21&22 A&P II Martini Study Guide

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Lymphatic tissue is found in the greatest quantity in: A) the adult spleen. B) the adult thymus. C) bone marrow. D) the tonsils. E) Peyer's patches.


Lymphatic vessels begin in peripheral tissues and ultimately drain into: A) veins. B) peripheral capillary beds. C) arteries. D) the kidneys. E) arterioles.


Stem cells that will form B cells or NK cells are found only in the: A) red bone marrow. B) liver. C) spleen. D) thymus. E) kidneys.


The cells that perform immunological surveillance are the ________ cells. A) NK B) plasma C) B D) helper T E) suppressor T


The main control of peripheral resistance occurs in the A) arterioles. B) venules. C) veins. D) arteries. E) capillaries.


Which of the following is the innermost layer of a blood vessel? A) tunica intima B) external elastic membrane C) tunica media D) internal elastic membrane E) tunica externa


A decrease in the size on the lumen of a blood vessel caused by contraction of the smooth muscle in the wall of the vessel: A) Vasodilation B) Vasocontriction


As blood travels from arteries to veins: A) pressure builds. B) pressure drops. C) flow becomes turbulent. D) viscosity increases. E) diameter of the blood vessels gets progressively smaller.


Defense of the body against a particular pathogen is provided by A) innate immunity. B) adaptive immunity. C) immunological surveillance. D) skin defenses. E) fever.


Helper T cells do all of the following except A) trigger B-cell division, plasma cell maturation, and antibody production. B) provide a rapid response to a future exposure to the antigen. C) enhance production of memory and cytotoxic T cells. D) attract macrophages to the affected area. E) enhance nonspecific defenses.


Identify the artery labeled "1." A) axillary B) brachiocephalic trunk C) common carotid D) ascending aorta E) brachial


Identify the artery labeled "16." A) axillary B) inferior mesenteric C) celiac D) superior mesenteric E) splenic


Identify the dominant cell type in the area labeled "6." A) T cells B) B cells C) erythrocytes D) platelets E) dendritic


Identify the structure labeled "3." A) deep cortex B) capsule C) subcapsular space D) trabeculae E) outer cortex


Identify the structure labeled "6." A) medulla B) cortex C) capsule D) trabeculae E) cortical sinus


Identify the vein labeled "12." A) cephalic B) median cubital C) radial D) basilic E) brachial


If a person has a blood pressure of 120/90, his mean arterial pressure would be ________ mm Hg. A) 210 B) 100 C) 93 D) 105 E) 90


Immunity that results from antibodies that pass through the placenta from mother to fetus is called ________ immunity. A) naturally acquired active B) naturally acquired passive C) artificially acquired active D) artificially acquired passive E) innate


Most of the lymph returns to the venous circulation by way of the: A) right lymphatic duct. B) thoracic duct. C) cisterna chyli. D) hepatic portal vein. E) dural sinus.


NK cells use ________ to lyse abnormal cells. A) pyrogen B) perforin C) interferon D) complement E) phagocytosis


Specialized lymphatic capillaries called lacteals are: A) located primarily in the large intestine. B) necessary for the transport of dietary lipids. C) part of the fenestrated capillary group. D) more numerous than blood capillaries. E) located throughout the body.


T is to ________ as B is to ________. A) top-located; bottom-located B) thymus-dependent; bone marrow-derived C) thyroid-drawn; bowel-developed D) non-thymus-dependent; bottom-located E) trabeculae-descended; bursa-origin


The cells responsible for humoral immunity are the ________ cells. A) NK B) B C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) suppressor T


The cells responsible for humoral immunity are the ________ cells. A) NK B) B C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) suppressor T


The complement system works closely with and complements the action of: A) interferons. B) antibodies. C) pyrogens. D) phagocytes. E) microphages.


The force that moves fluid out of capillaries is ________ pressure whereas the opposing force that movesfluid into capillaries is ________ pressure. A) systolic; diastolic B) hydrostatic; colloid osmotic C) blood; interstitial D) colloid osmotic; hydrostatic E) plasma; extracellular


The layer between the tunica media and the tunica externa in a large artery is the: A) tunica intima. B) external elastic membrane. C) tunica media. D) internal elastic membrane. E) tunica externa.


