World History Chapter 10 Vocab Quiz

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blank: bourgeoisie

A group of ___________ built a settlement near a castle since it was along a trade route or river and because the lord would offer protection. If the settlement was successful and expanded, new walls would be built around it.

Blank: 1066

After the Battle of Hastings in ______, William the Conqueror was crowned king of England and all nobles swore an oath of loyalty to him.

blank: feudalism

After the Carolingian Empire was torn apart, many people turned to nobles for protection. So, in order to survive it became important to find a powerful lord who could offer protection for service. This eventually led to the formation of _________

blank: serf

By 800, about 60 percent of western Europeans were most likely _________.

blank: vassal

In Germanic society, __________swore an oath of loyalty to their leaders and fought in battle for them, and in return their lords took care of all of their needs.

blank: government

In medieval Europe, instead of having a single ______ many different people now maintained ordner. This happened because of the fall of the Carolingian Empire.

blank: feudal contract

In the ______________, the lord's responsibilities included giving the vassal land and by defending him militarily or by taking his sides in a dispute.

Blank: Henry II

King __________ increased the number of criminal cases that were tried in the king's court, this increased the power of the royal courts, which in turn increased the king's power.

Blank: estate

Philip IV met with members of three of the ________ in 1302, and created the first French parliament.

blank: Magna Carta

The ________________ limited the king's power to punish people outside the rule of law. The ideas in the ______ also continue to impact governments in the present day.

blank: manor

The peasants that lived in the _________ had to pay the lord for the use of its common pastureland, streams, ponds, and woodlands.

Blank: The Holy Roman Empire

The pope had feared that Frederick had wanted to include Rome and the Papal States as part of __________________, and this caused Frederick's attempt to conquer northern Italy to have several problems.

blank: fief

The vassals who held ______came to hold political authority with them.

blank: common law

When King Henry expanded the power of the royal courts, this caused royal courts to be found throughout England. So, the __________ was created and it began to replace law codes that varied from place to place.

Blank: Eleanor of Aquitaine

While ________________ was married to King Henry II, they had eight children. Two of their eight children were to be future kings of England.

Blank: guilds

_________ played a leading role in the economic life of cities and by the 1200s there were ________ for almost every craft.

Blank: Thomas a Becket

_________________ had disagreed with King Henry II's claim that he had the right to punish clergymen in royal courts, because of this King Henry II had Thomas a Becket killed.

blank: Parliaments

___________were composed of two knights from every entscounty, two people from every town, and all of the nobles and bishops throughout England.


a landed property with a large house; one of the three classes into which French society was divided before the revolution: the clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the townspeople (Third Estate)

Common Law

a uniform system of law that developed in England based on court decisions and on customs and usage rather than on written law codes

Thomas a Becket

archbishop of Canterbury, claimed the Church should take care of Church issues, and killed by King Henry II


in medieval Europe, a peasant legally bound to the land who had to provide labor services, pay rents, and be subject to the lord's control


in medieval Europe, an agricultural estate that a lord ran and peasants worked


in the Middle Ages, the ideal of civilized behavior that developed among the nobility; it was the code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold


in thirteenth-century England, the representative government that emerged

Eleanor of Aquitaine

inherited a vast estate at the age of 15, became the queen of France and England, and led a crusade to the Holy Land

The Holy Roman Empire

new empire created by Frederick I and Frederick II, named by Frederick I because he had considered Italy the center of a "holy empire" and so it was called the _______________


organizations of craftspeople or business associations


political and social order that developed during the Middle Ages when royal governments were no longer able to defend their subjects; nobles offered protected and land in return for service

Henry II

son of William the Conqueror, expanded royal courts, brought to the throne by the king of France, brought common law, and killed Thomas a Becket.


system or group of people governing an organized community, in medieval Europe feudalism was the model of government where the lord would offer protection for loyalty and service

Magna Carta

the "Great Charter" of rights, which King John was forced to sign by the English nobles at Runnymede in 1215


the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people


this is the year the Battle of Hastings occurs and when William the Conqueror successfully conquered England


under feudalism, a grant of land made to a vassal


under feudalism, a man who served a lord in a military capacity


under feudalism, a member of the heavily armored cavalry

Feudal Contract

under feudalism, the unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal

blank: chivalry

Because of ______, knights were expected to treat captives as honored guests, instead of putting them in dungeons and they were also expected to treat aristocratic women with tenderness and respect.

blank: knight

For almost 500 years, ______dominate warfare in Europe, they also had great social prestige, and they also formed the backbone of the European aristocracy.

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