1-15 star
*admonish**, [The judge *admonish*ed the young man for fighting in the street]
(-) to scold gently (비난계열)%https://o.quizlet.com/n8hryal3QvEH2Z9v98vgjQ_m.jpg
*aggrieved*, [He felt *aggrieved* by their refusal to meet with him.]
(because of unjust treatment) 분개한, 억울해 하는 (ag+greived= 슬픔을 향해가다)%https://o.quizlet.com/i/qxOED_KCQBzkyGUQoauLCw_m.jpg
*allay**, [The new advertising campaign is an attempt to *allay* the public's concerns about the safety of the company's products.]
(두려움, 의심, 염려) 가라앉히다, (고통) 완화시키다, 달래다.%https://o.quizlet.com/0ev59ZovSWkh9RPkXKUU-Q_m.jpg
*acquiesce*, [They demanded it , and he *acquiesce*d ]
(마지못해) 순응하다, 따르다 (ac+quiesce(quiet))%https://o.quizlet.com/KZPr3OdOKCKJzHce8GmsPg_m.jpg
*acrimonious*, [He went through an *acrimonious* divorce.]
(말, 논쟁, 싸움) 험악한, 신랄한;%https://o.quizlet.com/WNSpeO-R3MxrlVtAQVT5sw_m.jpg
*abet*, 1, Their actions were shown to *abet* terrorism.
(범죄, 나쁜 짓) 부추기다, 자극하다
*amend*, They voted to *amend* the law.
(법 등을) 개정하다, 수정하다
*adulterate**, [The company is accused of adulterating its products with cheap additives.]
(불순물을 섞어) 순도/품질을 떨어뜨리다 (=contaminate)%https://o.quizlet.com/hzfGlUC7nk5oOSMIprH8lA_m.jpg
*abjure*, 1, A strict religious sect that *abjure*s the luxuries, comforts, and conveniences of the modern world.
(신념, 주장) 버리다, 포기하다 ; (시민권 같이 평생을 따라다는 것을 포기할때 주로 쓴다.)%https://farm1.staticflickr.com/167/475332962_6573d37298_m.jpg
*abdicate*, 1, The king *abdicate*d from the crown in order to marry a peasant girl.
(왕권, 권리, 의무) 버리다, 포기하다 (to renounce) (syn. *abjure*) 말할수 있는 권리를 버리(away)는 것
*abstemious*, 1, She is known as an *abstemious* eater and drinker.
(음식, 음주) 삼가는, 절제하는%https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5333/9102637570_638f6df5bd_m.jpg
*accrue*, [Interest will *accrue* if you keep your money in a saving account.]
(이자, 이익, 혜택 등) 쌓이다 (=accumulate)%https://o.quizlet.com/zcjym22-IwJhE-XTtz-Q8A_m.jpg
*abeyance*, 1,Our weekend plans were held in *abeyance* until we could get a weather forecast.
(일시적) 중지, 중단%https://o.quizlet.com/zIn85zOZxw5SkMww4MYyrg_m.jpg
*adequate*, [The garden hasn't been getting *adequate* water.]
(필요, 요구에) 충분한, 적절한 without being abundant (ad+equal)
*aggrandize*, [The movie *aggrandize*s the bad guys and makes the cops look like dopes.]
1. (권력, 힘, 지위, 명성 등) 증대시키다; 2. 확대, 과장하다; (gran한 쪽으로 가다)%https://o.quizlet.com/o4jglTwtz6arKsPobaWurg_m.jpg
*abridge*, 1, The manuscript must be *abridge*d. 2, The new law might *abridge* our freedom of expression.
1. (내용을) 요약하다, 축약하다; 2. 제한하다, 감소하다;%https://o.quizlet.com/6l-H4JGMOD6HjzXL36agqg_m.jpg
*acrid*, [1. Thick, *acrid* smoke rose from the factory]
1. (냄새) 콕 쏘는 듯한, (맛) 매운; 2. (말, 어조) 신랄한;%https://o.quizlet.com/WF.DlTHozIwpyrfjpLb4SQ_m.jpg
*agitate*, [1. If I talk about the problem with him it just *agitate*s him even more.] [2. Some members of the union have been agitating for a strike.]
