17 Test

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What happened with the USS Maine? What was the news reported to Americans at that time?

A battleship in Havana that was there to protect US interests sank after an explosion. The American news blamed Spain for this explosion, even though it was probably a internal explosion.

Name the 4 forms of control used by European countries.

Colony Protectorate Sphere of influence Economic imperialism

What two effects did raising cotton have on Egyptian agriculture?

Brought Egypt into the international market Peasants lost lands usually/traditionally used for farming and they had to grow cash crops instead of food crops.

The Suez Canal was built through the combined efforts of which countries?

Built using French money from private interest groups and Egyptian labor as well.

What was the purpose of building the Suez Canal?

France wanted to start building it and but Ali's grandson in an effort to modernize Egypt finished it. Britain also helped them pay off the debt while using the Ottoman Empire warm water port.

How big was the size of the Ottoman Empire at its peak?

It stretched from Hungary in the North, across Egypt, al the way far west to the border of Morrocco.

What was the "Great Game?" Who was involved and what was the issue?

It was a geopolitical struggle between Russia and Great Britain. It was over Muslim lands in Central Asia, and more specifically the war over India. Russia wanted some access to India and Great Britain defended its colony of India and wanted to expand their empire. Eventually, Afghanistan became the center of their struggle.

What was the underlying reason that the US believed in imperialism?

It was all about trade! It was about improving commerce. It was also about economic necessity.

What connection is there between a Navy & colonies?

Steamships were powered by coal and they needed a place to refuel on coal; therefore colonies were necessary.

2. British establish a railroad network in India

Transported goods from the interior of India to ports. They were transporting raw goods such as tea, cotton, etc. Easier to transport goods as well.

Who was involved in the Crimean War and who ultimately lost the Crimean War?

War first broke out between Russia and the Ottoman Empire; however, to stop Russia from gaining any more land, Britain and France joined. Therefore, the Crimean war was Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire versus Russia. Eventually, Russia lost the war.

Define Assimilation and name the country that heavily supported the policy.

"the adoption of a conqueror's culture by a conquered people; a policy in which a nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt its institutions and customs" (Textbook). Basically, it is making the colony take their colonizer's customs/cultures. FRANCE


Absolutely no self-rule The colonizer brought in rulers to rule their colonies The goal was assimilation

15. What really happened?

Africans in reality bought very few goods from the Europeans.

Sepoy Mutiny

After this mutiny happened due to animal fat being used in bullet casings and various religious views against the use of animal fat, it became a turning point in the war. This caused the British government to step in and directly take command and directly rule the Indian colony. The government started to make new policiles and there were enforcers in India for the policy. This was a turning point and was very important because the British government now directly ruled India.

What ended up happening with the Philippines? How did this affect imperialism sentiment back at home?

Americans were not welcome in the Philippines any more; this resulted in war and atrocities. It made anti-imperialist sentiments become important and rampant in the US.

How many European nations claimed parts of the Ottoman Empire

Austria and Italy

Why did al-Afghani condemn the actions of the Persian Ruler?

Because he wanted to modernize Persia and outsourcing Persian tobacco was not helping that!

Why was using local governments to control a colony a logical solution for the British?

Because they did not have Britain did not have the military force needed to keep the colonies under control; therefore they used the local rule with local rulers.

How did Ethiopia resist European rule so successfully?

Because they had the best weapons and arms. Since they had good arms and weapons they could resist European rule.

How did Economic Imperialism lead to India's becoming a British colony?

Britain forced India to buy British goods and give them their Indian goods so that India will be under the entire control of Britain. At first the East India company overtook India and had several trading ports in various important cities. After they defeated the Indian army, they became the greatest force in India. They also rigged the economy so that Britian would prosper much more than India. Since they took over the economic part of India, they stopped any cash flow so there was no way to overtake Britain. Britain also divided classes unequally. The Indian economy could not operate by itself.

How did Britain gain control of Nigeria?

By using both diplomatic and economic means. Diplomatic: Some local rulers signed treaties with Britain with terms for protection, etc. There were also some local rulers who did not agree to this but Britain put them down using force (i.e the British army). Economic: The Royal Niger company was instrumental because it took control of the palm-oil trade. After this, Britain gained control of Northern Nigeria and also gained control of the entirety of Nigeria.

3. How did the Belgians, under King Leopold, mislead Africans?

David Livingstone, a missionary and human rights advocate, traveled with a group of native Africans into the deeper parts of America to promote Christianity. Several years passed with no response from him. Henry Stanley was sent to find out what happened to him. After he found him, Stanley explored the rest of Africa. This sparked the interest of King Leopold. He comminsed Stanley to obtain land and he signed treaties with local chiefs which gave King Leopold II power over the land. Leopold claimed that his primary motive was to abolish slavery and the slave trade as well as promote Christianity. However, he licensed companies that abused Africans and forced them to collect sap from rubber plants.

