2.2: Carbon Cycle & Humans
a. Carbon
Metabolic processes depend on which factor listed below? a. Carbon b. Nitrogen c. Fresh water d. Phosphorus
a. Global warming
Which of the following environmental changes would increase the amount of water in the atmosphere? a. global warming b. global cooling c. population increase d. population decrease
B. habitat destruction
Deforestation and filling in a wetland to grow crops are both examples of A. pollution B. habitat destruction C. conservation D. climate change
C. is a natural process
Global warming A. is caused solely by humans B. is not real C. is a natural process D. helps only tropical organisms
b. CH4
Which of the following is an organic compound? a. NH3 b. CH4 c. NO3- d. H2O
C. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon and carbon-based greenhouse gases to the atmosphere in excess volume
Which of the following statements correctly represents a negative impact of fossil fuel usage? A. The burning of fossil fuels disrupts the water cycle by adding hydrogen to the atmosphere B. Drilling for fossil fuels disrupts the carbon cycle by adding hydrogen to the atmosphere C. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon and carbon-based greenhouse gases to the atmosphere in excess volume D. Mining for fossil fuels has irreversible changed the ecological biomes for the Earth
b. Decomposition
After a plant dies, how does the carbon in its tissues reenter soils? a. Combustion b. Decomposition c. Human action d. UV light
What is the process of turning productive land into deserts?
b. Carbon
Driving your car directly impacts which nutrient cycle? a. Nitrogen b. Carbon c. Water d. Phosphorus
d. Increase the number of plants
Which environmental change would decrease the amount of carbon in the atmosphere? a. Increase fossil fuel usage b. Increase the number of animals c. Increase the number of bacteria d. Increase the number of plants
a. As the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased, so has Earth's average temperature
Gases in the atmosphere play an important role in several different cycles that have both natural and human-affected components. What is the best interpretation of the information in the graph? a. As the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased, so has Earth's average temperature b. As global temperature increases, it is accompanied by an increase in the hold in the ozone layer due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide c. Global average temperature has remained relatively steady as CO2 concentrations have fluctuated seasonally d. There is not correlation between Earth's average temperature and the concentration of atmospheric CO2
c. They return carbon to the environment for reuse
How are decomposers critical to the carbon cycle? a. They return nitrogen gas back into the atmosphere b. They convert carbon dioxide into usable carbon c. They return carbon to the environment for reuse d. They store carbon compounds in fossils for later use
D. Turn off lights when you leave a room
How can you combat global warming? A. Keep the air conditioner on B. Move to a cooler climate C. Avoid eating fish D. Turn off lights when you leave a room
D. Through conservation
How do humans increase biodiversity? A. Hunting endangered animals
d. Volcanic eruptions
In addition to human impact, natural environmental processes can influence climate change. What natural process is most likely responsible for releasing gases, aerosol droplets, & particulates into the atmosphere? a. Automobile emissions b. Tornado outbreaks c. Untreated sewage d. Volcanic eruptions
c. Burning of fossil fuels
The spruce-fraser fir forest at the top of Mt. Mitchell is nearly all dead & the cloud formations surrounding the forest have a pH of 2.5-3.5. What is the most likely cause of this destruction? a. Insecticide use b. Poor agricultural practices c. Burning of fossil fuels d. clear-cutting forests
b. Carbon
What is the main component of organic molecules? a. Phosphorus b. Carbon c. Nitrogen d. Carbon dioxide
What is the number and variety of living organisms in an ecosystem or on Earth?
