1402 Oceans Final - Baylor

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Greeks conducted the first scientific studies of the ocean

350 BC- 150 AD

Average depth of ocean

3800 m

Fresh water has its maximum density at

4 degrees C

Fridtjof Nansen

Developed a bottle for deep water sampling

Which of the following are found along subduction zones

- Oceanic trenches - Island arc systems - Active earthquake zones

The water in the oceans likely came from what source(s)?

- The water from comets and meteorites that accumulated through Earth history - Water from the rocks in the mantle, released by volcanic eruptions

Why are meteorites used to establish an age for the Earth?

- They are believed to be the same material from which Earth formed - Rocks on Earth have been recycled since the Earth was formed and are not believed to be as old as the Earth itself

Heat energy gained at low latitudes is redistributed to higher latitudes by

- atmospheric circulation - ocean currents - low pressure systems

Earthquakes occur at all types of the following

- continental rift valleys - convergent boundaries between two oceanic plates - convergent boundaries between two continental plates - mid ocean ridges

Large scale sea studies require that governments, universities, and national and international programs

- have common priorities - set common goals - share program results

Earth's surface is protected from extreme temp change and water loss by

- its orbital distance from the sun - its period of rotation - its atmosphere

The crust and mantle are divided into the following layers in order of increasing depth:

- lithosphere - asthenosphere - mesosphere

Arrange the following reservoirs in order from greatest to least volume of water.

- oceans - ice and glaciers - groundwater - freshwater lakes - atmosphere - rivers

Changes in water density in the oceans create

- sound shadows - the sofar channel - light refraction

Air becomes less dense and rises when

- the water vapor content increases - the atmospheric pressure decreases - the air warms

Seafloor spreading is continuing at a rate of approximately

1 to 10 cm/year

What percent of a parent radioactive element would remain after three half-lives of decay to its daughter isotope?


Phoenicians traded and explored in the Mediterranean Sea

1200 - 146 BC

The Big Bang occurred roughly

14 billion years ago

Chinese explored and trades in the Pacific and Indian Oceans

1405 - 1433 AD

Polynesians navigated throughout the wets Pacific islands

1500 BC - 800 AD

Water covers what percent of the Earth's surface?


Europeans explored across the Atlantic Ocean

800- 1500 AD

Approximately what percentage of water on Earth is contained within oceans?


James Cook

Accurately measured longitude at sea

The Earth's exterior envelopes includes all of the following except


The _____ wavelengths of light penetrate deepest into the ocean


Heat is measured in


Which gas has the highest concentration throughout the entire ocean?

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following is least likely to be a major component of marine sediments?

Cosmogenous materials

The south pole is tilted toward the sun on what day?

December Solstice

Sources of the oceans salts are believed to include

Earth's crust, Earth's early atmosphere, and volcanic eruptions

An ebb tide occurs when rising water moves into a region


Antarctic Bottom Water is formed from low density water at the sea surface along the coast of Antarctica


Breakers occur when the wave crest slows more than the wave trough near the shore


Calcareous sediments are well-preserved in cold, deep water below the CCD


In an area where surface currents converge, the water upwells


La Nina indicates warmer than normal surface temps in the equatorial Pacific


Nutrients and dissolved gases in seawater are considered conservative substances.


Oil and gas represents 50% of the mineral value presently taken from the seafloor.


Phytoplankton do not repair


Primary coasts are coasts that have features created by marine processes


The sun plays a greater role in producing tides than the moon


When water is evaporated from a surface exposed to air, the surface is warmed; when condensation of evaporated water occurs, the air is cooled.


The low pressure area near the equator is known as the

Intertropical Convergence Zone

Which ion has the shortest residence time in the oceans?


Which statement is true about continental crust?

It is composed of granitic-type rock and has a lower density than oceanic crust.

When talking about plate tectonics, which of the Earth's layers comprises the plates?


