world religions test

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2 Peter 2:18-19 Church of Scientology • Introduction o Founder Ron Hubbard o Date Founded 1954 in Los Angles, CA to outreach to celebrities o Location Current headquarters in Los Angles, CA The church is made of "churches" and celebrity centers Who is L. Ron Hubbard? • The claims vs. the truth: o "I would say that 99 percent of what my father has written about his own life is false" -Son o Claim: he was honored as the youngest Eagle Scott o Truth: Boy Scouts deny the validity of this claim, and say there is no way to prove it o Claim: Traveled to Asia to gain wisdom from religious leaders o Truth: only stopped there as a port to visit his father who was stationed there and later wrote in his diary that he was unimpressed with the people there o Claim: studied Nuclear Physics at George Washington University and received many of his ideas from there o Truth: took one class in atomic physics, got an F, and left the college What is Scientology? • Foundation of Scientology: o He was best known as pulp fiction writer, and a writer of science fiction, but later developed a self-help system called Dianetics o As the book Dianetics gained acclaim Hubbard then started a conferences and later the Church of Scientology around the principles of Dianetics The Magazine Scientific America said that Hubbard's Dianetics has "more promises" and less evidence per page than any publication since the invention of printing What is Scientology? • The Real Reason Hubbard Started Scientology o In 1949 Hubbard said "the best way to hit big money is to start a cult" o In 1948 Hubbard said "You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion" o Hubbard made a percentage of all Scientology income starting at about $230,000 in 1957 o There are numerous "levels" of Scientology, becoming more expensive as you proceed • Scientology's cult techniques: o Hubbard consistently recommended hostile actions against Scientology critics Hubbard wrote in books that critics are "Fair game" and he recommends that the "suppressive persons" of scientology o In 1978 Hubbard's former wife and many other Scientologist went down for espionage and stealing information for the LRS o It is alleged and confirmed by his son, that Hubbard wrote the book "Brain Washing" o Hubbard recommended and the church still follows something called 'disconnection' where people are advised to isolate themselves while in Scientology courses The Beliefs of Scientology • Remember cult gradualism? o Scientology reveals its beliefs gradually in it's levels o The beliefs get more odd and intense as they proceed after people are invested • What is man? And Salvation o Mankind as an immortal being called a "Thetan", not originally form this planet and is trapped in matter, energy, time and space (META) o Salvation from META comes through "auditing" through phases to achieve the state of "clear" then process up the "bridge of total freedom" to "Operating Thetan" o "Engrams" are hang-ups in the form of "mental image pictures" that must be released o Man is in a state of reincarnation till they reach salvation • Auditing Tools o An E-meter is used in auditing to see if the participant has progressed to the next meter o The E-meter was developed by Hubbard, is proven as pseudo-science, and is claimed to measure engrams • The Story of Thetans o All people existed as Thetans for all eternity, and created the cosmos for their pleasure, but we have forgotten our powers o The goals for us thetans is self-determinism and eventually pan-determinism for all people o When people die, we go to the "landing station" on Venus, our memory is erased, and return in a new body • The different types of thetans o There are three main levels: body thetans (those without bodies), clear (those with no more engrams), and operating thetans Those that have god powers) • The myth of cosmology o There was a man named Xenu who ruled the galactic federation of planets o In order to deal with a population problems he took aliens fomr other planets and put them in a volcano o The volcano was bombed and the aliens became free spirits (Body thetans) that exist in our planet o These Body Thetans are stuck outside or latched onto a human body, which are removed through auditing in high levels o We used to be boy thetans as well • Who is God? o Scientology does not define God or a Supreme Being, but Hubbard stated at times that God was "invented by men" o Everyone is a Thetan", an immortal spirit with unlimited powers over its own universe (but not all are aware of this)


Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints Founder • Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844) Date • Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (ZDS) in 1830 (Palmyra, New York) Location • Headquarters now in Salt Lake City, Utah Problems with Joseph Smith • Smith's life consisted of deep immorality: o Joseph secretly married over 30 woman o 7 of them were ages 14-17 years old (Joseph was 37-38) o 10 were already married to other men o He did this behind his wife's back or hid the sexual aspect from her o Everything rests on Smith's "first Vision" but there are 9 contradictory stories of what actually happened o Joseph went back and revised or added information to revelations he claimed were from God to bolster his prophetic standing and abilities o Any claims against his inconsistencies was written off by Smith as persecution o Smith wrote numerous failed prophecies o He claimed to be superior to Jesus.. "the followers of Jesus ran away from him, the LDS never ran away from me yet" Key Writings • Doctrine and Covenants • The Book of Mormon • Pearl of Great Price • The Bible • Authoritative teachings of Mormonism's prophets and other "general authorities" Problems with the Book of Mormon • The Book of Mormon invents several people groups that never historically existed • Two of these groups were Nephi and Lamanites and the Lamanites were cursed with dark skin • The Nephi was the group that had a revelation from Jesus and knows the truth. Moroni then buried plates in 421AD • These two groups had a final battle where the Lamanites won near New York and Mormonism was hidden until Joseph Smith found the golden tablets and translated them • There is no archaeological, geological, and anthropological evidence for these people groups (anything that says opposite comes from FARMS- Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies) Evidence against the book of Mormon • The "three witness" claimed to see the plates, many of which denied this later, and even Smith wrote against the witnesses later. Smith returned the plates to an angel • Smith claimed the golden tablets were Egyptian hieroglyphics but scholars say the transliteration said it was a mixture of various alphabets to look authentic • Some, if not most, Mormon scholars now say that the archeology of the Book of Mormon was invented by Joseph Smith, but the book is still divine • The Book of Mormon, mentions several animals, plants, and technologies for which is currently no evidence in pre-Columbian America • Changes in the Book of Mormon and later editions contradict earlier editions and teachings they want to erase or change • Many parts of the Book of Mormon were directly copied from the King James Bible, Shakespeare, Josephus Who is God? • Elohim - Mormon's god • Their belief: God the Father (Elohim) was once a man, but "progressed" to godhood by his works. He is from the planet Kolob. (Book of Abraham) (Response: Psalm 90:2) • Their belief: There are millions of other gods who rule over other planets (Response: 1 Tim. 2:5) • Their belief: God the Father has a physical body, as does his wife (called Heavenly Mother) (Response: John 4:24, Isa. 45:18) • Their belief: Father, Son, Holy Ghost are three separate gods (Response: John 10:30, John 14:7, Deut 6:4) Who is Jesus? • The Mormon Jesus and the Biblical/Historical Jesus are different people o Their belief: Jesus is a spirit child of Father and Mother in Heaven just like other humans (Response: John 3:16, 18) o Their belief: Jesus is Lucifer's brother. God had a choice who would be Savior and he chose Jesus. (Response: Ezek. 28:14, John 3:16, 18) o Their belief: Jesus was physically begotten by God the Father (Elohim) and Mary. (Not virgin birth) (Response: Matt. 1:20) o Their belief: Jesus progressed to receive his deity in heaven (He was not always God) (Response: Hebrews 13:8) Who is Man? • Their belief: We are all Spirit children of Heavenly Father and Mother (Response: Genesis 2:7) • Their belief: Our purpose in life is to be tested and gain a physical body to be like God, and return back to God more like him (Response: 1 Cor. 10:31, Psalm 16:11) • Their belief: Man just messed up in the garden and there is no inherited sin (Some say Adam was God) (Response: Psalm 51:5, Eph. 2:3) • Their belief: God made us so we could form eternal marriages, become God's, make Spirit babies, and possibly have our own planet (Response: Rev. 4:11, Rev. 21:3) How to be saved? • Mormon's salvation is by works: o Their View: You cannot be saved in your sins (Response: Eph. 2:4-5) o Their View: by grace you are saved, after all you can do (Response: Eph. 2:8) o Their View: You must deny yourselves of all ungodliness to be saved (Response: Rom. 5:8) o Their View: if you commit any past sin again, the former sins return. Therefore, in order to remain forgiven you must never commit the sin again (Response: Col. 2:13-14, Heb. 8:12) • Mormons follow a works "plan of salvation" to be saved o Step One: Faith (in Jesus and Joseph Smith) o Step Two: Repentance (6 steps to repentance that includes "forsaking all sin") o Step Three: Baptism by Immersion in LDS meeting house, or proxy baptism (In Temple) o Step Four: Laying on of Hands from priesthood to receive Holy Spirit (In Temple) o Step Five: Obedience, which indicated: Ordination, Receiving