What is the complete clearing of a forest?
c. decrease, negatively impacting the cycle
As human population growth continues, humans are searching for more places to create habitats. This includes cutting down vast numbers of trees to clear land on which to build. According to the diagram, which statement best represents how deforestation will impact the carbon cycle? The rate of photosynthesis will... a. increase, positively impacting the cycle b. decrease, positively impacting the cycle c. decrease, negatively impacting the cycle d. increase, negatively impacting the cycle
b. the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect globally
As humans burn fossil fuels for energy the percent of carbon stored in fossils is reduced while the carbon in the atmosphere is increased. If green plants are also being removed how might the carbon cycle & greenhouse effect be influenced? More carbon will be left in... a. terrestrial ecosystems, increasing the greenhouse effect globally b. the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect globally c. the atmosphere, decreasing the greenhouse effect globally d. terrestrial ecosystems, increasing the greenhouse effect globally
d. Photosynthesis within the carbon cycle will decrease, raising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which contribute to global warming
Forest land is currently being cleared at an alarming rate for a variety of human uses. What impact will the process of deforestation have on the carbon cycle & ecosystems worldwide? a. Photosynthesis within the carbon cycle will increase, lowering atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which reduce global warming b. Photosynthesis within the carbon cycle will increase, raising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which contribute to global warming c. Photosynthesis within the carbon cycle will decrease, lowering atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which reduce global warming d. Photosynthesis within the carbon cycle will decrease, raising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which contribute to global warming
a. Global warming
On Earth, the plants & the oceans store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. What results when a factor, such as the clear-cutting of large stands of forest, disrupts this process? a. Global warming b. Overpopulation c. Ozone depletion d. Soil erosion
a. Through photosynthesis
How does the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere become incorporated as carbon into living things? a. Through photosynthesis b. Through respiration c. Through deposition d. Through decomposition
c. Greenhouse effect & deforestation
How has the world's continuously growing human population negatively impacted the environment? a. Hybrid vehicles & public transportation b. Environmental laws & recycling c. Greenhouse effect & deforestation d. Family planning & vegetarian diets
a. Agriculture and waste release larger amounts of methane into the atmosphere than fossil fuel production and use
In a diagram showing data about the flow of methane in the global carbon cycle, what does the width of the black arrows indicate? a. Agriculture and waste release larger amounts of methane into the atmosphere than fossil fuel production and use b. Fossil fuel production and use release larger amounts of methane into the atmosphere than agriculture and waste c. Agriculture and waste absorb larger amounts of methane from the atmosphere than fossil fuel production and use d. Fossil fuel production and use absorb larger amounts of methane from the atmosphere than agriculture and waste
C. Develop plastics using renewable resources, such as plant products
In the United States, plastic products take nearly 200 years to completely break down. Also, plastics are manufactured from non-renewable resources. What is a reasonable solution to the plastic problem? A. Immediately stop the manufacture of all plastic products B. Put all of the plastic out of existing landfills, recycle it, and make no more plastic from raw materials C. Develop plastics using renewable resources, such as plant products D. Encourage consumers to stop purchasing plastic until all plastic manufacturers are forced out of business
b. Methane concentrations in the atmosphere have increased by almost 40 ppb, contributing to measurable warming of the atmosphere
Methane (CH4) gas has a 5-year global warming potential that is 72 times greater than that of carbon dioxide. The graph shows the changes in global methane concentrations over the past 5 years. What can be inferred from the data shown in this graph? a. Any global warming caused by methane concentrations would be offset by cooling caused by increased carbon dioxide levels b. Methane concentrations in the atmosphere have increased by almost 40 ppb, contributing to measurable warming of the atmosphere c. Seasonal fluctuations in methane concentrations in the atmosphere indicate that methane has no net effect on global warming d. Seasonal fluctuations in the monthly mean methane concentrations are mostly below the adjusted average, contributing to measurable cooling of the atmosphere
