World History-Chapter 15
Where was protestantism?
Lutheranism in Germany and Scandinavia; and Calvinism in Scotland, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, and eastern Europe by the mid-16th Century
he Tories and the Wigs in the English Parliament
The Tories= from the family of Charles II The Wigs= new ruler should be Protestant
1 country is associated with one person, power was not challenged, absolute right to the country.
Catholic Idea of Salvation
Need faith and good works
The Italian Renaissance (14th through 16th Centuries):
Revival of Greek and Roman culture -a long term cause, enabled protestant reformation, -Started in Italian city states, spread to all of Europe, "rebirth", rebirth of ancient greek and roman culture, rediscovered ancient works, books and writings, of roman and greek scholars, inspired by the ancient works, western european scholars pushed humanism.
Russian rulers called
Tsar (word for Cesar, from Rome).
Christianity in the Early Modern Era (1500-1800)
Two major developments: 1) Globalization of Christianity Significance of missionaries in european exploration, competing with muslims in Asia, like East Asia, for a long time, the middle ages, Christianity was confined to Europe. 2) The Reformation in the 16th Century
Protestant The Status of Virgin Mary
less prominent, still respected
The Council of Trent (1545-1563)
reaffirms traditional Catholic teachings in opposition to Protestant beliefs -Series of meetings of high church officials, city of Trent on German Italian border, 3 major sessions, why was protestantism spreadings so successfully -In response to protestantism, they reaffirmed that both the Bible and church were of equal religious importance. Rejected the Protestant idea of the Bible being the only religious authority. They believe only the church can interpret the Bible.
A Search for Order after Religious War, Economic and Social Crisis
-Absolute monarchies, new form of government, the insecruity of European people from the religious wars and crises
The City of St. Petersburg
-Build st. Petersburg, in area won through the War with Sweden Named after peter the great, it was like the House of Versaille, the seat of his absolute power, greatness of the new Russian Empire.
The Palace of Versailles
-Built in his lifetime, symbol of his absolute authority, used it to curb influence of nobles and aristocracy. He required powerful aristocrats to spend certain months of the year in the palace. He wanted to keep an eye on them, they had to pay their own expenses. Use the palace to control powerful/influential people.
James II (1685-88)
-Charles younger brother, hoped to be succeeded by Mary, his protestant daughter. -But then James had a catholic son.
The Growth of State Power
-Churches/branches were in every european country, had their own power, collected taxes, owned lands, had power and authority -The state was unhappy with the churches holding so much authority. -As state power began to increase, they desired the power the church held/ the power made them nervous. -The catholic authority began to change -French Catholic church=owned lands, collected taxes, basically a state within a state, their own priveledges.
European monarchs vs. the Catholic Church
-European monarchs, not all, but some were against the power of the Catholic Church
The Rise of Prussia
-Example of absolute ruler, one of German State. Not a continous territory, smaller than Austria and France. Country was fragmented, not unified. -Why was it powerful? -Had a large and well trained army. 40,000. Many other Europeans invited their military people to train their own armies. Germanic states Frederick William, "the Great Elector"
Protestant Religious Authority
-God, Jesus, the Bible is the religious authority, this is why he believed the bible needed to be read by everyone, thus he translated the bible to German, understandable and accessible. Only one religious authority, the bible, read it for yourself
Louis' wars with the Habsburg Monarchy (Austria)
-He created a large army, but he waged costly wars -80% were peasants. They did very well under his rule. Louis new that he needed their support, so he kept that in mind. -Austria and France were mortal enemies, fighting over European control, neighbors competing over territories, both Catholic. -Austria in future will look at France to build their monarch, their state. Even his enemies, imitated Louis's model of power. -Interesting Fact, muslim/ottoman empire besieged Vienna, capital of Austria, other Europeans helped, but France did not. Austria located between two enemies, fighting on two fronts.
