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Sea water freezes at:

-2.5 C

The temperature range of a mercury thermometer is:

-39 to 315C

In galvanic type corrosion, the material that corrodes or looses its ions is the:

-Anode -Material that is the less noble or less corrosion resistant

Galvanic corrosion occurs when one metal is electrically connected to another metal in the same:

-Area of the boiler or vessel -Electrolyte

Refining of hydrocarbons into desired products can be done by:

-Cracking -Coking -Hydroskimming -Centrifuging

The most destructive type of Stray Current Corrosion is:

-DC Current from a welding device -DC Current from an improperly installed cathodic protection system

Impurities in the steel such as sulphur and phosphorus reduce the:

-Ductility of the steel -Malleability of the steel -Welding qualities of the steel

Malleable cast iron is tough with increased ductility which makes it good for:

-Farm implements -Car parts -Pipe fittings -Tools

Compounds classified as salts may have the following characteristics:

-Have a basic effect -Have an acid effect -Ne neutral - Change red litmus paper blue

Cold working or welding of steel tends to develop unequal stresses within the metal that should be relieved by:

-Heat Treatment -Stress Relieving -Annealing

The following items must be present before Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking can occur:

-Hydrogen Sulphide -A high strength steel

Salts present in the moisture in the air and on the surface of the material that is being corroded will:

-Increase the corrosion rates of that material -Increase the current carrying capacity of the water on the surface of the material

Increasing the carbon content of the steel will:

-Increase the hardness -Increase the strength -Reduce the ability to machine -Increase brittleness

Biological corrosion is caused by the:

-Increased oxygen at or near the surface of the material generated by the bacteria -Generation of hydrogen sulphide caused by the bacteria -Generation of gases that make the water more acidic and therefore more corrosive

3 main factors affecting thermal expansion are:

-Material -Original Dimensions (larger objects expand more than smaller objects) -Temperature Change

Flow lines complete with line identification and specifications including line size and valve sizes and connections will be included on the:

-Mechanical Flow Diagram -P&ID

The information boxes on the bottom of the Construction Drawings give exact details about the:

-Parts of the equipment -Connections to the equipment -Auxiliary piping requirements

Sulphide stress corrosion cracking rates are decreased by:

-Reducing the tensile stresses on the material -Decreasing the H2S concentrations -Increasing the pH above 9.0

Examples of materials that have the mechanical property of hardness are:

-Stellite -Carbon tool steel -Diamond

Heat transfer through a layer of material by conduction depends on:

-Temp diff -Time -Thickness -Surface Area

Compounds that are classified as acids have the following characteristics:

-They have a sour taste -They change blue litmus paper red -They will conduct electricity

Aqueous solutions of acids have the following characteristics:

-They have a value between 0 - 7 on the pH scale -They change the color of litmus paper from blue to red -They have the ability to neutralize bases

Compounds classified as salts have the following characteristics:

-They may taste sweet -They may taste sour -They may taste bitter - They may taste salty

Three ways a solid may expand or contract are:

-linear -superficial (area) -volumetric

Compounds that are classified as bases have the following characteristics:

-soapy feeling -neutralize acids -conduct electricity

The lowest temp on the Kelvin scale is:

0 Kelvin

Low Carbon Steel carbon content

0.05% - 0.3%

Medium Carbon Steel carbon content

0.3% - 0.45%

High Carbon steel content

0.45% - 0.75%

1 litre of water is equal to

1.09 litre of ice when frozen

The base used in common logs is:


White metal used for slow speed and heavy load applications is composed of:

10% tin, 15% antimony and 75% lead

In order to burn 60 kg of carbon the oxygen necessary will be:

160 kg

After vapor at normal conditions specific volume of water increases:

1600 times

Roughly what temperature is reached in a blast furnace?


Carbon steel is defined as an alloy of iron and carbon in which the carbon content is below:


What is the carbon content of iron made in a cupola furnace?


