7th grade social studies Chapter 3

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Each local parish was led by a priest. Parishes were grouped together into dioceses, which were led by bishops. Archbishops oversaw groups of dioceses called archdioceses. The pope, or bishop of Rome, was the leader over all.

How was the Roman Catholic Church organized during the Middle Ages?

Friars did not shut themselves off from the rest of the world. They traveled among ordinary people to preach.

How were the lives of mendicant friars different from monks?

Since most people could not read, art helped them understand Bibical stories.

In what ways did the art of medieval Europe reflect the influence of the Roman Catholic Church?

Medieval holidays honored important events in the life of Jesus, such as his birth and Resurrection. Holidays also honored Christian saints and important religious concepts.

What events did medieval holidays honor?

Most schooling took place in monasteries, convents, and cathedrals. Much time was spent memorizing prayers and passages from the Bible in Latin.

What role did the Roman Catholic Church play in education during the Middle Ages?

Church officials kept records and acted as advisors to the monarchs. The church was the largest landholder and added to its power by collecting taxes.

What role did the church play in government in medieval Europe?

The seven sacraments were: baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, matrimony, holy orders, penance, and extreme unction.

What seven sacraments were administered by the church?

Monks and nuns took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They spent their lives in work, study, and prayer; living in separate communities called monasteries and convents.

What was the monastic life like?

Gregory banned the practice of kings making appointments to church positions.

What was the subject of the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and the Holy Roman emperor, Henry IV?

Cathedrals were large chruches and the seat of a bishop. Some key features included the nave, transepts, flying buttresses, gargoyles, pillars and stained glass windows.

What were cathedrals? What were some of their key architectural features?

People celebrated holidays by attending church and with feasts, music, dancing, games and other forms of entertainment.

What were some of the ways in which people celebrated holidays?

Jerusalem, Rome and Caterbury

What were some popular destinations of pilgrims?

The Crusades were military expeditions to the land where Jesus had lived. Their purpose was to attempt to take back that land from Muslim control.

What were the Crusades?

Aquinas was an Italian scholar of philosophy and theology. He tried to bring together ancient philosophical ideas about reason and medieval theological beliefs about faith.

Who was Thomas Aquinas? What did he try to do with theology and ancient philosophy?

People went on pilgrimages to show devotion to God, as an act of penance, or to find a cure for illness.

Why did people undertake pilgrimages during the Middlge Ages?

religious order

a brotherhood or sisterhood of monks, nuns, or friars


a community of monks


a community of nuns; also called a nunnery

illuminated manuscript

a handwritten book decorated with bright colors and precious metals


a journey to a holy site


a man who has taken a solemn vow to devote his life to prayer and service in a monastery


a member of a certain religious order devoted to teaching and works of charity


a school of advanced learning


a solemn rite of Christian churches


a way of life in which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith


a woman who has taken a sacred vow to devote her life to prayer and service to the church


an object considered holy because it belonged to, or was touched by, a saint or other holy person


the body of people, such as priests, who perform the sacred functions of a church

natural law

the concept that there is a universal order built into nature that can guide moral thinking


the study of God and religious truth


the study of persuasive writing or speaking


to cause a person to suffer because of his or her beliefs


to formally deprive a person of membership in a church

The church taught that Christians had to receive sacraments in order to achieve salvation.

During the middle ages, what was the purpose of sacraments, according to the teachings of the church?

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