Peter the Great and Nobles
-He had to take it slowly. He was very careful. -He reuired all Russian nobles to work for the Russin state & they were orthodox. -Orthodox church, similar hierarchy with Catholic church. No longer in of authority from Tsr.
Why was Matin Luther different?
-He was different, his protest movement was revolutionary because he gave examples from the bible to support his points. His theological basis made it revolutionary. -Examples: New understanding of salvation, people needed only faith for salvation. "Faith alone to be saved". New explanation that differed from Catholicism. Just by beliving in God. You don't have to support the church. -He had more credibility, since he was a professor. -He was a catholic monk and professor of the bible. -Just started as a way to criticize the Catholic church, became so popular that it developed into a separate religion. Ended catholic unity. Became revolutionary because his reasons were convincing, he was able to mobilize lots of support. The catholic church reacted to his revolution. Eventually, the revolution turned into a new denomination/sect in Christianity.
Witch Hunts in the 16th and 17th Centuries
-In this time, the number of witch hunts increased. Women, older women were the main scapegoats. This is correlated with the problems Europe was experiencing. -This was an era concerned with retaining social order. People were scared, no peace, stability, and they searched for people to blame. Witches possessed magical skills that allowed them to work against Europe. -Surge in witchcraft trials during this era. Stereotype, older, single women. 200,000 trials in Europe. Majority were women, widowed women, lacked male protection. Easy targets, superstition is high, male protection was very protection. Either married or widowed normally. -Same tendency is present today. Immigrants are blamed for things in Europe and North America. Jews in the Holocaust.
James I (r. 1603-1625) vs. the Parliament
-James the I was from Stuart Dynasties. Wanted to be an absolute ruler. Wanted to be like Lousi IXV of france. He emphasized his independent political power in his speeches.Tension between James and Parliament. Parliament was representatives of landed aristocracy/nobles. Parliament was powerful enough to stop James from becoming like Louis 14th. Did not believe that parliament. -This issue dominated England during this time.
"one king, one law, one faith"
-Louis policy, believed France was catholic, all the country should be Catholic. He no longer tolerated Huguenots, like previous kings had tolerated.
Restoring Catholicism in Germany and eastern Europe; and spreading Catholic faith among non-Christians
-Main goals, successful in China and Japan, used education as a means to reach people. Schools were important institutions to reach out to people and spread the message.
Many German states support Martin Luther
-Many states supported him. They took over and nationalized the catholic churches.
Martin Luther and the Peasants' War (1524)
-Martin Luther knew that if he aligned himself with the peasants, the people with political power would not support him. So he turned his back on peasants.
The Habsburg (Austrian) Empire
-Multienthic empire, former German states Leopold I ( 1657-1705) -Absolute Ruler, imitated France, even though they did not get along. Facing the Ottomans in the East and France in the West -Two fronts The Ottoman Sieges of Vienna in 1529 and 1683: the threat of Muslim conquest
Absolute (Divine-Right) Monarchies
-New form of government absolute sovereignity, beleive they were divinely appointed. France, Best example, role model to other European rulers who wanted to be Absolute Monarch, did not want to share his power.
Three Major Sects in Christianity:
-Orthodox Eastern Roman Empire -Catholic Territories of Eastern Roman Empire -Protestant (1570)
Mary and William III of Orange
-Parliament intervened and invited Mary and William to invade England and take power from James the II.
Glorious Revolution (1688)
-Parliament intervened and invited Mary and William to invade England and take power from James the II. -This was called Glorious Revolution, a bloodless revolution unlike the civil war earlier 1642-1649, peaceful. James II was replaced. Mary and William had to approve English bill of rights before they ascended to the throne.