The critical pressure is at:

22090 kPa

The dimensions of an orthographic view will be:


The latent heat of fusion for ice is:

335 kJ/kG

Coefficient of volumetric expansion to linear expansion is:


The theoretical volume of oxygen (measured at 0°C and 101.325 kPa) needed for the complete combustion of 100 m3 of propane is:

500 m3

1 rad=

57.3 degrees

Commonly used copper alloys are primarily a mixture of:

60% copper 40% zinc

Boiling point on the Rankine scale is:

672 R

Hydrogen embrittlement caused by hydrogen atoms diffusing into the surface of the steel vessel can reduce the ductility of the steel from 42% down to:


Define Fixed Beam

A beam that is fixed at both ends

Define Cantilever Beam

A beam that is fixed at one end and free to move at the other

Define Simple Beam

A beam that is supported at both ends

Define Continuous beam

A beam with more than two supports

Define Overhanging Beam

A beam with two supports with at least one not located at the end of the beam allowing the beam to extend beyond the support

Chemical compounds are formed by:

A chemical reaction involving the bonding of atoms of different elements

The General Gas Law is actually:

A combination of Boyles and Charles laws and is used when the three parameters of pressure, volume and temperature all change simultaneously

Stress Corrosion Cracking is the failure of a material due to cracking which is produced by:

A combination of service conditions and the environment that the material is in

When several anodes are buried close together and electrically connected to function as a single unit they are called:

A groundbed

Transfer by convection depends on:

A less dense fluid being displaced by a denser fluid.

Case hardening is when:

A material has its surface condition treated so it is capable of resisting wear, abrasion, cutting and indentation

Define Plasticity

A material that won't return to its original shape once a deforming force has been removed

Define Toughness

A material's ability to resist a sudden impact or hard blow

Define Hardness

A material's resistance to wear, abrasion and penetration

Define Ductility

A measure of how much a material can be stretched under tensile load without fracturing

Any material made up of distinct elements, compounds or both, not chemically combined with each other represents:

A mixture

Work = (P1V1 - P2V2) / n - 1 is used to describe expansion during:

A polytropic process

Define Decomposition Reaction

A reaction in which one element or compounds decompose

Define Replacement Reaction

A reaction in which two compounds exchange elements or ions to create two new compounds

Define Combination Reaction

A reaction in which two elements or compounds combine

To "expand a gas" means the gas is:

Able to perform useful work

A higher level of oxygen will lead to

Accelerated corrosion

The clearance volume of a compressor is the:

Actual amount of air compressed and delivered to the receiver.

An expansion or compression that occurs without heat transfer to or from the gas is:


What has the lowest thermal conductivity


If the pressure of a perfect gas remains constant while its volume changes, then its temperature will:

Also change, in direct proportion to the volume change

What chemical is used for coagulation

Aluminum Sulphate

In galvanic corrosion, the material that corrodes or looses its ions is the:

Anode or Material that is less noble

The pressure-volume diagram of a typical air compressor will have a curve drawn:

Approximately half way between the adiabatic and isothermal curves

The characteristics of a metal depend on the atoms that make up the metal and the space lattice which is the:

Arrangement of the atoms, or the grain structure

To increase the friction force:

At least one surface roughness in contact must be increased.

Hydrogen Blistering is one form of Hydrogen Induced Corrosion that is caused by:

Atomic hydrogen diffusion into very small irregularities in the steel and joining together and lifting up the surface of the steel

Hydrogen Blistering is one form of hydrogen induced corrosion that is caused by:

Atomic hydrogen diffusion into very small irregularities in the steel and joining together and lifting up the surface of the steel

In the formula H2 there are two:

Atoms of hydrogen

A(an) _____ solution is an electrolyte.


Excessive cold working of steel can make it


The dryness fraction which is also known as the steam quality is the percentage:

By weight of steam in the mixture.

The chemical reaction for complete combustion of methane will be shown as:

CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + Heat

White cast iron

Carbon is chemically combined with the iron

Gray Cast Iron

Carbon is mechanically mixed with the iron

An example of a material with the mechanical property of brittleness is:

Cast iron

Molten iron called pig iron is used to produce:

Cast iron, wrought iron and steel

The coefficient of linear expansion is:

Change in length per unit length for 1 degree of temperature change.

Rule for subtraction:

Change the sign of the quantity to be subtracted then add the quantities together.

Quenching, case hardening and tempering are methods of:

Changing the properties of the steel to give a higher strength for specialty products.

If the volume of a confined gas is constant then the absolute pressure is directly proportional to the absolute temperature according to:

Charles Law

The material property of toughness can be tested by:

Charpy and Izod Tests

In white cast iron, the carbon in the iron is:

Chemically combined in the form of iron carbide or cementite

The operation of a blast furnace is most efficient when it is:


The main advantages of the electric arc furnace when making steel are the ability to:

Control the internal atmospheric conditions and the heat source

Alloy steel is a steel that has other elements added to it which tend to increase it's strength, ductility, and resistance to:


A substance that retards corrosion when added in specific concentrations to an environment is called a:

Corrosion inhibitor

Benzene is the basic building block for aromatic hydrocarbons which are a special class of unsaturated hydrocarbons with a:

Cyclic molecular structure

Grey cast iron is used for large motor bases and compressor bases because it:

Dampens vibration and sound well and it is strong in compression and shear

Corrosion increases as the pH of the environment


Define Alkyne

Define Alkyne A hydrocarbon that contains one double or triple bond between carbons

Define Radiation

Define Radiation Heat transfer by the transfer of electromagnetic waves

Corrosion is defined as the:

Destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with it's environment

The coefficient of expansion is practically the same for:

Different gases and different temperatures.

