13. Clothes

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Frumpy She is a *frumpy* (unattractive) housewife, always wearing *old-fashioned* clothes. She doesn't wear *high heel shoes*, jewellery and gown, she doesn't even have *sense of style*. One thing I *dread* (to feel anxious or worried about something) more than anything else is going *clothes shopping* with my wife. It's just that I have no *fashion sense*. My wife always asks me, "What do you think of this one?" and I always answer with something like: "That's nice" or "*That looks good on you*." That usually satisfies her but sometimes I get harder questions like, "Which one looks better, this one or the other one?" It's a hard question to answer because whichever one I pick, she will follow up with the question I *dread* (fear-temer) the most: "Why?" The truth is, I don't know why. I don't know if it's because of the color, the cut, the *hemline* (bainha), or the *fit* (ajuste). I might have an idea but I can't *put it into words*. One question I do know the answer to, though, is: "Do I look fat in this?"

(Of a woman or her clothes) dowdy (unattractive) and old-fashioned.

Smart casual (cloth) Think of a smart casual outfit as one that you don't seem so *old-fashioned* (out of fashion) and *untidy* (desarumadoo). I'm one of those people who don't have much of a *fashion sense*. I mean, I know that I shouldn't wear a *pink shirt with green pants*, but beyond that I'm pretty much a basket case when it comes to picking my *wardrobe* (guarda roupa). I have plenty of *short-sleeve* and *long-sleeve dress shirts*; some have a *button-down collar* (cola com botão) and some have a *shirt pocket* (camisa com bolso) in them. I also own some more *casual shirts with a collar*, and a ton of *T-shirts* with just about every *logo* (logotipo) you can think of. I have a couple of good pairs of black *slacks* (calças) for formal occasions, along with *khakis* (calça social) and jeans for more informal events. Naturally, I have one nice *suit* to wear to weddings, funerals, and job interviews, with a *suit coat, tie, a belt with a nice-looking buckle (fivela)*, and pants. I also own a *sports coat* (casaco), but I don't use it much. Well, I better stop talking and start dressing. I'm late for work!

(Of clothes) neat, conventional, yet relatively informal in style, especially as worn to conform to a particular dress code

Low-cut, sunken, concave Look at the woman's *low-cut* evening dress, her cloth is *baggy* (loose and hanging in folds-folgado) and *oversized*. She does not wear *designer label clothes* and *up-to-the-minute* fashion that are *all the rage* (very fashionable). The fashion will not probably *catch on* and become popular. Wear something *dressy* (flashy) it can be also *snazzy* (stylish and attractive) but it is a formal party so don't dress up anything *skymp* (short, close-fitting - curto).

(Of women's clothing) having a neckline that exposes the neck and the upper part of the breasts

Dolled up Patricia: Hey, look at you! You're all *decked out* (dressed up). What's the occasion? Renaud: I'm going to the Ortegas's party. Aren't you? Patricia: Yeah, but I'm not getting all *dolled up* for it. I think the *dress is casual*. Renaud: I heard that it's going to be an *upscale affair* (festa sofisticada) and I don't want to be *underdressed*. Patricia: But I'd rather not be *overdressed*. Renaud: Okay, then what are you wearing? Patricia: I'm going to dress up these jeans with a *chic blouse*. And then I'm going to accessorize with this *necklace* (colar) as a statement piece. Renaud: That's a nice outfit, but it's more appropriate for a casual event, not a party. Patricia: But that's what I'm trying to tell you. This is not a *formal affair*. Renaud: Do what you like, but I'm not going to risk being inappropriately dressed for one of the Ortegas's parties. I don't want to be *blacklisted* and not be invited in the future. Their parties are *legendary*, with the best food, the best *booze* (beverage)... Patricia: Oh, you're right. *What was I thinking*?!

(of a woman) wearing make-up and special clothes in order to look attractive for a special occasion:

Crash course Mary: I just called the *bishop* (bispo) over there *pope* (papa). Alexei: That's not so bad. You gave him a promotion. At least you didn't call him *rabbi* (rabino) Mary: Don't laugh! When I agreed to work at this *interfaith conference*, I didn't know I'd need a *crash course* in identifying *religious leaders from their dress*. Alexei: It can't be that hard. That man over there is clearly a cardinal and the woman next to him is probably a minister by the look of her *clerical collar*. Mary: What about the man in *robes* (túnica) over there? Alexei: He's probably a *lama or a guru*. He's definitely not an *imam*, but I'm not entirely sure how I would address him. Mary: See what I mean? I keep saying the wrong thing. Alexei: These religious leaders don't expect *laypeople* (leigos) like you and me to know as much as they do about *religious dress*. Mary: That's what you think! I called that man over there *preacher* (pregador) and he *gave me a dirty look*.