The nobility into state service
-People in Europe did not have beards. Peter the great believed that if Russia was to be great they needed to imitate Europe, even in Facial hair choices. -Ordered nobility to cut off long beards, IMPORTANT: this will show up again in other non-european cultures, attempts. Not an easy concession to make. Intially, he very strick wihth rule. If you where Russian at the time with a long beard, it was hard to do. Eventually, he realized it was not easy and allowed people to buy coins to keep their breads. So that his aristocracy looked like the rest of European. Published a book of manners for Russian nobility. Forbidden to spit on the floor, eat with their fingers, encouraged to have polite conversations between men and women. Encouraged to socialize, required noblewomen to appear at social gatherings with men, social and cultural values. Dress correctly. -Was it necessary? Makes sense, maybe he didn't want his nobility to be considered savages, be treated equally with. Established unity within in Russia. Creating social standards, Europeans would not have taken them seriously if they looked differently. New image for Russia. Wanted to be as powerful as the European powers. Russian people are no different from French, Austrian, English.
The English Reformation
-Political and personal disagreement between King Henry VIII and the pope. King Henry wanted to divorce his wife and marry Anne Boylen, wanted heirs. The pope refused. The king decided to break up the Catholic church because they would not do what he wanted. King Henry VIII and The Act of Supremacy (1534) He was lucky, other countries had already broke away from Catholics. It made sense to break apart. Earlier, it may not have worked.
The Puritans within the Church of England
-Political decision, broke up with the Catholic church. Pope of the time did not approve divorce, Henry VIII, Catholic church became church of England. A group of protestants within Church of England believed religion was not reformed enough. Everything was still too Catholic. The general people were suspicious that the ruler, James the I, was symapthetic to Catholic ideas, James the I was married to a catholic. Not a true protestant.
Catholic Religious Authority
-Pope, Clergy, Church, scripture, and tradition, authority, services and bible were in latin, did not believe in the ability of individual Christians to interpret the bible correctly, thus clergy must interpret it for you. Not as simple as the protestant idea. You need a mediator, catholic clergy. Tradition= what Christian scholars wrote about the bible, what catholic clergy wrote about the bible, also very important to religion.
Protestant Prayers
-Pray directly to God,
Catholic Prayers
-Pray to God, but through Virgin Mary or Saints-high ranking church official who passed away, elevated to status of saints, many intermediarries between you and God
The Catholic Reformation vs. Protestant Reformation
-Protestant Reformation, theological differences, corruption, turned over the churches into protestant churches Catholicism was losing popularity, there response to the Protestant Reformation was the Catholic Reformation, decided to change the problems in the catholic church
The Church of England (or Anglican Church)
-Protestant reformation, did not change much in the Church of England. Not reformed enough. Unlike Germany and Switzerland, lead by Luther, Zwingli, Calvin. In England it was about politics not religion or theology. -Looked very similar to Catholic church. They had their own hierarchy in the church still. Created tensions in the church.
A Reformed Papacy
-Reforming the church by the church. Attempt to find out what the problems were within the church. Others had attacked the church because of abuses. The pope created a reform committee because of harsh criticism from Protestants and the gneral public -Pope Paul III, wanted to find out the problems, ready to face them, what drove people away.
Westernization of Russia
-Reforms, powerful navy, strong centralized government, westernized the society, cultural and social reforms, not the first to bring his country into contact with Western Europe. His policies became very decisive in becoming a power. -Create a major army, traveled to Europe in disguise, Netherlands then England, studied shipbuilding, geography meant navy and ships were very important, major goal was to have access to the warm seas, especially the Mediterranean, conquered territory to make it happen. Russian delegation, disguised as great ambassador to Europe. Wanted to modernize everything because of things he saw in Europe. Known for cultural and social reforms.
An Age of Crisis (1560-1650):
-Result of protestant reformation, multiple crises, Religious Wars; Economic and Social Crisis; Population Decline in Europe Between 1560 and 1650
The Society of Jesus: Jesuits
-Rise of orders/sects within Catholicism.
