3.12.F - Quiz: Communication, Reading, & Writing Review

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Why is it important to know exactly what you believe spiritually before going to college?

-You will be taking responsibility for your own spiritual and physical well-being. -You will be in contact with ideas and opinions that are new or contradictory to your worldview.

Why is it important to know exactly what you believe spiritually before going to college? [Select all that apply.]

-You will be taking responsibility for your own spiritual and physical well-being. -You will be in contact with ideas and opinions that are new or contradictory to your worldview.

Why is reading a college textbook different than reading a novel? [Select all that apply.]

-You're reading for understanding. -You're running into unfamiliar information that you'll need to review. -You're not reading for basic information.

Why is reading a college textbook different than reading a novel?

-You're running into unfamiliar information that you'll need to review. -You're not reading for basic information. -You're reading for understanding.

Which of the following are examples of campus activities?

-academic clubs -volunteer organizations -social events

What are some tips for taking hand-written notes?

-annotate your notes after you have finished them -separate your notes by class in separate notebooks or sections of a binder -using colored pens

Which of the following should be used in your preparation schedule?

-avoid all-nighters -get a good night's sleep and eat a meal before the test -start studying one to two hours a day, a week before the test -record all test dates for the course on a calendar

increased expectations of professors

-avoid spending a lot of time thinking about home -call home often, but not incessantly -get involved in your local community

Which of the following are ways to build your writing skills? [Select all that apply.]

-avoid typos and grammatical errors -proofreading

Which of the following are ways to build your writing skills? [Select all that apply.]

-avoid using first-person pronouns -stop bad habits as quickly as possible -avoid using passive voice

Which of the following are likely to be present at larger universities?

-basketball -football

Which of the following are most likely to be present at larger universities? [Select all that apply.]

-basketball -football

How does test anxiety manifest itself?

-behaviorally -physically -emotionally

Which of the following are common problems that roommates fight about? [Select all that apply.]

-borrowing things without permission -being messy -not using good personal hygiene

What would be an example of writing creatively? [Select all that apply.]

-brainstorming -creative writing

Which of the following are good tips for taking notes on a computer?

-create folders for all of your organization -get familiar with your note-taking program of choice

Which of the following would be good advice for taking notes? [Select all that apply.]

-develop a style that works for you -use word maps -use outlines

How should you approach the reading step of reading your college textbook? [Select all that apply.]

-do not take notes -simply read your textbook -highlight only when you understand the point

What standards should you follow to write to solve a problem? [Choose all that apply.]

-don't get it perfect -write to understand why -present it clearly and proofread

What standards should you follow to write creatively? [Select all that apply.]

-fiction has some latitude -messy is good, match your writing to the purpose

What standards should you follow to write formally? [Choose all that apply.]

-follow clear expectations so you're understood well -proofread carefully

What standards should you follow to write formally? [Select all that apply.]

-follow clear expectations so you're understood well -proofread carefully

Which of the following are good tips for taking notes on a computer? [Select all that apply.]

-get familiar with your note-taking program of choice -create folders for all of your organization

What should you do if you feel completely overwhelmed by a test?

-go for a run -decompress -call a family member or friend

What do Resident Assistants do to help in dorm life? [Select all that apply.]

-help coordinate activities -resolve conflict

What does the Student Advocate Office do? [Select all that apply.]

-help with financial aid or student account -help with conflicts on campus

What does the Student Advocate Office do?

-helps with conflicts on campus -helps with financial aid or student accounts

When is it a good idea to take notes on a computer? [Select all that apply.]

-if you can stay disciplined to not be distracted -Ii your professor approves of electronics in the classroom -if you are a fast typer

When is it a good idea to take notes on a computer?

-if you can stay disciplined to not be distracted -if your professor approves of electronics in the classroom -if you are a fast typer

Which of the following are common problems that roommates fight about?

-improper behavior -eating your roommates food -not respecting personal space -not using good personal hygiene -being messy -borrowing things without permission

Which of the following would be good advice for taking notes? [Select all that apply.]

-include the date of the day you're taking notes -include the title and topic of lecture

What does it show when you choose to make the hard choices to be responsible?

-integrity -dedication

Why are clubs good for you to engage in at college? [Select all that apply.]

-internship opportunities -networking opportunities

Which of the following athletic groups could you join or make friends in?

-intramural sports -club sports

To what standard should you write if you're writing for yourself? [Select all that apply.]

-just needs to be legible and understandable later -no clear grammatical style

What do Academic Advisors do?

-keep you on track with program requirements -help guide you in your academic career

Which of the following are ways to build your writing skills? [Select all that apply.]

-know your audience -support your work with evidence

Which of the following will help alleviate test anxiety? [Select all that apply.]

