World History Fall Exam

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What religious founding father is shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims?


Who is considered to be the "Father of the Hebrews"?


The image shows the Parthenon sitting on an elevated area above Athens. The term used for such an elevated settlement is ___.


Which Macedonian king conquered much of the ancient civilized world and created an empire that blended Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian influences?

Alexander the Great

· Born in Macedonia, 356 BCE · Defeated Achaemenid Empire · Invaded India · Conquered most of the known world · Died in 323 BCE This is a description of

Alexander the Great

In history, the designation "A.D." means

Anno Domini

Which ancient Greek philosopher was a pupil of Plato, tutored Alexander the Great, and is considered the Father of Zoology?


"Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighbouring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favours the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy."- excerpt from the "Funeral Oration" by Pericles, 431 B.C.E. Which city is Pericles describing?


The Peloponnesian War was fought between

Athens and Sparta.

Which is the reason that historians started to use the terms B.C.E. and C.E. instead of B.C. and A.D. when using dates?

B.C.E. and C.E. refer to "common era" and are more secular terms

What time period refers to recorded history prior to the birth of Jesus Christ?


Which of these BEST describes a similarity between the calendar used by the Ancient Egyptians and the modern Julian calendar ?

Both consisted of 365 days.

1. Life is full of suffering. 2. The desire for possessions causes suffering. 3. Elimination of desire will stop one's suffering. 4. Following the Eightfold path will lead to Enlightenment. These statements are key to the belief system of


Which calendar is known for having two components to their years: the celestial stem and the terrestrial stem?

Chinese calendar

Which of these is a way in which Christianity is different from Judaism?

Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah

How are the Christian religion and the Jewish religion connected to one another?

Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah mentioned in the Jewish Torah.

In history, the designation "C.E." means

Common Era

The word ___ means "way of nature" and is used to describe a belief system in China.


The greatest achievement for a follower of ___ is to find harmony with nature.


This symbol is known as "Yin and Yang." It is an important symbol in


This ancient monument is found in


What pyramid-building civilization used hieroglyphics as their form of writing?


Which ancient people believed that Ra, the sun god, and Horus, the god of light, were important gods to worship?


Which of these BEST describes the religious differences in early Mesopotamian and early Egyptian civilizations?

Egyptians saw their gods as more protective, while people of ancient Mesopotamia viewed their gods as more threatening.

The duties expected of every Muslim are outlined in the

Five Pillars.

"_____________ are concerned with studying the history of the planet Earth, including the way it was formed and the elements that are found in it."


The ancient Greeks believed that Poseidon, the god of the sea, caused the earth to shake when he was angry. Which of these geographical factors MOST LIKELY caused the earth to shake?

Greece is near the Eurasian and African plates, which can cause earthquakes.

The ancient Greeks believed that Poseidon, the god of the sea, caused the earth to shake when he was angry. Which of these geographical factors MOST LIKELY caused the earth to shake? was angry. Which of these geographical factors MOST LIKELY caused the earth to shake?

Greece is near the Eurasian and African plates, which can cause earthquakes.

· Eudoxus · Ptolemy · Pythagoras What is the BEST title for the list?

Greek Mathematicians

What is the dominant religion of India?


· Created thousands of years ago· Consists of thousands of gods· Mahabharata and Ramayana are two sacred texts· Approximately 1 billion people follow it today All of these describe what major religion?


· Created thousands of years ago· Consists of thousands of gods· Mahabharata and Ramayana are two sacred texts· Approximately 1 billion people follow it today All of these describe what major religion?


Who is credited as being the author of the Greek epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey?


Which of these is the EARLIEST of the ancient civilizations?

Huang He

When Buddhism spread into China in the 1st Century CE, it came from its home country of


The revelations of Muhammad form the basis of which religion?


What makes the "Rosetta Stone" such an important archaeological find?

It enabled historians to translate hieroglyphics.

The term Hellenistic culture has been defined as "Greek-like" culture. Why?

It was a mixture of Greek and other cultures.

Confucius' writing reflects the period in which he lived. Which of these BEST describes that period?

It was a time in which China was fragmented into many zone of control.

What was the purpose of The Analects?

It was the main text of Confucianism.

Who is the MOST important historical figure in Christianity?


This building is MOST important to the followers of

Judaism and Islam.

The king of the Roman gods and goddesses was


Which of these is was one change that women faced in Hellenistic Greece as opposed to their treatment in Greece in the Classical Age?

More women were allowed to have a formal education.

The blue line on this map represents what major river?


During the 5th century B.C. Athens made many cultural achievements such as the sculptures of Kresilas and the building of the Parthenon during a time known as the Golden Age of


The Greek philosopher who wrote The Republic in an attempt to explain such topics as justice and the "ideal" state was


Which Greek philosopher believed that students should master five mathematical disciplines before beginning the study of philosophy?


