Z304 Midterm

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serve as role models in office

emotional contagion

shows that one person can "catch" or "be affected by" another person

Extraversion characteristics?

talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, narcissistic and dominant

sociology (ob foundation)

team characteristics

Problem sensitivity

the ability to sense that there's a problem right now or likely will be one

Oral comprehension

the ability to understand spoken words and sentences

Written comprehension

the ability to understand written words and sentences

Openness to experience

the active seeking and appreciation of experiences for their own sake

Other awareness

the appraisal and recognition of emotion in others

Rule of one-eighth

the belief that at best one-eighth, or 12 percent, of organizations will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first.

Number facility

the capability to do simple math operations


the degree to which the body is capable of exerting force

Causal inference

the establishement that one variable does cause another, based on covariation, temporal precedence and the elimination of alternative explanations


the extent to which individuals are prone to stress and anxiety

Explicit knowledge

the kind of information you are likely to think about when you picture someone sitting down at a desk to learn


the kinds of interactions are individual prefers from compassion to tough mindedness


the learner must view the model receiving reinforcement for the behavior and then receive it themselves

Bounded rationality

the notion that decision makers simply do not have the ability or resources to process all available information and alternatives to make an optimal decision

Availability bias

the tendency for people to base their judgements on information that is easier to recall


the use of data to guide decision making


the way an issue is posed; how an issue is framed can significantly affect decisions and judgments.

Job satisfaction

thinking of jobs and day to day work (Ind mechanism)

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS0

use example of critical to evaluate an employee job performance behavior directly

Job performance

value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either adding or taking away, to organizations goal accomplishment (dependent on type and level of job)

Situational strength principle

"strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations' lack those cues

Individual Mechanisms

#5 Job satisfaction; stress; motivation; trust, justics; learning and decision making


(r) Statistical relationship between 2 variables

It has low variety

George is a car wash employee whose job consists of directing customers into the automated car wash. Which of the following statements is true about George's job?

Political deviance

Gossiping and incivility


Nelson Roe works as an assistant coach for the Washington Wizards in the NBA. Recently he was offered the Head-coaching duties at the Portland Blazers. Though their terms and remuneration were very attractive and it would be a huge career move for Nelson, he declined the offer. He felt it was with Washington Wizards that he learned and developed as a coach, and that staying back at Washington Wizards is the right thing to do and is his obligation. This is an example of _____ commitment.


Some people react to bad rules or policies by constructively trying to change them, instead of passively complaining about them. This positive characteristic refers to:

Voice (organizational citizenship behavior)

Speaking up and offering constructive suggestions for change


States of feeling that are often intense, last for only a few minutes, and are clearly directed at and caused by someone or some circumstance


States of feeling that are often mild in intensity, last for an extended period of time, and are not explicitly directed at or caused by anything

HR Management

Takes OB principles/theories and applies their "nuts-and-bolts" in organizations


Those things that people consciously or subconsciously want to seek or attain - pay, promotions, supervision, coworkers, work itself, altruism, status and environment

Goal commitment

_____ is defined as the degree to which a person accepts a goal and is determined to try to reach it.

Task complexity

_____ reflects how complicated the information and actions involved in a task are, as well as how much the task changes.


_____, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader like."

Crisis situation

a change - sudden or evolving - that results in an urgent problem that must be addressed immediately


a collection of verbal and symbolic assertions that specify how and why variables are relatedness, as well as the conditions in which they should be related


a collective pool of experience, wisdom, and knowledge that benefits the organization

Auditory attention

being able to focus on a single sound in the presence of many other sounds


being energized by people and social interactions being energized by private time and reflection

psychological contract

beliefs about what they owe org and what org owes them

Visual color discrimination

is the ability to perceive colors and judge relative distances between things accurately

Near and far vision

is the ability to see things up close and at a distance or in low light contexts (night vision).

Self awareness

is the appraisal and recognition of emotion in others

Hearing sensitivity

is the capability to hear and discriminate sounds that vary in terms of loudness and pitch.


is the quality of physical movement

Tacit knowledge

is what employees can typically learn only through experience

Extent flexibility

is when people need to work in a cramped compartment or an awkward position.