The lower part of the large intestine including the rectum receives blood from the: A) celiac trunk. B) inferior mesenteric artery. C) internal iliac artery. D) abdominal aorta. E) external iliac artery


The lymphatic system does all of the following except: A) helps maintain normal blood volume. B) transports gases to and away from lymph nodes. C) eliminates variations in the composition of interstitial fluid. D) transports lipids from the digestive tract. E) fights infection.


The lymphatic system is composed of all of the following except: A) lymphatic vessels. B) the venae cavae. C) the spleen. D) lymph nodes. E) lymph.


The smallest arterial branches are called the: A) muscular arteries. B) arterioles. C) capillaries. D) venules. E) veins.


The tunica intima consists of: A) stratified squamous epithelium. B) simple squamous epithelium and loose connective tissue. C) smooth muscle and loose connective tissue. D) simple squamous epithelium and smooth muscle. E) loose connective tissue.


Total peripheral resistance is related to all of the following except the: A) length of a blood vessel. B) osmolarity of interstitial fluids. C) turbulence. D) blood viscosity. E) blood vessel diameter.


Various types of macrophages are derived from A) lymphocytes. B) monocytes. C) neutrophils. D) eosinophils. E) basophils.


Veins of the brain empty into: A) coronary sinuses. B) dural sinuses. C) the cerebral arterial circle. D) external jugular veins. E) vertebral veins.


Which of the following are the smallest venous vessels? A) large veins B) venules C) medium veins D) arteriovenules E) venous valves


The primary function of the lymphatic system is: A) the transport of hormones. B) circulation of nutrients and dissolved gases. C) defending the body against both external and internal threats. D) the production and distribution of plasma proteins. E) the production and maturation of leukocytes.


The primary lymphoid tissues include: A) the bone marrow. B) the thymus. C) the bone marrow and thymus. D) the lymph nodes and tonsils. E) the bone marrow, thymus, spleen and lymph nodes.


These vessels may be continuous or fenestrated. A) arteries B) arterioles C) capillaries D) venules E) veins


Which layer of a blood vessel contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle tissue? A) tunica intima B) external elastic membrane C) tunica media D) internal elastic membrane E) tunica externa


You would expect to find fenestrated capillaries in: A) skeletal muscles. B) cardiac muscle. C) the pituitary gland. D) bone. E) skin.


Arteries that supply the plantar portion of the foot branch from the posterior ________ artery: A) popliteal B) femoral C) calcaneal D) tibial E) dorsalis pedis


Blood is drained from the lower portion of the large intestine by the: A) celiac trunk. B) gastric vein. C) superior mesenteric vein. D) inferior mesenteric vein. E) inferior vena cava.


Compared to arteries, veins: A) are rounder in a sectional cut. B) have more smooth muscle in their tunica media. C) have a pleated endothelium. D) have thinner walls. E) hold their shape better when cut.


During a primary humoral response to antigens all of the following occur except: A) B cells may differentiate into plasma cells immediately. B) B cells may undergo several rounds of mitosis before producing plasma cells and memory cells. C) antibody levels do not peak until 1 to 2 weeks after the initial exposure. D) neutrophils invade the surrounding areas, releasing chemotactic substances. E) the first immunoglobulins to appear in circulation are of the IgM type.


Hormones that regulate the activity of B cells and T cells and enhance nonspecific defense are called: A) calcitriol. B) glucocorticoids. C) mineralocorticoids. D) interleukins. E) immunoglobulins.


Identify the structure labeled "1." A) efferent lymphatic vessel B) venule C) arteriole D) afferent lymphatic vessel E) lymphatic nodule


Identify the vein labeled "6." A) inferior vena cava B) common iliac C) internal iliac D) external iliac E) femoral


In arteries, the thick layer of elastic fibers associated with the tunica intima is called the: A) tunica intima. B) external elastic membrane. C) tunica media. D) internal elastic membrane. E) tunica externa.


Suppressor T cells act to A) suppress antigens. B) erase memory T cells. C) limit antigen proliferation. D) inhibit T and B cell activities. E) produce antibodies involved in autoimmunity.


T cells and B cells can be activated only by: A) pathogens. B) interleukins, interferons, and colony-stimulating factors. C) cells infected with viruses, bacteria, or cancer cells. D) exposure to a specific antigen at a specific site in a plasma membrane. E) disease-causing agents.


