7: Bond Valuation Part II

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bond ratings are an assessment of the _____ of __________

creditworthiness, corporate issues

the ______ refers to the interest only portion of a bond's total return

current yield

_______ are unsecured


municipal securities have varying degrees of ______, rated similar to _______

default risk, corporate debt

a _________ is when a bond is not callable for a period of time (it is ______)

deferred call provision, call protected

in terms of bond quotations: a _______ is the price of the bond with the accrued interest

dirty price (in between itnerest payments)

treasury securities are _______ debt

federal government

*collateral bonds* are secured by __________

financial securities

convertible bonds can be swapped for a ____ of shares of _____

fixed number, stock

there is less price risk with ______

floating rate bonds

a put bond allows the ______ to force the _____ to buy the bond back at a _______

holder, issuer, stated price

*income bonds* have coupon payments that are dependent on the company's _______


Sukuk are typically bought and held to __________ and are extremely _________

maturity, illiquid

________ are secured by real property, normally land or property

mortgage bonds

corporate rate equation

municipal bond coupon rate / [1 - marginal tax rate]

corporate rate*[1-marginal tax rate]

municipal bond coupon rate equation

characteristics of _______ - debt of state and local governments - varying degrees of default risk, rated similar to corporate debt - interest received is tax-exempt at the federal level

municipal securities

pure discount bonds with original maturity of one year or less


coupon debt with original maturity greater than ten years


coupon debt with original maturity between one and ten years


3 main rating agencies

Moody's, Standard and Poor's, Fitch

2 examples of zero coupon bonds

Treasury Bills, US Savings bonds

a *call premium* is when the call price is generally placed _____ the bond's ______

above, stated value

2 examples of coupon rates that float depending on some index value

adjustable rate mortgages, inflation-linked Treasuries

________ are an assessment of the creditworthiness of corporate issues

bond ratings

a ________ is when the call price is generally placed above the bond's stated value

call premium

a ________ allows the company to repurchase part or all of a bond issue at a stated price over a specific period of time

call provision

3 callable bonds

call provision, call premium, deferred call provision

rate of return

cash flow / price

Sharia does not permit the ____ or ____ of interest

charging, paying

in terms of bond quotations: a _____ is the price of the bond net of the accrued interest

clean price

coupons may have a _______ -- the rate cannot go above a specified _______ or below a specified ______

collar, ceiling, floor

_________ are secured by financial securities

collateral bonds

_______ can be swapped for a fixed number of shares of stock

convertible bonds

municipal bond coupon rate / [1 - marginal tax rate]

corporate rate equation

municipal bond coupon rate equation

corporate rate*[1-marginal tax rate]

T-notes are ______ with original maturity ________

coupon debt, between one and ten years

T-bonds are ____ with original maturity _____

coupon debt, greater than ten years

_________ have coupon payments that are dependent on the company's income

income bonds

coupon rate floats depending on some ________

index value

the *current yield* refers to the ______ portion of a bond's _____

interest only, total return

a *deferred call provision* is when a bond is _______ for a period of time (it is call protected)

not callable

________ are unsecured debt with original maturity less than 10 years


Bond markets are typically ______________ transactions with _______ connected electronically

over-the-counter, dealers

zero coupon bonds cannot sell for more than ________

par value

there is less ____ with floating rate bonds

price risk

for zero coupon bonds, the entire yield-to-maturity comes from the difference between the _____ and the _______ (capital gains)

purchase price, par value

T-bills are ______ with original maturity of ______

pure discount bonds, one year or less

______ allows the holder to force the issuer to buy the bond back at a stated price (par value)

put bond

cash flow / price

rate of return

*mortgage bonds* are secured by _________, normally _____ or _______

real property, land, buildings

a *call provision* allows the company to ______ part or all of a bond issue at a _____ over a ________

repurchase, stated price, specific period of time

municipal securities are debt of _____ and _____ governments

state, local

______ are bonds that have been created to meet a demand for assets that comply with Sharia / Islamic law


interested received on municipal securities is ____ at the _______

tax-exempt, federal level

__________________ is the relationship between time to maturity and yields all else equal (rates on default free, pure discount securities and time to maturity)

term structure of interest rates

*term structure of interest rates* is the relationship between _______ and _____ all else equal

time to maturity, yields

___________ are federal government debt

treasury securities

debentures are ________


notes are ___________ with original maturity less than ______

unsecured debt, 10 years

term structure of interest rates is also known as ________

yield curves

there is less price risk with floating rate bonds because the coupon floats, so it is less likely to differ substantially from the ________

yield to maturity

_______ make no periodic interest payments

zero coupon bonds

for __________, the entire yield-to-maturity comes from the difference between the purchase price and the par value (______)

zero coupon bonds, capital gains

2 names for zero coupon bonds

zeroes, deep discount bonds

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