8th Grade Social Studies 8.3

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Octavian and Antony

The Second Triumvirate were made up of Lepidus, ________ and ____________

He led a civil war.

How did Caesar become dictator of Rome?

he filled the senate with new members that were loyal to him

How did Caesar strengthen his hold on power after declaring himself dictator of Rome for life?

from volunteers to paid professional soldiers

How did Marius change the Roman army?

He weakened the Council of the Plebs and strengthened the Senate

How did the general Sulla change the Roman government when he became dictator after taking power in 82 B.C?

They were buying up the land to create latifundia

How did the wealthy Romans cause problems for the farmers?


After Crassus was killed in battle, who ruled Rome alone?

Julius Caesar

Crassus, Pompey and _______ were the first Triumvirate.


Did Caesar obey the Senate's order ?

He asasinated.

He became too powerful.

1. fighting in Rome's wars 2. suffered damage to thier farms during Hanniblas invasion of Italy 3. could not compete with wealthy Romans who were buying the land

Give 3 reasons why Roman farmers were sinking into poverty.

Crassus, Pompey, annd Julius Caesar

Name 3 men who formed the First Triumvirate to rule Rome.

1. He granted citizenship 2. He filled the Senate with people who were loyal to him 3. He gave them food 4. He made a new calendar 5. He made the slaves get jobs

Name some reforms Caesar made in Rome.


Name the Roman leader whose ideas influenced both Octavian and the future writers of the United States Constitution.

Crassus, Pompey and Julius Caesar

Name the members of the first triumvirate.

1. They faced ruin 2. they were sinking into poverty and debt

Name two problems that farmers faced in Rome after the war.


Were the Gracchus brothers successful?

a volunteer doesn't get paid and a professional does

What is the basic difference between a volunteer and a professional?

changed the Roman army from citizen volunteers to paid professional soldiers

What reforms did Marius make as consul?

to take back public land from the rich and divide it among landless Romans

What reforms did the Gracchus brothers suggest?


Which leader was also known as Augustus?

He was a general who made himself dictator after he won the war.

Who was Sulla and w3hat did he do?

Octavian, Antony, Lepidus

Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate?

Tiberius and Gracchus

Who were the two brothers who tried to bring reform to Rome and restore small farms to the poor?

because they thought he would get too popular and might seize the power like Sulla; he was getting too powerful

Why did the Senate fear Caesar?

Cleopatra VII

With what famous Egyptian queen did Antony form an alliance against Octavian?


a political alliance of 3 people

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