post secpndary education
education pursued afer hight school
masters degree
a graduate degree typically requiring two or three years of study beyind a bachelor's degree; an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a docorate.
a university student who has not yet received a first degree
associate degree(AA)
A degree for successful completion of some courses of study at a two-year college.
A master's deree in business administration; an advanced university degree in business studies.
bachelor's degree(BA)
An academic degree typically requiring four years of study, conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies; a bachelor of arts is a BA or BS
An educational institution that usually maintians one or more four-year undergraduates colleges (or schools) with programs leading to a bachelor's degree. Also maintains a graduate school of arts and sciences that awards master's and doctoral degrees(PhDs); may also maintain graduate professional schools, such as law or engineering schools.
An instutution of highlearning that offers undergraduate programs, usually of a four-year duration, that lead to a bachelor's degree in the arts or sciences
phD or doctorate
One of the highest academic degrees conferred by a university; a phD is a "doctor of philosophy," and an MD is a "doctor of medicine."
a secondary specialization as an undergraduate; while a student might take 30 or more units in a major, a minor might require only 10-15 units
a value that indicated the amount of college credit assigned to a course. In many cases, one hour of lecture a week equals one unit of credit. Units are used to determine whether a student is full-time or part-time and may also be a part of scholarship requirements.
graduate school
post-undergraduate education, usually in pursuit of a masters degree, doctorate, or professional degree.
the subject, theme or professional field in which students choose to specialize during their undergraduate education.