Cathodic protection always uses:

Direct current of varying rates

Cathodic protection always uses:

Direct current over varying rates

If the pressure of a confined gas is constant then the volume is:

Directly proportional to the absolute temperature.

Compounds that are classified as salts will:

Disassociate into positively and negatively charged ions

_____ is a material's ability to be greatly lengthened and reduced in cross-sectional area without breaking.


Define Modulus of Elasticity (mathematically)

E = Stress/Strain

Define Efficiency (Mathematically)

Efficiency = (Work Output) / (Work Input)

The highest grades of steel are produced in the:

Electric furnace

Covalent bonding occurs when:

Electrons are shared between atoms

In a neutral atom the number of protons equals the number of:

Electrons, therefore the electrical charge within the atom is balanced

Not adding enough passivating inhibitor to keep the entire metal surface covered can cause:

Enhance pitting in the uncoated anodic areas of the metal

the force of Cohesion is overcome when:

Enough heat is supplied to covert a substance to a liquid.

Pipe rack details with elevations and layout of process lines are included on:

Equipment layout or plot plan drawings

Most orthographic drawings of an object are made up of three views:

Front, top, side

The arrow used to join the two sides of a chemical equation:

Functions as an equals sign and Identifies the direction in which the reaction normally occurs

Malleable cast iron is produced by:

Giving white cast iron castings a long heat treatment at about 925°C, followed by a slow cooling process

Malleable cast iron is produced by

Giving white cast iron castings a long heat treatment at about 925C followed by slow cooling

Compounds that are classified as acids obtain their acidity because of an excess of:

H+ ions

The 2nd law of thermo states:

Heat can go from hotter to colder but cannot go from colder to hotter without the aid of mechanical work. (direction of heat flow)

Define Convection

Heat transfer that involves the movement of a fluid (ie: Liquid or gas)

Cold working or welding of steel tends to develop unequal internal stresses that should be relieved by:

Heat treating, Stress Relieving, Annealing

A special type of alloy steel used for tool making is called:

High speed steel

Acids in solution produce an excess of _____ ions having a positive electrical charge.


Hydrogen Embrittlement

Hydrogen Embrittlement Hydrogen atoms diffuse into the steel and collect between the metal atoms decreasing the materials ductility

Hydrogen Blistering

Hydrogen atoms may diffuse into voids where there is room for more than one atom and form molecular hydrogen. The build of pressure can cause fissures and blisters in the steel

If the boiler water pH has been allowed to go below 7.0 for more than one hour there is a high potential for:

Hydrogen damage or hydrogen embrittlement

Hydrogen Stress Cracking

Hydrogen interacts with the metal to induce crack growth which may lead to fracture

Oxygen in the boiler water causes internal pitting of the tube wall by combining with:

Hydrogen which accelerates cathode reaction corrosion and Iron to form iron oxide and other corrosion products that cover the perforations in the tube walls

Caustic corrosion is a name given to corrosion that occurs beneath a concentrated buildup of sodium:


Rule for addition:

If signs are alike then the quantities are added and the common sign is placed infront of the answer. If the signs are unalike subtract the lesser quantity and place the sign infront.

The malleability of most materials will _____ when the material is heated.


If the potential difference between two materials in a galvanic corrosion cell increases, the rate of corrosion will:

Increase proportionally

Generally, the boiling point of a hydrocarbon compound will:

Increase with increased carbon chain length and decrease with increased branching

What heat is transferred what form of energy is it transferred in?

Internal Energy

Iron is produced in a blast furnace from:

Iron ore

Specific Heat:

Is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of the substance by 1 C.

Factor of Evaporation:

Is the ratio of evaporation of the boiler vs the actual steam flow rate.

Boiler Eff

Is the ratio of heat energy required to make steam vs the heat energy supplied by the combustion of the fuel in a boiler.

