20th Century Listening Quiz
Which specific structural component does this song employ?
A refrain
Listen to this excerpt from the first section of Still's Suite for Violin and Piano, then drag the words to complete the sentence below. The melody in this excerpt from the first section of Still's Suite for Violin and Piano is _____ and its rhythm is _____.
1. Bluesy 2. Syncopated
Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks below. Still, Suite for Violin and Piano2:11 The third movement of Suite for Violin and Piano features _____ harmony and a _____ form.
1. Modal 2. Sectional.
Which instrument is featured in the opening ten seconds of the Introduction to Part I of The Rite of Spring?
Which of the following statements correctly describe the opening section of this movement?Still, Suite for Violin and Piano0:25
Correct Answers: 1. Duple meter 2. The violin plays melody and the piano plays harmonic accompaniment Incorrect Answers: 1. One melody without accompaniment 2. Both instruments play the same rhythms at the same time 3. Triple meter
Which statements correctly describe the A section of Sonata V?
Correct Answers: 1. It is rhythmically steady 2. It is consists of a two-voice texture Incorrect Answers: 1. It isn't performed on a prepared piano 2. It isn't repetitive
Which best describe the opening violin melody?opening0:25
Correct Answers: 1. Sliding between notes 2. Quick alternation between pitches (trills) Incorrect Answers: 1. Each pitch played cleanly and precisely 2. Steady, even rythms
Which correctly describe the first eighteen seconds of The Rite of Spring, heard in this excerpt?
Correct Answers: 1. The bassoon plays at a slow pace 2. The violins play a pizzicato rhythmic figure Incorrect Answers: 1. The flutes play a lyrical melody 2. The meter is easy to identify
Which term best describes the harmonies of Country Band March as heard in this excerpt? Ives, Country Band March0:54
Which best describes the music in this excerpt?Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire0:13
Dissonant and unstable
Which best describes the pace of the music at the beginning of Dance of the Youths and Maidens, heard in this excerpt?
Fast with consistent pulse
Which best describes the meter of this section of Country Band March? Ives, Country Band March0:50
Mostly duple meter
Which best describes the performing ensemble in Dance of the Youths and Maidens from Part I of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring?
What technique is the violinist using in this excerpt, which begins about 45 seconds into the piece? Still, Suite for Violin and Piano0:11
Playing two notes at the same time (double stops)
Which best describes the texture of this excerpt?Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire0:13
Which instrument is playing this work? Cage, Sonata V0:20
Prepared piano
Which best describes the relationship between the vocal and instrumental parts? Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire0:13
Several complex melodies played simultaneously
Which best describes the music in this excerpt?Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire0:13
Solo voice and chamber ensemble
Which best describes the vocal style heard in this excerpt from Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire?
Speechlike and disjunct
Which best describes the vocal style heard here?Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire0:13
Which best describes the first 25 seconds of the third movement of Still's Suite for Violin and Piano? intro and opening motive0:25
Syncopated line in violin, stride piano accompaniment
In the A section, which line is the more rhythmically active one? Cage, Sonata V, section A0:20
The lower sounds played by the left hand (accompaniment)
What is the relationship between these two excerpts from The Moonfleck from Pierrot lunaire? (Ignore the first second of the second excerpt.)
They both contain the same text
The third movement of Suite for Violin and Piano is in sectional form. Still, Suite for Violin and Piano0:11
Which best describes the texture of the music at the beginning of Dance of the Youth and Maidens?Stravinsky, Rite of Spring0:33
Two or more melodic ideas played simultaneously (polyphony)
Which best describes the music in the first minute of Ives's Country Band March?
Woodwinds, brass, and percussion
Listen to the excerpt and fill in the blank below. Still, Suite for Violin and Piano0:25 This excerpt is in _____ meter.
What is the meter in this section of Country Band March?
Duple meter