Industrial and organization psychology (OB Foundation)

job performance and individual characteristics

Job characteristic moderators

knowledge and skill, growth and strength

Attentional processes

learner focuses attention on the critical behaviors exhibited by the model

Production processes

learner must have the appropriate skill set and be able to reproduce the behavior

Retention processes

learner must remember the behaviors of the model once the model is no longer present

Downsizing leads to...

less emotional ties, less obligation to stay

Internal attribution

low consensus, low distinctiveness, high consistency

economics (ob foundation)

motivation, learning and decisions

Emotional labor

need to manage ones emtions to complete ones job duties successfully

Non-programmed decision making

non-routine decision making that occurs in response to unusual, unpredictable opportunities and threats

Positive reinforcement

occurs when a positive outcome follows a desired behavior


occurs when an unwanted outcome follows an unwanted behavior

Negative reinforcement

occurs when an unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behavior


occurs when there is no consequence following a behavior

Self-serving bias

occurs when we attribute our own failures to external factors and our own successes to internal factors

Rational decision-making model

offers a step-by-step approach to making decisions that maximize outcomes by examining all available alternatives

meaningfulness of work

ones feeling about which work tasks are viewed as something that "counts" in employees system of beliefs


online database that includes characteristics of most jobs in terms of tak, behaviors, knowledge, skills and abilites

Big five personality traits?

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Method of science

people accept some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of samples, settings, and methods

Prospect theory

people choose to take on risk when evaluating potential losses and avoid risks when evaluating potential gains

Fundamental attribution error

people have a tendency to judge others' behaviors as due to internal factors

Method of intuition

people hold firmly to some belief because it "just stands to reason"—it seems obvious or self-evident.

Method of experience

people hold firmly to some belief because it is consistent with their own experience and observations

Method of authority

people hold firmly to some belief because some respected official, agency or source has said it is so

Numerous small decisions

people making many small decisions every day that are invisible to competitors

Faulty perceptions

perception is a process of selecting, organizing, storing and retrieving information about the environment.

Evidence-based management

perspective that argues that scientific findings should form the foundation for mngt education

Mngt by Objectives (MBO)

philosophy that bases employee evaluations on whether specific performance goals have been met

Job satisfaction

positive emotional state resulting from appraisal of ones job or job experiences; HOW YOU FEEL AND WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR JOB (rational, emotional)


recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment

Sensory abilities

refer to capabilities associated with vision and hearing

Fine manipulative abilities

refer to the ability to keep the arms and hands steady while using the hands to the precise work

Perceptual speed

refers to being able to examine and compare numbers, letters, and objects quickly

Speed and flexibility of closure

refers to being able to pick out a pattern of information quickly in the presence of distracting information, even without all the information present

Emotion regulation

refers to being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences

Spatial orientation

refers to having a good understanding of where one is relative to other things in the environment


refers to the ability of a person's lungs and circulatory system to work efficiently while he or she is engaging in prolonged physical activity


refers to the ability to bend, stretch, twist, or reach

Mathematical reasoning

refers to the ability to choose and apply formulas to solve problems that involve numbers

Response orientation

refers to the ability to choose the right action quickly in response to several different signals

Oral expression

refers to the ability to communicate ideas by speaking

Written expression

refers to the ability to communicate ideas in writing

Inductive reasoning

refers to the ability to consider several specific pieces of information and then reach a more general conclusion regarding how those pieces are related


refers to the ability to develop clever and novel ways to solve problems

Dynamic strength

refers to the ability to exert force for a prolonged period of time without becoming overly fatigued and giving out.

Static strength

refers to the ability to lift, push, or pull very heavy objects using the hands, arms, legs, shoulder, or back.

Gross body coordination

refers to the ability to synchronize the movements of the body, arms, and legs to do something while the whole body is in motion

Spatial ability

refers to the capabilities associated with visual and mental representation and manipulations of objects in space

Decision making

refers to the process of generating and choosing from a set of alternatives to solve a problem


refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities


refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior

Deductive reasoning

refers to the use of general rules to solve problems

Quantitative ability

refers to two types of mathematical capabilities

Verbal ability

refers to various capabilities associated with understanding and expressing oral and written communication

Response time

reflects how quickly an individual responds to signaling information after it occurs


reflects relatively permanent changes in an employee's knowledge or skill that result from experience

Use of emotions

reflects the degree to which people can harness emotions and employ them to improve their chances of being successful in whatever they are seeking to do

Socially complex resources

resources created by people, such as culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation. The source of competitive advantage is known, but the method of replicating the advantage is unclear


results when decision makers select the first acceptable alternative considered

Learning goal orientation

seek to develop goals or competence by acquiring new skills and mastering new situations

continuance commitment

desire to remain a part of org bc of awareness in cost of leaving (cost based/ NEED to)

affective commitment

desire to remain member of organization do to emotional attachment (emotion bases/ WANT to)

Normative commitment

desire to remain part of org due to feeling of obligation (OUGHT to) (Ex: volunteering)

Performance prove orientation

focus on demonstrating their competence so that others think favorably of them


-identical twins -genes


-surrounding -experiences

The modeling process

1. Attention 2. Retention 3. Production 4. Reinforcement

Job characteristics theory

5 core characteristics combine to result in high level of satisfaction with work itself (variety, identity, significance) (autonomy) (Feedback)


A collection of assertions-both verbal and symbolic-that specify how and why variables are related, as well as the conditions in which they should and should not be related (must be tested)


A desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of obligation is called _____ commitment.

