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How can can I plan and use language to inform in a way that is also memorable? (2.9)

1. If your audience finds you credible because you have sed language accurately, clearly, appropriately, and fairly, that is one step towards helping them listen. 2. If you plan and use language choices they understand because your language is appropriate to their knowledge, attitudes, values and beliefs. 3. using a language to create a picture in the minds of your audience that will aid in connecting your understanding with theirs. That means using language figuratively in ways that give life to your ideas and create pictures with your words. Figurative language is a way that creates pictures in the minds of the audience, inviting their active participation in his message. Dr. King uses figurative language devices in his speech, resulting in creating and communicating vivid, contemporary, and personal ideas. uses similes, comparisons, and allusions. He uses a frame of reference. he will use intended metaphors ( a comparison that does not use the words like or as). (Instead, it simply uses the language of one kind of thing, in this case, cashing a check, to describe something else. Taking a story that personalizes the information makes the point in a much more vivid and memorable way. Not only is the experimental methodology something that the audience can relate to, It enables them to listen to and continue listening. Repetition, using compelling phrases over and over, is another example of figurative language. alliteration, repeating a sound at the beginning of successive word, is strong in the speech as well. He uses words that provide imagery through which the king's language choices have sensory appeal and invite identification with his audience.

What would i need to persuade people about? (3.2)

A speech about a question of fact is a speech about something that does not have a definitive or absolute answer. Can't know for certain if the answer is right or wrong. What is a question of value? When you ask your audience to make a value of judgment. wants to persuade the audience in believing in something. It must address the audiences beliefs and values. What is questioning policy? advocates for a specific course of action or proposes a specific solution to a problem. The type of speech are formal rules or laws for government, schools, businesses, or other organizations .

What do I need to understanding about outlining? (2.7)

An introduction, body, and conclusion will help you outline the main points of your speech. In the middle (the body) you will develop you main portion of you speech purpose. You will spend majority of your time there. The speech body will spend the majority of your time, the outline of the speech body will also contain the most information.

Topic selection for a pervasive argument, what should I remember in a topic section.(3.3)

Audience: know your audience backgorund (or grames of reference) is important for any speech. for a persasive speech, this inclues knowning the audeince feeling beliefs and attitudes about a specific topics setting: invovled the physical location of the speech as well as the speech requirements. reivew the imporiatn information. you, the speaker: you are fundementally the same person who delvered your informative speech.

How does the effective organization structure help me prepare deliver and informative speech the makes an impact? (2.7)

Choosing the best organizational pattern for your speech requires that you carefully consider how people learn and that you examine the diffrent types of informative speech. Must followed the principle outline.

organizing main points once i know the type of informative speech I want to deliver? (2.7)

Chronological: Organizational pattern fro informative speeches is used when the main points you plan to make in your speech are naturally related to each other by time. Sometimes referred to as the temporal patter, the chronological pattern works best with topics that describe a series of events in time. Spatial: organizational pattern is used when your topic can be structured according to geography or location. this could encompass directions around the globe, the two blocks around your house, or even the floor plan of a single house. Topical: organizational pattern (also called the categorical pattern) is the most often used pattern for informative speech. many topics you investigate are naturally grouped around heading, categories, or clusters of information. you can use the natural, logical clusters of information to arrange your speech.

types of informative speeches (2.7)

Concepts: To explain to my audience the theory behind cybernetics; to explain to my audience the role emotional intelligence plays in their lives; or to describe to my audience the various views on parenting of contemporary american mothers Person: to describe to my audience the rise to stardom of Angelina Jolie; to explain to my audience the contributions of the later Steven Jobs Place: To describe to my audience the NCAA Hall of Fame; to describe to my audience the historical Indy 500 race. Object: to describe to my audience the Indiana State crest; to describe to my audience the history of the Barbie doll.

Why does delivery matter so much? (2.10)

Delivery is important because it often needs to be adapted. Based on elements such as time, the environment, the audience, and often even adjustment of your delivery based on how you are feeling that day. Effective delivery has four considerations: method, voice, body, and practice.