Why did the Russians ultimately launch wars on the Ottomans? What did the Russians want?

Due to geopolitics, which is the interest in a specific area for its location and what it can do at that location. The Russians wanted to have a warm-water port and that is why they kept on attacking the Ottomans.

Why didn't the Indians unite against the British in the Sepoy Mutiny?

Due to weak leadership and splits and disagreement between Hindus and Muslims. .

1. The breakdown of the Mughal dynasty caused dozens of small states to break away Mughal empire, which, until now, kept the European forces out of India. Now, there was no chance. In 1757, Robert Clive took his East India Company Troops and defeated the Indian troops.

East India Company gained control of India

DBI (Pg. 679) What reason does Morel offer for why African resistance waned?

European powers had more modern things like guns at their disposal and the Africans over time realized this and they could not fight back anymore. Africans became helpless.

What is imperialism?

Extending one's country to another country using military force, political force, or policy.

In what country did Muhammad Ali institute a series of reforms in the military and in the economy?

In the country of Egypt

What benefits resulted from imperialism?

Gain as much land as possible, extend your own country's policy and greatness, and gain economic power as well.

What Pacific island were we interested in? For what reasons?

Hawaii. America wanted to get sugar and pineapples from Hawaii and they also had a naval base, Pearl Harbor there.

What did Alfred Thayer Mahan advocate?

He advocated that the US needed to control the sea and dominate commerce.

What did Matthew C. Perry have to do with Japan?

He was a general that commanded warships towards Japan.

7. What is your response to Cecil Rhodes comment about the "Anglo-Saxon race"? Does it remind you of anything you've heard before? Explain your answer.

I respond that it makes sense that they would think that. They have the greatest progress than any other country, and they think the rest of the world will be horrible without them. This reminds me of how white nationalist may think since they will think that they are the greatest race and that everyone needs them everywhere.

Using the chart on pg. 676...which form of managing (Direct or Indirect) imperial interests do you think would be most effective and why? Note: The Online Textbook has mistakenly flipped "Direct Control and Indirect Control" on the chart.

Indirect control is more for pleasing the citizens and making the citizens cooperate with the government. Direct control is for getting profit and controlling directly the people. The country will be in the colony and will have control. Direct will be more useful for profit for the countries.

Which form(s) of imperialistic rule did Britain use in Nigeria?

Indirect rule is used for the Hausa-Fulani people of Nigeria, one of the many tribes. (There were three main tribes). Direct rule, however, was needed Igbo and Yoruba people.

What was the Teller Amendment? Why was it significant?

It agreed to give up the US annexation of Cuba. It was significant because the USA would not gain land but they also feared competition from Cuba's sugar.

4. The Sepoy Mutiny occurs and uprisings spread over much of Northern India

It caused the British to directly rule India as a colony. It also showed that Hindus and Muslims will not work together. It showed direct control of the India colony.

Approximately how long is the Suez Canal?

It connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, around 200 km.

Why might the problems caused by artificial boundaries continue after the Europeans left?

It either combined or unnaturally divided groups because when the European countries left, nations would develop and problems would stay will be there since the borders are still there.

6. What is Social Darwinism? How was it used to justify European imperialism?

It is a theory that takes Charles Darwin's ideas about both evolution and natural selection and applies it to the human society. However, this was not fair as this was a reason that they used to justify imperialism. It was used to justify imperialism because non-Europeans were viewed to be a on a lower "scale" of both cultural and physical development. They did not have the science or technology. Therefore, Europeans believed that they had to bring their progress to the rest of the world.

The Suez Canal is located in what country?

It is located in Eygpt.

Explain why the British viewed India as the "Jewel in the Crown".

It was both metaphorical and literal. India was the main cash producer colony that Britain had; they produced the main profit and they also had the most resources in any colony that Britain had. It was literal because Britain took the largest jewel, the Kohi Noor jewel, and took the jewel and put it into England's crown.

12. What is ethnocentrism? (google)

Judging another's culture according to conceptions and standards in one's own culture. "evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture."

9. What new technologies and inventions (products of the Industrial Revolution in Europe) allowed for the colonial expansion in Africa?

Maxim gun The drug "Quinine" protected against malaria Superiors arms and steam engines

1. Before European domination of the African continent, how many languages were spoken in the area?

More than 1,000 languages

Approximately how much of the Ottoman Empire was lost by 1914?

More than half; horizontal reduced from 2400 kilometers to 700 kilometers.

In 1907, which country was divided into spheres of influence by Russia and Britain?



