A & P - Unit 2 Exam // multiple choice

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How many phalanges in each hand?


How many bones are found in the adult human skeleton?


At what age are all bones normal ossified?

25 years

The distal end of the radius articulates with how many bones of the wrist?


The renewal rate for compact bone tissue is

4% per year

Which of the following is NOT true?

The appendicular skeleton does not include the girdles

Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding the male and female pelvis?

The female pelvic inlet is heart-shaped and smaller than that of the male, which is larger and more oval.

Which of the following is true? (regarding # of carp, meta, and phal)

There are 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals, and 14 phalanges

Which of the following is NOT true of surface markings on the bone?

They provide movement within the bone

Which of the following is an unpaired cranial bone?

a&b only (frontal bone // occipital bone)

The hip joint is comprised of the...

a&c (femur and acetabulum)

When the amount of calcium in the blood drops below the homeostatic set point, which of the following processes acts to restore blood calcium?

a, b, & c.

Which of the following best describes the process of bone resorption?

acids and enzymes released by osteoclasts degrade collagen and dissolve away minerals

Which is more superior on the scapula?


Which of the following factors affect bone remodeling and growth?

all affect bone remodeling and growth (minerals, vitamins, hormones)

Which of the following tissues may be found within a bone (the humerus or upper arm bone, for example)

all of the above

The female pelvis is [ ? ], than the male pelvis

all of the above (wider, shallower, larger in the pelvic inlet, larger in the pelvic outlet)

Which of the following is not true for red marrow?

all of the above :o

The arches of the foot:

are formed by metatarsal and tarsal bones

the arches of the foot

are formed by metatarsal and tarsal bones

This is a layer of hyaline cartilage that reduces friction between bones involved in the joint

articular cartilage

The medial and lateral condyles of the femur fit into what part of the patella?

articular facets

The ulna:

articulates with the trochlea of the humerus

The deltoid tuberosity of the humerus is found

at the midpoint of the shaft

The function of the vertebral processes is

attachment for muscles

The function of vertebral processes is

attachment site for muscles

The carpometacarpal joint consists of...

base of metacarpal bone & distal end of carpal bone

The tibiofemoral joint includes

both a & b (femur condyles // condyles of the tibia)

What is the function of the interosseous membrane between the ulna and the radius

both a & b (tendon attachment // joins the shafts of both bones)

The capitulum...

both a&b (articulates with the head of radius // is a rounded knob on the lateral aspect of the humerus)

Which ridge serves as an attachment point for tendons of the thigh muscles?

both a&b (gluteal tuberosity and linea aspera)

What is the function of the pelvic girdle?

both a&b (support for vertebral column //attachment site for lower limbs)

The hip joint is comprised of the

both a&c (femur and acetabulum)

An increase in bone growth is promoted by which hormones?

calcitonin and calcitriol

Bone reduction...

can be open or closed

These are extensions of the lacunae and are filled with extracellular fluid


These are extensions of the lacunae are are filled with extracellular fluid


Which is NOT a tarsal bone?


All of the following are functions of the human skeletal system except:

carbohydrate storage

Which of the following is NOT found in the axial skeleton?


In which phase of the human life cycle does bone deposition generally occur to a much greater degree than bone resorption?

childhood and adolescence

This is the anterior bone that articulates with the manubrium of the sternum at the sternoclavicular joint


Which of the following is a protein secreted by osteoblasts during bone deposition


Which of the following is NOT a step in the formation of endochondral bone?

connective tissue and osteoblasts deposit matrix and bone along membranes

Which of the following is a step in the formation of intramembranous bone?

connective tissue and osteoblasts deposit the matrix and bone forms along membranes; outside bone develops into periosteum and the surface osteoblasts form compact bone

What is inflammation of the costal cartilage called?


Bones in the following area protect the brain


During adulthood, which of the following does NOT contribute to bone remodeling and growth?


The anatomical neck of the humerus includes the:

epiphyseal line

This is a layer of hyaline cartilage that allows the Diaphysis to grow in length

epiphyseal plate

The proximal and distal ends of a bone are called the...


This is the region of a long bone that articulates with other bones


This cranial bone is anterior to the sphenoid and posterior to the nasal bones. It contains foramina for the olfactory cranial nerve


Within bone tissue, the material that surrounds individual bone cells is called the [ ? ]

extracellular matrix

Ribs that are not attached to the sternum at their anterior costal cartilages are known as

false floating (vertebral) ribs

Which gender shows the coccyx pointed inferiorly?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of bones of the lower limb, from proximal to distal ends?

femur, tibia and fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges

The lateral malleolus is found on the distal end of what bone?