Performance avoid orientation

focus on demonstrating their competence so that others will not think poorly of them

Job analysis

A list of the activities involved in a job is generated. Each activity on this list is rated by "subject matter experts," according to things like the importance and frequency of the activity. The activities that are related highly in terms of their importance and frequency are retained and used to define task performance.

Evidence-based management

A perspective that argues that scientific findings should form the foundation for management education, much as they do for medical education

Knowledge of results

A publishing firm believes in providing continuous feedback to employees regarding their work. Newly hired employees are assigned a mentor who works in their team. The mentor reviews the new employee's work, and provides tips on improving productivity. In this example, the firm is addressing which of the following critical psychological states that make work satisfying for employees?


A state in which employees feel a total immersion in the task at hand, sometimes losing track of how much time has passed

. Expectancy is a subjective probability ranging from A. 0 to 1. B. 1 to 5. C. 10 to 20. D. -1 to + 1. E. .5 to 1.5.

A. 0 to 1.

The management technique that assesses an employee's performance by directly assessing job performance behaviors is known as A. behaviorally anchored rating scales. B. management by objectives. C. 360 degree feedback. D. behaviorally applicable rating scales. E. 180 degree feedback.

A. behaviorally anchored rating scales.

Bianca Bentley has been a loyal employee for the past 25 years at Anthony International. However, Bianca does not enjoy her job any more and has been receiving several offers and inquiries from head hunters for other interesting jobs. Bianca feels that she should stay at Anthony International because her pension benefits increases during her later years of service as opposed to her initial years of service at Anthony International. This is an example of A. continuance commitment. B. affective commitment. C. ethical commitment. D. normative commitment. E. social influence.

A. continuance commitment.

T-Pain is overheard saying, "I can't stand my job, so I do what I can to get by. Sometimes I'm absent, sometimes I socialize, and sometimes I come in late. There's no real rhyme or reason to it; I just do whatever seems practical at the time." T-Pain is summarizing the _____ model of withdrawal. A. independent forms B. compensatory forms C. progression D. social influence E. erosion

A. independent forms

Method of Science

ACCEPT some belief bc scientific studies have tended to replicate results

-Individual Characteristics-

Ability; Personality and Culture Values

Emotions can trigger spontaneous behavior

According to the affective events theory:


According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, particularly people in the world at large is known as:

Voice (withdrawal behavior)

Active, constructive response; individuals attempt to fix the situation. This ties in with "stars" because they posses high commitment and high performance and are held up as role models for other employees.


Active, destructive response; individual either ends or restricts organizational membership. This ties in with "lone wolves" because they possess low levels of organizational commitment but high levels of task performance and are motivated to achieve work goals for themselves, but not necessarily for their company - This is a withdrawal behavior


After the annual appraisal, Ted was disappointed with his 10% increase in pay compared to the 40% increase his colleagues got. When Ted spoke to his manager, he was told his colleagues were able to perform well over the minimum standard. But Ted is not aware of the minimum standard or the numbers he has to compete with. What would help Ted improve his performance?

Value-percept theory

Argues that job satisfaction depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies the things that you value

Progression model

Argues that the various withdrawal behaviors are positively correlated

Independent forms model

Argues that the various withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated with one another, occur for different reasons, and fulfill different needs on the part of employees

Compensatory forms model

Argues that the various withdrawal behaviors negatively correlate with one another-that doing one means you're less likely to do another

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

Assess performance by directly assessing job performance behaviors

9. Which of these possesses high organizational commitment and low task performance? A. A star B. A citizen C. A lone wolf D. An apathetic E. An android

B. A citizen

_____ is a key driver of typical performance, whereas an employee's _____ is a key driver of maximum performance. A. Neuroticism; openness B. Conscientiousness; ability C. Extraversion; neuroticism D. Uncertainty avoidance; short-term orientation E. Agreeableness; openness

B. Conscientiousness; ability

An employee's response to job demands that are novel, unusual, or unpredictable is known as A. job withdrawal. B. adaptive task performance. C. counterproductive behavior. D. routine task performance. E. citizenship behavior.