The Parliamentarians vs. the Royalists
-Royalists, Charles the I and his supporters, England should be an absolute monarchy -Parliamentarians believed that the kings power should be checked. -Indicated the power of Parliamentarians, because they were able to raise an army. -Parliamentarians won, they arrested Charles the I, tried him, found him guilty and killed him, beheaded him. Major thing -Showed that english rulers were not as powerful. Parliament was powerful enough to kill those that stood against them. -Became a revolution, because it changed the political order of the country, abolished the monarch, executed Charles, created a republican form of government, the Common Wealth. But they did not know exactly want to do.
Ignatius of Loyola
-Spanish noble, mobilized, spread Catholicism back through Europe and to non-Christian territories. Independent initiative. Got together with a group of devoted catholics. Determined to restore Catholicism. A part of the Catholic Church
Causes of Protestant Reformation: Short and Longterm
-Started in 1517, one man started the reform, against the catholic church was the unity Martin Luther The Italian Renaissance (14th through 16th Centuries): Christian Humanism (15th Century): The Growth of State Power Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince (1513) Printing Press by Johannes Gutenberg Church and Religion on the eve of Reformation Corruption of Catholic Church
Charles I (r. 1625-1649)
-Suceeded James the I, his father, this is when the real clashes happened. James believed he was absolute monarch, but was not able to show it. Charles also believed in his absolute right to rule and acted on them.
Restoration of the Monarchy
-They decided to restore the monarch because they thought they made a mistake.
John Calvin (1509-1564)
-Zwingli's leadership passed to Calvin after his dead. Educated in France. Important figure. From Genoa, in Switzerland. Close to Zurich. Citizens of Genoa were punished for activities for activities like drunkenness, playing cards, singing obscene songs, dancing. Syria, Iraq, Isis took over cities, they did very similar things, they banned these things and threw homosexuals off of buildings. Calvin convinced authorities to ban these things in the cities. He emphasized the absolute sovereignty and power of God. Predestination, God had predestinted some people to be saved and some people to be damned. It was an idea that already existed, but Calvin emphasized. The movement was very successful, Genoa became a very prominent city for Proteestantism.
John Locke's Two Treatises of Government
-emphasized the social contract between the government and the people -limited monarchy Hobbes -people bad, gov is needed to protect public, gov should be all powerful, cannot overthrow, power should be not shared, executive is absolute Locke -people good, Gov is wanted to benefit public, Gov should be conditional; can overthrow. Power should be shared; legislative and executive. Legislative assembly and courts. -Why did they have different opinions? -They experienced different times in English government. Saw two different revolutions. After Glorious Revolution and Civil War, beheaded king. -Which is true? -Locke -Important because these ideas were used in the establishment of America and democratic ideals.
The Reformation in the 16th Century
-important, how it started, -ended the unity of Roman Catholic christianity, which had stood for 1000 years and provided cultural and religious unity for christians living in Western and central Europe, unifed culturally and religiously by Catholic Church -Reformation ended this unity in the Catholic world. -Was not the first schism in Christianity. -Christian world was already divided between orthodox church and catholic church (1054). -Orthodox in russia, eastern europe, macedonia, bulgaria, greece -Catholic church, central and western europe, France, Spain, Germany,
Autocracy in Russia
1584-1613: the Time of Troubles -becasue of internal instability and civil war in Russia. The Romanovs in charge in 1613 -Came to power in 1613, resorted order and stability. Peter the Great was from same family, would transform Russia into a great European power. Earned him the title the great. Russian rulers were called Tsar (word for Cesar, from Rome).
Protestant Reformation:
500 Years ago Martin Luther is excommunicated (1521) -He and his ideas were rejected by the catholic church. Looking for supporters. Many peasants and farmers took up the movement. They were oppressed and wanted political power.
