World History Chapter 13

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Why did Feudalism originate?

Local invaders and raiders

What role did these people play?

Lords owned land, vassals protected land and made oaths with lords

Why were there changes in Monasticism in the Middle Ages?

Many abbots had their positions for prestige and power.

Why did groups set out to start new monasteries?

Many did not follow the Benedictine Rule closely, owning land and becoming involved in e feudal systems and politics.

What two countries formed after the Reconquista?

Portugal and Spain.

Why did Pope John XII crown Otto the Great?

Otto the Great gained support from the other German nobles and helped Pope John XII when the nobles challenged him.

What reforms occurred in the church during the Middle Ages

Piety rose as many became members of churches or monks and popes were political leaders.

How did the Carolingians rise to power?

Pippin III forced the old Frankish king to step down.

Why did Anglo-Saxon unite?

Alfred the Great united them to fight the Danes.

What is Excommunication?

Cast out of the Church.

How did Charlemagne's actions contribute to shaping a new society?

Charlemagne built schools and encouraged education/learning, spread Christianity, and reformed the legal system.

How and why did Education improve under Charlemagne?

Charlemagne built schools run by priests and monks, invited scholars to teach, and encouraged studying and copying ancient texts.

What type of laws did Charlemagne develop?

Charlemagne developed Christianity-centric laws.

How did Charlemagne spread Christianity?

Charlemagne forced the conquered peoples to convert to Christianity and sent monks and missionaries to make it a part of the peoples' lives.

What did Charlemagne do as Emperor to improve his government?

Charlemagne took the unwritten individual set of laws of each tribe and organized them into rules for everyone to follow, many of which enforced Christianity.

Why did Pope Leo II name Charlemagne emperor?

Charlemagne was named emperor because his army returned power to the pope by conquering the Lombards, who had attacked the Papal States.

How did Charlemagne and the Carolingians build the Frankish Empire?

Charlemagne's father took the Frankish throne by force, while Charlemagne himself conquered the Lombards and new lands, establishing a capital and influencing Christianity's spread.

What was Pope Leo IX trying to rid the church of?

Corrupt clergy selling offices to others (simony).

Why does feudalism often get complicated?

Could be lord/vassal at same time, knights could have more than one lord and would have to choose between them, not all were loyal to the king, and duties of vassal varied in time and place

What is the difference between feudalism and manorialism?

Feudalism was exchanging land for service, manorialism was farming land in exchange for protection and crop portions.

What area of Spain did the Moors continue to occupy until 1492?

Granada, in the south.

What new areas did the Vikings explore?

Greenland, Iceland, North America

What ways did the Magna Carta limit the power of the King?

He could not raise taxes, arrest people, or take their property without proper reason.

Why was Pope Gregory VII removing Bishops from office?

He did not like that King Henry IV chose bishops and clergy.

How did Pope Gregory VII become politically involved in his relations with King Henry IV?

Henry told Gregory he had no authority over him, and then was excommunicated and called to be replaced by Gregory, and then eventually withdrew.

Who reunited France into the modern state it is today?

Hugh Capet and the Capetians

What was the role of Parliament?

It made new taxes and advised the king on laws.

Why was the Magna Carta so influence?

It was the first step towards a democratic government in England.

Why was the Magna Carta written?

King John lost almost all of England's lands in France and tried to make the nobles pay a new tax.

What is the ranking of people in Feudalism?

King, lord, vassal/knight

What are a knight's duties to their lord and the lord's duties to their knights?

Knight would be loyal, fight when asked, and give money to the Lord to help pay for release if captured. Lord promised land, protection in capture, and dispute settlements

How did Normandy get its name and become a city?

Land of the Northmen, created because Rollo, who had raided France with the Vikings multiple times, was promised land if they stopped.

What would be found in a typical manor?

Mill to grind grain, blacksmith, and church

What place did the Vikings like to raid and why?

Monasteries because there were large amounts of gold and jewels and the monks did not fight back.

Why were Viking raids successful and how did they reach so many hard to reach places?

Navigation/long boats/word of mouth

Where did the Vikings originate?

Northern Europe or Scandinavia

What was life like in a village?

One room houses made of wood, slept on dirt floor on straw along with animals, fires filled house with smoke and was dangerous but provided warmth, all family members worked

Who created the Holy Roman Empire?

Otto the Great

How did Spain become one united country?

Royal marriage between Castile and Aragon.

What was life like in a castle?

Scarce privacy, cold in winter, stuffy in summer, essentially built for safety

Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine and what role did she play?

She was a powerful duchess and the wife of King Henry, and ruled all of England and half of France with the fief she inherited. She ruled the French territories and helped her son to rule after she was imprisoned.

Who occupied the Iberian Peninsula in the early 700s?

The Moors, or Muslims.

What you unique about the Holy Roman Emperor in the 1100s?

The individual states remained independently ruled by dukes, who were elected instead of inheriting their positions.

How did William the Conqueror change England?

The new nobility was French, so there was a cultural divide between the French speaking nobility and Anglo-Saxon lower classes. He also created the taxing system of England and extended the boundaries since he and his descendants held land in England and France.

What was the Reconquista?

The reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Christians.

Why did the Vikings start raiding other cities?

Their land was not fertile, and the food shortages could not sustain the large population.

How did a Frenchman become King of England

There was a dispute over the heir to the throne, and one French relative battled a nobleman in the Battle of Hastings and defeated him.

What is the ultimate goal for a manner?

To be self-sufficient

How did the English start to gain French lands?

William and his descendants had land in England and France, and through inheritance and marriage (like King Henry and Eleanor of Aquitane). Kings of England were vassals to the French king.

What was the importance of the Doomesday Book and what was it used for?

William the Conqueror took a survey about who and what he conquered to create the new system of taxing the English people.

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