367-283 BCE general under Alexander the Great ruled Egypt as Pharaoh funded the Library of Alexandria All of these are describing

Ptolemy I.

Greek civilization spread throughout the Mediterranean, Middle East, Egypt, and Asia as Alexander the Great conquered city after city. In order to maintain control, a strong military presence was left in each of the dominated areas. How did this affect the cultures of those regions conquered by Alexander?

Religion, art, and philosophy were influenced by Greek thought.

Greek civilization spread throughout the Mediterranean, Middle East, Egypt, and Asia as Alexander the Great conquered city after city. In order to maintain control, a strong military presence was left in each of the dominated areas. How did this affect the cultures of those regions conquered by Alexander?

Religion, art, and philosophy were influenced by Greek thought.

Which of these is TRUE about slavery in ancient Egypt?

Slaves could be transferred from person to person.

great emphasis on military training women had many important societal duties formed the Peloponnesian League for defense defeated its rival in 404 BCE These items describe


Early civilization benefitted greatly from the development of tools. According to technological "ages", in what order were the following materials used to make tools?

Stone, Bronze, Iron

Which Mesopotamian civilizations is considered the oldest?


This style of writing would have been found in which civilization?


Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Thou shalt not murder. Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor. These are part of the

Ten Commandments.

Which epic works are most closely associated with Greek culture?

The Iliad and The Odyssey

Ancient Chinese civilizations developed with little interaction with any other civilizations. Which statement BEST explains why this was the case?

The area where these early Chinese civilizations developed were surrounded by deserts, high mountains, and impassable jungles.

Which of these BEST explains why ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was both a king and a god?

The pharaoh's government protected the people from invasion, disease, and famine.

200. If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out.201. If he knock out the teeth of a freed man, he shall pay one-third of a gold mina.202. If any one strike the body of a man higher in rank than he, he shall receive sixty blows with an ox-whip in public.203. If a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mina.204. If a freed man strike the body of another freed man, he shall pay ten shekels in money.205. If the slave of a freed man strike the body of a freed man, his ear shall be cut off.- taken from The Code of Hammurabi Using this excerpt from The Code of Hammurabi, what be the punishment for a slave who slapped his master?

The slave's ear would be cut off.

This diagram shows the holy books of what religion?

This diagram shows the holy books of what religion?

The area known as "Mesopotamia" is found between the rivers

Tigris and Euphrates.

In Greek mythology, ___ was the king of the gods.


A period of 100 consecutive years is known as

a century

The term "C.E." generally refers to

a date

Which of these is the BEST definition of "civilization" for a history class?

a group that has a culture

Which type of scientist studies and analyzes past events in order to explain "what, how, or why something happened"?

a historian

For people in Ancient Athens, the Mediterranean Sea was generally viewed as

a method of connecting with other people.

Which of these is an accurate description of a Mesopotamian ziggurat?

a religious and civic center

The ancient Greek city-state of Sparta was run as an oligarchy, meaning

a small group of citizens controlled things.

In history, civilizations were able to form once there was

a surplus of food.

Which of these is a similarity between early Indus River Valley and early Chinese (Shang) civilizations?

agriculture was an important part of the economy

One of the reasons for Greek colonization in the 700s BCE was

an explosion in commercial activities.

Cindy was in her backyard digging up dirt in order to make a garden. She thought he had simply uncovered some oddly shaped rocks, but then she realized they might be more than just rocks: they might be the remains of an ancient civilization. Cindy knew that she needed to call in an expert to help her figure this out! Which of these people would help Cindy the MOST?


Which job is MOST LIKELY to study people and what they did in the past from what they left behind?


According to the archaeological practice of stratigraphy, objects that are oldest

are found deepest in the earth.

During the seventh century BCE, the wealth of many Athenians increased, leading to diminished power for the


Egyptian temples were houses of worship but also served what economic function?

as granaries for storing grain controlled by the pharaoh

Unlike the other groups of people in their region during the Ancient Middle East, the Hebrews were monotheistic, meaning they

believed in only one god.

In ancient Athens, how was it determined who the community leaders would be?

by the citizens of the community

People in ancient Mesopotamia used cedar as roof beams and supports in temples and palaces. Cedar was chosen because of its strength, resistance to decay, and its pleasing aroma. Considering the geography of the area, what is the MOST likely way in which Mesopotamians acquired cedar?

by trading for it

Early civilizations, such as those in Egypt, Sumer, and Harappa, were all

centered around rivers that flooded regularly.

The term "domestication" refers to

changing the behavior of plants and animals to benefit humans.

In ancient Athens, ____ chose who would be the leaders of their government.