the temple Endowments, Celestial Marriage, Observing Word of wisdom, and Tithing (In Temple) What happens after death • Eventually nearly everyone goes to one of three separate heavenly "kingdoms" with some achieving godhood. Apostates and murderers go to "outer darkness" o The Celestial Kingdom: symbolically represented by the sun. It is the kingdom where God Himself reigns... its only for those who followed the complete way of salvation o The Terrestrial Kingdom: is symbolically represented as the moon. People here receive of god's glory, but not his fullness or presence. For those that didn't fully follow the plan o The Telestial Kingdom: is compared to that of the stars. The last to be resurrected and cannot dwell where God lives. People who reject Mormonism Other beliefs and Practices • No alcohol, tobacco, coffee, or tea • Baptism on behalf of the dead (proxy baptism) • Storing food • Two-year missionary commitment encouraged • Secret temple rituals available only to members in god standing. (Resembles Masons) o Marriage (Only in a mormon temple, no-one else allowed in. Includes purification, under garments, new "secret" names given, etc) o Baptism o Endowments • Extensive social network • Men of African ancestry were not granted full access to mormon priesthood and privileges until 1978 Sects within Mormonism • There is about 80 different denominations within Mormonism o LDS- most popular and most secularized and contemporary o FLDS- Fundamental Mormon- hold to more traditional views The Adam- God teachings taught by Brigham Young and other early leaders of the LDS Church Polygamy The principle of blood atonement The exclusion of black men from the priesthood

christian science

Founder • Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) Date • Church of Christ, Scientist founded in 1879 Location • Headquarters in Boston, Mass. Mary Baker Eddy's Story: • Mary grew up in reformed Congregationalist church • Mary lived a life of persistent illness • In 1866 she suffered a spinal injury. She claimed that she was at the brink of death (her doctors later deny this) • She then separated from society for three years to study her bible and find a healing solution. It was here she became convinced that she found a "science" of healing in the bible that called for not using typical methods Key Writings • Include... o Science and Health o With Key to the Science (published 1875) -Twain said that Eddy clearly did not write this due to grammatical issues. The book basically states that we can heal ourselves from everything by changing belief Manual of the Mother Church- the by laws of her church The Bible (not as reliable) Christian Science Journal - usually just deals with modern news... only just has one article per magazine on Christian Science principles Who is God? • According to Mrs. Eddy, God is an impersonal Principle of life, truth, love, intelligence, and spirit • God is all that truly exists; matter is an illusion • God is Father-Mother • Creation is a part of the Divine Mind. Anything that is not part of the Devine Mind is not real Who is Jesus? • Jesus was a man who displayed the Christ idea or consciousness ("Christ" means perfection, not a person) we all can become Christ • He was not God, and God can never become man or flesh, because flesh is an illusion, an error of belief • He did not suffer and could not suffer for sins, but only "suffered" for rejecting error • He was not resurrected physically, but Spiritually. Resurrection is a "Spiritualization of thought or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding" • He will not literally come back How is the Holy Spirit? And angels and demons • The Holy Ghost as "Divine Science" • It is an impersonal power • Angels are God's thoughts passing to man • Evil Spirits are just false beliefs • The devil is just another word of error, not a real angelic being How to be saved? • Sin, evil, sickness, and death are an illusion, not real • Humanity is already eternally saved • Prayer is how one is more saved, but it is contemplation of divine truths What happens after death • Death is not real, but an illusion • Heaven and hell are states of mind • The way to reach "heaven" is by attaining harmony (oneness with God) through right thinking Other Beliefs and Practices • Members use Christian Science Practitioners instead of doctors • Healing comes through realizing one cannot really be sick or hurt and that the body cannot be ill, suffer pain, or die (since matter is an illusion). Basically, you get rid of your sickness by realizing your sickness is an illusion • Numerous adults and children doe each year due to not seeking medical treatment • Commonwealth v. Twitchell - charges Christian Science parents with man slaughter for not treating children. Ruled that they were protected under 1st amendment right • Attracts followers by claims of miraculous healing; these claims are antidotal and never based on large studies