Louis XIV, the Sun King (r. 1643-1715):
A model for state building in Europe -His power was concentrated, contrast to modern day president. Their power as not limited by other institutions. -The Sun King, bringing light to a dark Europe, to emphasis his absolute power. We could not live without the sun. Discovered heliocentric universe, thus he was the center of universe. He claimed that he was the center of France, like the sun and the universe. Everyone revolves around him. "L' Etat, c'est Moi"-the state it is me, I am the state. I have the power. He is the center of the country. The state is normally more than one individual. Thus, he was showing their was no shared power, he was everything, no one can limit my authority.
How did Louis XIV try to limit the power of those around him?
A powerful centralized government vs. nobility/aristocracy -Attempted to curb the influence of any who could have limited his power. -Three Major Groups 1st Estate= Clergy, 1%, pray 2nd Estate= Nobility/Aristocracy, 2%, ruled, land owners, shared power with central government 3rd Estate= Commoners/ Everyone else, 97%, those who worked. Farmers, peasants, merchants -2nd Estate normally shared power with central government, but Louis did not want that. He invited powerful nobles to his house, his court, so he could keep an eye on them. decline of the local courts -The local courts declined, traditionally very important, they approved the laws from the king. Did not allow them to criticize his decision. Judiciary. the Estates General does not meet -like a parliament, meeting of representatives of the free estates. Louis believes he didn't need their advice. Thus, he never called them to meet. Legislative Meeting
English Monarchy
An Alternative to Absolutism: -Opposite of what we see in other European countries, not absolute monarch, the monarchs were more limited because of legislative bodies/institutions. Political tradition did not permit absolute monarchy, but parliament was strong and historical. Created tensions between monarchs who were absolute and those who supported them. Obstacle to design. -English parliament was already powerful by the 14th hundreds.
Martin Luther and Reformation in Germany (1517)
Believed selling of relics and indulgences lead to corruption of catholic church. Rejected these practices. A Monk and a professor of Bible at the University of Wittenberg -From Germany, he publically invited people to debate about various abuses in the catholic church. To talk about things. By posting a document on the door of the church, called the 95 theses, list of complaints/issues about the church pointed out. All Saints Church is were 95 theses was posted. -Not extraordinary things, many before Luther invited people to talk about the abuses of the catholic church. Not something new. Many people were critical of the luxurious life, corruption, immorality, selling indulgences from the Catholic Church. -He was different, his protest movement was revolutionary because he gave examples from the bible to support his points. His theological basis made it revolutionary.
Catholic and Protestant Similarities
Both believe in God and Jesus
Catholic Role of the Pope
Catholics emphasized, he decides, he answers the question.
What motivated Martin Luther to turn against the church?
Corruption in the Catholic Church -Many scholars not just Martin Luther were against the corruption in the Catholic Church. Critical of the problems within their own church. They were not against Christianity. -They were monks, professors, scholars of christianity. Popes in European Politics -Popes were involved in politics, played roles in war and nations. Salvation doesn't come cheap! -Catholic Church was collecting money, owned land and collected taxes. Some were expanding their wealth. Veneration of Relics with Indulgences sold by the Church -Church required money to build the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome
Peter the Great (r. 1689-1725)
Created an absolute monarch, tried to westernize/modernize his country. Unil Early Modern Era, 1500-1800 they became a major power, especially through the leadership. Is Russia a European country? It depends, the Russians are divided. Integral Western part of Europe or bridge between Eastern and Western europe. Russians adopted Christianity in 998, before they had their own local religions, they were looking for a national religion, the ruler then sent out a commission about religion, to find out about Islam, Judaism, Christianity, picked Orthodox Christianity, too many dietary restrictions for Judaism and Islam (no alcoholic with them too). Followed same religion as Europeans. -Great transformation in Russia.
Exception to Absolute Monarchy:
England, constitutional monarchy
Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)
First person, from Zurich, close proximity to Germany, they were able to hear what is going on with Luther. Ideas travelled because of proximity. Zwingli and Luther knew each other. -Killed in battle between Catholic and Protestant states, became a martyr.