The Greek governments of the Hellenic period largely consisted of


In an effort to ease the overcrowding of their major city-states, the Ancient Greeks

colonized areas along the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

Papyrus would have been MOST important in the Egyptians' ability to


Which term is MOST associated with the spread of Hellenistic culture?

cultural diffusion

The Egyptian form of writing was called hieroglyphics, while the Sumerian form was called


In ancient Greece, every citizen of Athens had an equal voice and the right to participate in the city's government. What type of government did Athens have?

direct democracy

One purpose of Sumerian religious beliefs were to

explain natural disasters and the seasons.

In what way did the Greek historian Herodotus contribute greatly to his academic field?

he was the first to use precise narratives of events

"Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter."- Homer in The Iliad The Greeks used stories to exemplify the values of their culture. What virtue of Greek Society does the provided quote from the epic poem the Iliad exemplify?


In ancient Greece, the purpose of the Olympic Games was to

honor the gods with displays of physical fitness.

Which modification to the environment would have been the GREATEST help to people living in Ancient Egypt?


Jesus taught his disciples the primary rules of

loving God above all else, and loving others as they loved themselves.

Which of these BEST describes the principles Jesus taught his disciples?

loving God and treating others as children of God

Mesopotamians were able to grow more crops because they developed an efficient

metal plow

Which is the common aspect of the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?


The term given to the body of stories about ancient Greek gods and heroes is


Trade increased in Mesopotamia as a result of

new farming tools and job specialization.

Which term BEST describes the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers?


This type of government is characterized by the rule of a small number of people. How the people are chosen varies from place to place: Some have it based on family ties, while others use wealth or military position as a determining factor. In history many Greek city-states, including Sparta, used this form of governing. What form of government is being described in this passage?


The colonization shown on this map occurred because of

overpopulation and expanding trade.

The term "Greek Tragedy" applies to both

poetry and drama.

Ancient Mesopotamian religion could BEST be described as


One similarity between the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments is that both

provide a guide to proper ethical and moral behavior.

The Greek philosopher Socrates is known for the Socratic Method of teaching, which relies heavily on

question and answer.

To determine the age of things made from organic material (wood, bone etc), archaeologists use

radiocarbon dating

The typical responsibilities of women in Athens, Greece, included

raising children and staying relatively secluded from public life.

This term refers to a set of beliefs that may give meaning to life and explain the universe.


All of these symbols

represent major world religions.

Early societies- such as the Mesopotamians and Indo-Europeans- were able to form complex economies MAINLY due to

specialization of production.

Which device was used by the Ancient Egyptians to tell the time of day by using it to determine the length of shadows and light?


"All I know is that I know nothing."Socrates The philosopher Socrates was known for his instructional method of

teaching his students to question everything around them.

Which of these were enemies in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE)?

the Peloponnesian League and the Delian League

Because Egypt received little rainfall, agriculture in the kingdom depended on irrigation supplied by

the annual flooding of the Nile River.

Which event is considered to be start of the "Hellenistic Era"?

the death of Alexander the Great

Society in ancient Sparta was centered mainly around

the military.

Which of these BEST describes Athenian life during the Age of Pericles (5th century)?

the power to make and enforce law was held by the citizens

In the centuries immediately following the death of Alexander the Great, most of the known world underwent a process that historians have called Hellenization. The MOST appropriate definition of Hellenization is

the spread and export of Greek culture.

The term "Hellenistic" is BEST defined as which of these?

the spreading of Greek culture following the death of Alexander the Great

In ancient Mesopotamia, religion was MOST affected by

the uncertain flooding of the rivers.

Which of these represents the most significant reason why historians and archaeologists know relatively little about the Indus River Valley civilization?

their writing has not yet been deciphered

One of the reasons for the success of early civilizations such as those in Egypt and Mesopotamia was because

they used rivers and bodies of water for food and for trade.

Early civilizations in Egypt, India, and China all share which common trait?

they were founded along rivers and fertile valleys

Which of these is a main goal of Hinduism?

to achieve spiritual realization and to reach Nirvana

According to the Koran (Qur'an), Muhammad

was the messenger of God.

Sumerians were the first to invent plows, 12 month calendars and _____

wheeled carts.

"A good wife should be the mistress of her home, having under her care all that is within it, according to the rules we have laid down. She should allow none to enter without her husband's knowledge.... She must exercise control of the money spent on such festivities as her husband has approved- keeping, moreover, within the limit set by law upon expenditure, dress, and ornament- and remembering that beauty depends not on costliness of raiment.... (L)et it be her aim to obey her husband; giving no heed to public affairs, nor having any part in arranging the marriages of her children. Rather, when the time shall come to give or receive in marriage sons or daughters, let her then hearken to her husband in all respects, and agreeing with him obey his wishes. It is fitting that a woman of a well-ordered life should consider that her husband's wishes are as laws appointed for her by divine will, along with the marriage state and the fortune she shares."- Aristotle, "On a Good Wife," c. 330 BCE This passage would MOST likely be describing

women in Athens.

The Sumerians built pyramid shaped temples in each city-state dedicated to the gods and goddesses that were known as


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