Heat is measured in:


Latent heat (kJ/kg) = q × hfg

Latent heat (kJ/kg) = 0.85 × 2086.3 = 1773.35 kJ/kg

Wet steam contains insufficient:

Latent heat.

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon containing:

Less than 2% carbon

Critical pressure, Critical Temperature and Critical Volume are terms given when:

Liquid and vapor have identical properties.

If the anodic area is relatively small compared to the cathodic area, the corrosion will be in the form of:

Localized pitting

One of aluminum's most important properties is its:

Low density

Define Actual Mechanical Advantage (Mathematically)

MA = (Load) / (Effort) (MA is unitless, Load and effort are in Newtons)

Lead has the effect of increasing steel's:


What is added to iron to make it ductile iron?

Magnesium or cerium

During the design and pre-construction phase, P&IDs are used to:

Make a detailed equipment list from which to base cost estimates and Define the scope of the project

When comparing current plant performance rates against design performance rates the operator can use the:

Material Balance Drawings

When comparing current plant performance against design performance, the operator can use the:

Material balance drawings

Stray currents can be found by:

Measuring voltage drops and current flows along buried structures and metal pipelines

The main method(s) to control or eliminate oxygen accelerated corrosion in the water-side of the boiler is to:

Mechanically remove the oxygen from the feed-water in the deaerator before sending it to the boiler and Maintain a correct residual of oxygen scavenger chemicals in the boiler water

A Cupola furnace is used to produce cast iron by:

Melting pig iron together with predetermined amounts of scrap cast iron, steel and limestone.

Any substance which, consists of different elements or compounds or both is a/an:


Sulphide stress corrosion cracking occurs in steel and other high strength alloys when they are exposed to:

Moist hydrogen sulphide environments

Normally the chemical formula of a substance represents an atom of that substance and therefore the formula mass is also the:

Molecular mass

_____ increases strength without affecting toughness.


P=PLAN/60 N stands for?

Number of power strokes

Compounds that are classified as bases obtain their alkalinity because of an excess of:

OH- ions

Galvanic Corrosion

Occurs when two different metals are immersed ina common electrolyte and there is a connecting path between the two metals which allows an electric current to flow

Frequently in a chemical equation the heat is represented by the symbol delta or by:

Omitting it (heat) altogether

For Chloride Stress Corrosion cracking to occur in stainless steels there must be:

Oxygen in the solution

Flow lines complete with the line identification and specifications including line sizes and valve sizes and connections will be included on the:


Corrosion Coupons are:

Pieces of metal inserted in a system to evaluate the corrosiveness of the system

What is produced in a blast furnace?

Pig Iron

Salts are neutral compounds that, when in solution, will break up or disassociate into:

Positively charged ions called cations and negatively charged ions called anions

Charles' Law occurs at constant


In the calculation of a constant temperature process the:

Pressure and temperature must be absolute.

The material balance table provides the:

Pressure, temperature, composition and flow rates of the various process streams

The material balance sheet usually accompanies a/an:

Process Flow Diagram

The material balance drawing usually accompanies a/an:

Process flow diagram

The atomic number of an element refers to the number of:


Q = mass × enthalpy

Q (kJ) = mass (kg) × (hf + q hfg) kJ/kg

Define Polytropic Expansion/Compression

Realistic compression/expansion in which SOME heat is transferred to or from the gas

In the petrochemical industry many different products are developed by:

Rearranging the carbon and hydrogen molecular structures to give the desired end products

Hot working of steel including forging and rolling increases the strength of the steel by:

Reducing the grain size

After construction, the operations and engineering staff will use the Mechanical Drawings as:

Reference and training materials on the details of the processes and control systems

Define Relative Density

Relative Density = (Density of substance) / (Density of Water)

Gases such as air, nitrogen and oxygen can be roughly defined as perfect gases because they:

Remain in gaseous form because they are sufficiently removed from their condensation temperature.

A perfect gas can be defined as a gas that:

Remains in its gaseous state under all external conditions

The person who discovered the relationship between volume and pressure of perfect gases under the condition of constant temperature was:

Robert Boyle

_____ are compounds which when in solution will disassociate into positively and negatively charged ions.


Superheated steam has a greater volume than:

Saturated Steam

Cast iron is produced, by melting pig iron together with:

Scrap iron

What chemical is used to remove oxygen from water

Sodium Sulphate

White liquor which, is used in Kraft pulp mills to cook the wood chips is made up of a mixture of:

Sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide and water

Acids have a _____ taste.


The majority of boiler parts are constructed of ______ in one of its many forms


The curve for adiabatic expansion is _____ than for an isothermal expansion.