Relied on existing political rulers Local officials often ruled over the colonies under their colonizer's authority The goal was to develop future leaders



Why would the French and Russians sell arms (weapons) to Ethiopia?

So that Ethiopia could drive out Britain if they came to Ethiopia and Ethiopia may also be easier to imperialize because they are "friends" with French and Russia because they gave them goods and arms.

With which country did the US officially go to war with to protect our interests Abroad?


2. What were the 3 factors that kept Europeans OUT of Africa between 1450 and 1850?

The 3 factors that kept Europeans out of Africa between 1450 and 1850 were Powerful African armies Travel into the interior of Africa on a large scale was almost impossible, since Europeans could not navigate rivers, etc. Disease Africans controlled their own trade networks.

16. How did African economies become transformed by the European presence?

The African economies might not have grown too much since the Europeans were plundering the land. But over time new businesses sprung up and the economy grew. The economy grew mostly for the Europeans.

13. How does the Berlin Conference demonstrate the influence of ethnocentrism by European governments in their "scramble" for Africa?

The European countries are making rules on how to control and gain land in Africa based on their own cultures and are judging the African culture. They are making rules for the Africans. This relates to ethnocentrism because they are evaluating the African culture based on their own culture and standards.

How were they different?

The Muslim nations recognized the benefit and importance of modernizing.

What foreign lands did the US earn as a result of the Spanish/American war? Was it only to protect Cuba's independence?

The Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam. The US also annexed Hawaii during that time. However, Cuba was not entirely independent because of an amendment that showed that the US would intervene any time for military purposes.

4. What was the economic and human impact of Leopold's policies on the Congolese?

The economy grew since the Africans were forced to work, and the human impact was that many humanitarians urged and demanded changes since the Africans were abused and forced to work.

How is the policy of paternalism exemplary of Social Darwinism?

The policy was developed because of European powers thinking that the Africans are not able to run their own colonies or understand how complex and difficult running a country is. Therefore this policy was developed. This policy is exemplary of Social Darwinism because European powers believed that Africans and subsequently their culture were below their own, so they created this policy. Since European powers did not believe in the knowledge of Africans, they created this policy which is exemplary of Social Darwinism. Paternalism is like giving the colony their needs, but not their rights.

On page 683, analyze the political cartoon. Describe what is happening in the cartoon and what certain symbols represent. What do you think is the meaning or main idea of the cartoon? What is it trying to say about England?

There is a monster named England with many arms are taking the countries and taking those countries over. It has its hand on almost all of the important countries. The hands represent the power of England and the countries are of course the countries being imperialized. It shows how Britain has control over most of the world with its many hands and power. The main idea is that Britain is the most important and powerful country in the world. It is trying to say that England is important and that their power is the leading imperialistic force in the world. They have the most power in than any country. It is trying to show the power of England to the rest of the world.

5. Why did the Industrial Revolution encourage European imperialism?

There was a competition for colonies, and every country wanted to put down their own flag on as many countries and colonies that they can.

10. How did the cultural diversity among Africans discourage unity in the face of European expansion?

There was diamonds and gold in South Africa and France began to expand from West Africa towards Sudan. As you can see, everyone is everywhere. The competition was very fierce and no European country wanted to be left out of the race, so no country really worked with another.

8. How did missionaries view imperialism? What do you think of the missionaries' idea? Explain your answer.

They believed that European rule was the best way that the slave trade could be ended. But, they also wanted to civilize the natives by bringing Christianity. I do not agree with this since every culture is unique, and we should not think that one country or way is better than the other. Similar to the missoniasers; they should not think that their religion is the best or their culture is the best.

14. What did Europeans hope the African continent would become in the world-wide economic system?

They believed the Africans would start to buy a lot of European goods.

How were the reactions of African & Muslim rulers to imperialism similar?

They both disliked Western influence in their respective nations.

The Battle of Plassey

This battle was the turning point. The East India company had a victory over the Indian forces. After that, The East India was the ruling force in India and India lost its independece. This was the turning point for India and Britain.

The army of Sepoys

This was the army that the British government had for the East India company. This was the army that was led by Indian soliders and eveutally caused the Sepoy Mutiny. This army could easoly "turn against us", as Mountstuart Elphinstone said, which shows the importance.

3. Emphasis on cash crops caused a loss in farmers being able to make food for themselves.

Villagers are no longer self-sufficient; food production declines and famine sets in.

Why did the US feel the need to imperialize?

We needed places to sell the new products that we produced. It helped America get out of the Depression.

11. What was the Berlin Conference? When did it happen?

When 14 nations met to discuss and set in stone rules for the "division of Africa". It happened from 1884-1885.

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