A course that teaches you a lot of basic facts in a very short time

To fit like a glove It's impossible to find *branded* (branch) hats *at low prices*. What kind color of cloth do you prefer? Whatever. It need to *contain* Lycra becaus it *fits me like a glove*. Eric: We're here to buy hats to protect us from the sun while we're on vacation. Do you think a *beret* (boina) will do that? Christine: No, but it looks great on me, don't you think? Isn't it great to be getting away to the beach in the middle of winter! I already picked out a *straw hat* (chapéu de palha) with a *wide, floppy brim* (ampla e flexível borda), so *I'm all set for* the trip. Eric: In that case, help me pick one out. How about this baseball cap? Christine: Well, the *brim* (borda) gives your face plenty of shade, but it leaves the back of your head exposed. How about this *helmet* (capacete)? Eric: Very funny. Do you want me to suffocate in this thing? Okay, hand me that cowboy hat. Christine: That looks cute on you, but it's huge and it's going to get *squished* (esmagado) in the *luggage* (bagagem). Hey, try these two hats on! Eric: *Stop messing around*. I don't need a top hat, and that one looks like a *bonnet*! Christine: Okay, okay, how about this *straw hat*? Like mine, it's soft enough to travel in a *suitcase* (mala). Eric: I couldn't care less. I don't care if I look cool on vacation as long as I am cool!

A perfect outfit that maches with someone

Tank top Thierry: I know it's casual Friday, but some people just don't know how *to dress appropriately for work*. Olga: I was thinking the same thing. Look at Sandy. What she's wearing is far too *revealing*. Thierry: I was actually thinking about Jimmy. He's wearing *cutoffs and flip-flops*. Where is his *professionalism*? Olga: Don't they know how they're dressed can affect their careers? Some people can't see past *poor fashion* choices. Thierry: Yeah, so many people are *closed-minded* and think what people wear reflects their ability. Olga: I've known a lot of people like that. Me? I always *err on* the *side of caution*. Thierry: Is that why you never *dress down*? Thierry: No, just because we suspend the *dress code* one day a week doesn't mean we have to dress inappropriately. Olga: True, though both Sandy and Jimmy look really comfortable. Thierry: Yeah, they do. It must be nice to walk around the office without dress shoes. Maybe, just once, I'll come to work in shorts next week. Olga: What?! After everything you've said? Thierry: I was thinking of *tasteful shorts* (shortes de bom gostoo), nothing *tacky* (pegajoso). Olga: Just remember that it's a *slippery slope*, my friend. I hope to never see you here in a *tank top*! lesson 1236

A piece of clothing that covers the upper part of the body but not the arms, and usually has a U-shaped opening at the neck

Makeover Kurt: I'm giving you a *makeover* (reforma) and you have no say about it. Ellie: A makeover?! I don't need a makeover. Kurt: Yes, you do. I'm your best friend and this is an *intervention*. You're so busy these days that you've *let yourself go*. Ellie: I haven't let myself go. I just don't spend as much time as I used to *primping* (enfeitar) and getting *dolled up* (dressed to the nines), that's all. Kurt: On that we agree. Your clothes are *frumpy* and your hairstyle is 10 years *out-of-date*. Come on. I'm taking you to get a new look. It'll be a complete *transformation*. Ellie: Okay, I admit that my appearance needs a little *updating*, but I'm not giving you *free rein* (licre dominio) on what changes to make. Kurt: I'm willing to let you have some say in that - if you'll come quietly. Ellie: And if I don't? Kurt: You're getting this makeover one way or another, even if I have to *drag* (arrastar) you kicking and screaming!

