4.14.F - Test: Dante's Inferno

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In The Inferno, Canto 4, which types of souls dwell in Limbo?

Virtuous Pagans Unbaptized Infants People who believed in God but before Christ came

In The Inferno, Canto 4, based on your knowledge of archetypal imagery, describing Limbo as a "blind world" indicates that it is filled with souls who..

lack knowledge of the Truth

Based on your knowledge of archetypal imagery, describing Limbo as a "blind world" indicates that it is filled with souls who...

lack knowledge of the truth

Based on the simile in lines 127-130, which words best describe Dante's attitude at the end of the canto? "As little flowers, bent and closed / with chill of night, when the sun / lights them, stand all open on their stems, / such, in my failing strength, did I become."

timid and hopeful

Vanni Fucci's reference to Mars ("Next Mars draws up a bolt from Val di Magra") indicates that the conflict will...

turn into war

In The Inferno, Canto 26, How are Ulysses' words to his men similar to the Serpent in the Garden?

1. Both twist good ideas and words as a manipulation2. Both insist on pursuing forbidden knowledge3. Both claim that turning away from a desire is a denial of self

In The Inferno, which number appears again and again as a way to point the readers to God?


In The Inferno, how many circles of Hell exist?


What does Dante see in lines 64-69 that seems startling and out of place?

A blaze of light

"And I, all eyes, saw a whirling banner / that ran so fast it seemed as though / it never could find rest." (52-54) The banner mentioned in line 52 is probably symbolic for...

A cause - because none of these souls ever took a stand in life, so they aimlessly follow a cause in death

How will Virgil and Dante leave the Inferno?

A narrow stream

Which literary device is a phrase or image that has a double meaning; it can be understood on a literal level, but also a symbolic level.


As seen in The Inferno, what is the name for the literary device that is an exclamatory speech addressed to someone or something that can not answer back?


From The Divine Comedy, who is Dante's guide through Paradise?


In The Inferno, Canto 34, how do Virgil and Dante escape Dis?

By climbing down and up Satan's legs

What is the literary term for grammatical constructs or ideas which are repeated in reverse order and is named after the Greek letter chi, which looks like an X?


In The Inferno, Canto 2, what vice does Virgil accuse Dante of displaying as they are in the entrance of Hell?


What vice does Virgil accuse Dante of displaying?


In The Inferno, Canto 34, what is the symbolic significance of the last word: stars?

Dante is moving upward toward God

"Just as in autumn the leaves fall away, / one, and then another, until the bough / sees all its spoil upon the ground, / so the wicked seed of Adam fling themselves / one by one from shore"

Dead leaves

In The Inferno, Canto 9, what is the name of the city that encompasses Circles 6-9 and holds Satan.


In The Inferno, Canto 3, what drives the souls to step onto Charon's boat and cross into Hell?

Divine Justice

Seen in The Inferno, the Italian word "contrapasso" means...

Divine Punishment

In The Inferno, Canto 24, what, according to Virgil, is necessary to make a lasting mark on the world?


What, according to Virgil, will be lost if Dante gives into sloth and remains on the ground, recovering from his climb?


Based on lines 76-78, what does the hilltop or peak represent?


In The Inferno, Canto 2, why is Beatrice not afraid to enter the Inferno and summon Virgil?

God's grace makes her untouchable

Why is Beatrice not afraid to enter the Inferno and summon Virgil?

God's grace makes her untouchable

What seems to be the source of Dante's nervousness for his journey ahead?

He does not think he is as good as those who have gone before him He thinks he will go mad

In what ways has Dante grown, as demonstrated by his climb?

He follows Virgil without fear and with faith

In The Inferno, Canto 2, Dante's guide says, "Why do you delay? ... Why are you not more spirited and sure?" Why does the guide expect Dante to be courageous?

He has three blessed ladies looking after him He has a knowledgeable guide

What important information does Virgil share about his own experiences when he talks about Erichtho?

He has traveled this way before and knows the way

In The Inferno, Canto 24, Vanni Fucci gives Dante a prediction about Florence. Why did Fucci reveal this prophecy to Dante?

