5 Characteristics of Marianist Universities
Educate for Adaptation and Change
Chaminade's concept of new times calling for new methods was ahead of his time. Marianist university seek to understand our history, and face our future with confidence. We must effectively embrace cultural differences and work well with others. the staff must work together to help with students do better and learn more.
Provide an Excellent Education
Excellence includes the whole person. They focus on the development of the person as a whole. They believe that the student-teacher relationship is very important component to offering a good education.
Educate in Family Spirit
Marianist education experience fosters the development of a community characterized by a sense of family spirit. They try to make everyone at the university feel like they are at a home away from home.
Educate for Service, Justice, and Peace
The education is deeply committed to the common good. The curriculum is designed to connect the classroom with the wider world. We know from Fr. Chaminade's teachings that the essential is the interior. We are committed to the wellness of the poor and to promoting the dignity of all humans.
Educate in Formation of Faith
They understand that by offering students an education rooted in faith they teach them to act ethically. They promote a dialogue between faith and culture. They make a commitment to a community of learners, respecting faith traditions, histories, and multitudes of cultures.