A set of changes that are intended to make a person or place more attractive:

Outfit I go back into the bathroom to finish doing my hair. Before I put the *hot curlers* in, I had put a little gel in my hair to give it some volume. I also like to use my *hairdryer* to give my *bangs* a little more shape. I take out the *curlers* one by one and brush through them into the style I like. I *finish it off* (complete the last part of something that you are doing) with a little hairspray. In my bedroom, I look in my *closet* for a *skirt* (saia) and *blouse* (blusa) to match. The office I work in is *pretty casual outfit* so I don't need to wear a *suit* to work. On Fridays, we're allowed to be even more casual so most people wear jeans and *sweaters* to the office, but no one dares to show up in *t-shirts and shorts*. I put on the *skirt and blouse* and open the top *dresser drawer* to get some *pantyhose*. I wish I could wear my *tennis shoes* to work, but I pick out a *pair of heels* and put them on.

A set of clothes worn (old and damaged) together, typically for a particular occasion or purpose

Dress code While the dress code doesn't require two-tone shoes, you will *get turned away* if you wear jeans. Sales clerk: I'm sure we have something for you. Are you looking for a *traditional or contemporary suit*? Bo: I'm not sure. I'd like to try on some different ones. Sales clerk: That's no problem. Let me show you a few over here. This is a *two-button pinstripe suit* that's made of 100% wool (lã) and has a *flat front* (frente plana). Sales clerk: Oh, this is a very fine suit. As you can see, it's *double-breasted* and is fully *lined*. The pants are *pleated*. Would you like to try it on? Bo: Sure. Sales clerk: Just follow me to the *dressing rooms* in the back. Bo: [comes out of the dressing room wearing one of the suits]: I like this *single-breasted* one. I like the *side vents* (aberturas lateras). All of these suits need to be dry cleaned, is that right? I travel a lot in my job and I worry about my suits getting dirty on the road. Sales clerk: Yes, they all need to be dry cleaned, but since both of these suits are a dark color, that shouldn't be too big of a problem. How does that feel? Sales clerk: Certainly. I'll ring you up. Do you need anything else? A vest (colete), suspenders (suspensórios), or a garment bag to (bolsa de trajes) store the suit?

A set of rules, usually written and posted, specifying the required manner of dress at a school, office, club, restaurant, etc

Growth spurt Mom: Put on these pants and this shirt, come over here, and *stand still*. I need *to alter* your brother's clothes to fit you. Sa'ad: Oh, Mom! Mom: Hurry up. I need *to let down* the *hems* (bainha) and *take up* the sleeves. I don't think I have to take in the *pant legs*, but I might have *to let out* the *waist* (cintura) a little. Sa'ad: Ouch! Mom: Sorry, but you need to stop moving around or your *hem* (bainha) will be *uneven* (desigual) and your seams will be *crooked* (orcidas). You and your brothers are growing so fast I feel like a *full-time tailor* (alfaite integral)! Sa'ad: Are we done? Mom: No, we're not. Stay right there. You can help me iron a *crease* into this shirt before I put it through the *sewing machine* (máquina de costura). Sa'ad: Oh, Mom! Mom: Don't "Oh, Mom" me. This machine doesn't seem to be working. I hope I don't have *to stitch* (dar ponto de costura) all these by hand. Sa'ad: Mom, since I'm growing so fast, I'll probably *grow out of* these clothes in a couple of months. Let's wait until after my *growth spurtto* alter them. Mom: And what will you wear in the meantime, *high waters*?

An occurrence of growing quickly and suddenly in a short period of time

Mutton dressed as lamb Everybody liked her elegant and stylish dress that she was wearing at the picnic. She was *dressed to the nines/teeth* and her friend was dressed to kill. The actress was criticized by almost every fashion magazine, after she had put on an extremely short skirt at the opening night. The 60-year old woman looked like *mutton dresses as lamb*.

An older woman dresses in a way that is much more suitable for a younger girl

Button fly Kerry: We're almost done with the shopping. We just need some *underwear* for you and some *unmentionables* for me. Russell: It's perfectly acceptable for women to buy men's underwear, but do I have to go into the lingerie store? Kerry: I need a new *bra with underwire*, and I need a *strapless* one, too. Kerry: Fine. Let's see, I need some *panties* (calcinha) and a *slip*, too. Oh, these *pantyhose* (sock) are on sale. Russell: Can you please hurry up? That woman over there is *snickering* (gragalhando). Russell: Thank God! I just need some new *boxers* with a comfortable *waistband* and a *button fly*. Kerry: I thought you liked the *boxer briefs* I bought before the *seamless* ones. Russell: I tried them, but they were too small. I think I'd actually like to try some regular briefs. Here are some over here. Kerry: You'd better look again. Those are *g-strings*. If you insist on buying those.

