6th Grade Chapter 18

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God's providence

God's constant care for and protection of his people


Hasidim group that was persecuted by John Hyrcanus, and believed to have set up a community at Qumran on the Dead Sea


Hebrew word for scroll

The Feast of Purim

Jewish feast recalling that through God's help Esther saved God's people from destruction


Refused to have anything to do with John and were persecuted by John No longer worshiped in Jerusalem, where John was high priest Believed to have set up a community at Qumran on the Dead Sea


Rejected most of John's policies, John distanced himself from this group They did not accept John's right to the office of high priest They continued to worship at the Temple in Jerusalem


Worked closely with John to achieve his goals, and were supported by him They recognized John's title as high priest They continued to worship at the Temple in Jerusalem

the whole megillah

has come to mean a long, complicated story

Alexander Jannaeus

he became king of Judah (Judea) when his father, John Hyrcanus, died

The Book of Tobit

show us that God's providence saved his people, and allowed them to again follow their faith

The Book of Tobit

tells the story of God sending the angel Raphael to help, Tobit, Tobiah, and Sarah

The Book of Jonah

tells the story of Jonah being called to be a profit of God and him flatly refusing, he believed the people of Nineveh would not listen to him so he sailed off on a ship. when a bad storm occurred he was considered bad luck so Jonah was thrown overboard and swallowed up by a big fish. After three days in the belly of the fish, Jonah was coughed up safe and sound on dry land and sent by God back to Nineveh to complete his mission


the Greek party


the angel that helped Tobit, Tobiah, and Sarah


the country defeated by the actions of Judith

The Jewish feast of Purim celebrates

the day God delivered the Jews from destruction by the help of Esther

The Jewish feast of Hanukkah celebrates

the deeds of the people of God who refused to give up their faith


the place of exile that is the setting of the Book of Daniel


the prophet that foresaw a day when God would come to judge his people, and mentioned a messenger who would prepare the way for repentance, and true worship.

Groups within the Hasidim

Essenes Pharisees Sadducees


is the feast of lights

How Judea lost its independence to Roman rule

after Alexander Jannaeus died his wife Alexandra took over leadership of Judea and appoint his oldest son to become high priest. This displeased his youngest son who selfishly wanted to be both king and high priest himself. When Alexandra died, a civil war broke out between the two brothers and Rome sent one of their generals, Pompey the Great, to settle matters in the East. Pompey invaded Judea and captured Jerusalem, which marked the end of Jewish independence for 2,000 years

Herod the Great

appointed by Roman emperor Caesar Augustus to rule Judea. He imposed heavy taxes in the people of Judea, which caused him to be hated by the Jews and admired by most Romans

How is the story of Jonah symbolic of the Resurrection of Christ

because Johan spent three days in the belly of the fish, and Jesus Christ rose from the dead after three days in the tomb

Why the story of Jonah is considered a parable

because it is a short story that has a message

The Book of Daniel

contains stories that express hope and tell of the importance of behavior that is acceptable to the Lord

The Book of Judith

describes how on one occasion God rescued the Jews from their enemies through one person's courage.

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