How should i use my body as part of my delivery? (2.10)

Eye contact: major benefits in your speech, it demonstrates confidence and lets your audience know that they are being recognized. Stance: Speaking with a good stance is with your feet about shoulder width apart, knees straight, but not locked, back straight, and eye on the audience. Movement: movement is alright as long as it is not distracting. you want to be engaging in your speech. so by taking a few steps can help you reach that goal. gesture: the best delivery is the least noticeable delivery. you should not appear as though you are putting a lot of extra effort into it. try to make it seem natural. Facial expressions: will add impact to your speech. will give you speech more life and help you appear more genuine and sincere to your audience. your facial express should reflect your emotions that you wish to convay in your speech. adapt you delivery to your audience: audiences are egocentric and are usually thinking "what is in it for me?" What should I listen to this speech? You need to adapt to your audience during your speech as well to make a better delivery. dress: how you dress can affect the delivery of your speech. you want to look professional and polished.

What is explaining the process to your audience? (2.7)

Greate deal of applicability outside the classroom. it is not uncommon to be asked to explin how something works, such as a new technology, or how something is accomplished, no matter what your choosen profession.

Why should i learn about persuasive communication (3.2)

In each instance, you must know how to provide evidence and explanation for your ideas and how to adapt your ideas and presentation to particular situations. In short, if you understand how to speak persuasively, you will be better equipped to respond in those everyday moments that require persuasion.

how do i decided if i am giving a speech about facts, values, or policies? (3.2)

In order to persuade your audience to tkae certain action, you often have to convince them of something right or wrong, moral or immoral. Effective speech will often identify a primary persuasive purpose for the speech and allow that purpose to guide the composition and organization of the speech. persusive purposes as a three sided triangle. at the end of your speech. You should let your accent guide the direction of your speech. If your audience already agrees with your understanding of the facts, focus on actions they should take or actions to avoid. If your audience has different beliefs about the morality of an issue, you might not be able to persuade them to take any actions or to shift their deeply held views.

What is language? How does it work? (2.9)

Language is a symbole-system. Words are symbols: so are nonverbal objects and actions. even intangibles such as space and time have symbolic value. Their meaning comes through social context, collaboration, and constructed meaning amount those in the communication situation; in other words, shared understanding in the result of effective communication. Triangle of Meaning: C.K. Ogden and I. A. Richards phenomenon. They explain that there is not a one-to-one relationship between a symbol and its referent, the thing for which the symbol stands.

Why organization is important (2.7)

People learn better when they are motivated to learn. You must provided enough motivation, enough intrigue, or a compelling reason for your audience to pay attention. People learn better when they hear the important ideas a few times or in a few different ways. people learn better when they hear the important ideas a few times or in a few different ways People learn better when new knowledge or information is delivered in small, manageable, organized "bites"

What do I do at the start of my speech to get the audience attention? (2.8)

Purpose: of an informative speech introduction is to capture the audience's attention, draw them in to your speech, establish your credibility, and give the audience a general idea of what you will be talking about. Attention ("the hook")" : The purpose of the attention step or "the hook," is to immediately engage your audience with the topic so they will continue to listen throughout. Typically, you will have about 30 seconds to grab you audience attention before they may be likely to shift their attention to other thought. You can do this in a number of ways. Your choice will logically depend on your topic and your audience. in all situations, "the hook" should relate to the topic. an unrelated hook is not doing its job and will leave the audience confused and frustrated. - humor - stories - shocking statistics - Imagery - Quotations - Rhetorical Questions Tie-in to audience (TIA): lets the audience know early on that the speech will contain information that might be new to them, might help them, or may be of particular interest to them. Information that is relevant. the audience will lose interest when people feel like they cannot gain any value from the speech. creating a connection on the topic. Credibility: Once you captured the audience's attention, help them establish their credibility by tying the topic to make your audience feel like you know what you are talking about and that you are qualified to speak on your subject] Thesis (preview and main points) Provides a quick snapshot about your goals and what your main points will be. a roadmap to your speech.

What does mean by method? (2.10)

Speaking from memory: a memorized speech can definitely make an impact. Speaking from memory poses difficulties due to the possibility of forgetting the words from the notes you saved.We memorize patters. Speaking from a manuscript: a typed out speech in its entirety for you to read as you are speaking. This is typical because you are trying to convey a message precisely. This can create wrongdoing because you are using words literally. Extemporaneously: rehearsed your delivery extensively; only needed some note cards containing keywords in an outline format. using note cards containing keywords in an outline format. Using notes allows you to focus more on your audience because you are following the outline of the keyword and not depending on reading. Impromptu: must think of words quickly.Foes do not have a lot of value in class because it does not allow for much preparation and organization.