A. It will change the way we think about energy while improving the environment
Scientists working to develop alternate fuel green technologies sometimes use the work of other scientists. What impact will alternate fuel technologies have on society and the environment? A. It will change the way we think about energy while improving the environment B. People will continue to use energy in a wasteful way while degrading the environment C. It will not change the way humans use energy, but it will disrupt the environment D. People will change the way they think about energy, but there will be little environmental impact
a. Carbon dioxide
Several gases in the atmoshere help to trap & hold in some of the heat from the Sun helping to maintain the Earth's temperature. This is the natural phenomenon called the greenhouse effect. Which gas varies in concentration based on plant & ocena coverage? a. Carbon dioxide b. Methane c. Nitrous oxide d. Water
c. photosynthesis
The carbon cycle is a complex network of linked processes moving carbon around an ecosystem. What process is indicated by the arrow labeled X in this diagram? a. cellular respiration b. fossil fuel combustion c. photosynthesis d. transpiration
B. Differences in climate led to distinctive body shapes
The family Elephantidae contains both living and extinct species of the largest land mammal on Earth. The most well known extinct species is the Tundra Mammoth. The largest Tundra Mammoth ear ever discovered measured only 12 inches long. The living African Elephant has ears measuring 71 inches. What is the MOST LIKELY explanation for the variation in ear length in these different species? A. Differences in diet led to smaller sized individuals B. Differences in climate led to distinctive body shapes C. The process of fossilization caused the appendages of the mammoth to shrink D. Living tissues are full of water and thus swell to a larger size
B. Wheat
Which of these organisms is MOST LIKELY to be harmed by acid rain? A. Rainbow trout B. Wheat C. Wolf D. Cactus
b. Oceans
Which region on Earth is most responsible for regulating the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? a. Deserts b. Oceans c. Temperate forests d. Tropical forests
What is a harmful material that is released into the environment?
Renewable resource
What is a natural resource that can be replaced through natural processes?
What is harvesting fish faster than the population can renew itself?
d. Increasing rates of photosynthetic carbon fixation by plant leaves
What is a positive impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels? a. Increasing global temperatures b. Decreasing global temperatures c. Decreasing rates of photosynthetic carbon fixation by plant leaves d. Increasing rates of photosynthetic carbon fixation by plant leaves
Natural resource
What is a product of the environment that is used by humans or other organisms?
b. Climate change
Global warming, acid rain, habitat destruction, & natural environmental processes such as volcanism are all factors that contribute to what problem? a. Bioaccumulation b. Climate change c. Overpopulation d. Ozone depletion
d. CO2 is an abiotic factor that is an essential carbon source for biotic factors such as plants
How does the carbon cycle represent an interaction between abiotic and biotic factors? a. CO2 is a biotic factor that is an essential carbon source for abiotic factors such as plants b. CO2 is a biotic factor that is used in the process of photosynthesis by abiotic factors such as plants c. CO2 is an abiotic factor that is used in the process of cellular respiration by biotic factors such as animals d. CO2 is an abiotic factor that is an essential carbon source for biotic factors such as plants
c. photosynthesis & ingestion millions of years ago is released during the burning process, increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
How is the burning of fossil fuels related to the carbon cycle? Carbon stored in organisms through... a. decomposition millions of years ago is released during the burning process, decreasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere b. decomposition millions of years ago is released during the burning process, increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere c. photosynthesis & ingestion millions of years ago is released during the burning process, increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere d. photosynthesis & ingestion millions of years ago is released during the burning process, decreasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
D. Increased global temperature
What is one effect of increased greenhouse gases on the environment? A. Decrease in water pollution B. Falling global temperatures C. Decrease in endangered species D. Increased global temperatures
b. increased production of glucose
The flow chart shows a segment of the carbon cycle. Which phase accurately completes the chart? a. increased release of carbon dioxide b. increased production of glucose c. increased intake of oxygen d. increased concentration of ATP
A. Cleaning up a river