B. adaptive task performance.

Staying at a company because you want to reflect _____ commitment, whereas staying because you need to reflect _____ commitment. A. continuance; affective B. affective; continuance C. continuance; normative D. normative; continuance E. normative; affective

B. affective; continuance

Staying at a company because you want to reflect _____ commitment, whereas staying because you need to reflect _____ commitment. A. continuance; affective B. affective; continuance C. continuance; normative D. normative; continuance E. normative; affective

B. affective; continuance

Agreeable people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. attainment striving E. power striving

B. communion striving

Delux Services was celebrating its operations in over 17 countries. Linda, a junior HR assistant, was disinterested in attending this celebratory event. The senior HR managers overheard Linda asking her friends the reason for this party. Back at the office, after a review, it was found that Linda never attended any of the meetings with the local business heads. Her lack of interest in attending the company's voluntary meetings or events would make her someone who displays _____. A. high self-esteem B. low civic virtue C. "A" player characteristics D. wasting resources E. positive boosterism

B. low civic virtue

Task performance

Behaviors directly involved in transformation of organizational resources into goods or services that are produces ( Job performance type)

Which theory suggests that employees create a "mental ledger" of the outcomes they get from their job duties? A. Expectancy theory B. Goal-setting theory C. Equity theory D. Psychological empowerment theory E. Extrinsic theory

C. Equity theory

Which theory focuses most specifically on describing the cognitive process that employees go through to make choices among different voluntary responses? A. Equity theory B. Extrinsic theory C. Expectancy theory D. Goal setting theory E. Psychological empowerment theory

C. Expectancy theory

____ consists of updates on employee progress toward goal attainment. A. Task complexity B. Goal commitment C. Feedback D. Self-efficacy E. Instrumentality

C. Feedback

Ethan wants to call his colleagues and boss home for his first wedding anniversary, but feels that he might fall short of expectations. His friend, Mathew encourages him and assures him that the party would be successful. Which of the following considerations will dictate Ethan's self-efficacy? A. Past accomplishments B. Vicarious experiences C. Verbal persuasion D. Equity distress E. Instrumentality

C. Verbal persuasion

When one person can "catch" or "be infected by" the emotions of another person, it is called: A. attachment. B. engagement. C. emotional contagion. D. empathy. E. emotional labor.

C. emotional contagion.


Can I perform my work independent of others?


Can I tell if I'm doing a good job (without coworkers or supervisor's telling me so)?

Knowledge work

Cognitive work - applying theoretical and analytical knowledge acquired through formal education and continuous learning

Psychological Withdrawal

Consists of actions that provide a mental escape from the work environment - Daydreaming, socializing or looking busy

Physical Withdrawal

Consists of actions that provide a physical escape, whether short or long term, from the work environment - Tardiness, long breaks or missing meetings

Continuance Commitment

Cost-based, and staying because you need to

General cognitive ability has _____ effect on task performance. A. a near zero B. a moderate negative C. a moderate positive D. a strong positive E. a strong negative

D. a strong positive

According to the Job characteristics theory, the degree to which the job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual performing the work is known as A. feedback. B. significance. C. meaningfulness of work. D. autonomy. E. identity.

D. autonomy.

Russell is a law enforcement officer in a high crime district who has been instrumental in the declining crime rate. Russell is experiencing A. high autonomy. B. low significance. C. low autonomy. D. high significance. E. high identity.

D. high significance.

Nelson Roe works as an assistant coach for the Washington Wizards in the NBA. Recently he was offered the Head-coaching duties at the Portland Blazers. Though their terms and remuneration were very attractive and it would be a huge career move for Nelson, he declined the offer. He felt it was with Washington Wizards that he learned and developed as a coach, and that staying back at Washington Wizards is the right thing to do and is his obligation. This is an example of _____ commitment. A. continuance B. intuitive C. evaluative D. normative E. affective

D. normative

The desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization refers to A. productivity. B. job performance. C. job satisfaction. D. organizational commitment. E. organizational culture.

D. organizational commitment.


forces driving work effort (ind mechanism)

At Sweet Eugene's Coffee House, employees learned that a few of them will be losing their jobs, and in response, they purposefully started to mix decafe beans in bags of regular beans and vice versa. This created serious customer service issues and the company lost major accounts. The action of the employees at Sweet Eugene's can be described as A. theft. B. incivility. C. wasting resources. D. sabotage. E. political deviance.

D. sabotage.

The set of actions that employees perform to avoid the work situation that may eventually culminate in quitting the organization refers to A. productivity behaviors. B. commitment behaviors. C. performance behaviors. D. withdrawal behaviors. E. citizenship behaviors.

D. withdrawal behaviors.

Job characteristics theory

Describes the central characteristics of intrinsically satisfying jobs


Describes the statistical relationship between two variables

Organizational Commitment

Desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization - This includes affective, continuance and normative commitment


Does my job require completing a whole, identifiable piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome?


Does my work matter?


