World History-Unit 2

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After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the Russian ruler Ivan III (Ivan the Great) began using this title, to express the view that he was the successor to the Byzantine rulers. Which title did he use?

enhanced trade

Constantine MOST LIKELY chose the location for Constantinople because the location

The Roman Empire

The Byzantine Empire was MOST influenced by which of these?


This is the capital city of Russia.

pressure on the Empire's frontiers by tribes of barbarians.

Among the main reasons for the fall of the Western Roman Empire was

Roman Catholic

As Christianity spread across the Roman Empire, the Latin-speaking Christians united under the authority of a pope as the head of what church?

codifying Roman law

Byzantine Emperor Justinian's MOST significant political accomplishment was


Constantine's rise to power in the latter part of the Roman Empire marked a change in the way Christianity was viewed. Before an important battle, Constantine believed he saw the sign of Christ in a dream. He declared himself

Western Roman Emperor

During the last years of the Roman Empire, it was divided into East and West and ruled by co-emperors. In general, the West seemed more vulnerable to attacks and less able to defend itself. Romulus Augustus was the last

Ivan the Great

He was the leader of Russia who overthrew Mongol rule around Russia, tripling the size of the country in the process.


In 1453, Constantinople fell to the

Greece, Russia, Eastern Europe

In which area of the world would you have been MOST likely to find widespread practice of Orthodox Christianity in the 16th Century?

Modern day China

In which of these areas would you be MOST likely to find the HIGHEST concentration of people who follow Buddhism?

Modern day India

In which of these areas would you be MOST likely to find the HIGHEST concentration of people who follow Hinduism?

Arabian Peninsula

Islam originated on the

she worked to enact laws improving the lives of women.

Justinian I was the powerful emperor of the Byzantine Empire in the 500s AD. How did his wife, the Empress Theodora, affect the Byzantine Empire?

he was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity.

The Emperor Constantine is significant because

Dark Ages

The Fall of the Roman Empire marks the beginning of the

the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.

The Great Schism (1054) resulted in the creation of

Roman Catholic Church

The following all describe which branch of Christianity: Spoke Latin in their religious services. Used unleavened bread in communion. Leo IX Believed the Bishop of Rome was the head of the Church.

Orthodox Church

The following all describe which branch of Christianity: Believed the Bishop of Constantinople was the head of the Church. Spoke Greek in their religious services. Michael Cerularius


These are four of the most important requirements of what religion? · Give charity to the needy.· Make a pilgrimage.· Fasting during the holy month.· Pray five times each day.


These describe what position in the Roman Republic? · two people served in this position· highest elected position in the Roman Republic· elected by the Centuriate Assembly· highest civilian and military magistrate

Ivan the Terrible

This 16th century Russian Tsar helped Russia expand, but he is more known for his violent personality and ruthless judgement.


This Byzantine empress, the wife of Justinian I, was known for her powerful influence at court and for getting laws enacted which elevated the status of women. Who was she?


This emperor collected and codified all laws of the Byzantine age. Who was he?


This is the longest river in Russia, starting just northwest of Moscow and ending in the Caspian Sea.

Golden Horde

This is the name given to the Mongol khanate in the western portion of Mongol control, in what is now mostly Russia and Ukraine.


This is the name of the medieval state that is considered to be the predecessor of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.

The Great Schism divided Christians along geographical lines.

This map represents the Great Schism of 1054, during which Orthodox Christians broke away from the Catholic Church. Based on the map, which of these is MOST LIKELY true?


This was the title given to the leader of Russia until the early-20th century, deriving from the word "Caesar."


This writing system was developed in the 9th century and is used extensively throughout Russia and parts of eastern Europe and west-central Asia.


Unlike in the western Roman Empire, most people in the Byzantine Empire spoke

internal disputes between the Emperor and the elite

Using the passage, what is a cause that led to the decline of the Byzantine empire? "As soon as he seized power he was thinking about the expenses of the empire and for the amount of the salary of the army, since it was going to be occurred a lot of wars and in order the army to be victorious and to protect all the Romans it was need of founds. For that reason he tried to collect money from those that they were rich and he heavily taxed those that they owed to the state.... For that reason has deprived from many citizens of their property without giving any notice of the existing chrysobulls (certificates of holdings without taxation) which are the main reason that creates tyrants."- Michael Attaliates, Historia, 1080. He is a public servant who wrote the history of the Byzantine Empire and is writing about Emperor Isaac I* "Romans" refer to Byzantine citizens

allowed the military to move people and supplies further.

Using the prompt, another way that road building led to expansion besides trade was that it "The first task here is to trace furrows, ripping up the maze of paths, and then excavate a deep trench in the ground. The second comprises refilling the trench with other material to make a foundation for the road build-up. The ground must not give way nor must bedrock or base be at all unreliable when the paving stones are trodden. Next the road metalling is held in place on both sides by kerbing and numerous wedges. How numerous the squads working together! Some are cutting down woodland and clearing the higher ground, others are using tools to smooth outcrops of rock and plane great beams."- a poem by Statius praising the via Domitiana, written 1st century C.E.

increased trade routes along the Mediterranean.

What most likely caused of the plague of Justinian?

Byzantine religion, language, and architecture influenced the development of Russia.

What was the PRIMARY result of Byzantine trade with Kievan Rus', also called the Kingdom of Kiev?

Constantinople (where Europe and Asia meet).

Where was the center of power of the Byzantine Empire?

Alexander the Great

Which Macedonian king conquered much of the ancient civilized world and created an empire that blended Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian influences?


Which empire had the greatest cultural impact on Russia?


Which empire that was conquered in 1453 is being described in the excerpt? "The Turks had with them thousands of ladders which they placed against the walls, right at the place which they had fired [their cannon] and breached the wall, just as they did at the cemetery of St Sebold..Afterwards, the Turks ran to the Hagia Sophia, and all those whom they had imprisoned there, they killed in the first heat of rage. Those whom they found later, the bound with a cord around their neck and their hands tied behind their backs and led them out of the city."- from "The Account of the Taking of Constantinople," by Thomas the Eparch, a count of Constantinople, and Joshua Diplovatatzes, 1453

a powerful group of nobles who were small in number

Which is the BEST description of patricians in Ancient Rome?

a large but politically limited group of people

Which is the BEST description of plebeians in Ancient Rome?

It used Greek rather than Latin

Which of these is a TRUE statement about the Byzantine Empire?

the spread of Eastern Orthodoxy into Russia

Which of these is an example of the long-term impact of the Byzantine Empire on eastern Europe?

The conquest of Alexander the Great

Which of these was the main cause of the spread of Hellenistic culture throughout the middle east and Asia?

Julius Caesar

Which person is generally thought of as being MOST responsible for Rome's move from a republic to a dictatorship?


Who is the MOST important historical figure in Christianity?

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