zoology midterm combined

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Animals with bilateral symmetry


Nervous tissue is made of


Which kingdom contains multicellular organisms that ingest their food?


Each turn of the Krebs cycle produces

3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1 ATP

Which best describes a control group in an experiment?

A group that lacks the disturbance experienced by the experimental group

Sea anemones and corals lack

A medusa stage

From Missouri to central Ohio to Pennsylvania, many people believe that they have water moccasins ("cottonmouth snakes") in their farm ponds. Many have "seen them" although they are not so foolish as to try to capture one alive. Meanwhile, the wildlife officers and the range maps in the herpetology books say that cottonmouths do not breed this far north. What is the most scientific attitude to assume on this issue?

A simple field trip to the pond locations — to capture and confirm the identity of the snakes — would settle the matter

What is a hypothesis?

A tentative statement, based on information or data, that explains a large number of observations and guides experimentation

The long thread-like structures that help to overcome prey and provide defense in sea anemones are called ________ ________.

Acontia threads

Protozoans in the genus Trypanosoma cause

African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease

Nutrition in unicellular eukaryotes is best described as

All of the choices are correct

Reproduction in sponges is

All of the choices are correct

The unique feature(s) of a cnidarian nervous system is/are

All of the choices are correct

Which of the following statements about sponges is NOT correct?

Ameboid cells capture food particles from the water

Organisms that are haploid and reproduce by asexual means may have

An evolutionary advantage because mutations are immediately expressed rather than hidden by a normal allele on the homologous chromosome

Haploid cells that are unequal in size, such as sperm and egg, are called


Which unicellular eukaryote is NOT correctly linked to the type of movement structure it possesses?


Cells that move about in the mesohyl and digest particles and may specialize for other functions are the


The most correct usage of the term "protozoa" is

As an informal cluster of groups with complicated and uncertain phyletic relationships

The simplest of canal systems is found in the


Most of the time, although they usually have other options, protozoans reproduce by

Asexual cell division

Throughout most cnidarian groups, the basal or pedal disc serves to

Attach the cnidarian to the substrate

Long, thin pseudopodia supported by axial rods of microtubules are


Why are bath sponges so soft?

Bath sponges are composed primarily of softer spongin

A sponge feeds by

Beating the flagella of collar cells to form a current; food is absorbed by collar cells

The placenta develops from

Both fetal and maternal tissue

Hydra reproduces asexually by


The man who developed the present system of classification was

Carolus Linnaeus

Which hierarchy of organization is seen in multicellular organisms such as animals, going from smallest to largest?

Cell, tissue, system, organism

Cells responsible for water flow and capture of some particles are the


Which of the following is NOT a correct description of cnidarian nervous tissues?

Cnidaria are the first animals to develop a central nervous system

Nematocysts are stinging organelles contained inside cells called __________________.


The structural protein found in all sponges is


Ctenophores capture food by


The term "reducing atmosphere" for the early earth means that the atmosphere

Contained little or no free oxygen


Contrasts with endoplasm; both ectoplasm and endoplasm are cytoplasmic components

At the end of the oral groove in a Paramecium ciliate is a mouth structure called the


The fishing tentacles in the Portuguese manofwar are long tentacles with many nematocysts called


Which is NOT a correct description of a member of a protozoan group?

Development involves an embryonic stage

"Red tides" are caused by massive blooms of


If you removed the statocyst from a ctenophore, the most likely symptom you would notice would be

Disorientation or swimming in a haphazard manner

Giardia lamblia causes

Dysentery and intestinal ailments and is found in contaminated water

The structure of a brick does not predict the design of a skyscraper. Study of muscle tissues does not allow you to predict the design of a bird or snake. Such examples demonstrate

Emergent properties that cannot be predicted by examining their parts

Irritability is related to which general property of life?

Environmental interaction

The chills and fever of malaria are correlated with

Escape of populations of merozoites from red blood cells

Animals with organs in a cavity that is completely lined with mesoderm are


The great pyramids of Egypt are made from stone formed from fossil


One way of establishing whether a character of an extant species is ancestral or derived is to locate a/an ______ and if the character occurs in both, it is likely ________.

Fossil, ancestral

During conjugation in most ciliates

Haploid micronuclei are exchanged

Which association of anthozoan traits is NOT correct?

Hydrostatic skeleton—hard coral secretions

The distinction between phagotrophs (or holozoic feeders) and osmotrophs (or saprozoic feeders) is a difference between

Ingesting visible particles or organisms versus ingesting dissolved substances, sometimes from dead organisms

Nematocysts are expelled when the

Internal hydrostatic pressure increases when water enters due to osmotic pressure inside

When the haploid cells or pronuclei are borne in equal-sized cells that look alike, they are called


The mode of action of the causative agent of amebic dysentery is

It invades the intestinal lining and secretes enzymes that cause loss of fluid; it can also cause abscesses on liver and other organs

At the base of every flagellum or cilium is found a/an


The most complex and the most common canal system of sponges is found in the


Specialized archaeocytes that secrete large quantities of collagen are


The largest impact that the loss of sponges would have on the environment would be

Loss of filtration

Neutral fats are

Made of fatty acids and glycerol

Protist reproduction

May be asexual or any of the above sexual cycles

Diploblastic organisms lack which germ layer(s)?