He wants to cause Dante a small amount of the suffering he feels

Why did Fucci reveal this prophecy to Dante?

He wants to cause Dante a small amount of the suffering he feels

According to The Inferno, why did Ulysses (Odysseus) not return home after leaving Circe's island?

He was not ready to stop exploring

Who is trapped in the open, burning coffins inside the Gates of Dis?


Based on lines 22-27, which words could best be used to describe Dante's mood?

Horrified and unsteady

What "great honor" do the poets give Dante?

Included him in their group

According to the inscription above the door to the Inferno, which attribute of God moved Him to create this place?


in The Inferno, Canto 34, how is Satan trapped?

Locked in ice

"The company of six falls off to two and my wise leader brings me by another way out of the still, into the trembling, air. And I come to a place where nothing shines."

Lonely and dreadful

Seeing Dante's suffering, the Virgin Mary calls on ______, the patron saint of eyesight, to help him. She helps by sending Beatrice to Virgil.


In The Inferno, Canto 2, which three heavenly ladies does Dante learn are looking out for him?

Lucy Beatrice Mary

In The Inferno, Canto 1, we can see Dante the Pilgrim as an allegorical representation for...


In The Inferno, Canto 9, Virgil covers Dante's eyes when the head of Medusa appears. What classical work might this be a reference to?

Odysseus had his men tie him to the mast to resist the sirens

The simile in line 30 demonstrates that Dante is feeling...

Out of control and overwhelmed

In line 16, the phrase "I saw its shoulders arrayed in the first light of the planet" could be best described as which literary device?


In The Inferno, Canto 24, which mythical creature is Vanni Fucci compared to?


In The Inferno, Canto 4, Dante sees Plato and Aristotle, who are known for being...


In The Inferno, Canto 4, which type of soul in Limbo does Dante describe as men with honor?


If Virgil is an allegory to represent Human Reason, what might this incident at the gate of Dis reveal?

Reason can not take you far without faith

In The Inferno, Canto 9, if Virgil is an allegory to represent Human Reason, what might this incident at the gate of Dis reveal?

Reason can not take you far without faith

In The Inferno, Canto 26, which word best described the tone in Dante's address to Florence: "Take joy, O Florence, for you are so great / your wings beat over land and sea, / your fame resounds through Hell!"


in The Inferno, Canto 36, Dante compares Satan's wings to sails on a ship. Why is this ironic?

Satan can never move anywhere

In The Inferno, Canto 34, which literary device is being used in these lines to describe Satan's wings? "They had no feathers but looked just like a bat's, / And he kept flapping these wings up and down"


Based on lines 25-32, which season is Dante comparing the eighth circle to?


In The Inferno, Canto 34, what does the opening line translate to? "Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni"

The banners of the king of hell advance

In The Inferno, Canto 4, what does Dante learn can rescue a soul from Limbo?

The divine work of Christ

At the beginning of The Inferno, Canto 1, Dante is lost in a dark wood. This dark wood is most likely an allegory for...

The experience of living apart from God's laws

He has traveled this way before and knows the way

The furies threaten to show the head of Medusa

In The Inferno, Canto 34, how was the mountain of Purgatory created?

The land Satan displaced when he fell from Heaven

rom The Divine Comedy, what does the mountain of Purgatory represent?

The penitent Christian life

In The Inferno, Canto 24, what type of sin is being punished by attacking, venomous snakes.


In The Inferno, Canto 3, which type of sinners are held in the vestibule and punished by endlessly being whipped around by wind and forced to aimlessly follow a banner?

Those who refused to join any cause

In The Inferno, Canto 34, what does Satan have in his three mouths?

Three sinners

In The Inferno, Canto 1, what reason does Dante give for sharing his experience, even though it was terrifying?

To share the good he found

What are the souls in limbo guilty of, according to Virgil?

Unbaptized Did not worship God rightly

In The Inferno, Canto 1, which historical figure appears to guide Dante toward God?


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