World History [FINAL] - WWI + WWII

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In World War I, The fighting stopped on the ___ hour of the ___ day of the ___ month Select one: a. 10th b. 11th c. 9th d. 12th


World War I began in ______ Select one: a. 1934 b. 1924 c. 1914 d. 1944


How long did the trenches stretch? Select one: a. 475 miles b. 630 miles c. 280 miles d. 60 miles

475 miles

Which of the following events occurred after the Americans joined the war? Select one: a. Russia withdrew from the war. b. The Bulgarians and the Ottoman Turks surrendered. c. Britain and France recruited laborers from their colonies. d. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true

Which of the following factors led to the fall of France to the Nazis? Select one: a. All of these answers b. the fall of Paris c. evacuation of the British forces d. the fall of Dunkirk

All of these answers

Assured total peace or total war.


Which statement summarizes the Schlieffen Plan that Germany created to prepare for a two-front war? Select one: a. Attack Russia first, then France. b. Ally with Russia to fight France. c. Attack France first, then Russia. d. Send half of the army to France and half to Russia.

Attack France first, then Russia.

What event occurred on the day described as "a date which will live in infamy"? Select one: a. signing of the Atlantic Charter b. Battle of Guadalcanal c. attack on Pearl Harbor d. bombing of Hiroshima

Attack on Pearl Harbor

What did the Allies' strategy of "island hopping" in the Pacific involve? Select one: a. attacks on all islands within 500 miles of Japan b. attacks only on islands that were Japanese strongholds c. attacks only on islands that were not well-defended d. attacks on all Japanese-held islands

Attacks only on islands that were not well-defended

Which of the following was the location of a Nazi extermination camp? Select one: a. Warsaw b. Dresden c. Auschwitz d. Berlin


Declared war on Serbia.


Which nation annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908? Select one: a. Austria-Hungary b. Germany c. Italy d. Russia


Which nation was the first to declare war in what would come to be called the Great War? Select one: a. Russia b. Austria-Hungary c. Britain d. USA


Which nation's heir to the throne was assassinated in 1914 by a Serbian nationalist? Select one: a. Germany b. Austria-Hungary c. France d. Britain


First extensive use of the flamethrower.

Battle of Verdun

Which of the following battles marked the final German offensive? Select one: a. Battle of El Alamein b. Battle of the Bulge c. Battle of Leyte Gulf d. Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of the Bulge

Prevented the fall of Paris.

Battle of the Marne

Why were Germany and Austria-Hungary known as Central Powers? Select one: a. because of their combined armies b. because of their alliance in the war c. because the war was fought on two fronts d. because of their location in the heart of Europe

Because of their location in the heart of Europe

What country intercepted the Zimmerman telegram? Select one: a. Britain b. Mexico c. USA d. France


In World War I, Communication was achieved through telephone, Morse Code, radios, and_________ Select one: a. megaphones b. rescue dogs c. smoke signals d. carrier pigeons

Carrier pigeons

Although Japan had been part of the Triple Alliance, it refused to join the Central Powers. Select one: True False


Because of the communist takeover, Germany withdrew from WWI Select one: True False


Blitzkrieg means "cyclone battle." Select one: True False


During WWI, views of women and their role in society essentially stayed the same. Select one: True False


Great Britain was represented at the Paris Peace Conference by Georges Clemenceau. Select one: True False


Shell shocked soldiers were viewed as cowards throughout the course of World War I Select one: True False


Trench warfare was the primary form of warfare used on the Eastern Front. Select one: True False


Two nations deliberately excluded from the League of Nations were Germany and Russia. Select one: True False


Under the Schlieffen Plan, Germany was to focus first on defeating Great Britain. Select one: True False


World War II is known as the "war to end all wars." Select one: True False


Which nation did Otto von Bismarck believe was the greatest threat to peace in Europe? Select one: a. Russia b. Great Britain c. Germany d. France


Which nation greatly regretted its loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1870? Select one: a. Italy b. Austria-Hungary c. France d. Germany


What prompted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany? Select one: a. German invasion of Poland b. German invasion of Czechoslovakia c. Soviet invasion of Finland d. Soviet invasion of Poland

German invasion of Poland

After World War I, Who was NOT allowed to attend the Peace Conference? Select one: a. Italy b. France c. USA d. Germany


Declared war on Russia.