A body's ability to resist change in shape and size under an applied load is known as:


When a material is subjected to an external force until it becomes deformed in some way it will be:


Define Compressive Stress

Stress that causes a material to compress

Define Tensile Stress

Stress that causes a material to stretch

Define Strain

Stress that causes deformation of a material Linear Strain (epsilon) = (Change in length) / (Original Length)

A tensile test is performed by subjecting the specimen to a/an:

Stretching type load

The first layer of an absorbed film type of corrosion inhibitor is:

Strongly bonded to the metal surface

The atomic mass of an element will be equal to the:

Sum of the protons and neutrons that make up the element

Caustic Corrosion

Takes place when corrosion products are deposited and the concentration of sodium hydroxide increases by wick boiling

Boyle's Law occurs at constant


A Brinell hardness number of "65 HB 10/500/25" means:

That a Brinell hardness of 65 was obtained using a 10 mm in diameter hardened steel ball with a 500 kg load applied for a period of 25 seconds

Define Elasticity

The ability of a material to return to its original shape once a deforming force has been removed

Define Ultimate (or Maximum) Load

The absolute maximum load that can be applied to a material before breakage can be expected

The temperature at which water boilers depends on:

The acting pressure

Atmospheric corrosion of a material is caused by:

The action of the water vapor and pollutants in the air

Dotted lines on the outside of a drawing on the plot plan define:

The battery limits of a group of equipment

The terms notch-toughness or notch-sensitivity indicate the danger of:

The chance of failure without much energy being absorbed by the material and Brittle failure

Define Adiabatic Expansion/Compression

The compression or expansion of a gas with no external transfer of heat to or from the gas (perfectly insulated)

The yield point on a tension test is where:

The elastic limit is reached and plastic deformation starts

Galvanic action cannot occur without:

The electrical connection

Plot plans are used to locate

The equipment on the plant site and location within its process block

Equivalent evaporation is determined by:

The factor of evaporation times the actual evaporation.

Define Conduction

The flow of heat from molecule to molecule within a single solid object or from the molecules of one object to those of another when the two are in direct contact

Compression requires that:

The gas be at absolute pressure and temperature

hg from the steam tables means:

The heat generated by the boiler.

Thermal Expansion

The increase in dimension due to the addition of heat

The process flow diagram shows:

The major equipment items and The major process flows

Define Elastic Limit

The maximum stress a material can withstand and still return to its original dimensions when the load is removed

Ultimate Strength (or Ultimate Stress)

The maximum stress a material can withstand before breakage occurs

Temperature is defined as:

The measurement of the level of internal energy.

The tension test is used to determine:

The mechanical behavior of materials under static loading conditions and Both the elastic and plastic properties of the material

The title block on a PFD usually includes the company name plus:

The plant in which the equipment is located and The name of the plant system covered in the PFD and the drawing number

When multiplying the log of a number by a number we find:

The power of the number

Define Malleability

The property of a material that allows it to be deformed without cracking or rupturing

Define Kilomole

The quantity of a substance that has a mass in kilograms equal to its molecular mass

Factor of Evaporation is:

The ratio of the amount of heat absorbed per kg of steam in the boiler vs the amount of heat absorbed producing 1 kg of steam at 100C from water at 100C.

What is different about the Rockwell Hardness Test compared to the Brinell Hardness Test?

The rockwell test makes two indents and uses the difference between the sizes to calculate the hardness whereas the brinell test only creates one indentation

Kelvin is:

The scientific or absolute scale

The data design table on a construction drawing includes:

The specifications of the materials used to construct the equipment and The design pressures, maximum allowable working pressures, and temperatures

The temperature of a body can be described as:

The speed of vibrating molecules

Industrial atmospheres are much more corrosive than rural atmospheres because of:

The sulphur dioxide and other sulphur compounds in the air from the burning of hydrocarbon fuels and vehicle exhausts

Absolute pressure is defined as:

The sum of the gauge pressure reading plus atmospheric pressure.

Define Heat Rate

The total amount of heat, in kJ, that is absorbed by the water/steam in a system in a given period of time

The principle of cathodic protection is to change the whole surface of the metal into a cathode so that:

There is no net flow of current from any point of the metal surface to the electrolyte

Specialty steels for construction of bridges, boilers and ships are refined in an oxygen furnace because:

This method reduces impurities and gives the steel greater strength

superficial expansion refers to:

This occurs when the object expands simultaneously in two dimensions, which results in a change in the surface area.