1. (마음) 어지럽히다, 괴롭히다; 2. 선동하다 (agi=do->하게하다->선동하다)%https://farm1.staticflickr.com/30/54861816_3fc9fa395f_m.jpg
*acerbic*, [She whispered a steady stream of *acerbic* comments as the lecture droned on.]
1. (맛) 신, 쓴; 2. (태도, 말) 신랄한 (harsh in tone) (<-> 부드러운);%https://o.quizlet.com/QCx9OGgi.SQvQc-2wePebg_m.png
*acute*, [*acute* pain, an *acute* angle, *acute* disease]
1. (상태) 심각한; 2. (사람) 예리한, 예민한; 3. (병) 급성인;%https://o.quizlet.com/BRr9K9Kfw9N2YCuUaQKIoA_m.png
*accessible*, [ 1, The inn is *accessible* by train and bus] [2, It is a fascinating and *accessible* book]
1. (서비스, 장소 등) 접근성 있는, 이용하기 쉬운; 2. 이해하기 쉬운;
*alienate*, [1. He *alienate*d most of his colleagues with his bad temper.]
1. to cause to become unfriendly or hostile 2. 양도하다;%https://o.quizlet.com/AxmdfAg4Naj.E8N.uyewcw_m.jpg
*acclaim*, [The critics have *acclaim*ed her performance.]
1. to praise enthusiastically and publicly 2. 칭송, 환호, 갈채;%https://o.quizlet.com/i/L58eqQmeY9kUDFNeZMg1Bw_m.jpg
*affront*, [I did not mean to *affront* you when I told you I didn't need your help.]
1. 모욕(openly); 2. 모욕하다;%https://o.quizlet.com/s9AogsiYKotCzkww7mO8Bw_m.png
*aggregate*, [1, The Web site *aggregate*s content from many other sites.] [2, The university receives more than half of its *aggregate* income from government sources.]
1. 모으다, 종합하다; 2. 총계의; 3. 합계, 총합; (dis-*aggregate*=다시 흐트리다.)
*abject*, 1, He lived in *abject* poverty.
1. 비참한, 절망적인; (away로 던져진것) (being of the most miserable) (syn. wretched, hopeless <-> hopeful)%https://o.quizlet.com/388Q6nJqyJ7vHRAb8VAIfQ_m.png
1. 사춘기의, 청년기의; 2. 미성숙한;
*abysmal*, [1, A desperate cry echoing from the *abysmal* reaches of the cave] [2, The general standard was *abysmal*]
1. 심연의, 매우 깊은; 2. extremely bad;%https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2567/3927956978_67533fef2b_m.jpg
*aggravate**, [1, This drug *aggravate*s the pain.] [2, All of these delays really *aggravate* me.]
1. 악화시키다(make worse); 2. 화, 짜증나게 하다;
*affect**, [He *affect*ed a British accent.]
1. 영향을 미치다; (a. *affect* <-> dis*affect*ed) 2. 가장하다, 꾸미다 (a. pretend,*affect*ed <-> un*affect*ed=sincere) (n.*affect*ation 가장,꾸밈)
*acknowledge*, [1. They *acknowledge*d that the decision was a mistake.] [2. We must *acknowledge* the kindness she showed toward us. ]
1. 인정하다; 2. 감사하다;%https://o.quizlet.com/e4RnRBXZ.SCV9BGOr5f1SQ_m.jpg
*adapt*, [1. She has *adapt*ed herself to college life quite easily.] [2. He has *adapt*ed the play for television]
1. 적응시키다; 2. change to suit a new purpose.%https://o.quizlet.com/qVcl5cuTeUV2lyjuq6bFvg_m.png
*affiliate*, [Their group does not *affiliate* itself with any political party.]