Which country had the most sophisticated trenches? Select one: a. France b. England c. Russia d. Germany


Which nation was unified by Otto von Bismarck and later ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm II? Select one: a. USA b. Germany c. France d. Russia


What was the "war guilt clause?" Select one: a. Germany took the total blame for the war b. Nobody was guilty for causing the war. c. Both the Central Powers and the the Allied Powers assumed the guilt and the cost of the war d. It was declared that in war, all sides are guilty

Germany took the total blame for the war

What did the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare refer to? Select one: a. Britain's policy to sink any ship in German waters without warning b. Germany's policy to sink any ship in British waters without warning c. Germany's decision to focus its resources on the waters surrounding Europe d. The U.S. Navy's warning of the type of warfare the Central Powers could expect

Germany's policy to sink any ship in British waters without warning

Which of the Great Powers did not have a large army by 1914? Select one: a. Italy b. Germany c. Russia d. Great Britain

Great Britain

What was Hitler's prime reason for wanting to take Poland? Select one: a. He wanted the Polish Corridor and the port city of Danzig. b. He knew it would cause Great Britain and France to declare war. c. None of these answers d. He knew it would be a bargaining chip with the Soviet Union.

He wanted the Polish Corridor and the port city of Danzig.

The Zimmermann note, which pushed the United States to enter the war, exposed the German plan to Select one: a. sink passenger ships without warning. b. make a truce with Russia. c. plant German spies in the United States. d. help Mexico regain U.S. territory.

Help Mexico regain U.S. territory.

The expansion of an empire.


New military technology.


The purpose of propaganda during World War I was to Select one: a. censor the press. b. influence public opinion. c. inform the public. d. expose antiwar activity.

Influence public opinion.

What was the American public's opinion about joining the League of Nations? Select one: a. The public thought that America should lead the League of Nations. b. It believed that the United States should stay out of European affairs. c. It supported the president and actively took part in the League of Nations. d. The public generally supported the idea but wanted to play a smaller role.

It believed that the United States should stay out of European affairs.

How did the Lend-Lease Act benefit the United States? Select one: a. It lent the Allies American troops in exchange for European goods. b. It allowed the Allies to purchase food and medicine from the United States. c. All of these answers d. It enriched the U.S. economy through selling arms to the Allies.

It enriched the U.S. economy through selling arms to the Allies.

What was significant about the Battle of Midway? Select one: a. It destroyed the whole of the Japanese navy. b. It turned the war in the Pacific against the Japanese. c. It marked the end of the war for the Japanese. d. all of these answers

It turned the war in the Pacific against the Japanese.

What was the goal of Hitler's "Final Solution"? Select one: a. It was a system for winning the war before the Americans entered. b. It was a way to amass more soldiers for the invasion of Russia. c. It was a process to divide up his territories among his generals. d. It was genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior.

It was genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior.

Which nation did NOT belong to the Triple Entente? Select one: a. Russia b. Italy c. France d. Great Britain


In 1917, Germany returned to its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, hoping to Select one: a. force Russia to withdraw from the war. b. bring the United States into the war. c. destroy the British ships blockading German ports. d. keep cargo ships from reaching Great Britain.

Keep cargo ships from reaching Great Britain.

In the trenches, the soldiers had to deal with all of the following, except ________ Select one: a. mud b. lice c. landmines d. disease


The Zimmerman telegram proposed a German - __________ alliance against the USA Select one: a. Mexico b. Brazil c. Canada d. Cuba


"My country right or wrong."


How did Kristallnacht demonstrate Nazi persecution of Jews? Select one: a. That was the day the Nazis began large deportations of Jews. b. Nazi troops attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues. c. A law passed on that day required Jews to wear yellow stars. d. all of these answers

Nazi troops attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues.

