World civilization chapter 16 and 18 European expansion from book

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Bill of Rights if 1689

A bill passed by Parliament and accepted by William and Mary that limited the powers of British Monarchs and affirmed those of Parliament

Henry "The Navigator" of Portugal

Played a major role in the early phase of Portuguese exploration. He supported the study of geography and navigation and for annual expeditions he sponsored down the western coast of Africa By the time of his death do you **** support an exploration and resulted and thriving sugar plantations on the Atlantic islands, the first arrival of enslaved Africans and Portugal, and access to African gold

Treaty of Tordesillas

the 1494 agreement giving Spain everything west of an imaginary line drawn down the Atlantic and giving Portugal everything to the East.

Moral economy

the wary modern European view that community needs predominated over competition and profit and the necessary goods should thus be sold at a fair price


A form of government in which power is limited by law and balanced between the authority and power of the government, on the one hand, and for the rights and liberties of the subject or citizen on the other; it includes constitutional monarchies and republics


A form of government in which there is no monarch and power rests in the hands of the people as exercised through elected representatives

Thirty Years' War

A large-scale conflict extending from 1618 to 1648 that pitted Protestants against Catholics in Central Europe, but also involved dynastic interests, notably of Spain and France


A political system common to early modern Europe in which monarchs claimed exclusive power to make and enforce laws, without checks by other institutions; this system was limited in practice by the need to maintain legitimacy and compromise with elites

Protestant Reformation

A religious reform movement that began in the early sixteenth century and split the Western Christian Church


A system established by the Portuguese in Brazil in the 1530s whereby hereditary grants of land were given to nobles and loyal officials who bore the costs of settling and administering their territories


A system of economic regulations aimed at increasing the power of the state derived from the belief that a nation's international power was based on its wealth, specifically its supply of gold and silver


An instrument invented by the ancient Greeks and perfected by Muslim navigators was used to determine the altitude of the sun and other chill steel eel bodies. It permitted mariners to pottery latitude so they knew their precise position north or south of the equator

Christopher Columbus

And experience see Mann and navigator from Genoa. Was a deeply religious man and he believe that Christianity was a missionary religion that should be carried to all places of the earth. Last Spain and hope to reach the court of the Mongol emperor


Authority of states that possess a monopoly over the instruments of justice and the use of force within clearly defined boundaries and in which private armies present no threat to central control; seventeenth-century European states made important advances toward this.

Hernan Cortes

Began The systematic conquest of Mexico Was sent Baystock rumors of Wellesley Manton land civilizations the Spanish sent him. How great ambition and was going to be taken off the task but quickly set sale before been removed from command. How many's party land on the Mexican coast and receive delegations of Aztec leaders bank gifts and news of the great empire Acquire translator supervisor vital information on the empire and its weaknesses


Free groups and outlaw armies living on the borders to Russian territory from the fourteenth century onward. By the end of the sixteenth century that had formed an alliance with the a Russian state


Inhabitants of San Salvador that Columbus found. He concluded that they would make good slaves and could quickly be converted to Christianity

Magnetic compass

Made it possible for sailors to determine the direction and position at sea


Members if sixteenth and seventeenth-century reform movement within the Church of England that advocated purifying it of Roman Catholic elements, such as bishops, elaborate ceremonies and wedding rings

Navigation acts

Mid-seventeenth-century English mercantilist laws that greatly restricted other countries' rights to trade with a England and its colonies

Divine Right of kings

The belief propagated by absolutist monarchs that they derived their power from God and were only answerable to him

Columbian exchange

The exchange of animals, plants, and disease between the old and new worlds


The name for the four administrative units of Spanish possessions in the Americas: New Spain, Peru, New Granada, and Pa Playa

Black legend

The notion that the Spanish were uniquely brutal and cruel in their conquest and settlement of the Americas, an idea propagated by rival European powers

Ferdinand Magellan

Was commissioned by Charles V. To find a direct to see route to Asia. After a long time around the coast he located the straight off the southern tip of South America that now bears his name. His voyage was the first to circumnavigate the globe and had taken close to three years. This voyage revolutionize Europeans understanding of the world by demonstrating the vastness of the Pacific

Mansa Musa

Was legendary for his wealth and gold who was the king of M AL I

Portuguese expansion

Was poor until use the sea in the winds blowing along the coast to reach Africa, it's Atlantic islands, and ultimately Brazil.

Dona Marina

What is a daughter of a leader of a Nahuatl speaking tribe. Was a gift given to Cortes after he defeated their people. Learn Spanish quickly and played a vital role as an interpreter and diplomatic guide. Bore Cortez's son and she was a slave to him as he already had a wife. But he recognize their child and provides financial support for upbringing. She was known as beautiful, intelligent, reverb to buy native tribes men, and devotedly loyal to the Spanish. It would've been impossible for them to succeed without her help. Also seen as the founder of the mixed race population that dominates modern Mexico.

Francisco Pizarro

When does on northern coast of Peru and headed across the Andes towards Cusco the capital of the Incan Empire. When met with kindness ambush them

Genoese and Venetian travelers

Where rivals. The ones from Venice funded their purchases through shipping and trading in firearms and slaves.'s Venice rival grew in power due to finances when the spice trade was dominated by Venice. Later they became important players and the Atlantic slave trade

Ptolemy's Geography

a second-century C.E. work that synthesized the classical knowledge of geography and introduced the concepts of longitude and latitude. Reintroduced to Europeans in 1410 by Arab scholars, its ideas allowed cartographers to create more accurate maps.


a small maneuverable, three-mast sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century that gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in exploration of trade

Valladolid debate

debate organized by Spanish king a Charles V in 1550 in the city of Valladolid that pitted defer fees of Spanish conquest and forcible conversion against critics of these practices

Bride wealth

in early modern Southeast Asia, a sum of money the groom praise the bride or her family at the time of marriage. This practice contrasted with the dowry in China, India, and Europe, which the husband controlled

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