canal to have access to the oil fields of the Middle East

Why might the depression have affected countries in Asia or Latin America

They were major trading partners of the United States and Europe, who increased tariffs

What were characteristics of the seljuk turks

They were nomads with great military skills

What were the roles of Korea and Vietnam to the Cold War

They were proxy wars or surrogate wars. The soviets and United States did not fight each other, but they fought indirectly by backing opposing sides in smaller conflicts.

Which of the following is TRUE of the Open door policy

This proposed that China's ports be open to trade for all nations and extraterritoriality rights for certain countries be extinguished

Why were the Rowlatt acts in India considered a violation of Civil rights

Those in India protesting for India's independence were jailed without a trial

What is the best reason why the plague spread so quickly

Through Mongol conquest and the opening of trade route connections

What is NOT a method of Muslim expansion

Through conquering Paris and Spain and spreading throughout Europe

Why did war-time governments take control over their economies

To ensure that all resources would be dedicated to winning the war

What was the goal of the Tennis Court Oath

To not leave until the 3rd estate drew up a new constitution

Which of the following was NOT a major goal of McArthur for Japan after the war

To punish Japan, so another war does not happen

Why did the allies want to establish supply lines to Russia

To support their ally in the east and keep 2 fronts open in the war

What explains the goals of Christian humanists like Thomas More and Erasmus

To try and reform society through education and studying the Bible

Which of the following was NOT a major cause of World War I


What was NOT an advancement of the middle ages in agriculture


What was a medieval weapon that worked like a giant sling shot


T/F During the 8th century dispute over icons, the pope supported the use of icons


T/F During the Renaissance, artists created works that were both secular as well as religious


T/F Muslim women initially had more rights than Europeans and Chinese women. However, as Islam expanded, women lost rights. However, today, women in Islam are gaining some of those rights back


T/F Slavery already existed in Africa for centuries prior to the European Atlantic Slave Trade


T/F The Crusaders failed to regain the Holy Land but through a truce attained the right to pilgrimage to Jerusalem


T/F The Kievan state of Russia fell due to Yarolsav dividing his empire amongst his sons and crusades leading to a disruption in trade


T/F The geography of Japan is mountainous with very few natural resources such as coal, oil, and iron are in short supply


Due to invasions from the Magyars, Muslims, and Vikings, during the middle ages, people did what

Turned to local rulers and kings rather than an emperor to rule them

Which country had the most military deaths in World War II


Which of the following was NOT a result of the Peace of Westphalia

Unified Italy and German states with nationalistic tendencies

What is TRUE regarding the heritage of Russia

Viking nobles intermarried with their slavic subjects and adopted many aspects of slavic culture

Otto Von Bismarck once said, " It is not by means of speeches . . . . but by blood and iron" that Germany will attain power. What did he mean by blood and iron

War and technology

Which of the following were weaknesses of the new Republic of China in 1912

Weak central rulers who couldn't unite the country resulting in the rise of military warlords

What was the role of China in the Korean conflict

When the United States pushed North Korea to the Chinese border, the Chinese sent 300,000 men into Korea pushing the United States and Korea South

Which of the following is a major difference between capitalism and socialism

With capitalism, individuals own the means of production. With socialism, the community or the state owns property and the means of production

Which of the following were significant advances during the agricultural revolution

Within larger fields called enclosures, landowners experimented with more productive seeding and harvesting methods

How did the Japanese invasion of Manchuria illustrate the weakness of the League of Nations

Without the United States in the League, the League of Nations had very little power

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding the "Declaration of the Rights of Man."

Women's rights were included as well

What characterizes women's roles in china during the tang and song dynasty

Women's roles further declined especially in the upper classes where they wore footbinding

During the May 4th Movement_____________

Workers, shopkeepers, and professionals gathered in the center of Beijing to protest the loss of land from the Treaty of Versailles

From the mid 1200's, the Mongol Horde imposed a period called the Pax mongolica, which was

a period of peace and stability and law and order across Eurasia

In Tahiti in 1885, they celebrated the French holiday of Bastille Day and often wore French style clothes. This is an example of


In the Feudal system, a lord granted land called a __________________ to a _____________________________

fief, vassal

Which of the following is TRUE of the maji maji rebellion

fighters used religion as a form of spiritual resistance against the germans. They argued that their ancestors would return to life to aid in their struggle along with a magic water that would turn the German bullets away.

In order to raise money, many entrepreneurs sold shares of _________________, or certain rights of ownership, creating new companies called _____________________________________

stocks, corporations

On the triangle trade, Europeans would trade slaves in the Americas and return to Europe with

sugar, molasses, cotton, and other raw materials

After receiving raw materials from their colonies

the mother country sells finished products to their people and to their colonies

In South East Asia (Singapore, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia): Which of the following goods were most wanted to help fuel the industrial revolution

tin, rubber, oil, and rice

Which of the following was a type of nationalist movement that we saw with Italy and Germany in which there was a merger of politically divided but culturally similar lands


The movement of people to the city


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