-make a study schedule, allow plenty of time to prepare -practice healthy sleeping and eating patterns

As a college student, what are the three tools you should use to keep track of your time?

-monthly calendar -weekly schedule -daily to-do list

Why are clubs good for you to engage in at college?

-networking opportunities -internship opportunities

If you're writing for yourself, what kind of writing would this feature? [Choose all that apply.]

-notes -journaling -organizing your thoughts

Which of the following is an active study strategy?

-participate in study groups -take practice tests -review previous tests -prepare index cards -take time to answer questions at the end of your textbook chapter -review all highlighted text and notes

Which of the following can you build right now to carry with you as a spiritual habit? [Select all that apply.]

-personal prayer and Bible reading -devotional time

Which of the following will help alleviate test anxiety? [Select all that apply.]

-prayer and support -preparation for tests using a variety of study methods

Which of the following is an active study strategy? [Select all that apply.]

-prepare index cards -take practice tests

What are the three steps to effectively read a textbook?

-previewing -reading -considering

Which of the following should be used in your preparation schedule? [Select all that apply.]

-record all test dates for the course on a calendar -start studying one to two hours a day, a week before the test

What do Resident Assistants do to help in dorm life?

-resolve conflict -help coordinate activities

Which of the following is an active study strategy? [Select all that apply.]

-review all highlighted text and notes -take time to answer questions at the end of your textbook chapter

What should you do in previewing a textbook?

-review section headers -skim the chapter -look at charts, tables, and photos

Which of the following are examples of campus activities? [Select all that apply.]

-social events -academic clubs -volunteer organizations

Which of the following is true in how to handle an in-person meeting with a professor? [Select all that apply.]

-stop during office hours or make an appointment -come prepared

Who would benefit from joining student government? [Select all that apply.]

-students who are interested in government -students who are interested in public policy

Who would benefit from joining student government?

-students who are interested in public policy -students who are interested in government

Which of the following are ways to build your writing skills? [Select all that apply.]

-take time to build your vocabulary -learn a new word every day

What are the two ways we communicate when we send emails, Tweet, or speak up in class?

-the words you say -the way we say them

Which of the following will help alleviate test anxiety?

-think positive thoughts and visualize success -keep the test in perspective - many things go into your final grade -practice healthy sleeping and eating patterns -make a study schedule, allow plenty of time to prepare -preparation for tests using a variety of study methods -prayer and support

We must remember to be _______, _________, and_________ in our communication.

-thoughtful -courteous -respectful

Which of the following would be good advice for taking notes? [Select all that apply.]

-use abbreviations -use clues from professor, such as "this is important" to take notes

Write down a summary of the section you just read, connect the chapter with the rest of the readings, and review the main points are all approaches you should take in the ____________step of reading your college textbook.


Brainstorming is an example of _____________ writing.


What is a good rule of thumb to know how much time you'll spend reading a chapter?

multiple number of pages by 5 minutes

What is a good rule of thumb to know how much time you'll spend reading a chapter?

multiply number of pages by 5 minutes

What should you do as a best practice when writing casually?


A highlighter, pen and paper, and computer are all things you may need while ___________.


Simply read your textbook, do not take notes, and highlight only when you understand the point are all approaches you should take in the ____________step of reading your college textbook.


What is a bad strategy for reading in college?

reading 50 pages and expecting to retain it all

What is one thing you should do with dorm or roommates?

set boundaries

You have to figure out why you're writing before you __________________.

start writing

You should establish a _____________ early on.

study pattern

What are the two ways we communicate when we send emails, Tweet, or speak up in class? [Select all that apply.]

the words you say the way we say them

Which of the following is NOT true about college academic advisors?

they will be your tutors if necessary

What is the purpose of a Daily To-Do list?

to create priorities per day of what needs to get accomplished

What can help you be a better roommate?

understanding yourself

What is a resource you should avail yourself of to help with writing?

writing center

Academic work and Professional or church settings are examples of ___________ writing.


What kind of classes may you be required to take your freshman year?

general studies courses

What would teachers rather do?

give instruction before rather than correction later

What surprises college freshmen the most when starting college?

increased expectations of professors

Which of the following are questions you should ask to prepare for tests?

-What will the format be? -When is the test? -How many points is it worth? -What content is being tested?

Which is true about attending a Christian school?

It should be easier to maintain your spiritual center.

Identify advice from professors on navigating college life:

-"Always complete the assigned readings so you have a background of what is going on." -"Follow instructions, and ask questions if you do not understand."

Which of the following is true about framing an email to a professor?

-Give clear information for them to understand your question or issue. -Understand the title they go by. -Give them which class you are in, including section. -Proofread your emails for clarity and grammar.

Choose which of the following your reading indicates will be responsibilities expected of you in college. [Select all that apply.]

-Hold yourself to a standard and meet it. -Study, don't cram. -Do your own laundry, regularly.