The cells directly responsible for cellular immunity are the ________ cells. A) dendritic B) plasma C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) suppressor T


The resistance to blood flow of the entire cardiovascular system is known as: A) severe combined constriction. B) vasomotion. C) vasoconstriction. D) total peripheral resistance. E) systemic resistance.


To defend blood volume against dehydration, the body: A) reduces reabsorption of water at the kidneys. B) experiences an increase of interstitial fluids. C) experiences a decrease in the blood colloidal osmotic pressure. D) releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH). E) releases atrial natriuretic peptide.


Which of the following is not a secondary lymphoid tissue or organ?: A) spleen B) tonsils C) MALT D) thymus E) lymph nodes


Which part of the vascular system functions as a blood reservoir and contains over 60% of the body's blood? A) pulmonary arteries B) capillaries C) systemic arterioles D) veins E) arteries


A measure of antibody level in the plasma is: A) the primary response. B) the secondary response. C) antigen concentration. D) body temperature. E) the antibody titer.


All of the following are characteristics of adaptive defenses except: A) versatility. B) tolerance. C) memory. D) specificity. E) present at birth.


All of the following are true of the secondary response of humoral immunity except that it: A) depends on memory B cells. B) results in much higher antibody titers than in the primary response. C) results in much quicker rise in antibody titers. D) produces more effective antibodies. E) weakens quickly because memory B cells only survive for a year or two.


Another term for antibodies is: A) cytokines. B) cytosolic factors. C) interleukins. D) interferons. E) immunoglobulins.


Blood pressure is lowest in the A) arteries. B) arterioles. C) capillaries. D) venules. E) veins.


Identify the structure labeled "2." A) deep cortex B) capsule C) subcapsular space D) trabeculae E) medullary cord


Identify the vein labeled "8." A) superior vena cava B) brachiocephalic C) axillary D) external jugular E) subclavian


Immunity that is genetically determined and present at birth is called ________ immunity. A) active B) natural passive C) passive D) auto E) innate


In passive immunity, the A) immune system attacks normal body cells. B) body is deliberately exposed to an antigen. C) body receives antibodies produced by other humans. D) body receives antibodies produced by an animal. E) body receives antibodies produced by other humans or by an animal.


Interleukins do all of the following except: A) increase T-cell sensitivity to antigens exposed on macrophage membranes. B) stimulate B-cell activity, plasma cell formation, and antibody production. C) stimulate inflammation. D) elevate body temperature. E) stimulate collagen synthesis.


Microphages include A) monocytes. B) Kupffer cells. C) neutrophils. D) eosinophils. E) both neutrophils and eosinophils.


T Lymphocytes are produced and stored in all of the following except: A) the thymus. B) lymphatic nodules. C) lymph node organs. D) the spleen. E) the brain.


The ________ collects blood from the entire small intestine and two-thirds of the large intestine: A) celiac trunk B) hepatic portal vein C) splenic vein D) gastric vein E) superior mesenteric vein


The blood vessel that supplies blood to the pancreas, the small intestine, and most of the large intestine is the: A) celiac artery. B) inferior mesenteric vein. C) hepatic portal vein. D) gastric vein. E) superior mesenteric artery.


The large vessels that return blood to the heart are called: A) arteries. B) arterioles. C) capillaries. D) venules. E) veins


The most common site of a stroke is the: A) anterior communicating artery. B) anterior cerebral artery. C) posterior communicating artery. D) posterior cerebral artery. E) middle cerebral artery.


What are the layers of blood vessels from outside to inside? A) tunica intima; tunica externa; tunica media B) tunica intima; tunica media; tunica externa C) tunica media; tunica externa; tunica interna D) tunica externa; tunica interna; tunica media E) tunica externa; tunica media; tunica interna


Which of the following equations shows the correct relation between blood flow (F), pressure (P), and resistance (R)? A) P = (F × R) × 4 B) F = R/P C) F = P + R D) F = P - R E) F = P/R


Which of the following layers of a vessel contains collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers? A) tunica intima B) external elastic membrane C) tunica media D) internal elastic membrane E) tunica externa


Which vessel has only the tunica intima layer? A) artery B) vein C) arteriole D) venule E) capillary


Identify the artery labeled "6." A) common iliac B) internal iliac C) external iliac D) abdominal aorta E) femoral


Identify the vein labeled "10." A) inferior vena cava B) superior vena cava C) aorta D) pulmonary E) thoracic


Identify the vein labeled "9." A) axillary B) brachial C) cephalic D) basilic E) median cubital


Immunity that results from exposure to an antigen in the environment is called ________ immunity. A) naturally acquired active B) naturally acquired passive C) artificially acquired active D) artificially acquired passive E) innate


In what vessel is blood pressure the highest? A) artery B) arteriole C) capillary D) venule E) vein


A T cell can only become activated after being physically or chemically stimulated by the abnormal targetcell in a process called: A) costimulation. B) opsonization. C) sensitization. D) neutralization. E) precipitation.


