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Propose a nanotechnology for a patient with type one diabetes

A nanotechnology that could help patients with type one diabetes is nanobots that can produce insulin. If the nanobots could work as a pump inside the diabetic then the diabetic does not have to worry about have high or low blood sugars and can live a normal life.

Bottom up

Adding atom by atom molecule by molecule

Thiple blind

Administer subjects and reserchers dont know

After clincial trial

All data sent to FDA If FDA deems it safe and effective then it loved to everyday medical practice One on market FDA continues to examine side effects

What are respirocytes

Banana machines that functions as artificial red blood cells


Beads coated in gold layers Designed Can absorb types of light The most used are ones that can absorb near infrared light Absorption creates an intense heat that is lethal to cells Can link nanoshells to antibodies that can detect cancer Let them seek out cancer cells and apply near infrared light

Why would being able to create technology smaller than 100 nm be so significant to the medical community

Being able to create technologies more than 100 nm would be so significant because they can function on a cellular level and go through the body without having the doctor perform surgery

Why are controlled randomize and double-blind studies so important to the accuracy of the clinical trial

By having a control group you have a group to compare how the drug is working. By randomizing these group it help so people cannot tell which group they are in. By keeping the study double blind it allows the researchers to see only the effects of the drug without any influence of patient or doctors. Every patient is treated like they are receiving the drug.

How can this be helpful in cancer

Can detect changes on a molecular level Can preserve sample in active state

Why are nanodevices helpful

Can detect disease in small amounts or can monitor from inside the cell

Why is nanomedicine contriversial

Can help people live longer then they should and give them an advantage in sports

Phase 4

Collect info after drug enters market Risks Benifits Optimal use Several thousand people

Phase 3

Confirms phase 2 findings Determine wffectiveness abd side effects Tests 1000-2000 people Longer amount of time 5-20% make it to phase 4

Randomized trail

Control group and treanent group are choice at random to avaod bias

Thalidomide tragedy

Drig being proscibes to preggo women and gave babies defored limbs Banded experiments on humans until the end of the aminal drug safety test have been completed

Nazi medical expirements

Established Basic requirements for human experimentation such as voluntary and informed consent of participants is necessary, experiments must be scientifically necessary and conducted by a qualified personnel, the benefit to outweigh the risks and suffering of the human, participants should have the right to withdraw without penalty

Open trials

Everyone knows what is happening Used to test surgical pricedure ir medical devices Prone to error and bias


Help identify DNA changes that cause cancer Carbon tube with diameter of one molecule of DNA Can help researcher pinpoint location of change They have to attach a bulky molecule to the regions of DNA that are associated with cancer Seek out specific mutations and bind to them Once tagged researcher then use a nanotube tip to trace the shape of DNA including the tags

If you were diagnosed with cancer would you participate in a clinical trial testing the safety and effectiveness of one of these techs

I would be willing to participate in the clinical trial under a few conditions such as this clinical trial will not be harmful to me and there is no long term effects. I would love to somehow help the development of this technology and I would enjoy hearing about what the technology would do for me .

How would recpriocyres impct body systems

Impact the nervous system because the nurons and brain will constantly be recieving oxygen and te musuclar system will always have oxygen present helping muscles to preform at a higher rate


Independent committees of physicican statisticans and community advocates Cheakbto see if ethical guidlines are met Potential benefits outweigh the risks Participants know all potential risks and are willing to participate and can drop out Monitor drig trials and can even stop them

Willowvrook hepatitis study

Infected kids at a special school with hep after goveing vaccine that dod not work The interest of the subject has higher priority than society, every subject should get the best treatment, independent review of all human subjects research is required, created IRBs

Public health service syphilis study

Inform the subjects and they didn't treat them with penicillin which was known to cure syphillis Creates the national commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research, reestablishes IRBs at the local and requirment of IRBs review and approval of all federally funded research involving humans