French Calvinists, 7% of whole populations, not very many, ½ the french nobility, had lands/political power, was Huguenots, they were also from ruling family, the Bourbons, even though majority was catholic, influential people became Huguenots. Created tension. Potentially dangerous.
Territorial or State Churches
Gained independence from the Catholic Church. They followed the teachings of Martin Luther, he was an exception because the ideas from 95 theses were now being put into practice. -Catholic mass was replaced with bible reading, hymns, and scriptural sermon. -Started in Germany, but it eventually spread across Europe.
German States Take over Catholic Churches and turn them into Lutheran Churches
German princes. How did they do this? Lutheranism= Branch of Protestantism. They removed all the paintings, statues, and decorations from the churches to turn them into Lutheran Churches. They broke up with the catholic Church. Not under control of the papal state.
Catholic Ideas
God, Jesus, Apostles, Tradition( what the church authorities wrote about the bible, centuries of writing), Scripture (Can't be interpreted alone, in Latin, only the catholic clergy could read and interpret for individual christians), Church
Protestant Ideas
God, Jesus, The Apostles, Scripture(alone, one religious authority, only one, everyone should be able to read and understand it, he translated it into German so that people could read it for themselves, his native language. God intended it to be understood by everyone. He rejected the authority of the catholic church and the writing of the catholic clergy.)
Charles II (1660-85)
Had a catholic family, the protestant feared that his catholic wife would have a catholic son, and that the king had sympathies and tolerance for catholics, but there was no heir, so no catholic heir.
Had an even more crazy visions, radical agenda, new Republic should abolish owning property. -the creation of the republic did not bring stability.
Louis XIV's Economic Policy: Mercantilism
He encouraged domestic economy and production, discouraged buying foreign goods, buy french products, very successful king.
Luther and Zwingli
However, there was a major difference between the two. Unified against Catholic Church. They did not agree on the interpretation of "this is my body and this is my blood, during the Last Supper." Martin Luther= took it literally, his body and his blood, he meant literally. Zwingli= interpreted it metaphorically, Jesus used a metaphoric, it could not really be his blood and his body. They could not reach a decision. They interpreted the bible differently, but when two protestants have a disagreement, there is no pope to be the last answer. They debate and it leads to sub branches within Protestantism. This is why there is so many protestant denominations, there is no final word, like Catholics and the pope. Differences are sometime theological and sometimes political. Individuals can interpret the bible so they were
The Consolidation of Sovereign States
Many people believed power ruler could restore stability, that is why we see the rise of absolute( divine-right).
The English Bill of Rights (1689)
Mary and William had to approve English bill of rights before they ascended to the throne. -Outlawed the Roman catholics from sitting on the throne. -Parliament could not be abolished?
Limited Monarchy in England:
Monarchs were limited by the power of their representative assemblies
Protestant Idea of Salvation
Need only faith, no need to buy relics or indulgences, once you have the faith you are saved. Faith is the free gift of god. Protestant.
Printing Press by Johannes Gutenberg
Now, it is very easy to spread ideas throughout the world. Before it was word of mouth -Movable type was the new invention from Gutenberg, revolutionized printing, -Born 1390, Lyon, 1450 new techniques, a process using movable metal type, letter could be moved and reused over and over, over, large increase in publishing, mass production of things like the bible, 200 print shops, ideas spread across the world, more affordable for everyone, reformation and renaissance impacted changed the way people engaged with the bible. -Before, Books were expensive and copied by hand or through hand made block printing, time consuming, less than 30,000 books existed -Bible was the first book published -Printing started in Asia, China, was perfected in Europe
Philip II of Spain's Militant Catholicism vs. Calvinism in the Netherlands
Philip II wanted to defend catholicism, attempted to invade England. -Divided Europe into two parts, Catholic and Protestants war was being waged. -In wars, economic crises are worse. -Social tensions were very high. They were trying to figure out what was going on. Catholics believe Protestants were the Devil trying to defeat Catholicism. Began to look for scapegoats to blame their problems on.