An opening at the front of a pair of trousers that fastens with buttons

Ellen: What are you wearing to the party? Hiro: *Your guess is as good as mine*. Ellen: Let's look through your *closet* and I'll help you pick something out. Hiro: Okay, but I have to *warn* you. I have a pretty *limited wardrobe*. Ellen: Let's see, these black pants are nice, but they're *frayed* (desgastada) on the bottom. How about these jeans? Hiro: You don't think they're too *faded* (debotadas)? There's also a *rip* (rasgo) in the back. Hiro: Did you see the *stain* (mancha) on the front? The zipper is also *stuck* (preso), I think. Ellen: How about shoes? Do you have any shoes that are *presentable*? Hiro: Well, I always wear these, but they're *scuffed* (riscados) on the top and the sole is pretty *worn* (desgastada). Ellen: Okay, *desperate times call for desperate measures*. Come on! We're going to a magical place (mall) with brand spanking new clothes and where everything is flawless.

Describing old clothes

Josh: We are going to get you out of those *baggy sweatpants* (caça larga) and into some pants that fit. Kayla: I don't like pants that are too *formfitting* (formidável). Josh: I'm not suggesting you buy *skintight leggings*, but some nice *slacks* (calça social) would be *slimming* (emagrecedora). Kayla: I like pants with an *elastic waistband* (cintura elastica). They're more comfortable. Josh: Just try these *khaki chinos*. They're not too *tight*, they're made of a *breathable fabric*, and they're comfortable. Kayla: I'd rather buy a pair of *broken-in jeans*. Josh: You can't wear jeans to your new job. Kayla: I know, but these pants are too *constricting* (embarresing). Do you think they sell dressy *sweatpants* (sweter)? Josh: That is the best example of an *oxymoron* (a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction) I've ever heard.

Describing pants

Fitted Michael: Mom, I don't need a new coat. I like my old *trench* (trincheira) coat. It's comfortable, and I can use it as a *raincoat* (capa de chuva) and an *overcoat*. So what do I need a new coat for? Lisa: If you're going to visit your aunt in Maine, you'll need something warmer than a trench coat. This *parka* (jacket) is nice. Michael: If I'm not warm enough, I'll wear my denim jacket under my trench coat. Lisa: That's ridiculous. You can't wear a jacket and a coat each time you go outside. Look, this down coat will keep you nice and warm. It has a high collar, a *hood* (capuz), and thick cuffs (punhoa grossos), and it's very *roomy* (espaçoso) so you'll be very comfortable in it. Michael: It's too long. I don't need a *knee-length coat*. Lisa: Yes, you do. You've never been in really cold weather and when you get there, you'll be thankful to have something so warm. Now, we also need to buy you a *blazer*. Michael: A blazer? What for? Lisa: Your aunt is probably going to take you to some nice places and I don't want you to look like a *bum* (vagabundi). See? This one is nice and *fitted* (ajustado). Michael: It's trimmed with flowers! Lisa: Those aren't flowers. They're paisleys (lá escoceza). Michael: Please, Mom, don't make me wear that. I'm begging you. Lisa: You'll look like a nice young man in this coat and blazer. Michael: I'll *be the laughing stock of* the entire State of Maine. Michael: Mom! Shhh! Not so loud. This is so embarrassing!

Made to fit the shape of someone or something

Distressed jeans Distressed jeans is cool, it's a type of a *streetwear* thing but it looks good with certain outfits. I myself own a couple of distressed jeans and match it with other options. *Skinny* jeans are cool too but not too *tight* either, just *fitted*. That blue shorts are not unfashionable, unstylish or shabby, as a matter of fact they are *trendy* (in accordance with the latest trend). it looks a little *biggie* (short form of big deal)

Ripped Jeans

A slave to fashion His cloth *are ahead of his time* for sure he is *a slave to* fashion but he likes classic style that never really go out of fashion, it is simply *timeless*. Vera: How do these pants look on me? Wang: Uh, aren't they a little too tight? They look like they're *cutting off circulation* in your legs. Vera: They're a little *snug* (ajustado), but they show off my *curves*, don't they? Wang: I suggest *going up a size*. Something a little less *form fitting* would be a lot more comfortable. Vera: I'm not going for comfort. I'm going for style. Wang: Here, try these pants. They're *looser* (solta) and offer more *room* (espaço). Vera: These don't show my shape at all. They're not *in the least* flattering. Wang: But you can move in them without *busting a seam* (areebentar a costura). Vera: You're missing the point. I want to look good in these pants no matter what. Wang: Spoken like a true *slave to fashion*!