Founder • No one person o Partly inspired by Margaret Murray o Organized by Gerald gardener Date • Organized in the 1930s-50s Location • Blundellsands, England o Population - around 1,000,000 Wiccan's worldwide Key Writings • Many groups use the Book of Shadows, first compelled by Gardner and later expanded by him and by other leaders • The book is full of "positive" spells that they consider like prayer Intro facts about Wicca • Witchcraft is what Wiccans and witches do, and "Wicca" is the name of the religion itself • Wiccan's are not Satanists • Some Wiccans use the words "Wiccan" and "witch" interchangeably, but there are witches who so not consider themselves Wiccans Who is God? • The Supreme being is called: o The goddess o The goddess and God o But many believe in a Triple Goddess" o Some are pantheistic, some polytheistic, others animism How to be saved • Wiccans do not believe that humanity is sinful or needs saving • It is important for Wiccans to honor and work for the preservation of nature • Preservation happens in their life by doing spells • Wiccans are saved by the Rule of Three, meaning whatever good or bad they do will return to them three fold • Follow the Wiccan Reed What happens after death • The Wiccan path is based on the earth rather then the heaven • The body replenishes the earth, which is the Goddess's wish • For the Spirit, most Wiccan's believe in reincarnation (once a witch always a witch) Other beliefs and Practices • Wiccans practice divination and spell-casting, with most rituals performed in a circle • Wiccans meet at Covens, not churches • Divination is seeking to foretell the future... its often used with Tarot cards • Spell-casting is channeling positive energy to help achieve goals • Many Wiccans are solitary in their practice and are not part of Covens • Wiccans are taught to be in tune with their psychic abilities. Magick circles, the sacred space of Wiccans, are said to be "between the worlds" and Wiccans travel between the worlds to meet the gods, get information and heal • Wiccans will say they do not believe in good and evil • Covens meet for ritual and seasonal holidays, including the 8 major holidays such as: o Vernal Equinox o Summer Solstice o Beltane (May Eve) Some thoughts and Responses • Could what they be doing be real? Isa 47:12 • Can Wicca and Christianity be mixed? Deut 18:10-12 • What are we to do? 1 Peter 3:15

jehovah's witness

Founders • Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916) • Later Joseph Rutherford (1869-1942) Date • Began 1879 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Location • Headquarters in Brooklyn, New York History of Jehovah's Witnesses • Started as restorationist movement bible study by C.T. Russell (then called international bible association, or just Bible Students) • Russell believed there was a great apostasy (just like mormons) and he was restoring the true teachings of the bible • Russell's teachings started to gain interest and steam due to his odd end times views • Russell then started his Watchtower Society, In 1879, 30 meeting houses were meeting to study the bible, and Russell had control over all of them through his Watchtower Society magazine and conventions • When Russell died in 1917, there were 500 congregations, and Rutherford took over as president of the Watchtower Society and renamed Bible Student's to Jehovah's Witnesses Key Writings • Bible (New World Translation, only) • You can live forever in Paradise on Earth • Reasoning from the Scriptures • Watchtower magazine • Awake! Magazine Criticism of watchtower • Witnesses believe everything and all prophecies in Watchtower and face expulsion if they disbelieve • Witnesses believe that they are prophets as a whole with the Watchtower summing up their prophecy. Failed prophetic in Watchtower are numerous • The bible cannot be interpret alone, but only through the Watchtower • There are numerous contradictions and changes in teaching from the beginning of the Watchtower The "New World" Translation • In order to control the teachings of the bible even more, the watchtower developed a translation using faulty Greek translations to back up their doctrine o The new world translation renders the Greek term word stautos (cross) as torture stake o The new world translation does not translate the Greek words sheol, hades, gehenna, and tartartus as hell, because Jehovah's witnesses do not believe on hell o The NWT gives the translation "presence" instead of "coming" for the Greek word, parousia because Jehovah's witnesses believe that Christ has already returned in the early 1900s o The Colossians 1:16: the NWT inserts the word "other" despite its being completely absent from the original Greet text. It does this to give the view that "all other things" were created by Christ, instead of what the text says, "all things were created by Christ • In John 1:1 the original Greek text reads "The word was God" the NWT renders it as "the word was a god" o "kai