Construction Drawings will be drawn to scale and will show the equipment in:

Three different views, usually plan, front and side view

The law of indices states that:

To raise a power to a higher power the indices are multipled

What is the purpose of a blast furnace?

To reduce iron oxides into molten iron by creating carbon monoxide that will steal an oxygen from the iron oxides to create carbon dioxide and leave the solution

Oxygen is lanced into the molten metal in the Electric Arc Furnace to:

To remove the undesirable product like phosphorus, sulphur and silicon and To lower the carbon content to the desired levels

Isometric and oblique views are combinations of the:

Top, front and side views

Ionic compounds are formed by the:

Transferring of electrons between the atoms

Composite materials like Kevlar, FRP and matrix metals are materials which are made up of:

Two different types of metal fibers rolled together or formed to give enhanced strength under specific conditions and Two or more substances which are combined together to give a final material that has enhanced characteristics

Compounds are pure substances formed when atoms of:

Two or more different elements chemically bond together in fixed portions

Substances can be either ionic or covalent in nature. These are terms used to describe the:

Type of bond that holds the elements together

The Characteristic Constant of each perfect gas is:

Unique to that particular gas

Define Velocity Ratio (Mathematically)

VR = (Distance moved by effort) / (Distance moved by load)

_____ increases the toughness and ductility of steel when added.


If a material is said to have a high Brinell number, this means the material is:

Very hard

Gay-Lussac's Law occurs at constant


If a calculation for work done is attempted using the formula for isothermal compression and a minus sign appears in the answer, it indicates the work:

Was done by the gas

The legend that comes with the Mechanical drawings is used to identify:

What the symbols and abbreviations that are used in the drawings mean or represent

Define Reduction

When an element gains electrons

Define Oxidation

When an element loses or gives up electrons

Define Shear Stress

When fastening components such as bolts, rivets, and pins hold pieces of material together, there are stresses which tend to shear the component apart through it's cross section. The forces acting across the component are shear stresses

linear expansion refers to:

a change in one dimension only

coefficient of superficial expansion may be defined as:

a constant value, assigned to a specific material, which indicates the amount that a unit area of the material will change due to a temperature change of 1°C

Sublimation is when:

a substance changes directly from a solid to a vapour

Logs cannot be used to solve:

addition or subtraction

When the coefficient of friction increases and the force remains constant the friction force will:

approach zero

In most engines the pressure is not constant throughout a power stroke

but decreases as the gas or steam expands.

Effective Pressure is used when

calculating the power stroke

The amount of increase in area of each surface will depend on the:

coefficient of surface expansion.

When equations contain terms in the form of a common fraction they are reduced to a:

common square

Heat transfer due to the movement of a fluid is known as:


The boiling point of a substance can be decreased by:

decreasing the pressure exerted on the surface of the liquid.

With the exception of water, all liquids expand

directly proportionally to temperature change when heated.

Non-ferrous Metals

do not have iron as their main constituent

An equation is a statement of:


When water is cooled below 4C it will:

expand and become less dense

The reason for squaring the square root of an unknown quantity is to get the quantity itself also known as the:

first power

Kinetic friction is always greater than:

fluid friction

Heat rate(kj/s) = mass flow rate × (h2 - h1)

from Q (kJ/kg) = h2 - h1 x kg/hr

coefficient of superficial expansion is:

gamma or two times the amount of the coefficient of linear expansion

Enthalpy = enthalpy of liquid + enthalpy of steam

h (kJ/kg) = hf + q × hfg

When melted most substances

increase in volume

Dryness Fraction is:

indicates when the quantity of the saturated water contained in a unit quantity of steam.

Steam with a percentage of wetness is said to have:

insufficient latent heat


is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction in reference to the resultant.

Static friction is always greater than:

kinetic friction

Hydrogen does not contain

neutrons in its nucleus

The turning moment of a force about a point is the:

perpendicular moment of a force

The important properties of wrought iron are:

resistance to corrosion and ductility

If the velocity of a body is decreasing with time then it is:


Steam at the temperature of evaporation corresponding to the pressure is:

saturated steam

If steam is totally dry then all of the latent heat of evaporation has been absorbed by the


degrees of superheat=

temp from top of steam temp/pressure - the saturation temperature found in brackets

The force of friction always goes against:

the applied force

Rearranging an equation to isolate the unknown is called:


Absolute zero temperature is when:

water turns into ice


when Boyle's and Charles' laws are combined.

coefficient of volumetric expansion is also known as:

"coefficient of cubical expansion"

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