7th grade SS - Chapter 4

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Around age 12, a person who wanted to learn a trade became an apprentice. He lived and worked in the home of a guild master. After 7 years, the guild examined a sample of his work. If it met their standards, he was allowed to join the guild.

How did a person become a member of a guild?

Guilds provided them with money and food in times of need.

How did guilds help members and families of members?

Merchants become wealthy and powerful by selling a variety of goods from faraway lands, dominating the town's business life, and joining town councils.

How did merchants become the most wealthy and powerful members of towns?

The king set up a series of royal courts instead of instant punishment

How did the way in which those accused of crimes were treated begin to improve in the 12th century?

People threw garbage out the window and they didn't have good bathroom systems so the streets were often filthy which was most likely the reason why dieseases spread.

How did unhealthy living conditions and limited medical knowledge affect life in medieval Europe?

Back then they got married at an early age and you had to learn how to cook, cloth making, and other househould skills need to run a house.

How were the lives of Medieval girls different from those of modern girls?

Some craft guilds were those for cobblers (who made shoes), stonemasons (who bult cathedrals), and cloth makers.

What are some examples of craft guild in medieval Europe?

It was uncomfortable because it was cold, smoky, and dim. In addition the fire place was the only source of heat.

Why were the homes of most town dwellers uncomfortabel?

It was full of thieves and at night there were no lights

Why were towns in medieval Europe dangerous places?

Guilds were associations of people who practiced the same craft or trade. They were set up to make sure their members were treated fairly and produced quality goods.

What were guilds? Why were they established?

The most common dieseases were the bubonic plague and leprosy.

What were some common dieseases in medieval Europe?

Two common dieseases were leprosy and the Bubonic Plague. Leprosy was a skin and nerve disease and the Bubonic Plague was spread by fleas. -Scarlet Fever -Chokra -Measles

What were some common diseases in medieval Europe?

Blood- letting, magical terms and herbs were common practices make by doctors in medieval times.

What were some common practices used by medieval doctors?

The children in medieval Europe liked to play games like badmiton, lawn bowling, and blind man's bluff

What were some games that were popular with children in medieval europe?

Adults would go dancing, play backgamon, chess, and checkers.

What were some leisure activities enjoyed by adults in medieval Europe?

Blood-letting and herbs were common practices by doctors

What were some practices made by medieval doctors?

burned, hung, thrown in wells, fined, put in stocks, or forced to fight

What were some ways criminals were punished in medieval Europe?

trial by ordeal or trial by compact

What were two methods for deciding the guilt or innocence of accused criminals in the Early Middle Ages?

Towns were often located next to rivers, which made trade easier.

Where were the towns in medieval Europe often located and why?

It was difficult because half of the children died and the ones who lived started work at an early age.

Why was growing up in Medieval towns difficult?

Improved farming methods and the revival of trade with the east contributed to the growth of towns.

What contributed to the growth of towns in medieval Europe?

They were wooden and over time started to lean. Also most were small and crowded.

What did homes in Medieval European towns look like?

When an outbread occured, Jewish people people were blamed for poisoning wells.

What group was sometimes blamed when an outbreak of disease occurred?

Teh Jewish people were often blamned when an outbreak occured for poisoning the wells.

What group was sometimesa blamed when an outbreka of a diesease occured?

A chater allowd the members of a medieval town to govern themselves.

What rights did the charter give townspeople?

By selling food and goods, merchants attracted more people to medieval towns.

What role did merchants play in the growth of medieval European towns?

Mystery plays were about the bible while miracle plays were about the saints.

What was the difference between mystery plays and miracle plays?

Merchant fairs were large and sold goods from all over Europe and the east. They attracted merchants from many countries.

What were merchant fairs like?

The church disaproved and the townspeople enjoyed them

How did the church's attitude toward mystery and miracle plays differ from that of most townspeople?

People threw garbage out the window and didn't have a bathroom sysem, the street swere filthy. Unhealthy living condition, rats, fleas, and more also spread diseases and caused many sicknesses and death.

How did the ungealthy living conditions and limited medical knowledge affect life in medieval European towns?

Jews had a hard time earning a living and they couldn't own any land. They often ended up the target of some violence. Rulers took their property at will.

How were Jews often mistreated in medieval Europe?

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