Don always maintains a good attitude with coworkers even when the department goes through tough times. Don's behavior is an example of:

Riya has become famous creating new styles in Women's formal wear. Her assistants duplicate the pattern created by Riya, cut cloth pieces and sew them into a garment. The work done by Riya would fall under _____ whereas the work done by her assistants could be termed as _____ respectively. A. Routine task performance; Creative task performance B. Creative task performance; Counterproductive behavior C. Citizenship behaviors; Counterproductive behavior D. Counterproductive behavior; Creative task performance E. Creative task performance; Routine task performance

E. Creative task performance; Routine task performance

Which of these is not one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values? A. Power distance B. Masculinity-femininity C. Individualism-collectivism D. Uncertainty avoidance E. Extraversion-introversion

E. Extraversion-introversion

Kelly believes that if she successfully earns her MBA, she'll be promoted to a midlevel executive manager position. She is therefore motivated to earn an MBA. Kelly is exhibiting which of the following? A. Past accomplishments B. Vicarious experiences C. Verbal persuasion D. Emotional cues E. Instrumentality

E. Instrumentality

Of the five facets of value-percept theory, if job satisfaction had to increase to a large extent, which facet should be given high priority for improvement? A. Pay satisfaction B. Promotion satisfaction C. Supervision satisfaction D. Coworker satisfaction E. Satisfaction with the work itself

E. Satisfaction with the work itself

When someone from another company is referred to as the 'comparison other', one is involved in a(n): A. equity distress. B. emotional cue. C. cognitive distortion. D. internal comparison. E. external comparison.

E. external comparison.

Ann works at Creative Links International. Her job requires her to spend 8 hours a day entering the employee's salary information on Excel spreadsheets. Ann's job is characterized by: A. high autonomy. B. high variety. C. high identity. D. high significance. E. low variety.

E. low variety.

The dimensions of psychological empowerment include all of these except: A. meaningfulness. B. self-determination. C. competence. D. impact. E. needs.

E. needs.

The Big Five dimension _____ is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

E. neuroticism


Emily and Steffi work at Education Yours, a non-profit educational institution. Last month, Steffi, newly hired on a temporary teaching assignment, was asked by her supervisor to prepare material for teaching their courses online. Being new to online teaching, Steffi is considering her efficacy. Steffi has been talking to several individuals including Emily who have been teaching online for several years. Emily takes pride in her teaching and always approaches her teaching with total enthusiasm. Giving Steffi tips for effective online teaching and other do's and don'ts, Emily believes that exerting high level of effort will result in a successful performance in her online teaching. Which of the following best describes Emily's belief about exerting high level of effort?

Affective Commitment

Emotion-based, and staying because you want to

Task performance

Employee behaviors that directly transform organizational resources into the goods or services that the organization produces -This includes routine, adaptive and creative

Counterproductive behaviors

Employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment

Psychological contracts

Employee's belief of what they owe the company and what the company owes them

Vicarious Experiences

Employees consider _____ for a given task by taking into account their observations and discussions with others who have performed similar tasks.

Social Influence Model

Employees who have direct linkages with "leavers" may be susceptible to "turnover contagion"

Erosion Model

Employees with fewer bonds with others will be most likely to leave an organization

4 e's of GE leadership

Energy, energize, execute and edge(yes or no decisions)

Casual inferences

Establishing that one variable really does cause another

Withdrawal behaviors

Exit: active destructive Voice: active, constructive Loyalty: passive constructive neglect: passive destructive

Job enrichment

Expanding the duties and responsibilities of a job to provide more variety, identity, autonomy and so forth

Socially networking systems

Facebook and Twitter have recently been applied in organizational contexts for the purposes of developing and evaluating employee job performance

Organizational Behavior

Field of study devoted to understanding, explaining and improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations

Strategic Management

Focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organizations profitability

Forced ranking

Forces managers to rank all their people into one of three categories: top 20% (A players), vital middle 70% (B players) or bottom 10% (C players)

Personal aggression

Harassment and abuse

Interpersonal citizenship behavior

Helping, courtesy and sportsmanship

Method of experience

Hold firmly to a belief bc it is consistent with their own experience and observations


How many activities do I perform? Do they require different skills and talents?

Openness to Experience

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity

OB Foundations

Industrial and organizations psychology; social psychology; sociology; and economics

Citizenship behavior types

Interpersonal: going beyond normal job expectations to assist, support and develop coworkers and colleagues Organizational: going beyond normal expectations to improve OPERATIONS of org, as well as defending org and being loyal to it


Involves assisting coworkers who have heavy workloads, aiding them with personal matters and showing new employees the ropes when they first arrive on the job

360-degree feedback

Involves collecting performance information, not just from the supervisor but from anyone else who might have firsthand knowledge about the employee's performance behaviors

Adaptive task performance

Involves employee responses to task demands that are novel, unusual, or, at the very least, unpredictable


Involves maintaining a good attitude with coworkers, even when they've done something annoying or when the unit is going through tough times


It takes all of the correlations found in studies of a particular relationship and calculates a weighted average

Socially complex resources

It's not always clear how they came to develop, though it is clear which organizations do and do not possess them Ex) culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation

--Individual Mechanisms--

Job Satisfaction; Stress; Motivation; Trust, justice and ethics; Learning and decision making

---Individual Outcomes---

Job performance; Organizational Commitment

-Group Mechanisms_

Leadership: Styles and behaviors, Power and negotiation Teams: Processes and Communication, Characteristics and Diversity

Management by objectives (MBO)

Management philosophy that bases an employees evaluations on whether the employee achieves specific performance goals

Forced ranking

Managers rank coworkers in top 20, vital 70, and bottom 10


Mauve has been working as the creative head at Juno Designs for the past 10 years. Her growth at Juno has made her one of the finest designers in the field. Of late Mauve has been receiving several offers and inquiries from head hunters from other companies. Mauve feels that she should stay with Juno Designs because her retirement benefit increases during her later years of service as opposed to her initial years of service. This is an example of _____ commitment.


Means representing the organization in a positive way when out in public, away from the office, and away from work


Melissa was reading her slam book from junior high, in which most of her friends described her as a dependable and reliable individual. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Melissa.

Job crafting

Not really having a job description and figuring out what you want to do with the job

Normative Commitment

Obligation-based, and staying because you ought to

Satisfaction with the work itself

Of the five facets of value-percept theory, if job satisfaction had to increase to a large extent, which facet should be given high priority for improvement?

casual Inferences

One variable causes other 1) 2 variables correlated 2) presumed cause precedes presumed affect in time 3) no alternate explanation


Organizational Culture and Structure

Exit ; Neglect

Organizational commitment should decrease the likelihood that an individual will respond to a negative work event with _____ or _____.


Passive, constructive response; individual maintains public support for the situation while privately hoping for improvement. This ties in with "citizens" because they posses high commitment and low task performance but perform many of the voluntary "extra-role" activities that are needed to make the organization function smoothly


Passive, destructive response; individual's interest and effort in the job declines. This ties in with "apathetics" because they posses low levels of both organizational commitment and task performance and merely exert the minimum level of effort needed to keep their jobs

Method of science

People accept some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of samples, settings and methods

Method of intuition

People hold firmly to some belief because it "just stands to reason"-it seems obvious or self-evident

Method of experience

People hold firmly to some belief because it is consistent with their own experience and observations

Method of authority

People hold firmly to some belief because some respected official, agency, or source has said it is so

360 degree feedback

Performance evaluation system that uses supervisors, coworkers, subordinates and customers and emplyees themselves

Individual Characteristics

Personality and culture; Ability

Environment and genes

Personality traits are a function of both your:

Job satisfaction

Positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience - represents how you feel about your job and what you think about your job

Strategic Management

Product choices and individual characteristics that affect an organizations profitability

Counterproductive behavior types

Production deviance, property deviance, political deviance, and personal aggression

Task performance obligations

ROUTINE: well know responses to demands that occur in normal, routine or predicated way ;;; ADAPTIVE: responses by employee to unique or unusual situations ;;; CREATIVE: degree to which individuals develop ideas or physical outcomes that re both novel and useful

What makes a resource valuable?

Rare; Inimitable (history, numerous small decisions, socially complex resource)

Promotion satisfaction

Refers to employees' feelings about the company's promotion policies and their execution, including whether promotions are frequent, fair, and based on ability

Coworker satisfaction

Refers to employees' feelings about their fellow employees, including whether coworkers are smart, responsible, helpful, fun and interesting as opposed to lazy, gossipy, unpleasant and boring

Pay satisfaction

Refers to employees' feelings about their pay, including whether it's as much as they deserve, secure, and adequate for both normal expenses and luxury items


Refers to keeping coworkers informed about matters that are relevant to them

Civic Virtue

Refers to participating in the company's operations at a deeper-than-normal level by attending voluntary meetings and functions, reading and keeping up with organizational announcements, and keeping abreast of business news that affects the company

Satisfaction with the work itself

Reflects employees' feelings about their actual work tasks, including whether those tasks are challenging, interesting, respected and make use of key skills rather than being dull, repetitive and uncomfortable

Supervision satisfaction

Reflects employees' feelings about their boss, including whether the boss is competent, polite, and a good communicator

Perceived organizational support

Reflects the degree to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being

creative task performance ; routine task performance

Riya has become famous creating new styles in women's formal wear. Her assistants copy the patterns created by her, cut cloth pieces and sew them into garments that look like her creations. The work done by Riya is a type of _____ whereas the work done by her assistants is a type of _____.

_____ involves well-known responses to normal job demands that occur in a predictable way.

Routine Task Performance

Property deviance

Sabotage and theft

Sensing ; Intuition

Sam and Matilda are successful stock brokers working with Invest Right Broking. Before striking a deal with a company, Sam reviews the company's reports and past data. Matilda on the other hand buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _____ type best describes Sam and the _____ type best describes Matilda.