theos en ho logos". Can only mean "the Word was God" o the NWT in inconsistent in translating theos with "a god" and "God" and chooses whatever they like best Who is God? • One-person Cod called is called "Jehovah" • The Trinity is a doctrine of the devil • Jesus is the first thing Jehovah created Who is Jesus? • The Jehovah's witness' Jesus is not God, but a god... "he is the 'son of God' not God Himself" • Jesus is not eternal, but created • Before he live on the earth, he was Michael, the archangel • Jesus died on a stomp, or stick, not a cross • Jehovah made the universe through him • On earth Jesus was just a man who lived a perfect life • Jesus was a perfect man punished for no wrong. How does this do anything • Jesus is no to be worshipped or prayed too • He is not coming again, he already "returned" invisibly in 1914 in spirit • Very soon, he and the angels will destroy all non-Jehovah's Witnesses • After dying on a stake (not a cross), he was resurrected as a spirit Who is the Holy Spirit? • The impersonal "holy spirit" is not God • Instead, the "holy spirit" is an invisible, active force from Jehovah What is man? • Man is Spirit that will not live eternally • There is no life after death except for the 144,000 How to be saved • Be baptized a s a Jehovah's Witness • Most followers must earn everlasting life on earth by "door-to-door work" • Salvation in heaven is limited to 144,000 "anointed ones" What happens after death • The 144,000 "anointed ones" live as spirits in heaven • The rest of the righteous (the great crowd) live on earth and must obey God perfectly for 1000 years or be annihilated Other beliefs and practices • Meet in "Kingdom Halls instead of churches" • Active members are encouraged to distribute literature door • Once a year, members observe "Lord's Evening Meal" (like communion); only "anointed ones" may actually partake • Members are not allowed to... o Observe holidays or birthdays or accept gifts o Vote o Salute the flag o Work in the military o Accept blood transfusions o Until 1980's JW'S could not get an organ transplant, because they viewed as cannibalism o Cant play chess o Cant buy girl scout cookies o They cant read books not approved by Watchtower. And they cant read the bible without interpreting through the Watchtower o Cant have wind chimes, use tobacco, and they cant wear cross or display crosses o Discourage involvement in team sports, arts, clubs, and music groups

What do you think of when you think of cults? How do they start? What is a cult?

• Generally, it is a group that is unorthodox, esoteric, and has a devotion to a person, object, or a set of new ideas o New Teaching- has a new theology and doctrine o Only True Teaching- often considers traditional religious systems to be apostate and it alone possesses that complete truth o Strong Leadership- often an individual or small but powerful leadership group holds control of the group's teaching and practices o Asset Acquirement- often requires tithing and/or property transfer to the religious system o Isolationist- to facilitate control over the members physically, intellectually, financially, and emotionally o Controlling- exercises control over the members. Sometimes this is through fear threatening loss of salvation if you leave the group. Sometimes through indoctrination o Indoctrination- possesses methods to reinforce the cult's beliefs and standards where opposing views are ridiculed and often misrepresented o Apocalyptic- to give the members a future focus and philosophical purpose in avoiding the apocalypse or being delivered through it o Experience- various practices including meditation, repetition of words and/or phrases, and 'spiritual' enlightenment with God are used as confirmation of their truth Depravation- sleep and food deprivation which weakens the will of the subject This is uncommon, through practiced by more severe cults o Persecution- predictions of being persecuted, often combined with claiming any opposing views demonstrated against them as a form of persecution • Many have non-verifiable belief systems: o For example, they would teach something that cannot be verified A space ship behind Hale-Bop comet Or that God, an alien, or angel appeared to the leader and gave him a revelation The members are seeded angels from another world o Often the philosophy makes sense only is you adopt the full set of values and definitions that it teaches With this kind of belief, truth becomes unverifiable, internalized, and easily manipulated through the philosophical systems of its inventor • The Leader of a Cult o Often charismatic and is considered very special for varying reasons: The cult leader has received special revelation from God The cult leader claims to be the incarnation of a deity, angel, or special messenger The cult leader claims to be appointed by God for a mission The cult leader claims to have special abilities o The leader is often above reproach and is not to be denied or