Popular in France, the Netherlands, Scotland, and central and eastern Europe -Ideas became very popular, Calvin spoke French and had a French education.
Catholic reformation was response to .... reformation.
Protestant Role of the Pope
Protestants refused to acknowledge the authority of the pope. Or the authority of the church.
Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince (1513)
Reflects a new definition of politics, mindset of European rulers who questioned the authority of the Catholic Church -Foundation text of European civilization in the Early Modern Era. -Shift in political ideology -Christianity was no longer so involved with politics and how rulers governed. -Modern political ideology, we take these ideas for granted, the interests of rulers is more important that values and beliefs, true for democratic countries, do terrible things to their opponents. -Became very popular, published after death, many european rulers adopted these ideas -Many European rulers did not like the power of the church and now they were ready to attack the power and wealth of the catholic church. They were inspired by this work and would turn against the church. -This book coincided with the growth of state power, acquire and preserve power, this why they viewed the church as an enemy. -Many European rulers would support the Protestant reformation because it was against the catholic church.
Spread of Protestant Reformation
Reformation in Switzerland: -Spread from Germany, Started in Germany.
The Catholic Reformation in the 16th Century: A Response to the Protestant Reformation
Revitalization of the Catholic Church -Goal of the Catholic Reformation, Make it popular/great again.
How Catholic Church collected money?
Several things to collect money:-Salvation is possible by two means: faith and good works. -Catholic church took advantage of this idea. Good work means contributing financially to the catholic church. They sold relics and indulgences to the people when the church authorities needed money. -Significance of the catholic understanding of salvation: if good people, soul purified and go to heaven, souls full of sins= go to hell, the in between (not good enough), need purification, they go to purgatory, place between heaven and hell, spend time there until purified and then to heaven -What should you do to decrease the time you will spend in purgatory? Catholics did not want to spend time there. -They can buy indulgences, document given to you in return for your contribution to church from high ranking official or pope, gives you the peace of mind that you will go to heaven or spend less time in purgatory. Indulgences=Letter of Recommendation -Relics, sainted objects, related to saints, clergy who passed away, bones, sacred, part of clothes, sometime attached to induglences. -This practice was very common, but some clergy believed the church missued these common practices to make money.
The English Civil War (1642-49) and the Revolution
Shows that the english monarchs were not as powerful in FRance, Austria, and Prussia.
The French War of Religion (1562-1598) and Huguenots (French Calvinists)
Small group of people converted to protestants, but Calvinism was very popular. Hugenonts=French Calvinists, 7% of whole populations, not very many, ½ the french nobility, had lands/political power, was Huguenots, they were also from ruling family, the Bourbons, even though majority was catholic, influential people became Huguenots. Created tension. Potentially dangerous. 1589, Henry the 4th, came to power, he was a Huguenot, but is was not possible to rule as protestant when most people were catholic. So he went back to Catholic. He tolerated protestants. Last until early 16th century.
The Tudor and the Stuart Dynasties
Stuart replaced Tudor, new family came to power.
Last effects of Reformations
Tensions between Protestants and Catholics resulted in religious wars, the wars created an age of crisis in Europe 1560-1650, how many people began to question existing political authorities, lead to the rise of absolute monarchies, rise in number of witch hunt trial.
The Establishment of a Republic:
The Common Wealth Alternatives by the Levellers and the Diggers
Witchcraft Trial in France, 1652, Primary Document,
Women and People without property. Vulnerable people. Court records from Europe. Ordinary person. -Cohabiting with the devil, marks on her shoulders, renounced God. people were obsessed with witches. People in society were having affairs with the devil and that is why God was punishing the Catholics with protestantism. -Made a pact with the devil. Verdict= guilty, sentenced to death, tortured. According to this document, she confessed under torture. Hanging and then burning. -Past is a foreign country. Everything is different, strange customs and traditions. -Not just the common people, the court was wrapped in as well. These ideas must have been very popular and widely believed by nearly all people. They made her confess. Not just a trial. Terrible things happened. The people writing wanted to show she had a fair trial.
