Your Plastic Brain, Developing a Growth Mindset

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declarative knowledge

* the facts - ex. Learn facts of the road. -Learning formulas

Brain Plasticity (Neuroplasticity)

*Brain's ability to adapt and modify itself *Your brain reorganizes itself

Impact of a fixed-mindset

*False sense of superiority or inferiority *Fear of failure; refusal to take risks *Feeling that failure permanently defines you. *The believe that only untalented, ungifted people have to work for success; effort somehow reduces you *A desire to blame others or outside circumstances when things don't go your way.

Influence of a growth-mindset

*Love for learning and self-improvement *Desire to be challenged *Willingness to work for positive results *Belief that you can control the outcomes in your life with effort and practice *The ability to learn from your failures *Emotional resilience - Not angry easily


*Made up of 100 billion neurons that send pulses at 250 mph through the brain. *Creates enough power to light up a light bulb. *A person who is 100 has enough memory in their brain to equal a computer that is still 35 years from being made.

Creating Samrt Habits

*Most of the habits we have are good habits to have. -ex. brush teeth, get dressed, go to school *Our brain is constantly trying to create habits; good and bad *The main benefit of a habit is to take a process that required attention to start with and turn it into something that can be retrieved effortlessly from memory. *Make sure you are not spending valuable time and energy on tasks that could be automatic. *Smart habits require effort and repetition *Replace a bad habit with a good habit *Remove yourself from that situation *Find ways to stop performing the old habit.

How to keep your brain healthy in college

*Sleep *Video games and movies in moderation *Exercise *Develop good eating habits *Avoid drugs and alcohol *Limit technology use *Read everyday *Reduce stress *Spirtitual life

fixed mindset

*Stubborn *Doubt yourself *Quitter *Gives up *Easily frustrated

Growth Mindset

*believes In yourself *Confident *Never gives up *Persistent *Willingness to change *Hard workers

Conditional knowledge

*knowing the appropriate responses for a given set of circumstances - ex. Knowing how to drive in rain. -Switching problems around.

procedural knowledge

*taking those facts and doing - ex. Practice driving -Giving practice problems

Self evaluate

- test yourself before test.

Have fun

-Enjoy learning


-Pay attention -Look at teacher (direct eye contact) -Ask questions -Be serious

Take a break

-Study half hour, take break


-Wikipedia is an example -Explain to others

Study often

-get exposed within 24 hours

be honest with yourself

Are you Learning? -Can you describe how it works? -Can you describe it out loud specifically?

Stage 1 of Plasticity

Beginning of life when the immature brain organizes itself. - ex. Babies can't do certain things because their brains are reorganizing itself to learn. -Learn most through birth to 5/6 years

Only go so far

Brain Plasticity can_______________ to repair damage that affects the brain.

The brain as a whole reorganizes itself.

Brain cells do not necessarily re-grow after trauma, but....

What does this mean to Me as a college student?

Brain plasticity helps me to realize that I can learn and create new neutrons and change habits.


Growth mindset views challenges as opportunities for improvement

Set a goal

Have to push through constantly -Never give up

Stage 3 of Plasticity

In case of a brain injury in order to compensate for lost functions.

does not equal

Knowledge _____________ Understanding


Looking at instructor's feedback

Metacognition Regulation

Planning ➡️ Implementing & Monitoring ➡️ Evaluating

start early

Read ahead of teacher

Metacognition is....

Sort of the maturity in knowing how you learn. - Includes: prior knowledge to plan a strategy for approaching a learning task, take necessary steps to problem solve, reflect on and evaluate if needed. ▪Problem solving involves taking necessary steps. ▪Includes your thinking about thinking.


The awareness or analysis of one's own learning and thinking process. -"Thinking about your thinking."

Can brain can heal itself from a gunshot wound to the head?

The brain can heal itself from a gunshot to the head depending on where the injury takes place, age, and desire.


The fixed mindset sees limitations on intelligence, personality, opportunities, etc

Stage 2 of Plasticity

Through adulthood when something new is learned or memorized. -Rest of your life -Learning can be lots of things.


visual, aural (oral), reading/writing, kinesthetic

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