1984 Answers

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Part 2

Part II Chapter 1 1.What does the girl's note to W says? P. 70 I love you 2. Who makes plans for the Meeting? p. 94 Winston, after many agonizing attempts/ Victory Square Chapter 2 1.Where does the couple meet? p. 95 May 2 Country side. Outside Airstrip 1. First Victory Square as a convoy of Eurasian prisoners passes. In countryside, a small clearing where the trees are too small too hide a microphone. 2.What does the girl provide as a treat? p. 101 A small slab of chocolate. Black Market stuff. 3. How do W and J spend their time? Talked about Party/ Rebellion/ Made Wild Monkey-Love p. 105 Sex as political rebellion. Chapter 3 1. Where does J say they can meet once again? Glen: p. 105 Julia's countryside hideout. It resembles the Golden Country- an imaginary landscape that W dreams about that is very similar to the Glen. 2. When? Not for another Month 3. Does she arrange for more meetings? p. 106 Yes, 4 meetings in evening in crowded prole sections 4. Although they never go back to the glen, where do they have a similar meeting? p. 106 In ruins of church in countryside where A-bomb was dropped 30 yrs ago. 5. How old isJ? 26 6. Where does she work? Minitrue- worked a novel writing machine in fiction department. More of a mechanic than a writer. 7. What is her attitude toward the Party? p. 109 Hated Party but made no criticism of it. She never used Newspeak or even heard of Brotherhood. Read p. 111 Chastity and Political Orthodoxy of Family Chapter 4 1. From whom has W rented a room? Charrington 2. When J arrives, what does she have in her bag? p. 117 Real Sugar, White Bread, Jam , real coffee. 3. While W is turned towards the window, what does J do? Put on makeup. Painted her face. 4. Do women in the Party wear Makeup? No. Only Prole women. Why? To help reduce sexuality and foster Party Orthodoxy. 5. At what does Julia throw her shoe at? A rat p. 119. 6. How does W react to the rats? p. 120 (Foreshadowing) He is horrified. Rats are very common in London. They open attack children in prole sections. 7. To what does W compare the paper-weight and the coral inside? p. 121 "A message from 100 years ago if one know how to read it. Paperweight was J and J's life in the room. A symbol of past- like their forbidden love. Chapter 5 1. Who has vanished? Syme- Newspeak expert as foreshadowed by W's earlier comments about him. 2. What new poster is displayed all over London? p. 123 Eurasian Soldier (Like 9/11 images in Bush's ads) 3. What is the purpose of the poster? For Hate Week- Used to ferment anger and frenzies of patriotism. 4. Do J and W meet during the month of June? p. 124 7 times. 5. What changes have taken place inW He is a new man: 1) Stopped drinking at all hours 2) Grown fatter,3) Varicose ulcer and coughing are better p. 124 6. Does the couple have any feeling of foreboding? p. 125 There were times fact of impending death seemed palpable- other times the illusion of safety 7 .Does J believe in Goldstein? p. 126 No 8. What evidence of the past does W say he possessed? p. 128 Paper about Jones , Rutherford, and Aaronson 9. To whom does J give credit for the invention of the airplane? The Party. She says it doesn't matter. She is a product of the system. Read p. 129 Chapter 6 1. Whom does W meet face to face at the Ministry? p. 130 O'Brien 2. What are the subjects of the men's discussions? W's writing, newspeak, by implication, Syme 3. Why does O'Brien give W his address? So he can meet him and get a new 10th edition Newspeak dictionary. Chapter 7 1. What particular thing does W remember after his father left? p. 133 Effect on his mother p. 134 His bad behavior 2. When he went home after devouring the chocolate, what does he find? p. 135 His mother and sister has disappeared 3. Does J want to give up their relationship? No. p. 137 Chapter 8 1. Whom do J and W go to see? O'Brien at his home. 2. What does O'Brien do that is unusual? He turns the telescreen off. 3. What does W tell O'Brien? p. 140 Read Wants to join ...... 4. Why is Martin asked to sit down? To join them. He is one of the conspirators 5. To whom is a toast made? p141. To Goldstein, our leader. 6. What is the conspiracy called? p.141 The Brotherhood. 7. What questions are asked of J and W? P. 142 Read. W & J are being set up like bowling pins. 8. To what question does J say, "No,"? p. 143 Are you willing to never see each other? 9.What does W say to the same question? No 10. How much will W and J know? p. 144-5 They will always work in the dark 11. What does O'Brien and tell W and J about the Brotherhood? Read p. 145 Nothing hold Brotherhood together except an idea. We never help our members... 12. To what do they drink their second glass of wine? p. 146 "To the Past" 13. What does O'Brien promise to send them? A copy of the Book by Emmanuel Goldstein 14. How will the book be delivered? A man will give him a briefcase. 