4-H Goat Quiz Bowl

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What is the largest part of an adult goat's stomach?


Name the four stomachs (or stomach chambers) of a goat.

Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum, Abomasum

What dairy breed is characterized by a white or cream color?


Which breed of dairy goat on average produces the most milk?


Name the six major dairy breeds.

Saanen, Toggenburg, Oberhasli, Lamancha, Alpine, Nubian

White muscle disease can be prevented by what mineral?


What part of the ADGA showmanship scorecard is worth 50 points?

Showing the animal in the ring

What is the father of a goat called?


Where did the Boer originate from?

South Africa

Name two sections in the General Appearance part of the ADGA scorecard.

Stature; Head and Breed Characteristics; Front-End Assembly; Back, Legs, and Pasterns

Name three internal parasites.

Stomach roundworms, intestinal roundworms, liver flukes, lungworms, coccidia

What is used to detect clotted or flaky milk?

Strip cup

Where do you tattoo a Lamancha goat?

Tail Web

In order for a goat to be accepted for registration or recordation with any breed association it must be what?


What is freshening?

The act of a doe giving birth, or kidding

Define inbreeding.

The breeding of closely related animals such as brother and sister or parent and offspring.

The terms cou blanc, cou clair, and cou noir describe the color of what part of an Alpine goat?

The neck

What is the purpose of wattles or tassels?

They have no purpose

In the ADGA showmanship scorecard, general appearance of the exhibitor is worth how many points?


What is the average length between heats for does?

17-21 days

On the ADGA scorecard, stature is worth how many points?


For a Senior Doe, how many points is Mammary System worth on the ADGA scorecard.


When should you disbud goats?

4-7 days or as soon as you can feel horn buds

In the ADGA showmanship scorecard, appearance of animal is worth how many points?


What is a male goat called?


Name three reasons for off-flavor in milk.

Buck kept near does in milk, improper chilling, strong-flavored feed, unclean equipment, does in heat, or mastitis.

What is the Spanish word used to describe goat meat?


What do the letters CAE stand for?

Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis

What is the French word used to describe goat meat?


What is another name for Listeriosis?

Circling disease

When showing meat goats, what should the exhibitor wear?

Clean clothes, dark pants, white shirt

When showing dairy goats, what should the exhibitor wear?

Clean, white clothing

In what direction are goats led around the show ring?


What is the first milk a doe makes after freshening that is necessary to the kid's survival?


Name three different color patterns of an Alpine goat.

Cou blanc, cou clair, cou noir, sundgau, chamoise(e)

What activity distinguished a ruminant from a non-ruminant?

Cud chewing

What is the mother of a goat called?


What is a female goat called?


Name the two parts of a goat where it can be tattooed.

Ears or tail web

Name the two types of LaMancha ears.

Elf and Gopher

What is another name for pregnancy toxemia?


Give an example of a metabolic disease.

Ketosis, toxemia, milk fever, polioencephalomalacia, urinary calculi

What is a goat under 6 months old called?


Which breed of dairy goat originated from the U.S.?


What do we call the period of time when a doe is producing milk?


What breed is characterized by short or "no ears"


Name three external parasites.

Lice, fleas, ticks, mange mites

What disease is defined as "inflammation of the mammary gland caused by specific disease-producing organisms?"


What do we call diseases that are not contagious but are disturbances of normal body processes?


List three different products made by goats.

Milk, meat, leather, mohair, butter, soaps, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, other dairy products.

What is the name for the fiber produced by Angora goats?


Which dairy breed is characterized by long, pendulous ears?


Give one disqualification for an Oberhasli.

Pendulous ears, any color other than chamoisee, black bucks, large white spot.

What is another term for afterbirth?


What is it called when a goat is born without horns?


After milking, should milk be cooled quickly or slowly?


Give the name of the teeth which humans have but goats lack.

Upper canines and incisors

Making sure your buck has clean water and salt at all times may help prevent his developing what condition?

Urinary calculi

Miniature dairy breeds have milk higher in ______?


Enterotoxemia is also known as ______________ disease.


True or false? A goat is a ruminant.


Name three meat breeds.

Boer, Kiko, Myotonic Fainting Goats, or Pygmy.

What is a Sable?

A colored Saanen

What is a dry doe?

A doe that is not producing milk

What is the official USDA identification for goats that are untattooed and unregistered?

A scrapie ear tag

When a kid is born, which stomach is the largest?


Which of the four stomachs is the "true" stomach?


What is the gestation period for a goat?

About 5 months or 145-155 days

when does milk fever generally occur?

After kidding

What does ABGA stand for

American Boer Goat Association

What does ADGA stand for?

American Dairy Goat Association

Name one goat used for their fiber.

Angora, Pygmy, cross-breeds (ex. Pygora)

What is preferred in a dairy goat- angularity or smoothness?


What do the letters AI stand for?

Artificial insemination

Name two different color patterns of a Pygmy goat.

Blue agouti, black agouti, caramel, with agouti

Name two breeds of goats with Roman noses.

Boer and Nubian

What is bloat?

Excess gas in the rumen

How many stomachs does a goat have?


What is the most normal position of a kid at birth?

Front feet and nose first

What are the four sections of the ADGA scorecard? (not showmanship scorecard)

General Appearance, Dairy Strength, Body Capacity, and Mammary System

Give the technical term for pregnancy.


Bright green color of forage indicates a rich supply of what vitamin.

Vitamin A

What are the flaps of skin on the necks of some goats?

Wattles or tassels

What is a castrated male goat called?


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