1. 제휴, 가입, 가맹하다; 2. 교제하다, hanging out with%https://o.quizlet.com/g9sTM.OfSCXZVqxMp.1otA_m.png
*align*, [1.The *align*ed themselves with the free traders.] [2.The two parts of the machine are not properly *align*ed.]
1. 제휴, 연합하다; 2. 정렬하다;%https://o.quizlet.com/i/3iXu4YAkXoQDM1Nur-4xUA_m.jpg
*affinity*, [1, James's *affinity* with Sam] [2, He never felt any *affinity* with other kids in his neighborhood.]
1. 좋아함(natural attraction); 2. 유사성(similarity) (af+finity(끝)= 끝을 향해감->끝까지 좋아함)
*accord*, [1, He was *accord*ed certain favors because of his age.] [2, He claims that the newspaper's quote does not *accord* with what he actually said.]
1. 주다, 부여하다; 2. 조화를 이루다; 3. 동의, 조화, 합의; (ad+cord심장)%https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5241/5220980008_2e18efa3ac_m.jpg
*advocate*, [He *advocate*s traditional teaching methods.]
1. 지지하다, 옹호하다; 2. 옹호자
*accountable*, [1, If anything goes wrong, I will hold you personally *accountable*]
1. 책임있는; 2. 설명될 수 있는;
*adrift*, [1, a boat *adrift* on the sea.] [2, The project went *adrift*.]
1. 표류하는, 떠내려가는; 2. 불안정한, 방황하는 without direction or purpose;%https://o.quizlet.com/i/NyaGvPcY-h-MtvzR_Atl-Q_m.jpg
*alloy*, [2, idealism that was *alloy*ed with corruption.] [3. Brass is an *alloy* of zinc and copper.]
1. 합금하다; 2. 불순하게 하다; 3. 합금, 혼합%https://o.quizlet.com/yQ9R5-Ir4tn.g4PYzJ49vw_m.jpg
*abrogate*, 1, The company's directors are accused of abrogating their responsibilities.
;(법령, 관습) 공식적으로 폐지하다 (cancel 대용) ;(away 해달라고 rog(ask)하는 것)%https://o.quizlet.com/i/2wiYZhXsa_Pp4qlU4ty9OQ_m.jpg
*abandon*, 1,She danced with total *abandon*. 2,We *abandon*ed the old car in the empty parking lot.
a b a n d o n, 1. 방종, 자유분방, 자포자기 2. 버리고 떠나다 (to leave behind) (n.*abandon*ment 포기)%https://o.quizlet.com/TRyH2KqC9w2k-W-R5OHMrQ_m.jpg
*abase**, 1, I would never do something that would *abase** myself
a b a s e, (품위, 지위) 강등시키다, 낮추다%https://o.quizlet.com/-cGYf5sxEd6xlcCAb4dAOA_m.jpg
*abash*, 1, I felt terribly *abash*ed when she worked into the wrong hotel room.
a b a s h, 당황하게 하다 (to make embarrassed 의 대용)%https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4113/5074382224_369a4dc9b5_m.jpg
*abate*, 1, The storms had *abate*d by the time they arrived home
a b a t e, (정도, 세기, 수량 등) 줄다 (to become weaker)%https://o.quizlet.com/vDu-lTBmoJGlCCz2yJBXww_m.jpg
*abbreviate*, 1, The business of artists and repertory is commonly *abbreviate*d to A&R.
a b b r e v i a t e, (단어, 문장, 글) 줄이다 (ex. Jan. ; syn. *abridge*)%https://o.quizlet.com/nDhquPTxsX0AHHWE-PxRWg_m.jpg
*acolyte*, [a popular professor dining with a few of her *acolyte*s]
an assistant or follower%https://o.quizlet.com/8-2abFCt8ZG5-g.tqhFgkw_m.jpg
*affable**, [He is an extremely *affable* and approachable man.]
easy to talk to, (friendly 대용)%https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3432/3216960872_f9dc645756_m.jpg
*adversary*, [His political adversaries tried to prevent him from winning the nomination.]