How do i choose a persuasive topic? (3.3)

The first one is the simplest, as it involves someone assigning you a topic the second avenue for topic selection involves taking a personal inventory, and the third avenue is brainstorm

How many main points should I have? (2.7)

The key ideas of your speech. First identify the central ideas. include the thesis statement. it will determine how many main points you will have in your speech. First principle of outlining is to have no fewer than two main points and no more than five main points appropriate to your thesis statement, supporting evidence and time frame. The second principle of outlining: the your ideas should be organized into main points and subordinate points without overlapping. while the main points are the focus of you speech, your subordinate points are the substance of the speech. They provide the example, facts, statistics, stories, and evidence to support you main points. The third principle of outlining: each main point should have at least two subordinate points. Fourth principle of outlining: Is that you main points and subordinate points should be organized logically and appropriately, including only one thought or idea. Fifth principle of outlining: main points and subordinate points should have parallel structure. the structure and wording in each sentence in each level of the outline should be similar. In the correct world, the structure is clear and parallel, with complete sentence in each part of the outline. Each main points begins with an action and a ending.

But doesn't the Dictionary tell me what words mean? (2.9)

The literal of dictionary meaning of a word is its denotative definition. However, it is rarely that simple. Words often have more than on literal meaning, depending, again on the communication situation in play. Words have a certain feeling associations, feeling, or understanding the are not necessarily captured in the denotative meaning. These associations or feeling are the connotative meaning of the words. Both denotative and connotative meaning are correct and important if you plan and use language effectively, in a new way that considers that point of view of you audience. Want to anticipate whether you will share the same frame of reference. When you are able to broaden your perspective, you have expand your point of view, making it easier to see the perspective of others. This important realization when it comes to using language effectively in a public speaking situation. using language effectively means not that you change your perspective, but that you adapt to invite the perspective of those in your audience, creating a shared perspective.

how can planning my language choices help me develop a speech that makes an impact? (2.9)

Using language effectively requires more than an ability to help convey your ideas. Effectively language use means that help you plan and prepare the symbols you want to use to make sure your audience wants to meet you half way because they want to understand. Language always reflect the point of view and must include that of your audience in order to compel them to list - not just hear - to what you are saying

How can visual aids help me communicate effectively and efficiently? (2.11)

Visual communication can efficiently and quickly convey information that might take an extended period of time to convey simply by speaking and/or writing. Having label and identifiable concepts associated with your visual aid would significantly change the impact and power of the visual aid for any audience. Your visual aid would significantly change the impact and power of the visual aid for any given audience.

What is visual impact? (2.11)

Visual impact: is the pehenonome of capturing your audience's attention through visual imagery. The problem that we approach in public speaking is that if we are to be true to our topic, purpose, and audiene, we must harness our artistic license and do more than simply create from our own steam of creativity.

How can I can use language to teach my audience about my subject? (2.9)

What are my options? In order for democratic society to function, citizens had to be ethical when speaking in public. Ethical speakers plan and use language accurately, clearly, appropriately, and fairly. Accurately: precisely, and deliberately Appropriately: Her language does not offend, confuse, or create misunderstanding. Fairness: distinction between questioning and judging is very important also as it relates to fairness and even-handed tones of her language. Credibility: The perception that the audience holds of the speaker. I am Just telling the facts. What is so hard about that? How do language choices help my audience understand my speech goals. You have to know how what facts your audience feels about the topic if you are to build on the understanding in order to invite a shared perspective through your language. Conducting a thought audience analysis. can help you gather information about audience attitudes, values, beliefs.

What about the ending? (2.8)

When deliving your final main points and taking a few steps forward in the center of your stage, slowing your voice down and changing your tone can help indicate to your audience that you are nearing the end. Reinfocing: the first part of your conclusion should reforce your thesis. Want your audience to rember key thoughts behind the whole presenation. Review: you will want to review your main points by giving your audience a short snap rewi of main points might look like. Remember: once you reivew your main points, you can close off any technique mentioned ealier in the attention step.