Christian Humanism (15th Century):
ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves -western european scholars pushed this, inspired by ancient ideas of ancient rome and greece Christianity as a guiding philosophy rather than a system of dogmatic beliefs -began to question all established beliefs and ideas, think more about what they followed. -Read about ancient ideas and began to think, improving themselves by questioning that around them -PAved the way because the Protestant Reformation was started when Martin Luther questioned the Catholic Church -Question traditional ideas and institutions, -Before the renaissance movement, Catholic Church was all powerful.
Major Goal of Peter the Great
access to warmer seas. Unless they had this access they would not be a true global city. They could take over the countries separating them. By taking over territories, through the black sea. But ottomans were powerful enough to defend it. Or sail around European country.PEter the great tried the longer route around Europe, led to war with Sweden. -Catholics are clean shaven, ORthodox Church priests have long hair. Secular control over the Russian Orthodox Church Peter's foreign policy and the war with Sweden (1700-1721) Russia recieved swedish territories
Thirty Year's War (1618-1648)and the Peace of Westphalia (1648)
began in Germanic lands of Holy Roman Empire, struggle between Catholic and Protestant forces. Catholic=Haspburg from Holy Roman Empire, Protestants=calvinist nobles Peace of Westphalia= important because they decided every ruler had the right to determine their religion -Exhausted by war, would take years to get back on track. -Many people believed strong central power could restore order.
Protestant The Role of Clergy
clergy were not required to be celibate, did not have special status above regular people, no spiritual status, it is their profession.
every man should have the right to vote, only man, regardless of vote end property qualifications. Even though parliamentarians beat Charles, they did not want to share power with every man. Future of England. They did not want to share with repgular people. They were a group of land owners.
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
from Florence A Very influential work on politics How does one acquire, maintain, and expand political power? Morality is unrelated to politics (i.e. the end justifies the means) -For many rulers, morality was their guiding principles, Maciavelli challenged that A ruler must act on behalf of the state and must be willing to do both good and evil It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. "Machiavellian"= term or concept, act on your own self-interest, cunning, do anything to achieve what you want
Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan
gives a philosophical explanation of the restoration of the monarchy -his goal was to explain restoring monarchy -Leviathan, big sea monster, mentioned in the bible, -State of Nature, people reduced to this= life without government is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short -Pessimistic because he lived through the Civil War, he believed people were evil. -Citizens give up their rights to a single rule or sovereign for safety. -Complete obedience for a civil society -Unbreakable contract with ruler to guarantee the citizens survival. -Not a conincide, he believe that abolishing the monarchy, unleashed the "Leviathan", once they got rid of authority, all of these bad things happened, -Title PAge: -Crown, body was people. People are the body of their country and a ruler is the head of the country. They cannot live without each other. Monarch should be restored because without strong central figure, people cannot live. Social Contract -Monarch should be restored, it is necessary, it is like a contract, needed, people cannot live without their government,
Catholic The Status of Virgin Mary
high prominent according to Catholics, ranks below Jesus, very important, pray through her, intermediary between God and the people.
Protestant Churches
less ornate, more plain, the cross, more focus on the word of god, the scripture, focus on your prayer, not an art gallery, place of worship
Catholic Churches
ornate, lots of Statues, more colorful, Virgin Mary, Saints
Catholic The Role of Clergy
they were single, devoted themselves to God, they were superior to normal people, elevated by their spirituality
Oliver Cromwell and Protectorate (1653-1658)
was head of army, biggest person in government, Formed the protectorate, -Military ruler, took over power, took advantage of inability, internal division in parliament, and -Proved that to some people that they made a mistake by abolishing the monarchy. Created instability or anarchy.