enemy의 어려운말 (=foe)%https://o.quizlet.com/i/WTbh2OLpjbMTmrA5_knc3Q_m.jpg
*abstruse*, [You are not only one who finds Einstein's theory of relativity *abstruse*]
hard to understand%https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3232/2967752733_b8e2d77f71_m.jpg
*accolade*, [There is no higher *accolade* at this school than an honorary degree.]
high praise%https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2214/2295000844_1870bb21c5_m.jpg
*adept**, [He is *adept* in several languages.]
highly skilled; expert%https://o.quizlet.com/tKjBr6Wiw-h2dNKkYqQgUw_m.gif
*affluent*, [His family is more *affluent* than most.]
rich, wealthy (flu 흐르다)%https://o.quizlet.com/I0Vxr3z17JNgJuxQMZzWLQ_m.gif
*abstain*, 1, He *abstain*ed from alcohol
to choose to refrain%https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8209/8286398913_4d4256846d_m.jpg
*ameliorate*, This medicine should help *ameliorate* the pain
to improve
*absolve*, 1, No amount of remorse will *absolve* shoplifters who are caught , and all cases will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
to release from blame, sin, punishment , obligation, or responsibility (away하면서 solve하는 것)%https://o.quizlet.com/i/O4t5kekyYgZsWAW16esAvQ_m.jpg
*adumbrate*, [The strife in Bloody Kansas in the 1850s *adumbrate*d the *civil* war that would follow.]
to sketch%https://o.quizlet.com/gFSfZ3cyO.pcetRQTobpLQ_m.png
*agog*, [We are all *agog* at the news.]
very excited%https://o.quizlet.com/R1McxzKOjWPOjFkcgh.4Fw_m.png
*albeit*, [It was an amazing, *albeit* expensive computer.]
~에도 불구하고 (=although)
*abreast of*, 1, The press corps has to keep *abreast of* the president.
~와 나란히 하는, (최신 정보 등) 알고 있는 (up to date with 대용)%https://o.quizlet.com/Kpf8.tlyEgyXTDsKwo0qhQ_m.jpg
*adage*, [The old *adage* "birds of a feather flock together" is true in this case.]
격언, 속담, 금언 (=*aphorism*)
*alleviate**, [She took aspirin to *alleviate* her headache.]
경감하다(to relieve) (=*allay*,*appease*)%https://o.quizlet.com/FvpaMq-iN0SI1L0RvLAL8g_m.jpg
*adulation*, [The rugby player enjoyed the *adulation* of his fans.]
과찬, 지나친 칭찬%https://o.quizlet.com/jvY7D1tk7w3sIfcneon2KQ_m.jpg
*afflict*, [The disease *afflict*s an estimated two million people every year.]
괴롭히다, 고통스럽게 하다%https://o.quizlet.com/o8WwNLFFWBzvI0myVJMmDg_m.jpg
*allude**, [Mrs. Simons *allude*d to some health problems, without being specific.]
넌지시 말하다, 암시하다 (syn. insinuate)
*affirm*, [We cannot *affirm* that this painting is genuine.]
단언, 확언하다 to declare something to be true
*adamant**, [We've tried to talk him into coming with us, but he's *adamant* about staying here.]
단호한, 고집센 (<-> flexible)%https://o.quizlet.com/Br6z6stUGuoY2ZAXQoWBNA_m.jpg
*ambivalent*, The whole family was *ambivalent* about moving to the suburbs.
동시에 두감정이 있는, undecided, uncertain
**accede*, [He **accede*d to their peas for more time to complete the project.]
동의하다 (agree 계열)%https://o.quizlet.com/i/s7QhfBzxdhuFvPt_Td5DOQ_m.jpg
*abrade*, 1, The prisoner's manacles *abrade*d his wrists and ankles until they bled.
*amass*, The miser's aim is to *amass* and hoard as much gold as possible.
모으다. (to accumulate, collect)
*acquit*, [The jury *acquit*ted the defendant because there wasn't enough evidence to *convict* him of the crime.]