15. What question does W ask O'Brien? To finish the rhyme about St. Clements p. 147 16. What are the white tablets for? Hide the smell of wine 17. Who goes first? Julia Chapter 9 1. With what country is Oceania at war with now? Eastasia- Eurasia is now an ally. P. 148 2. What does W receive at the rally? The briefcase/w Goldstein's book p. 148 3. Why has W been so busy? Working furiously in preparation for Hate Week (90 hours/week). P. 150 Now a large part of last 5 years of political history is obsolete. 4. What is the title of Goldstein's Book? p. 151 The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. 5. What is the first idea presented in Chapter 1: Ignorance is Strength? Throughout history, despite different numbers and names, only 3 groups of people: High, Low and Middle 6. What is the third chapter of the book (p.153)? About Class and War. War is Peace The breaking up of the world into 3 superstates. Defines Borders of countries on p 153 7. How long have these countries been at war (153)? In one combination or another for 25 years. P. 153. War is of limited aims among combatants unable to destroy one another. Takes place on vague fronts w/small numbers of specialists fighting. 8. What is the primary aim of modern warfare? p. 155 "Is to use up the products of the machine w/o raising the standard of living." 9. What does the Inner Party believe? p. 159 All members believe almost mystically that Oceania will rule the world. 10. What has happened to the word "science"? p. 159 Almost ceased to exist. No word for "science" in Newspeak. 11. What are the two aims of the Party? p. 159 1) conquer the surface of the world 2) extinguish independent thought. 12. What are the two main problems the Party is concerned with? p. 159 1) To discover against his will what another person was thinking 2) To kill several hundred million people in a few seconds w/o warning (only real aims of science) 13. What is the most powerful weapon possessed by all three states? Atomic bomb 14. Who discovered it? p. 160 Party claims it discovered it. Discovered in early 40's 15. Do these states drop atomic bombs? Not since 1950's. All store and stockpile for assumed future use. 16. How do the philosophies of the three states differ? p. 161 Read. They don't. 17. What was the purpose of war in the past? p. 163 Victory or Defeat. War, however, always came to an end. To keep society intact and maintain inequality and lack of freedom. 18. What are the characteristics of war now? p.164 Continuous. War is used to consume surplus goods and maintain status quo. War is purely intentional. 19. What do W and J decide to do about the book? Read it aloud 20. What has been the course of history since 1900 onwards? p. 167 Experts notice a cyclical inequality. Since 1900 it appears the goals of establishing equality and liberty were largely abandoned. 21. What has been the purpose of the new movements? p. 167 To arrest (stop) progress and freeze history at a given moment in time. 22. When could all humans have become technically equal? As early as the beginning of the 20th century 23. What has foreshadowed the political systems now at work? The Totalitarian systems of the early 20th century (Hitler, Stalin, Japan) 24. What makes the present High group different from those in the past? p. 169 In comparison w/ past tyrannies, they were half-assed and inefficient and too liberal (Hitler was a softy is the implication). Today, governments can truly watch/control the public fully/ P. 170 the ability to force complete uniformity of all people. 25 .What is the only danger of this oligarchy? The splitting off a group of able, under-employed, power-hungry people. Problem is education. 26. How does one get his Party position? By examination. Race is not a factor. 27. Are Proles allowed in the Party? Not in practice. The Party is not a class in the sense that the privilege, unlike money and power, isn't necessarily passed from parent to children (Bushes). 28. Does the Party perpetuate in blood? No. See p. 173 The oligarchy is perpetuated as a way of life by the dead on the living. 29. What does Doublethink mean? p. 176. In Oldspeak it is "reality control". It essentially holding two contradictory ideas and accepting both (Think about BB as ageless, going back to 30's). Through doublethink, the party is able to arrest history, freeze it. 30. Does Julia listen to all the reading? She falls asleep Chapter 10 1. In what does W decide hope lies? p181. After looking at a woman prole singing, " The proles". 2. Who says, "you are dead."? Voice from microphone, perhaps a telescreen too, hidden behind the picture. 3 3. Where is the microphone? Behind the picture, ironically hidden behind a symbol of the past. 4. Who is Mr. Charrington really? p. 183 A member of the Thought Police.