How can i use visual aid to make date more understanding to my audience? (2.11)

When you are compiling information to present to your audience. you need to present to your audience what can be easily understood and the information that you can build credibility in and registure in the minds fo the audience. sensory overload. for to much information present and not enarly enough tie to digest it can leave your audience confused. Egocentrism is a common thought that your audience members might have. Finally, they expect some explanation as to how that communication affects them The visual aid must directly relate to your audience and clarify how the information communicated visually can be understood in relation to your purpose. It is our responsibility to look at that information and to decide what criteria, regarding the information, the audience should focus upon when processing all of the numbers.

How does effective delivery help me deliver an informative speech that makes an impact (2.10)

When you deliver your speech, you go up there with the auditute that you have done all that you can do to prepare and it is now your time to shine.

what makes a persuasive speech different from an informative speech? (3.2)

You should try to provide information to your audience that they might not know in order to help them understand something about the topic. Your primary goal is to advocate for something like promoting a specific idea of position. Persuasion refers to the process of creating, influencing, changing, or renewing people's beliefs, attitudes, values, and actions. IN hopes of changing an attitude on a topic. percussion is not manipulation or coercion. Manipulation typically refers to getting others to believe or do something through deception, misleading information, or other underhanded tactic. Coercion uses implied or direct threats, insults, or physical and psychological violence in order to get the audience to comply. Persuasion means that the audience is free to choose whether or not to believe the speaker or whether they wish to behave in a particular manner.

once i know the purpose of my speech, how can i effectively my audience.

You want to use your message to create a favorable attribute to your product. If you want the audience to accept something as immoral, you need to create an unfavorable attitude. Speakers need to make an argument.

How can planning my language choice help me develop a speech that makes an impact? (2.9)

Your lesson, which is planned with your audience in mind, must compel your audience to listen. The right words mean you are more likely to create identification, demonstrate your ethical and credibility persona, and cause your audience to not simply to hear but to remember and take action. The goal is to get your audience to learn and remember your ideas.

What does it mean to become an effective and efficient searcher? (3.4)

campus library, google dchsoalr, academic libaraies

How can understand visual aid help me prepare and deliver informative speech that makes impact? (2.11)

creating meaningful visual aid help creates an impact that is effectively, efficiently, and clearly communicated the complex information in your presentation that is difficult to simply put into words alone.

Rhetoric " the available meaning of persuasion"

ethos: meaning credibility. good sense, good moral character, good will. parthos: refers to emotional appeals lagos: refer to logical appeals. What does it mean to make an argument? isn't arguing a bad thing? Claim: clearly states what the speakers hopes to persuade the audience to believe. This is a goal within the speech. Evidence: supports the claim, this evidence might be statistic, definitions, exmaples, expert quotes , or other forms of reliable support warrant: provides explanations for how the evidence relates to the claim. warrants explain why the party's evidence is to the claim. The warrants explain why the particular example the speaker selected is best suited to prove the argument. so all i have to do is state what i want my audience to accept, use evidence, and explain that evidence? Therefore, an effective trustworthy , and ethical speaker must watch out for logical fallacies in their argument. a fallacy occurs when a speaker uses poor, flawed reasoning in am argument. - red herring: - Ad hominem - begging the question - bandwagon - false dichotomy (either/or fallacy) - false analogy

When developing a visual aids, should i use real objects or will photographs get the job done? (2.11)

find a visual aid that helps your demonstration in your speech become the most successful that can offer a real life illustration of how these objects work and relate to one another. But depending on the kind of speech. you want to use the best visual aid depending on what you are presenting. like a

What should I avoid when preparing my visual aid? (2.11)

first, lack of background colors and deigns with the nuances and accoutrements of powerpoints. Avoid window dressing: the slide accomplished what is needs to accomplish and what it needs to do artistically which allows us to mentally prepare for the information the speaker plans to convay, properties and reform them into establishing initial speaker credibility . the audience that this speaker is prepare, serious, and ready to present on the topic. The title of the slide can determine e your credibility and the ideas that are to follow. can i use text to represent my ideas visually? I cab be much can be overwhelming. it needs to be efficiently represented.

Should i do anything before starting my research: (3.4)

first, what kind of case are you trying to make, what is your end game , what impacts do you want to have on your audience, what do you want them to think, or feel , or be prepared to do after they heard you? Second, how will you look for this information? what vocabulary do you need to use to find the information you want/ what terminology do you need to be familiar with before you been start looking for supporting information? the power of boolean operators: computers will give you exactyl what you ask for, even if it does not turn out to be quite what you want or need.

