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What are alliances and how do they relate to WWI?

Alliances are unions formed for mutual benefit between countries. They related to WWI because it was thought the alliances would promote peace. Each country would be protected by others in case of war, making it foolish for one country to wage war on another. The danger of these alliances was that an argument between two countries could drag all the other nations allied with them into a fight.

Why did Germany have to send many of its troops east to Russia?

Because Russia mobilized much quicker than expected and had already begun attacking Germany from the East.

What was life like in Europe after WWI?

Europe was destroyed, and they experienced an influenza pandemic which killed over 20 million people.

Who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip.

How did Russia get involved in WWI?

Germany demanded that Russia stopped mobilizing but they didn't so Germany declared war on Russia.

What were the 4 major provisions of the Treaty of Versailles?

Germany must accept full blame for The Great War, Germany must pay reparations totaling over $30 billion, Germany could only have a very small military, and took land from Germany.

What group was Gavrilo Princip part of?

He was part of the Black Hand.

What is imperialism and how does it relate to WWI?

Imperialism is one countries domination of another politically, socially, and economically. It related to WWI because global competition for land caused confrontations and conflicts in many places.

What did the Schlieffen Plan call for?

It called for a quick attack on France through Belgium, attacking the French from behind.

What is propaganda?

It is the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause.

What was the league of nations?

It was a band of nations, that would meet together for peace.

What is militarism and how does it relate to WWI?

Militarism is the belief that you country should maintain a strong military in order to defend or promote your countries interests. It related to WWI because the more one nation built up its army and navy, the more other nations felt they had to do the same.

What are the causes of WWI?

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism.

What is nationalism and how does it relate to WWI?

Nationalism is the belief that your country is the best. It related to WWI because it led European nations to compete to build the largest army and navy.

What was the area of destruction called between trenches?

No Mans Land.

When did Germany invade Belgium?

On August 2, 1914.

When did Austria Hungary declare war on Serbia?

On July 28, 1914.

George Clemenceau, David George, and Woodrow Wilson led the what?

Paris Peace Conference.

Who was the President that led the U.S. through WWI?

President Woodrow Wilson.

How did technology affect WWI?

Technology changed much of the ways wars would be fought.

Who won the First Battle of the Marne? Then what happened to the war on the Western Front?

The Allies won.

What was the Schlieffen Plan?

The Schlieffen Plan was a German war plan designed by General Alfred von Schlieffen.

What was the spark that started WWI?

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

What was the Western Front?

The battle lines in western Europe during the "Great War" (later known as World War I) .

What was life like in Europe before WWI?

The longest stretch of peace in Europe's history. There were the first modern Olympic Games, creation of the Noble Peace Prize, pacifism was on rise, and the first Universal Peace Conference took place.

What were Germans forced to pay as a result of WWI?

They were forced to pay reparations.

What were the 3 primary reasons the U.S. entered into WWI?

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, Cutrual Ties, and the Zimmermann Note.

Why did Great Britain declare war on Germany?

They declared war because Great Britain and Belgium had signed a neutrality pact; when Germany invaded Belgium, Great Britain declared war on Germany.

What was Trench Warfare?

When each side (Central Powers & Allies) would dig hundreds of miles of trenches, connecting them together in order to defend their territory from attack.

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