Part 1

1984 Part One, Chapter One Questions 1. When does the novel begin? April 1984 at 13 o'clock 2. Where does the novel begin? Victory Gardens 3. Cite the caption on the posters in Winston's building. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU 4. What is Newspeak? The official language of Oceania 5. What does a telescreen do? Listen and watch people in front of it 6. What are the Party's three slogans? WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH 7. Name the four Ministries of the government. Ministry of Truth: news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts Ministry of Peace: war Ministry of Love: law and order Ministry of Plenty: economic affairs 8. What is the purpose of the Two Minutes Hate? To make people hate Emmanuel Goldstein and be forced to agree with Big Brother 9. What is thoughtcrime? An all inclusive crime 10. What is the penalty for thoughtcrime? death Answers for Part One , Chapter One 1. 13 o'clock on a day in April 1984 2. Victory Gardens 3. "Big Brother is Watching You" 4. official language of Oceania 5. monitors one's every motion and sound 6. War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strength 7. Truth, Peace, Love, and Plenty 8. to increase hatred of Emmanuel Goldstein, Enemy of the People 9. an all inclusive crime 10. extermination 1984 Part One, Chapter Two 1. What form of address has replaced "Mrs. ? 2. What game are the Parsons' children playing? 3. Give the crime the children accuse Winston of committing. 4. What popular spectacle took place that afternoon? 5. What is a 'child hero'? 6. Who speaks in Winston's dream? 7. What does the speaker in the dream tell Winston? 8. What is the bad news delivered via the telescreen? 9. Winston addresses his diary to whom or to what? 10. Explain why Winston washes his hands before he returns to work. Answers Part One Chapter Two 1. Comrade 2. Spies 3. committing thoughtcrime 4. a public execution 5. an eavesdropper who has denounced his parents to the Thought Police 6. O'Brien 7. We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness 8. the chocolate ration would be reduced from 30 grams to 20 9. a time when freedom of thought is the norm 10. the ink stains could reveal that he has been writing 1984 Part One, Chapter Three 1. How old was Winston when his mother disappeared? 2. What is the only thing Winston remembers about his father? 3. What does Winston surmise happened to his parents? 4. Where are Winston's mother and sister in his dream? 5. Who appears in Winston's second dream? 6. What is Winston muttering as he awakens? 7. What is Airstrip One? 8. With whom is Oceania at war? 9. What is the Party slogan? 10. What is Ingsoc? 1984 Part One, Chapter Three Answers 1. 10 or 11 2. the thin soles on his father's shoes 3. Winston believes his parents were probably swallowed up in one of the purges of the 50s 4. in the saloon of a sinking ship 5. a dark-skinned girl who flings off her clothes 6. Shakespeare 7. formerly known as England 8. Eurasia 9. Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past 10. the Newspeak form of "English Socialism" 1984 Part One, Chapter Four and Five Questions 1. What is the official phrase for altering records? 2. What is the primary job of the Ministry of Truth? 3. What is "Pornosec"? 4. What is Winston's greatest pleasure in life? 5. Who is Comrade Ogilvy? 6. What is Syme's current project at the Records Department? 7. According to Syme, what is the whole aim of Newspeak? 8. What does Syme predict will have occurred by 2050? 