How does language reflect point of view? an introduction to language use.

if information is not communicated in a way that is understandable, relevant, or coming to an audience, then that audience won't even know the information exist. effective communication must take into account no only the people of view of the speaker, but also the point of view of the audience, so the two can reach a common understanding.

how should I practice vocal variety (2.10)

look through your speech outline. should be marked up and scratched out, underlined , italicized, and boldface until you are content with it. Read out load your outline and pay close attention to what your voice maybe be doing naturally. give thought about what you want to convey to your audience. Like what words or phrases can impact your audience. But the best way to become a dynamic speaker, is to practice your speech until you can speak with confidence and with vocal variety.

What do i need t know about visual aids in the context of speechmaking? (2.11)

making a visual aids are tool that are used to convey messages during your presentation or public speaking environment. But they require compiling, planning, and preforming an effective speech that makes an impact.

Why do I have to consider where my audience is coming from when planning and using language for speech? (2.9)

perspective-talking: adapting the language to reach a wider audience perspective. Doing so mean there is a shared perspective or common found created through language. If you create common ground, your speech topic will be more easily understood and remembered by your audience. Identification with audience.

What do you mean by voice (2.10)

pitch: How high or low your voice goes. it helps you convay your message the way you want to. Alter your voice at various points in your speech to convey excitement, urgency, suspense, or some other emotions. tone: quality of a person's voice. Want to make it sounds like you are talking to your audiance, not at them. pause: taking pauses in you speech can help you convay concern and help importiant pieces of information sink in rate: the rate at which you speak.This is not speed. Every speaker speaks at their own speed. You may increase your rate during a transition from one point to the next, but slow it down when you come to an example or some statistics, then increase it again when you tell a story. Strategically altering your rate at various points throughout your speech will help you keep your audience engaged. Volume: how loudly and softly you speak The volume that you use in your speech can create a certain mood. Knowing the correct pronunciation of words and names in your speech can make a large difference. Some of the sources they use in their speech may undermine your credibility. Articulation: clarity in your speech. take time to articulate your words clearly with confidence. emphasis: If you were to emphasize different words each time you say it, would it change the meaning of the speech.

Seven steps for delivery success: (2.10)

step 1: Read the outline out loud a few times. step 2: plan your note card step 3: connect with your power point slides step 4: plan you physical presence step 5: being with some early practice: start using outline as reference. step 6: advanced practices when you are ready to polish you presentation: Once you are comfortable with the material , the best way to practice a couple of days before your speech is by recording your speech while using any visual aids. I then rewrote the speech for adjustment. This is an important time for you to check the length of your speech. step 7: last-minute preparation involves practice and more. the day before, practice a few times. stand on your feet and present the speech as if you where doing it for your class.

how will the informative speech options help me become and effective speaker? (2.12)

there are four main goals in your informative speech options. First, preparation. second, delivery, third, helping you become a more reflective speaker, help you become clearer and more effective informative speaker.

five common mistakes to avoid in your speech ending (2.8)

too short rushed not polished it's emotionless it ends with some form of "that's it, thanks, i'm done, sooo.... thanks for listening.

What rhetorical opportunities are available to me when constructing visual aids? (2.11)

visual aids are an intersection of three primary component you have already read about in this text: topic, purpose, and audience. audience: has been mentioned several times already in this chapter, and it is this very important component of public speaking that fills out this triad of visual meaning. The process of creating visual shared meaning comes about when effective communicators effectively consider their topic of choice, the purpose of their communication and the audience to whom their communication is directed.

How do visual aids work? (2.11)

visual aids, even with technology, can still help you with you be an effective speaker.

Ethics and persuasion (3.5) Are ethic differnt in persuasive speaking than in informative speaking?

you have the ethical responsibily to wrad your surces as in inofmative speaking. this incoles an obligation to represtnt the thoughts, ideas and arugment of others fairly and accuratelu, as well as the responsbility to yourself as in informative speaking. this means working to establish and maintain your ehtos , or credibiliyt, as a speaker. has an ethical responsibility to your audience. An ethical approach that is particular useful in persasive contects is the diolagecal perspective, ebecuase it forgorunds the relationship ebtween participants in the communitive exchange.

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