Emotional contagion

Shows that one person can "catch" or "be infected by" the emotions of another person

Charles finds an advertisement for an accountant's position at a local office. The advertisement mentions preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records for accuracy and completeness as job responsibilities of the accountant's position. These job descriptions typically refer to:

Task performance

Job performance types

Task performance; citizenship behavior, counterproductive behavior


The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _____.


The Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in group and act loyal to it. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, what is the personality dimension that you will use to describe the Chinese culture?


The anticipated value of the outcomes associated with performance is known as:


The belief that a person has the capabilities needed to execute the behaviors required for task success is known as:

Rule of One-Eighth

The belief that at best one-eighth, or 12%, of organizations will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first


The belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task is known as:


The belief that successful performance will result in some outcome(s) is known as:

Life satisfaction

The degree on which employees feel a sense of happiness with their lives

Creative task performance

The degree to which individuals develop ideas or physicals outcomes that are both novel and useful


The desire to remain a member of an organization due to emotional attachment to, and involvement with, that organization is called "_____ commitment."

Individual Characteristics

The factors that improve individual mechanisms. Some examples are: personality and cultural values and ability.

Emotional labor

The need to manage one's emotions to complete one's job duties successfully


The set of actions that employees perform to avoid the work situation that may eventually culminate in the employee quitting the organization are referred to as _____ behavior.

Scientific method

Theory -- hypothesis -- Data -- verification -- theory

Individual Mechanisms

Things that directly affect job performance and organizational commitment. These include: job satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust, justice, ethics, learning and decision making.

Job performance

Value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either positively or negatively, to organizational goal accomplishment - This includes task performance, citizenship behavior and counterproductive behavior

Organizational citizenship behavior

Voice, civic virtue and boosterism

Organizational citizenship behavior types

Voice; civic virtue - participating deeper than normal; boo`sterism - positively representing the org

Citizenship behaviors

Voluntary employee behaviors that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the overall quality of the work setting -This includes organizational and interpersonal citizenship behaviors

Citizenship Behavior (Job performance type)

Voluntary employment behavior that contributes to organizational goals by improving the context in which work takes place 1) relevant to almost any job 2) Discretionary and frequently can change 3) supervisors often consider OCBs in job evaluations

Production deviance

Wasting resources and substance abuse

Routine task performance

Well-known responses to demands that occur in a normal, routine, or otherwise predictable way

Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior

Which of the following behaviors benefits coworkers and colleagues and involves assisting, supporting, and developing other organizational members in a way that goes beyond normal job expectations?


Which of these dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm?

Service work

Work that provides non tangible goods to customers through direct electronic, verbal, or physical interaction

Affective events theory

Workplace events can generate affective reactions - reactions that then can go on to influence work attitudes and behaviors


Written predictions that specify relationships between variables


a method that combines the results of multiple scientific studies by essentially calculating a weighted average correlation across studies

Evidence-based management

a perspective that argues that scientific findings should form the foundation for management education


a statistical relation between two variables. Abbreviated r, it can be positive or negative and range from 0 (no statistical relationship) to 1 (a perfect statistical relationship)

Confirmation bias

a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence

lone wolves

achieve work by themselves for self

Withdrawal behavior

actions intended to avoid work situations

Psychological withdrawal (neglect)

actions that provide mental escape with work enviroment (daydreaming, socializing, looking busy)

Programmed (intuitive) decision making

an unconscious decision making process, somewhat automatic because a person's knowledge allows him or her to recognize and identify a situation and the course of action that needs to be taken

Neuroticism characteristics?

anxious, sensitive, experience strong feelings and stress, negativity, moody, insecure, jealous


approaching decisions with logic and critical analysis approaching decisions with an emphasis on others' needs and feelings


approaching tasks by planning and setting goals preferring to have flexibility and spontaneity when performing tasks

Control movement abilities

are important in tasks for which people have to make different precise adjustments using machinery to complete the work effectively


are the states of feeling that are often MILD in intensity, last for an extended period of time, and are not explicitly directed at or caused by anything (pleasantness and activation)

Value percept theory

argues that job satisfaction depends on whether you perceive that you job supplies the things that you value V= pay, promotion, SUPERVISION, COWORKER, WORK ITSELF

Social learning theory

argues that people in organizations have the ability to learn through the observation of others

Personality and Culture

behave at work, kind of tasks, how they react (Ind characteristic)

Cognitive abilities

capabilities related to the acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving


cognitive abilities, emotional skills and physical skills (ind characteristic)


collection of assertions ( 5 w's )


consciously or sub consciously want to seek or attain

Physical withdrawal

consists of actions that provide a physical escape, whether short or long term, form the work Env (EXIT) (tardiness, long breaks, missing meetings, moonlighting)