Someone strongly influenced by fashion

Worn out Curran: I like these *tennis shoes*. I need a new *pair*. Beth: We're here to buy you some *dress shoes* for attending Chelsey's wedding. You can't go wearing those *worn out loafers*, and you need time to *break them in*. Curran: All right. Just pick whatever you think is suitable and let's go. Beth: Don't you want to *have a say in* what you wear? I think these oxfords are nice. What do you think? Curran: Great. I'm a size 10 and a half. I'll try them on and we'll go. Beth: You can't just buy the first *pair of shoes* you see. How about these? Curran: Those *patent leather* (de couro) shoes? They have *purple laces* (laço roxo). Beth: No, they're not. These shoes are totally wrong for the occasion, not to mention *hideous* (horrible). I was just trying *to get a rise out of* you so you'll pick the shoes you like. Beth: No, they're not *dressy *enough. They look more like sandals than dress shoes. Beth: Those shoes *fasten* (prende) with Velcro. Are you kidding me?

Something that is worn out can no longer be used because it is so old or because it has been damaged by continued use

To get dressed up I am not usually *well-dressed*, I hate getting dressed up for special occasions, I prefer *casual clothes*. Lindsay: Look at this *designer bag* I bought. It was *such a steal*! Rafael: Let me see that. You do know that this is an *imitation*, not the real thing, right? Lindsay: Well, there was a guy on the street selling all of these genuine designer bags. He said he got them straight from the *factory*, and that's why he could sell them at such a *markdown* (redução de preço). Rafael: The reason he could sell it *dirt cheap* is because this is a *knockoff* (golpe). I know you're a *sucker for a bargain*, but I can't believe you *fell for* his line. Lindsay: How do you know this is a knockoff? Are you an expert on women's *handbags*? I still think this is real, and I'm sure I didn't get *ripped off* (roubado). Rafael: Whatever you say. As they say, *there's a sucker born every minute*!

T put on good clothes in order to look nice

To be in one's brithday suit Venus: Kids, cover your eyes! Don't look at that. I didn't know there would be *nudity* here. Why did you bring us here? Milo: I brought you here to see this celebration of the beauty of the *human form*. Venus: This is *obscene*! Look at the *bare breasts* on that one and the one over there is *topless*. That man's *private parts* are *on display* for everyone to see. Most of these are *butt naked*! Milo: Can't you see past the nudity to appreciate the artists' creations? Venus: I'm not one of those people who go to *nude beaches* and *run around in their birthday suit* completely *uninhibited* (desinibido). This is shameful! Milo: This isn't a nude beach. It's a museum. Your kids are here to appreciate some of the finest art in history. Venus: I don't call this art. I call it *pornography*. I'm taking my kids out of here. Oh my God, there are *full frontals* wherever you look! Kids, keep your eyes covered. We're leaving. Milo: All right, but I was just trying to open your kids' eyes to art. Venus: You've opened their eyes all right, and I'm *slamming* them shut!

To be completely naked

To fit The small shirt does not fit me, so I'll buy the medium size. If I lose a few kilos, the gorgeous suit might fit me properly. Tae: What are you doing? Why are you taking all of my clothes out of my *suitcase*? I just finished packing that. Nicole: You've packed all of the wrong things. We're going on a *luxury cruise* and all you've packed are *shorts and t-shirts*. Tae: I'm going on vacation and I don't have *to dress to impress*. Nicole: You've never been on a cruise like this one, but I have, and there's a *dress code*. You'll need formal wear for some of the dinners. Tae: I'm not wearing a suit and tie on vacation. Nicole: No, not a suit and tie. There'll be a dance the final night of the cruise that's black tie, so you'll need your *tuxedo* (smoking). I'm bringing a few *cocktail dresses* myself. Don't worry. You can go *semi-formal* the rest of the evenings. Tae: This is ridiculous. I have to wear *business attire* (vestuário de negócios) 300 days out of the year and you're making me dress up. Nicole: You don't have to dress up the entire time. You can go California casual during the day. I'm just asking that you look *presentable* a few hours each day. Is that so hard? Tae: I knew there was a *catch* (vantagem) when you booked this vacation. It's less a vacation for me than a dress-up party for you!

