14 Expert: Functions and Modularization in C Programming

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What is a callback function in C?

A callback function in C is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is called within that function. It allows for custom behavior to be defined by the caller.

What is a function pointer in C?

A function pointer in C is a pointer that can hold the address of a function. It allows functions to be treated as data and passed as arguments to other functions.

What is a function prototype in C?

A function prototype in C declares the function's name, return type, and parameter types without providing the function's actual implementation. It allows the compiler to check function calls for correctness.

What is a header file in C?

A header file in C contains function prototypes, constant definitions, and type declarations. It is often used to provide interfaces for code reuse.

What is a header guard in C header files?

A header guard in C header files is a preprocessor technique used to prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file, ensuring that its contents are included only once.

What is a makefile in C programming?

A makefile in C programming is a script that automates the compilation and linking of a program's source code files, dependencies, and libraries.

What is a memory leak in C?

A memory leak in C occurs when memory is allocated dynamically but not deallocated when it is no longer needed, causing the program to consume more and more memory.

What is the purpose of forward declaration in C?

Forward declaration in C is used to declare a function or variable before its actual definition, allowing functions to reference each other before being defined.

What is function overloading in C?

Function overloading is not supported in C. It refers to defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists, which is a feature of languages like C++.

What is function scoping in C?

Function scoping in C means that variables declared within a function are only accessible within that function and have limited lifetime.

What is global scoping in C?

Global scoping in C means that variables declared outside of any function are accessible from any part of the program and have program lifetime.

What is the difference between call by value and call by reference in C?

In call by value, function parameters receive copies of the arguments, while in call by reference, function parameters receive references to the original arguments, allowing for modification of the original values.

What is modularization in C programming?

Modularization is the practice of breaking a program into smaller, manageable modules or functions. It enhances code organization and reusability.

What is recursion in C?

Recursion in C is a programming technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem. It must have a base case to terminate the recursion.

What is tail recursion in C?

Tail recursion in C is a specific form of recursion where the recursive call is the last operation in the function, allowing for optimization by the compiler.

What is the purpose of the `#include` preprocessor directive in C?

The `#include` preprocessor directive in C is used to include the contents of another file (typically a header file) in the source code.

What is the purpose of the `malloc` function in C?

The `malloc` function in C is used to allocate a block of memory of a specified size and returns a pointer to the first byte of the block.

What is the purpose of the `static` keyword in C?

The `static` keyword in C is used to specify that a variable or function has file scope and is not accessible from other source files. It can also be used to create static local variables in functions.

What is the purpose of the `typedef` keyword in C?

The `typedef` keyword in C is used to create user-defined data types, making code more readable and maintainable.

What is the purpose of the `void*` pointer in C?

The `void*` pointer in C is a generic pointer that can point to data of any type. It is often used for functions that accept generic data.

What is a pointer to a function in C?

A pointer to a function in C is a pointer that can hold the address of a function. It allows for dynamic function selection and execution.

What is a preprocessor directive in C?

A preprocessor directive in C is an instruction to the preprocessor that modifies the source code before compilation.

What is a static function in C?

A static function in C has file scope and is only visible within the translation unit (source file) where it is defined. It cannot be called from other source files.

What is a structure in C?

A structure in C is a composite data type that groups multiple variables of different data types under a single name.

What is a union in C?

A union in C is a composite data type that allows multiple variables to share the same memory location. Only one of its members can be active at a time.

What is a variadic function in C?

A variadic function in C is a function that can accept a variable number of arguments. It is typically used with the `stdarg.h` library for functions like `printf` and `scanf`.

What is dynamic memory allocation in C?

Dynamic memory allocation in C allows you to allocate memory at runtime, typically using functions like `malloc`, `calloc`, and `realloc`.

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