Agreeableness characteristics?

cooperative, caring, trusting, tolerant, friendly, compliant, modest, warm


degree in which job offers whole completion of work


degree of organization, persistence, control and motivation in goal directed behavior

Responsibility for outcomes

degree to which employee feel they are key drivers of quality of work output

Conscientiousness characteristics?

dependable, careful, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, "get things done", and perservering

Organizational commitment

desire on the part of the employee to remain a member of the organization

Trust, Justice

does business with fairness, honest and integrity (ind mechanism)

Job enrichment

duties and responsibilities associated with a job are expanded to provide more VARIETY, IDENTITY, AND AUTONOMY

Social psychology (ob foundation)


Counterproductive behavior (Job performance type)

employee behavior that intentionally hinders organization goal accomplishment


employee connection to and SENSE OF FIT in the org and comm (continuance)


employee relations in terms of monetary obligations

Social influence model

employee with direct link to coworkers who leave org are more likely to also leave (affective)

Erosion model

employee with fewer bonds are most likely to quit (affective)


enjoy abstract, analytical, theory-orientated tasks


enjoy entertaining and fascinating others using imagination


enjoy helping, serving, or assisting


enjoy organizing, counting, or regulating people or things


enjoy persuading, leading, or outperforming other


enjoy practical, hands-on, real-word tasks

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

evaluates individuals on the basis of four types of preferences including extroversion v. introversion, sensing v. intuition, thinking v. feeling, judging v. perceiving

4 methods

experience, intuition, authority, and science

Four methods of learning?

experience, intuition, authority, and science

Knowledge of results

extent which employees are aware of how well or how poorly they are doing

Strategic management

field of study devoted to exploring the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability

Organizational behavior

field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations

Human resource managememnt

field of study that focuses on the applications of OB theories and principles in organizations


freedom and individuality

Perceptual abilities

generally refer to being able to perceive, understand, and recall patterns of information

Psychomotor abilities

generally refer to the capacity to manipulate and control objects

Dynamic flexibility

happens when a job requires repeated and somewhat quick bends, stretches, twists, or reaches.

Behavioral modeling

happens when employees observe the actions of other learn from what they observe, and then repeat the observed behavior

Explosive strength

happens when the person exerts short bursts of energy to move him- or herself or an object.


headaches and fatigue caused from work stress

External attibution

high consensus, high distinctiveness, and low consistency

Method of authority

hold firmly to a belief bc a respected official, agency, or source said so

Method of Intuition

hold firmly to a belief bc it "just stands to reason" and seems obvious

active events theory

how workplace events generate emotional reactions that impact work behavior

Emotional intelligence

human ability that affects social functioning

Openness to experience characteristics?

imaginative, broadminded, cultured, innovative


impact on others lives


incapable of being imitated or copied

Gross body equilibrium

involves the ability to maintain the balance of the body in unstable contexts or when the person has to change directions

Wonderlic Personnel Test

is a 12 minute test of general cognitive ability that consists of 50 questions

Reasoning ability

is a diverse set of abilities associated with sensing and solving problems using insight, rule, and logic

Speech recognition

is the ability to identify and understand the speech of another person.


is the ability to imagine how separate things will look if they were put together in a particular way

Psychological states

meaningfulness of work, responsibility for outcomes, knowledge of results


minimal effort to keep job

focus of commitment

ppl, places, and things that inspire a desire to remain member of an organization


preferring clear and concrete facts and data preferring hunches and speculations based on theory and imagination

Knowledge work

primarily involve cognitive activity vs physical activity

HR Management

principles studied in OB explores "nuts and bolts" of those principles in organizations

Job analysis

process by which organization determines requirements of specific jobs 1) list of activities 2) rated by "subject of matter experts" 3) highly rated activities define task performance

Service work

providing direct verbal or physical interactions with customers


psychological response to job demands (ind Mechanism)


quantity and intensity of energy directed outwards into the social world


simple, efficient, rules of thumb that allow us to make decisions more easily


state which emplyee feels total immersion in the task at hand, sometimes loosing track of how much time has passed


states of feeling that are often INTENSE, last for a short time, and are clearly directed at (and caused by) someone or a something (pos: joy, pride, relief, hope, compassion) (neg: anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, sadness)

Organizational behavior

study devoted to understanding, explaining and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations

RIASEC model

suggests that interests can be summarized by six different personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional

Trait activation principle

suggests that some situations provide cues that trigger the expression of a given trait


take correlations found in studies of particular relationships and calculates WEIGHTED AVG (.5 r is strong, .3 r is moderate, and .1 r is weak)


volunteer for additional work in office

emotional labor

when employees manage their emotions to complete job duties successfully


written predictions


written predictions that specify relationships between variables

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