Which of the following officers did NOT command D-Day forces? Select one: a. Bradley b. Dempsey c. Montgomery d. Patton


Which was NOT a reason for the US entering World War I? Select one: a. propaganda b. submarine warfare c. Pearl Harbor d. Zimmerman Telegram

Pearl Harbor

The system of rationing was designed to limit Select one: a. the number of men needed in the civilian work force. b. production of luxury items. c. purchases of consumer goods. d. civilian antiwar activities.

Purchases of consumer goods.

What country had the most wounded in WWI? Select one: a. France b. Britain c. Russia d. Germany


Which nation did NOT belong to the Triple Alliance? Select one: a. Austria-Hungary b. Russia c. Germany d. Italy


What combination led to the German defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad? Select one: a. Russian troops and the Russian winter b. Russian and British troops c. Russian and German fuel shortages d. Russian ground forces and American air strikes

Russian troops and the Russian winter.

Implemented by the Russians.


During WWI, many countries granted women's ________ Select one: a. children at the workplace b. suffrage c. overtime pay d. maternity leave


The German blitzkrieg was a military strategy that depended on what advantage? Select one: a. ability to make a long, steady advance b. surprise and overwhelming force c. "out-waiting" the opponent d. a system of fortifications

Surprise and overwhelming force

What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain? Select one: a. that the RAF needed more planes b. that Germany had a powerful airforce c. that the British were inexperienced d. that Hitler's advances could be blocked

That Hitler's advances could be blocked

What region was referred to as the "powder keg" of Europe? Select one: a. the Balkan Peninsula b. Alsace-Lorraine c. Austria-Hungary d. the Middle-East

The Balkan Peninsula

Which of the following did NOT motivate Japan to build an empire? Select one: a. Japan was overcrowded and faced shortages of raw materials. b. Japan took over Manchuria and later fought for the heartland of China. c. The emperor wanted a larger empire to suit his divine status. d. Japan wanted the rich European colonies of Southeast Asia.

The emperor wanted a larger empire to suit his divine status.

World War I was a total war in the sense that Select one: a. it brought great suffering to civilians. b. nations from all over the world were involved. c. new technologies played a large part in the war. d. the nations involved devoted all their resources to it.

The nations involved devoted all their resources to it.

What does the use of kamikaze pilots show about Japanese culture? Select one: a. They hated Americans enough to die killing them. b. They valued national honor more than individual life. c. They did not mind dying because they expected to lose the war. d. They were full of despair after the atomic bombs fell on Japan.

They valued national honor more than individual life.

Why did President Truman agree to use the atomic bomb? Select one: a. to revenge those who died in the Bataan Death March b. to punish Japan for Pearl Harbor c. to bring the war to the quickest possible end d. to destroy weapons plants in Japan

To bring the war to the quickest possible end

Which of the following was a goal of the Allies' Gallipoli campaign? Select one: a. to gain access to Africa b. to establish a supply line to Russia c. to capture Sarajevo d. to destroy Germany's U-boat fleet

To establish a supply line to Russia

475 mile front.

Trench Warfare

After Russia began mobilizing troops on its western border, Germany declared war on Russia. Two days later, it also declared war on France. Select one: True False


Article 231, also known as the war guilt clause, ordered Germany to pay huge war reparations to Allied nations. Select one: True False


Canada joined the Allies in 1914. Select one: True False


General Douglas MacArthur was the mastermind of the "island-hopping" strategy. Select one: True False


In the first weeks of the war, the Allied Powers included Great Britain, France, Russia, and Japan Select one: True False


One of the big changes in warfare during World War I was changes in technology Select one: True False


Russia was on the side of the Allies Select one: True False


The Battle of Midway turned the tide of the war in the Pacific against Japan and allowed the Allies to begin taking the offensive. Select one: True False


The battles of the Marne, the Somme, and Verdun were fought on French soil. Select one: True False


The territory between the trenches was known as "no man's land." Select one: True False


The two non-Balkan nations that competed for dominance of the Balkans were Russia and Austria-Hungary. Select one: True False


Woodrow Wilson proposed the ìgeneral association of nationsî that would later become the League of Nations. Select one: True False


the Pacific islands That were attacked and seized during the Allied "island hopping" were the ones that were least defended by Japan. Select one: True False


During WWI, factory jobs were filled by _________ Select one: a. women b. men c. children d. pygmies


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