To conform to in size and shape

To botton up; to do the bottons up He *threw on* (put on quickly) his cap, zipped up his jeans and ran off. By the time He got home he *hung up* (put into the closet) his clothes that were on the floor. I unbuttoned my shirt because it was undone but afterwards I decided to botton my shirt up again. Hey, *tuck your T-shirt in* (fix), *roll up* your sleeves, *button up* your shirt and fix your collar. It looks *messy* (bagunçado).

To fix the botton

To kick off He rapidly *kicked off* his *loafers* (shoes with no laces) and said: I need to *wear this shoes in* (to use until become comfortable) Alissa: Yes, I'm looking for some *dress shoes* (sapato social) for work, something with a *low heel*. Clerk: Have you tried this *brand*? They make really comfortable shoes. This company makes several styles of dress shoes, including a *sandal*, a *low boot*, and a *loafer*. These right here are *open toe* and those over there have a *strap* in the back. Alissa: Oh, I like these *slip-ons*, but they seem too *narrow* (estreito0. My feet are pretty *wide* (largo). Clerk: Those actually come in three *widths* (largura): narrow, medium, and wide. Do you want to try them on? Alissa: Sure. Do you have them in a 6-and-a-half or a 7, in black or brown? Clerk: I'm not sure. I'll have to check in the back...Here you are. How does the 6-and-a-half fit? Alissa: They're a little too tight in the toe. Let me try the 7. Oh, that's better, but now the heel is a little too loose. Clerk: Keep in mind that since they're *leather* (de couro), they'll stretch (esticar) a little. Alissa: In that case, I'll take the black pair in the 6-and-a-half. Clerk: Great. I can *ring you up over here*.

To take off (specially shoes)

To put on I think I'm going to *change into* my *workout clothes*, I'll buy some shorts, briefs, sock, tennis shoes and dress shirt. Tonight I'll *put on* my new pants and polo shirt but when I get there I'll *take my shirt off* it is warm today. You should change this flip-flops and *try on* a shoe. By the way do you know what Joe *have on*? That blue shorts are not unfashionable, unstylish or shabby, as a matter of fact they are *trendy* (in accordance with the latest trend). it looks a little *biggie* (short form of big deal)

To wear

To bundle/wrap up It is freezing/chilly and snowy day outside I'll *bundle up/wrap up* so I'll put on my coat, *mittens* (gloves), scarf and *ear muffs* but I'll take with me my jacket, sweater and, sweats.

To wear warm clothes

Hand-me-downs My brother has an eye for clothes so *hand-me-downs* or *second-hand* clothes do not bother me at all. If I care about fashion I'd always have to buy that *must-have* shirt or pair of shoes. In fact I don't *take a lot of pride in my appearance* (to look after oneself) but some clothes *suits* (make you look attractive) me

Used clothes, often that are passed down from older brothers or sisters to their younger siblings

To dress down I dress downs most of the time but I know how to *mix and match* different items of clothing that go well together. Spencer: I would love to see you in this *outfit*: a *tank top* (camiseta) and a *miniskirt* (minisaia). Lauren: No way! I wouldn't look anything like that *mannequin*. I'm too shy and I'd *make a fool of* myself wearing such *revealing* clothes. Spencer: *That's where you're wrong*. You would look great on the beach in that outfit with a *bikini underneath*. Lauren: I haven't worn a bikini in years. I always wear a *one-piece* (peça unica) now. In fact, I'd feel more comfortable in a T-shirt, *cut-offs*, and *flip-flops*. Spencer: Why would you want to hide that figure? If you want to do that, why don't you just wear this *Hawaiian shirt* and these *board-shorts*. Lauren: Don't get mad. Okay, you can pick out an outfit for me and I promise to wear it for you. Okay? Spencer: Fine, but I'm *warning* you: I want to see some skin!

Wear less formal clothes

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