The extracellular matrix found in sponges is


Mosquitoes that transmit malaria pick up what stage(s) when feeding on the blood of a patient ill with malaria?

Microgametocytes and macrogametocytes that mature into gametes in the insect host

The modified cells of sponges that form circular bands and provide just a little constriction to control flow are


Gastric filaments bearing _________________ are found in scyphozoan medusae.


Fish sperm is mostly made of male fish D.N.A. A chemical test would find high amounts of

Nitrogenous bases, sugar, and phosphate groups

Red blood cells come in blood "types" including type A, type B, type AB, type O [lacking proteins A and B], Rh positive and Rh negative [lacking Rh+], and many others. These blood type proteins are

On the outer surface of the red blood plasma membrane

The fossil record of Cnidaria is

One of the longest records, with fossils going back over 700 million years

The order in which a drop of ink would pass by the structures in a sponge is


The ciliate group of protists would include

Paramecium caudatum

The free-swimming larva of most sponges is a


The outer thin, flat, epithelial-like cells that cover the outside and some inside surfaces of sponges, are


How does the mosquito transmit malaria from an ill person to a healthy person?

Plasmodium gametocytes are taken up from one person's blood, fuse to form a zygote that becomes a motile ookinetes, that crosses the stomach wall, forms an oocyst that undergoes sporogony and the sporozoites then migrate to the saliva ducts to be injected into the human host

The _____ stage is best adapted for cnidarians living in colonies while the ____ stage helps in dispersal and survival in open oceans.

Polyp, medusa

Hermaphroditic sea anemones that produce sperm first and eggs later, to prevent self-fertilization, are called


If you press a sponge through a coarse cloth bag, the cells will

Reassemble into many smaller sponges with each cell resuming its original job

The polypoid stage of scyphozoans is called ________________.


There are two basic forms of reproduction:

Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction, but not budding

Cnidarians are found most abundantly in which of the following habitats?

Shallow marine habitats

To what extent are the cells of a colonial Volvox specialized?

Somatic cells function in nutrition and locomotion while a few "germ" cells carry out reproduction

In his voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle, most of Darwin's observations about changes in species over time and in different environments took place in and near

South America

Study of the marine hawks-bill turtle stomach contents found that sponges were a major portion of their diet. Sponges are usually protected from predators by protective structures called


Specialized archaeocytes that secrete spongin are


The small organs of equilibrium in scyphozoan jellyfishes are called ______________, and these are borne in more complex sense organs called rhopalium.


What are the functions of the macronucleus and one or more small micronuclei in Paramecium?

The micronucleus undergoes meiosis to produce haploid micronuclei that are exchanged in conjugation; the macronucleus is responsible for the "day-to-day" functions of the cell

Which of the following is NOT a correct description of how the cytoplasm moves in pseudopodia?

The nucleus codes for each movement using DNA and protein formation

How does Hydra reproduce sexually?

The polyp body wall can produce both ovaries and testes that make sperm and eggs

The point of fertilization occurs when

The sperm nucleus and egg nucleus unite to form a zygote

Which statement about adult sponges is false?

Their bodies are aggregations of one cell type

A Paramecium "knows" when it has encountered a noxious substance and backs off to veer away. As a one-celled organism, how does it "know" to do this?

This is a rather simple stimulus that changes the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane and depolarization of the membrane results in cilia reversing their direction of beating

Chaga's disease in the Americas is carried by

Triatomine "kissing" bugs

An egg moves down an oviduct by

Tubular muscle contractions and cilia in oviduct

Which is a correct usage of phenotype and genotype?

Two different genotypes may produce the same phenotype

The traditional view of cnidarians relative to germ layers is that cnidaria possess

Two germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm

When a nucleus has chromatin that is clumped, leaving clear areas within the nucleus, the appearance is described as


The function of the contractile vacuole in protozoa is

Water balance

A population of salamanders live along the edge of a north-south mountain range. The populations from the east and west slope eventually join in a low northern pass and interbreed, producing fertile offspring, but they do not circle around the southern edge because of a desert barrier. When glaciers move southward, the populations are pushed south of the northern pass and are isolated. While isolated, the two populations develop enough differences over time that when the glaciers retreat north and the salamanders again share the same pass, they no longer mate at the same time, nor can they produce fertile offspring. These salamanders

Were originally one species but are now two species

Genes that determine sex-linked traits in humans are found on the

X chromosome

The tall secretory cells around the pedal disc and mouth of hydra are the ______ cells.


The correct sequence in the life cycle of the jellyfish Aurelia is

planula, scyphistoma, ephyra

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