contradicted • Cult ethos o Usually seeks to do good works, otherwise no one would join them o They are usually moral and possess a good standard of ethical teaching o Many times the Bible is used or additional "scriptures" are penned The Bible, when used, is always distorted with private interpretations o Many cults recruit Jesus as one of their own and redefine him accordingly • Cult groups vary greatly o From the ascetic to the promiscuous o From the esoteric knowledge to very simple teachings o From the rich and powerful to the poor and weak Who is vulnerable to joining a cult? • Everyone is vulnerable o Rich, poor, educated, non-educated, old, young, previously religious, atheistic, etc • General Profile of cult member (some or all of the following: o Disenchanted with conventional religious establishments o Intellectually confused over religious and/or philosophical issues o Sometimes disenchanted with society as a whole o Has a need for encouragement and support o Emotionally needy o Needs a sense of purpose o Financially needy Recruitment Techniques • They find a need and fill it. One of the ways they do this is called... o "Love Bombing" - constant positive affection in word and deed Sometimes there is a lot of physical contact like hugging, pats on the back and touching Cult group, members will lend emotional support to someone in need Help them in various ways...whatever is needed The person then becomes indebted to the cult Compliment them, reassure them, and make them the center of attention • Many cults use the influence of the Bible and/or mention Jesus as being one of their own; thereby adding validity to their system o Scripture twisting Those that use the Bible take verses out of context Then mix their misinterpreted verses with their aberrant philosophy • Gradualism o Slow altering of thinking processes and belief system through repeated teaching People usually accept cult doctrines one point at a time New beliefs are reinforced by other cult members Why would someone join a cult? • The cult satisfies various needs: o Psychological o Emotional o Intellectual • The cult gives them approval, acceptance, purpose, and a sense of belonging • The cult is appealing for some reason. It could be... o Moral rigidity and purity o Financial security o Promises of exaltation, redemption, higher consciousness, or a host of other rewards How are they kept in the cult? • Dependence o People often want to stay because the cult meets their psychological, intellectual, and spiritual needs • Isolation o Outside contacts are reduced and more and more of the life of the member is built around the cult o It then becomes very easy to control and shape the member • Cognitive Reconstruction (Brainwashing) o Once the person is indoctrinated, their thinking processes are reconstructed to be consistent with the cult and to be submissive to its leaders o This facilitates control by the cult leaders • Substitution o The Cult and cult leaders often take the place of mother, father, priest, teacher, and healer o Often the member takes on the characteristics of a dependent child seeking to win approval of the leader and or group • Indebtedness o The member becomes indebted to the group emotionally, financially, etc • Guilt o The person is told that to leave is to betray the leader, God, the group, etc. o The person is told that to leave would mean to reject the love and help the group has given • Threat o Threat of destruction by God for turning from the truth o Sometimes physical threat is used; though not often o Threat of missing the apocalypse, or judged on judgment day etc. How do you get them out? • The best thing is to try not to let them get trapped in the first place • If you are a Christian, then pray • But, to get a person out of a cult takes: o Time, energy, and support • Teach them the truth o Give them a true replacement for their aberrant belief system o Show the cult group's philosophic inconsistencies o Study the group and learn its history seeking clues and information • Try and get them physically away from the cult group • Give them the support they need emotionally • Alleviate the threat that if they leave the group they are doomed or in danger • Generally, don't attack the leader of the group...that comes later • Converts often feel a loyalty and respect and respect for the founder of the group • Confront them when needed Differences between a cult and a world religion • A religion teaches a different God, with different Holy Books. A cult is an attempt to correct or replace traditional religion, and supplant it with other teachings • Cults are totalitarian, religion offers freedom • Cults isolate members, religions work within society • • In cult commitment is encouraged before thought, and religions thought is encouraged, before commitment • In Cults, questioning the leader is not allowed, in religions, questioning the leaders is allowed

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