Benjamin Franklin

Mapped the Gulf Stream

The first oceanography textbook was published by

Matthew F. Maury

The earliest recorded explorations of the sea took place in the

Mediterranean Sea

Alfred Wegener

Proposed the continental drift theory in the 1900s

Harry Hess

Proposed the theory of sea-floor spreading

The first world atlas was produced by


The Coriolis effect arises primarily from the

Rotation of the earth around its axis

Which processes cause surface seawater to increase in density?

Sea ice formation and surface water evaporation

Which of the following evidence most directly supported the theory of seafloor spreading?

Seafloor magnetic anomalies

Which scientific field investigates the structure of the mantle?


Which of the following is NOT true about passive continental margins?

They are commonly at subduction zones

A low pressure system develops over India during the wet phase of the south Asian monsoon


Carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater increase with depth


Constructive interference between waves increases the height of the resulting wave


In general, sedimentation rates decrease the further offshore


Pressure increases by about 1 atm for every 10 m of depth in the ocean


The most common generating force for water waves is wind


Usually temperature, salinity, and pressure distributions cause ocean water density to increase with depth


Waves that approach the shore at an angle produce a longshore current that flows parallel to the beach.


the process if reverse osmosis uses pressure to separate fresh water from salt water through a semipermeable membrane


Which phase change reaction requires the most energy?


Throughout time, continents break apart and collide and ocean basis open and close. This cyclical process is known as the

Wilson Cycle

The mechanism causing lithospheric plates to move is thought to be

a combination of convection in the mantle and "slab pull" caused by subjecting lithosphere

Surface coral formations growing around completely submerged seamounts are called


The dissolving ability of water is related to

attraction between the water molecule's positive and negative charges and charges on other atoms, its ability to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules, and its ability to transmit energy from water molecule to water molecule.

The hydrosphere includes all of the following except

carbon dioxide

The pH of seawater is regulated by

carbon dioxide

Ozone destruction appears to be related to increasing levels of _________ in the atmosphere.


Salinity may be measured by checking the water's


Water heated from below distributes the added heat by _____, whereas the still surface of water heated from above distributes the added heat by ______

convection; diffusion and conduction

The polarity of water molecules is responsible for all of the following except

covalent bonding

The particle size of terrigenous sediments generally ______ with distance from shore


lithogenous sediment is

derived from rocks

The silica rich oozes of the Pacific Oceans are due to _______ at high latitudes and ______ at low latitudes

diatoms, radiolarians

Earth's surface winds are caused by air moving from a region of _____ to a region of _________

high pressure; low pressure

The density of Earth materials _______ as the core is approached.


A Secchi disk is used to measure the attenuation of


Hurricanes derive their energy from _______ pressure zones in the ______ latitudes.

low; tropical

Keeping accurate time at sea is necessary to make

measurements of longitude and accurate maps

Gas hydrates are rich in


Higher seafloor heat flow values are found

near ocean ridge systems

The solar system began forming about 4.6 billion years ago as a ______ that began rotating


The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is


Electrodialysis produces ________ from low-salinity seawater.

oxygen and carbon dioxide

The residence time for water in any of Earth's principle reservoirs can be calculated by dividing

reservoir volume by rate of water supply

Carbon dioxide is added to seawater by

respiration, decomposition and transfer from the atmosphere

The continental rise is a product of


A fixed volcanic hot spot on Earth tends to produce a _____ on a moving plate.

series of volcanic peaks

If a chemical is not very abundant in the ocean but has a high rate of delivery to the ocean from land sources, it will have a _________ residence time in the ocean and will _____ become part of the seafloor sediments

short, quickly

Magnetic stripes on the seafloor are created at

spreading centers

Historians believe that seagoing ships of all kinds were probably derived from vessels built by

the Egyptians

Sources of oxygen in the open sea include

the atmosphere and photosynthesis

Fridtjof Nansen froze the vessel, Fram, into the ice to explore

the current system of the Arctic

The drilling ships Glomar Challenger and Joides Resolution have been used

to study Earth's crust beneath the sea

Plates move horizontally past each other along

transform faults

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