9. Tell why Winston believes Syme will disappear one day. 10. Who does Winston believe is following him? Part One Chapter 4&5 Answers 1. to rectify them 2. to supply information in all forms to the citizens of Oceania as well as to the proles 3. Pornosec is the lowest kind of pornography, forbidden to Party Members 4. his work 5. a war hero who actually never existed 6. compiling the 11th edition of the Newspeak dictionary 7. to narrow the range of thought 8. all knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared 9. because of his intelligence 10. that the girl from the Fiction Dept. is following him 1984 Part One, Chapters 6 and 7 Questions 1. What does Winston believe is the most deadly danger of all? 2. What is the unforgivable crime? 3. What is the only recognized purpose of marriage? 4. Why did Winston call Katharine the "human soundtrack"? 5. Why does Winston believe a real love affair would be almost unthinkable? 6. What percent of Oceania's population is comprised of proles? 7. What does Winston copy into his diary? 8. What is Winston's proof that the confessions of Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were lies? 9. What happened to Winston's proof? 10. To whom is Winston writing the diary? Part One chapters 6&7 Answers 1. talking in one's sleep 2. promiscuity among Party members 3. to have children for the service of the Party 4. because she repeated every Party slogan 5. because chastity was an important aspect of Party loyalty 6. 85% 7. a passage from a children's history book 8. he has a photo of the 3 men in New York at a time when they supposedly had been on Eurasia soil 9. his proof was dropped into the Memory Hole 10. O'Brien 1984 Part One, Chapter Eight Questions 1. Instead of spending the night at the Community Center, where does Winston go? 2. What does the Newspeak term "ownlife" mean? 3. After the bombing, what does Winston see lying in the street? 4. What is the one public event to which the proles pay attention? 5. What does Winston learn from the old man in the bar? 6. What does Winston buy at Charrington's shop? 7. What is different about the room above Charrington's shop? 8. Why does Winston plan to return to the shop? 9. Who seems to be spying on Winston as he leaves Charrington's shop? 10. What is Winston's current interpretation of the phrase "place where there is no darkness"? Part One Chapter Eight Answers 1. London 2. individualism and eccentricity 3. a human hand 4. the Lottery 5. nothing useful to the past 6. a glass paper weight with a coral center 7. has no telescreen and a print of St. Clement's Church 8. to buy the print, jog Charrington's memory, and possibly rent the room upstairs 9. the girl from the Fiction Dept. 10. the "imagined future"

Part 3

1984: Part III Reading Q's Ch: 1 1. What difference does Winston notice between the Party prisoners and the regular Prisoners? The Party prisoners were silent while the regular prisoners fought back fiercely 2. What is likely to happen to most of the criminals Winston is locked up with? They will be sent to forced-labour camps 3. Why does Ampleforth believe he has been imprisoned? Because he allowed the word "God" to remain in a poem. 4. Who else is captured and locked in the same cell as Winston? Mr. Parsons Ch: 2 5. What method does O'Brien use to interrogate and torture Winston, believing that it will cure Winston of his "disease"? Electrocution 6. Why does O'Brien believe that other persecutions of the past, like the Inquisition, were unsuccessful? Because they allowed the enemies to become martyrs Ch: 3 7. What is the third stage of Winston's re-integration? Acceptance 8. According to O'Brien, why does the Party seek to maintain power? For its own sake 9. Nothing exists except through human ___Consciousness___."

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