Choose which of the following your reading indicates will be responsibilities expected of you in college:

-Hold yourself to a standard and meet it. -Study, don't cram. -Do your own laundry, regularly.

Which of the following are questions you should ask to prepare for tests? [Select all that apply.]

-How many points is it worth? -When is the test?

Communication etiquette is important because: [Select all that apply.]

-It gives the recipient the ability and motivation to respond in like manner. -It helps the recipient focus on what you say more than on how you say it.

Communication etiquette is important because: [Select all that apply.]

-It shows that you have respect for yourself and for others. -You need to be seen as nice, while not actually being so.

Communication etiquette is important because:

-It will be important for your professional life—get used to it now. -It shows that you have respect for yourself and for others.

Which of the following is true about the revision phase of writing a research paper? [Select all that apply.]

-Many skip this step as it is deemed unnecessary. -You will review for clarity and grammar. -You'll adjust your language to be appropriate to your audience.

Which of the following is true about framing an email to a professor? [Select all that apply.]

-Proofread your emails for clarity and grammar -Give them which class you are in, including section

How can you build your spiritual well-being?

-Stay accountable with your support system. -Talk to your close family and friends about concerns and successes. -Have other people pray for you.

Which of the following is true in how to handle an in-person meeting with a professor?

-Stop during office hours or make an appointment. -Come prepared.

Which of the following is true about taking an upper level course early in your college career?

-There are pre-requisites to your upper level courses. -It is really challenging because of all the new things you're getting used to.

Why are activities important to engage in at college?

-They are good for your mental health. -They help you to decompress.

How should you approach working with your advisor?

-Understand your own goals and ask for help to those ends. -Listen to them and take advice.

Which of the following are questions you should ask to prepare for tests? [Select all that apply.]

-What content is being tested? -What will the format be?

Which of the following would be good advice for taking notes?

-use clues from professor, such as "this is important" to take notes -use abbreviations -don't worry about every word said -get main points and supporting detail -use word maps -use outlines -include the title and topic of lecture -include the date of the day you're taking notes -develop a style that works for you

Which of the following are ways to build your writing skills? [Select all that apply.]

-use online tools to see how your writing reads -practice good grammar habits

What would be an example of writing to solve a problem? [Choose all that apply.]

-working out thought process -making a decision -taking a position

What would be an example of writing to solve a problem? [Select all that apply.]

-working out thought process -taking a position -making a decision

Which of the following is a good idea to help you prepare for a test? [choose all that apply]

-write test dates on a calendar -don't pull an "all-nighter"

What standards should you follow to write to solve a problem? [Select all that apply.]

-write to understand why -present it clearly and proofread -don't get it perfect

Which of the following is true about the writing phase of a research paper? [Select all that apply.]

-write your thoughts down -add clearer language later -write in manageable chunks

How long should pre-writing take?

85% of the time

What would count as casually writing for others? [Select all that apply.]

=emails or texts to family =emails or texts to friends

What does Liberty University call their roadmap of courses to earn a specific degree?

Degree Completion Plans

_____________ has dignity.

Every person you communicate with

What should you do about church family when you're at college?

Find a church family in your new, temporary home.

What is one of the most important things to do before you leave for college?

Find your spiritual center.

Why is reading important in college?

Some material found on tests is only found in the reading, not in class.

Which are the best class notes you can take?

The ones you take yourself.

What happens to most students when they are in their first semester of college?

Their grades drop by one letter grade.

Which is true about your study methods?

They will be different from discipline to discipline.

Which of the following are questions that you can ask to prepared for a test? [choose all that apply]

When is the test? How much is it worth? What content is covered? What is the format?

Why is it beneficial to get someone to look over your work?

You have seen it many times and you are used to reading it.

Which of the following is true about talking to your friends, classmates, parents, professors, and administrators?

You will talk to them differently.

Meeting with your advisor can save you time, trouble, regret and __________.


Use _________________ to help you keep up with what's being covered in class.


Preparing index cards is an _________ ____________ ______________.

active study strategy

What does the student government do?

acts as an intermediary between students and the school administration

When learning to read a textbook, what should you do to help get you started?

break down reading assignments into smaller chunks

How should you divide time on a weekly schedule?

by blocks devoted to specific tasks or purposes

Which of the following words should encompass how to approach an RA?


The best ___________ are the ones you take yourself.

class notes

Respect and patience are important aspects of ______________.


How you handle ________ between roommates says as much about your ________ relationship with Christ as it does your abilities to work through issues.

conflict; spiritual

It is necessary to be a good roommate before you can _______ it of others.


Every person you communicate with has which of the following?


Meeting with your academic advisor should be a ____________________.


What is one of the most important things you can do before you start writing?

figure out why you're writing

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