Levers anchored at one end engineered to bind to molecules On the ends levers there are antibodies Proteins binds to the antibodies detect which proteins are presents which causes the levers to bends Scientist manage the bending and can tell which molecules are present This property will hopefully prove effect with cancer molecules Can detect low presence Can detect in early stages

How will nanomed help to foght cancer

Make cancer easier to fight, help see chancer before it obvious, target only cancer cells

How will nanomed impact society

Make people try to creat molecular weapons


Man made molecule Branching shape Lost of surface for attachment A single dendrimer Recognized cancer cells Therapeutic against to kill Molecule to recognize cell death Want to manipulate on when cancer molecules are present Report of death happened

Top down method

Mold into smaller units

Phase 2

More about safety and sofe effects Shaprens dosage Effectivmess 100-200 people Seceral monthes-2 years

Double blind trial

Neither subject nor scientist know who is in ehat group untill data collected

Controlled trials

One group recidves the treatmebt and the other does not

Why do you think it is unethical to give a participant a plecebo

Placebo treatment can be considered unethical because researchers are tricking patients into thinking they are receiving a treatment when they are getting not benefits to the treatment they have.

Dr. Henry K Beecher's "Ethics and clinical reserach"

Pointed out all flaws Require clinical investigators to certify informed consent

Why Double blind

Prevent subjects in differnt groups from behaving in differnt ways Prevents bias in data collection People administering drug know

Pirpose of clinical trials

Safety and efficacy of: Experimental treatment Drugs New sugergies or radation therapy Better prevention Better dignostic

Single blind

Subjects dont know but reserchers do and is prone to bias

Explain the situation a double-blind study is not possible


Phase 1

Test safety of drug Determines safe dosage Identifies side effects Test 20-100 people Several monthes long

How do respirocytes work

The exchange gases through molecular sorting rotors each roter can sort into oxygen carbon dioxide and glucose


The understanding and control over matter of dimensions between approximately one and 100 nanometers

How do you think these technologies will change cancer detection and treatment

These technologies will change cancer detection and treatment by redefining the stages of cancer, making cancer detection less invasive and making cancer treatment a harmless thing. Cancer will become easily curable and something people will not have to worry about.

Quantum dots

Tiny crystals that glow when stimulated by ultraviolet lights Color of light depends of size of the crystal Latex beads that are designed to bind to specific DNA sequences By combining different sizes of quantum fits in a bead scientist can create probes that detect colors and intensity of light To detect cancer scientist design dots to specific cancer sequences When they are simulated with light they emit their tags and make them visible Can detect all the different changes Can be used in the body takes away need for biopsy

Treatmebt group vs contril

Treatment group os givem the drug Contril group is given a statndred treatment or placebo

Factorial trial

Use medications in combination Hard to see what happens with so many varible One group get one drig another group gets the other drug one group gets both drug and ine group get none Hard to interpret results

Crossover trials

Use two treatments Patient get both treatments Switch

Orphan drug traisl

Used to test drugs for a rare diease Test on small number of participents who are very suck If it works improved health is very apprent

Safety and ethical regulations

Well versed in thics Clinical truals are made to safeguard patient Clinical trial done in the US must be approved by Institutional Review Board

What is the overall goal of nanomedicine in cancer

a single device to do many things Assets in imaging inside the body Recognize cancer and precancerous cells Target specific cells Report on effectiveness


help researchers to look for mistakes that cause cancer Tiny holes that allow DNA to pass through one hole at a time Scientist believe that these will make sequencing more efficient Look at shape and electrical properties of each base Can use it to decipher coded info Can find areas of mistakes that cause cancer

How was clinical trial set up similar to experimental design

there is one control group and one group being tested. The same procedure is done to both groups and then researchers compare the two groups to make conclusions.

What factors nees to be consodered when deciding whether or not to participate im the clinical trial

what are the side effects of the drug, what does your participation entail and if you are a good candidate for the trial

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