Quiz 2A
Hexadecimal numbers are used in computing because: -that is what a computer understands -it is a convenient way to represent binary -it is what a compiler understands
it is a convenient way to represent binary
What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 70? -1111111 -100001 -01000110 -100110
What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 15? -1111 -11011 -11110 -not possible
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10011? -43 -19 -3 -9
Unicode is used to represent characters in a computer which of the following statements is false about unicode? -Unicode can encode more characters than ASCII -Java uses the unicode encoding system -The unicode "code" for a character must be turned into binary to actually be stored in the computer -Unicode represents both C and c with the number 67
Unicode represents both C and c with the number 67
Computers only understand electronic impulses which can be represented as: -binary numbers -decimal numbers -hexadecimal numbers -unicode
binary numbers