An important protein in the activation of the alternative pathway of complement activation is: A) properdin. B) interferon. C) histamine. D) fibrin. E) C1.


An increase in the size of the lumen of a blood vessel caused by relaxation of the smooth muscle in the wall of the vessel: A) Vasodilation B) Vasocontriction


Blood colloid osmotic pressure is produced by: A) large non-diffusible proteins in the blood plasma. B) a greater salt concentration in blood cells. C) the force of blood pushing against the vessel wall. D) osmosis of water. E) hypertonic solutions separated by a cell membrane.


Calculate the net filtration pressure (NFP) with a blood hydrostatic pressure of 40 mm Hg and a blood colloid osmotic pressure of 25 mm Hg. Then determine if filtration or reabsorption occurs. NFP = ______ and results in a fluid _________. A) 15 mm Hg; filtration B) 65 mm Hg; reabsorption C) 65 mm Hg; filtration D) 15 mm Hg; reabsorption E) -15 mm Hg; filtration


All of the following are true of the primary response of humoral immunity except that: A) it depends on antigen triggering the appropriate B cell. B) it requires B cell differentiation into plasma cells. C) it depends on memory B cells. D) circulating antibodies undergo a gradual, sustained rise. E) it peaks 1 to 2 weeks after the initial exposure.


As blood circulates from arteries into capillaries, the total cross-sectional area of capillaries: A) decreases and causes the blood velocity to decrease. B) is the same as the total cross-sectional area of arteries and blood velocity is equal between arteries and capillaries. C) increases and causes the blood velocity to decrease. D) increases and causes the blood velocity to increase. E) decreases and causes the blood velocity to increase.


Capillaries with a perforated lining are called: A) perforated capillaries. B) discontinuous capillaries. C) fenestrated capillaries. D) sinuses. E) vasa vasorum.


Cells that help regulate the immune response are ________ cells. A) B B) plasma C) helper T D) cytotoxic T E) NK


Identify the arteries labeled "9." A) axillary B) brachiocephalic C) common carotid D) aorta E) brachial


Identify the artery labeled "10." A) brachiocephalic trunk B) common carotid C) subclavian D) brachial E) axillary


In an experimental situation, a rabbit is exposed to a viral antigen to which it makes antibodies. These antibodies are then purified and injected into a human with the same viral disease. This is an example of: A) innate immunity. B) active immunization. C) passive immunization. D) natural immunity. E) alloimmunity.


In response to hemorrhage, there is: A) peripheral vasodilation. B) increased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. C) mobilization of the venous reserve. D) constriction of elastic arteries to maintain blood pressure. E) increased blood flow to the digestive system.


Lymphatic organs differ from lymphatic tissues in what way? A) They contain T lymphocytes and lymphatic tissues do not. B) They are found in the digestive tract and lymphatic tissues are found in the thorax. C) They are surrounded by a fibrous capsule and lymphatic tissues are not. D) They cannot produce antibodies, whereas lymphatic tissues can. E) They occur throughout the body except in the head.


The classic pathway of complement activation begins when the protein C1 binds to: A) the cell wall of bacteria. B) the plasma membrane of bacteria. C) two antibodies attached to an antigen. D) a cell surface antigen. E) a plasma protein.


The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures is called the ________ pressure. A) critical closing B) mean arterial C) pulse D) blood E) circulatory


The effects of activating the complement system include all of the following except: A) destruction of target cell plasma membranes. B) stimulation of inflammation. C) inhibition of the immune response. D) opsonization. E) chemotaxis.


The end result of the classical and alternative pathways of complement activation is: A) an increase in pyrogen release. B) release of histamine. C) activated C3B attached to the cell wall. D) C1 bound to two antibodies. E) activation of properdin


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