24.3 & 24.4 Earth Space Science

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What is the difference between transgression and regression?

transgression occurs when sea level rises. Regression occurs when sea level falls and causes the shoreline to move seaward

What kind of tectonic deformation characterizes the Cenozoic?

uplifting massive blocks of crust to form the rocky Mountains

What happened during Eocene?

warm climates began to go away. Antarctica started to split from Australia and glaciers began.


when lifeforms moved from water- to land, why the Appalachians exist, and why the contain the vast coal deposits that fueled the industrial revolution.

What were the epochs of the Cenozoic that dealt with the Ice Age?

Pliocene and Pleistocene

what do we believe caused the massive extinction of the dinosaurs?


What are the 3 periods of Mesozoic?

Cretaceous period, Jurassic, and Triassic period

From the mass extinction at the end of the Paleozoic, what percentage of life died out?


How did Yellowstone National Park get its name?

By the yellow color of the extrusive volcanic rocks rhyolite.

The southern boundary Pleistocene glaciation happened in?

Central United states in north central mexico

Which fauna survived the mass extinction at the end of the Mesozoic?

Clams, snails, sea urchins, crustaceans, bony fishes, and sharks


Consist of the Triassic, Jurassic, and cretaceous period.

When did the Rocky Mountains form?

During the Cretaceous.

What separates endoderms from ectotherms and give an example of each?

Endeoderms are warm blooded and mammals, ectotherms are cold blooded (reptiles.)

Which mountain formation was formed due to the tectonic events at the end of the Mesozoic and how was it formed?

Himalayan mountains. the forces of the tremendous continents-to continents collision formed it.

The relationship between the East Pacific rise and the north america plates and the san andreas fault is

Is the plate coincides with pulling-apart, or extensional, tectonics in southwest U.S. and Central Mexico

What was the Cambrian explosion?

Is when their was an increase diversity and abundant of life-forms near the beginning of the Cambrian period.

What's the biggest difference between Neanderthals and modern humans?

Neanderthals had heavy brows, mouths that projected forward, and receding chins. they had snort, thick limbs and more massive, muscular bodies.

when did vascular plants appear?

Middle Paleozoic

What happened during Pleistocene?

North hemisphere experienced extensive glaciers

What did the fauna of the middle to late Cenozoic "evolve" to survive harsh condition?

Orthithischia and saurischia

What does Cenozoic mean?

Recent life

What type of rock deposit was an integral part of the Paleozoic?


what are the two types of dinosaur classes we discussed in detail?

Sauropod and Theropods

Why are ammonites excellent index fossils?

Short life span

Of the Sauricians, what are the Two "pods" and what is the biggest difference between them?

Theropods were bipedal and sauropods were quadrupedal and very big in size.

Why is the coal formed in Wyoming so valuable?

Very low in sulfur content, and thus, it burns cleanly.

What happened during Miocene?

Warmed up again. Glaciers began to melt and sea levels grew.

What happened during Pliocene?

Water on antarctic began the preeze and formed on ice cap.

Where is the basin and rage province located and why is it an important part of the Cenozoic?

When extension tectonics was pulled leading the crust apart, large blocks of the crust have dropped down, leaving other blocks at higher elevations to form the mountain range in Nevada and western Utah to north-central mexico

What separates hominids?

are bipedal (Up right posture resulting from modification of the hipbone and they walk on 2 legs)

When and where did the tracing of the ancestry of early hominids begin?

begin in the 1850 when they found skull at neanderthals near Dusseldorf, Germany.


encompasses approximate the last 66 millions years of earth's history. The final break up of Pangaea, earths life-long and surface features continued to change, major climate change, from the position of the continents.

Why is the Burgess Shale Important to us from an evolutionary standpoint?

he discovered fossilized Cambrians organism from the Canadian Rocky Mountains (soft-bodied organism, hard part organism too. Animals that do not fit into any living phylum.

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