Which of these is MOST LIKELY to protect biodiversity? A. Cleaning up a river B. Building dams C. Filling in wetlands D. Global warming
c. The plants experienced abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis from car exhaust & other human & industrial sources
A team of biologists was studying the effects of urban environments on plant growth. They noticed that a species of milkweed grew unusually tall in a small natural area near the city center. The biologists speculated that this was because the milkweed was exposed to more light than usual, even at night. This light came from street lights and the constant glow of reddish-orange neon lights. What is a possible alternative explanation for the observed height of these plants? a. The high levels of fossil fuel combustion in the city provided an abundant supply of oxygen for aerobic respiration in the plants' mitochondria b. The natural area where the plants grew was surrounded by concrete, preventing them from taking up too much water during periods of rain & snow c. The plants experienced abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis from car exhaust & other human & industrial sources d. The plants were shaded from direct sunlight by all buildings during the day, which facilitated their light-independent reactions in photosynthesis
a. The salt ocean water serves as a sink for carbon dioxide, absorbing the carbon dioxide that plants do not use
As deforestation decreases the number of plants utilizing carbon dioxide, how is the amount of carbon dioxide being managed naturally? a. The salty ocean water serves as a sink for carbon dioxide, absorbing the carbon dioxide that plants do not use b. The hydrologic cycle filters the carbon dioxide from the air as it seeps down through soil & rock, removing impurities c. Soil serves as a sink for the extra carbon dioxide through the processes of deposition & erosion d. Bacteria found on the roots of plants fix carbon dioxide in the air by converting it into compounds usable by plants
a. Carbon-Oxygen cycle
Burning coal in a power plant would form part of which biogeochemical cycle? a. Carbon-Oxygen cycle b. Water cycle c. Nitrogen cycle d. Not part of any cycle
c. Global temperatures probably increased, and seasonal fluctuations in carbon dioxide probably reached a minimum in the late summer/early fall at the end of the growing season for many plants in the Northern Hemisphere
Climate scientists know that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs reradiated longwave radiation from Earth, helping create a blanket of heat around Earth, which keeps the planet warm and livable. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have changed substantially since the industrial revolution in the late 1700s. The graph from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows the mean global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations from 2011 to 2015. What happened during the 5-year period as a result of the changes shown by the data? a. Global temperatures probably decreased, and seasonal fluctuations in carbon dioxide probably reached a minimum in the late summer/early fall at the end of the growing season for many plants in the Northern Hemisphere b. Global temperatures probably decreased, and seasonal fluctuations in carbon dioxide probably reached a minimum in the late winter/early spring before the growing season for many plants in the Northern Hemisphere c. Global temperatures probably increased, and seasonal fluctuations in carbon dioxide probably reached a minimum in the late summer/early fall at the end of the growing season for many plants in the Northern Hemisphere d. Global temperatures probably increased, and seasonal fluctuations in carbon dioxide probably reached a minimum in the late winter/early spring before the growing season for many plants in the Northern Hemisphere
a. Carbon cycle
Humans have had a significant impact on this planet & altered the cycling of the important elements. Which cycle has been affected by the combustion of fossil fuels? a. Carbon cycle b. Nitrogen cycle c. Phosphorus cycle d. Water cycle
C. Repeat the experiment and use larger sample sizes
Results from an experiment show the connection between human waste and air pollution. What action should the researcher take to verify his results? A. Remove any data that disproves the results B. Team up with other scientists who will agree with the results C. Repeat the experiment and use larger sample sizes D. Skip the peer review process and publish the results immediately
C. Process the untreated sewage by adding oxygen and sewage-eating bacteria
Sewage treatment facilities sometimes allow tons of untreated sewage to flow into river systems. Which of the following is an appropriate method for dealing with this situation? A. Build dams along the river to catch the sewage B. Put up pollution warning signs C. Process the untreated sewage by adding oxygen and sewage-eating bacteria D. Ask farmers in the area to use some untreated sewage for fertilizer
b. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide will cause a gradual rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans
The graph shows an exponential increase in carbon dioxide levels over a 1000-year period. How could this dramatic increase negatively impact the environment? a. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide will result in a dramatic increase in the size and variety of decomposers in the environment b. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide will cause a gradual rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans c. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide will lead to an increased loss of carbon dioxide from the oceans, resulting in damage to marine and coastal ecosystems d. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide will reduce the rate of radiant energy passing through the Earth's ozone layer which will directly affect all plant life
A. Global warming
The greenhouse effect is responsible for which environmental condition listed below? A. Global warming B. Thermal pollution C. Photosynthesis D. Clear cutting of rain forests
d. Methane traps heat more effectively and is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide
Use the series of graphs to answer the question. Global warming is caused by humans adding substantial amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, causing an increase in the average global temperature. Even though the methane concentration in the atmosphere is measured in parts per billion (ppb) instead of parts per million (ppm) like carbon dioxide, why would some climate scientists be even more concerned about the impact of methane on global warming than the impact of carbon dioxide? a. The concentration levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been decreasing in recent years b. The concentration levels of methane in the atmosphere have been increasing more steadily than carbon dioxide c. Carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for a much longer period than methane d. Methane traps heat more effectively and is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide
b. Since the concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere have been decreasing over that time, they are less of a long-term threat to global climate destabilization
Use this series of graphs to answer the question. Global warming is caused by humans adding substantial amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, causing an increase in the average global temperature. Even though they have exceptionally high heat-trapping abilities, why would climate scientists be less concerned with chlorofluorocarbons such as CFC-11 and CFC-12 than scientists were 30 years ago? a. Chlorofluorocarbons are less prone to seasonal fluctuations in concentrations in the atmosphere, making them more stable, and thus less dangerous as greenhouse gases b. Since the concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere have been decreasing over that time, they are less of a long-term threat to global climate destabilization c. Even though concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere have been increasing, this has been offset by a decrease in other, more concentrated gases d. The long-term trend has been for an overall decrease in the concentrations of all major greenhouse gases, making climate change seem increasingly less likely
Nonrenewable resource
What is a natural resource that cannot be replaced by natural processes at least as fast as it is used?
a. How does changing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere affect the rate of photosynthesis?
What is a scientific question about the carbon cycle that can be answered by conducting an experiment? a. How does changing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere affect the rate of photosynthesis? b. Why does combustion use oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy? c. Is photosynthesis or cellular respiration better for organisms? d. How do organisms benefit from the carbon cycle?
a. How does changing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect the rate of photosynthesis?
What is a scientific question about the carbon cycle that can be answered by conducting an experiment? a. How does changing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect the rate of photosynthesis? b. Why does combustion use oxygen & produce carbon dioxide, water, & energy? c. Is photosynthesis or cellular respiration better for organisms? d. How do organisms benefit from the carbon cycle?
a. They convert atmospheric carbon into usable carbon compounds
What is the importance of plants in the carbon cycle? a. They convert atmospheric carbon into usable carbon compounds b. They convert water vapor into liquid water which is released into the soil c. They decay organic matter in compost heaps & sewage d. They convert nitrogen gas which is released into the atmosphere
B. Ice age
What is the proposed ultimate result of global warming? A. Space exploration B. Ice age C. Volcanic activity D. Increased shark attacks
Sustainable development
What is the use of resources to meet human needs without destroying or depleting the resources for future generations?
What is the wise use of natural resources in order to avoid using them up?