무죄를 선고하다 (syn *absolve*)%https://o.quizlet.com/Ke6pfNIj29iop2WnTL4KCQ_m.jpg
*agile*, [Leopards are very fast and *agile*.]
민첩한, 빠른, 영리한("몸/마음"에 단어 같이감) (age=do)
*alacrity*, [He accepted the offer with *alacrity*.]
민활, 민첩 (몸이 빠른것+열정)%https://o.quizlet.com/hpG2g4F5s32fia.SO1MQsA_m.jpg
*adroit**, [She is *adroit* at handing problems.]
솜씨 좋은, 능숙한 (droit 오른손-> 오른손은 솜씨 좋음)%https://o.quizlet.com/4byDsg.ddA8vtx-SqYs1eg_m.jpg
*aesthetic*, [There are practical as well as *aesthetic* reasons for planting trees.]
*aloof*, [The tried to keep *aloof* from the politics of the day.]
쌀쌀맞은, 무관심한, 냉담한%https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2142/2351499538_8db043e964_m.jpg
*ailing*, [the *ailing* economy]
아픈; 병약한; (비유적 의미) (경제, 기관 등) 병든, 비틀거리는%https://o.quizlet.com/i/Tzpx_BR8TGrW96dsfE_ryg_m.jpg
*ambiguous*, We were confused by the *ambiguous* wording of the message.
애매한, 여러 가지로 해석할 수 있는 (ambi: 양쪽)
*adversity*, [He showed courage in the face of *adversity*.]
역경, 고난 (hardship 대용)%https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3254/2832775273_985c01a961_m.jpg
음향시설; 음향학
*altruistic**, [He is rather egocentric than *altruistic*.]
이타적인(generous<-> greedy)%https://o.quizlet.com/9Je6-EVOHIJXzZSMM7aNWQ_m.jpg
*amenable**, Whatever you decided to do, I'm *amenable* - just let me know.
잘 따르는, 순종적인 (<-> *adamant*)
*adorn*, [her paintings *adorn* the walls.]
*acclimate*, [I *acclimate*d myself to the hot weather]
적응하다 (to accustom)
*accrete*, [Silt *accrete*s at the mouth of the river over time]
점진적으로 증가하다 by addition (ac+crete(grow))%https://o.quizlet.com/3DdRXbOQ3Lgqd0UztFPqUw_m.jpg
*aberrant*, 1, His rages and *aberrant* behavior worsened.
정도를 벗어난, 일탈적인, 비정상 (abnormal 대용)%https://o.quizlet.com/i/mciRiOTjvuJ_6oAcDLQuyg_m.jpg
*adduce*, [In support of a 12-month school year, the committee *adduce*d data from other school districts.]
증거로 인용하다
*adherent*, [A vote that pleased *adherent*s of education reform.]
지지자, 추종자
*amble*, They *amble*d down the road.
천천히, 느긋하게 걷다
*acme*, [His fame was at its *acme*]
최정상, 정점
*abstract*, 1, A few *abstract* principles.
추상적인, not obvious (추상-> 눈앞에 실물이 없는것 -> 애매모호한)
*advent*, [the *advent* of new technology]
출현, 도래 (arrival의 대용)%https://o.quizlet.com/XCHxWa.VxTXvVLwcK0docA_m.jpg
*amiable*, His *amiable* disposition pleased all who had dealing with him
*agony*, [She was in terrible *agony* after breaking her leg.]
큰 고통(pain 대용)%https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3052/3251929600_fb85927460_m.jpg
*acumen*, [Her political *acumen* won her the election.]
*amenity*, The hotel has every *amenity* you could want.
편의시설; 쾌적함, 예의
할당하다, 분배하다%https://o.quizlet.com/SBxmbwDVif7fT4rpJHo6mA_m.jpg
*amalgamate**, [They *amalgamate*d the hospital and the university.]
합병시키다, 합하다%https://o.quizlet.com/gi41OVN2PiS05Qq3jqqp.w_m.jpg