b. The release of carbon dioxide during the process of respiration
Which activity of primary consumers returns carbon to the atmosphere? a. The breakdown of carbon compounds during the process of digestion b. The release of carbon dioxide during the process of respiration c. The generation of carbon-containing waste that is used by decomposers d. The transfer of carbon in various forms when food is consumed by consumers
C. Concrete
Which answer choice is NOT considered a natural resource? A. Gold B. Water C. Concrete D. A Beach
d. Photosynthesis
Which cellular process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? a. Active transport b. Aerobic cellular respiration c. Asexual reproduction d. Photosynthesis
a. Carbon
Which element is biologically important & found in all living things? a. Carbon b. Nitrogen c. Water d. Carbon dioxide
b. It is essential in the production & metabolism of sugars for energy
Which explanation best describes the importance of the carbon cycle? a. It supplies the amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins b. It is essential in the production & metabolism of sugars for energy c. It is necessary for the formation of phosphates which form DNA & RNA d. It is used in forming water which is necessary for organisms
A. Increased erosion
Which fact below does NOT support climate change? A. Increased erosion B. Decreasing Arctic ice C. Decreased glacier mass D. Increased hurricane strength
D. Increased rate of extinctions
Which factor listed is NOT considered scientific evidence for global warming? A. Data from retreating glaciers B. Average increase in global temperature C. Increase in storm intensities D. Increased rate of extinctions
a. Carbon dioxide - combustion & cellular respiration
Which gas, along with its sources, has the greatest impact on climate? a. Carbon dioxide - combustion & cellular respiration b. Methane - photosynthesis & oceans c. Nitrous oxide - bacteria in the soil & combustion d. Other gases - evaporation & deforestation
C. Pesticide use
Which human activity MOST impacts biodiversity of vertebrate animals? A. Non-native species introduction B. Global warming C. Pesticide use D. Strip mining
b. Use of pesticides in agriculture
Which human activity contributes the least to global warming? a. Cutting of forests b. Use of pesticides in agriculture c. Extensive burning of fossil fuels d. Establishment of coal-fired power plants
C. Buying locally grown produce
Which of the following actions is environmentally friendly? A. Driving B. Shopping frequently C. Buying locally grown produce D. Throwing trash out in the dumpster
C. Burning fossil fuels
Which of the following causes acid rain? A. Deforestation B. Earthquakes C. Burning fossil fuels D. Population growth
D. Forest restoration
Which of the following increases the abundance of natural resources? A. Expanding landfills B. Clear-cutting C. Monoculture plantations D. Forest restoration
B. Strip mining for coal
Which of the following is NOT a sustainable technique? A. Hunting and fishing B. Strip mining for coal C. Conserving water D. Only logging trees over a certain diameter
B. Gasoline
Which of the following is a fossil fuel? A. Water B. Gasoline C. Carbon dioxide D. Ice
A. Hurricane Katrina striking the Gulf Coast
Which statement BEST describes a density-independent situation? A. Hurricane Katrina striking the Gulf Coast B. The Ebola outbreak in Africa during 1976 C. The Kanyanja lion pride hunting immature elephants D. Two fish species competing to consume aquatic invertebrates
a. The combustion of fossil fuels & burning wood contributes to an increase in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide
Which statement about the combustion of fossil fuels in engines & the combustion of wood from trees in large-scale forest fires is correct? a. The combustion of fossil fuels & burning wood contributes to an increase in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide b. Forest fires contribute to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, & fossil fuel combustion absorbs carbon dioxide from the air c. Fossil fuel combustion contributes to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, & forest fires absorb carbon dioxide from the air d. The combustion of neither fossil fuels nor burning wood contributes to an increase in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide
a. It will cause levels of carbon dioxide to increase in the atmosphere, resulting in higher concentrations of the greenhouse gases that lead to warming of the atmosphere
Which statement best predict the long-term effects of the increased combustion of fossil fuels? a. It will cause levels of carbon dioxide to increase in the atmosphere, resulting in higher concentrations of the greenhouse gases that lead to warming of the atmosphere b. It will cause levels of carbon dioxide to increase in the atmosphere, resulting in higher concentrations of the greenhouse gases that lead to cooling of the atmosphere c. It will cause levels of carbon dioxide to decrease in the atmosphere, resulting in increased rates of photosynthesis d. It will cause levels of carbon dioxide to decrease in that atmosphere, resulting in increased rates of cellular respiration
c. Greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere trapping heat, which alters weather patterns & overall climate
Which statement describes the primary mechanism by which global warming contributes to climate change? a. Deforestation increases the oxygen levels in the atmosphere, which forms ozone gas that changes local climates b. Sulfur dioxide & nitrogen oxides dissolve in water creating acid rain, which causes more wet weather patterns thereby increasing floods c. Greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere trapping heat, which alters weather patterns & overall climate d. CFCs create a hole in the ozone layer allowing more UV radiation to enter, which raises temperatures & alters weather patterns
b. Respiration & photosynthesis
Which two processes are major contributors in the movement of carbon in the carbon cycle? a. Respiration & evaporation b. Respiration & photosynthesis c. Condensation & evaporation d. Photosynthesis & condensation