One type of bone surface marking that allows for passage of blood vessels and nerves is a


The scapula is an example of a [ ? ] bone


Bones that are generally thin and composed of two nearly parallel plates of compact bone tissue closing a layer of spongy bone tissue are

flat bones

The bone's of the skull are an example of [ ? ]

flat bones

The mesenchyme-filled spaces that are present between cranial bones at birth are referred to as...


As the spinal cord exits the cranium, it passes through an opening called the [ ? ] of the occipital bone

foramen magnum

This type of fracture is considered a parietal fracture and is usually seen in children


[ ? ] stimulates IGF which stimulates reproduction of cartilage cells in the epiphyseal disc

growth hormone

What is found in the glenoid cavity?


Which is found in the glenoid cavity?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of bones of the upper limb, from proximal to distal ends?

humerus, radius and ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges

The process of intramembranous ossification generates bone within a pre-existing template composed of mesenchyme tissue. In contrast, endochondral o ossification generates bone within a pre-existing template composed of [ ? ]

hyaline cartilage

Which of the bones listed contribute to the acetabulum? ilium, ischium, or pubis

ilium, ischium, and pubis

When the amount of calcium in the blood rises above the homeostatic set point, which of the following processes acts to reduce the amount of calcium in the blood?

increasing the rate of bone desposition

The bones of the vertebrae are an example of

irregular bones

The mastoid process

is the point of attachment for several neck muscles

Which of the following is true for yellow marrow?

it can change to red marrow and store fat

Which of the following is not true for red marrow?

it can change to yellow marrow

Which of the following is true for red marrow?

it produces erythrocytes

Which of the following is not true for yellow marrow?

it produces red blood cells

Which list contains only facial bones?

lacrimal bones, zygomatic bones, mandible

Which of the following structures contain osteocytes?


Which is found medially?

lesser trochanter

Osteons in compact bone tissue are aligned along

lines of stress

Which type of bone is the femur?

long bone

Of the following, which are the largest vertebrae?


Which of the following minerals is needed when bones are growing?


The clavicle articulates with which of the following to form the sternoclavicular joint?


This is a structure of a long bone that stores energy


This facial bone articulates with teeth


Which facial bone articulates with every other facial bones, except the mandible?


A hollow cylindrical space within the diaphysis that contains fatty, yellow bone marrow in adults in called...

medullary cavity

A hollow, cylindrical space within the diaphysis that contains fatty, yellow bone marrow in adults is called the

medullary cavity

This is the region in mature bone where the diaphysis and the epiphysis join


On the proximal end of the humerus is found:

none of the above

The following is/are attachment sites on the clavicle

none of the above

Which of these receives the trochlea of the humerus?

none of the above

The coxal bones unite posteriorly at a joint called

none of the above :/

The coal bones unite posteriorly at a joint called:

none of the above, ya dink

This is the largest foramen in the skeleton

obturator foramen

Which of the following bones is not visible from the anterior view of the skull?


Which of the following is not a facial bone?


These projections on either side of the foramen magnum articulate with depressions on the first cervical vertebrae

occipital condyles

What bone feature of the second cervical vertebrae articulates with the first cervical vertebrae?

odontoid process

Which bone feature of the second cervical vertebrae articulates with the first cervical vertebrae?

odontoid process

Which is found in the elbow?


The type of bone fracture characterized by the broken ends of the bone protruding through the skin is known as a(n)

open (compound fracture)

These are considered bone-building cells


These are considered bone-dissolving cells


Which type of cell may differentiate into an osteoblast?

osteogenic cell

Put the bones cells in order of their maturation from unspecified to specialized

osteogenic, osteoblast, osteocytes

The components of compact bone tissue are arranged into repeating structural units called

osteons or Haversian systems

Bones mass reduction is promoted by which hormone?


What is the scapular notch used for?

passageway for a nerve

This is a bone that develops in the tendon of the quadriceps femurs muscle


The [ ? ] is a tough vascular fibrous tissue covering bones


This is a lining found in bone that promotes bone growth in width


This depression is found laterally and inferior to the trochlear notch

radial notch

Where does the biceps brachii muscle attach itself to the radius?

radial tuberosity

The correct sequences of processes that occur during bone elongation at the epiphyseal plate are:

resting, proliferation, hypertrophication, calcification

A vitamin A deficiency results in [ ? ], whereas a vitamin D deficiency results in [ ? ]

retardation of bone development; rickets

A vitamin D deficiency results in [ ? ], whereas a vitamin C deficiency results in [ ? ]

rickets; slender fragile bones

Which of the following do the pelvic girdles articulate with?


The patella is an example of a [ ? ] bone


The carpals are examples of [ ? ] bones


This is a bone located within ankles or wrists

short bone

Which cranial bone articulates with every other cranial bone?


Which of the following is found in the axial skeleton?


What is the junction between the manubrium and the body of the sternum called?

sternal angle

This part of the clavicle is rounded and articulates with the manubrium of the sternum

sternal end

Joe was found dead. His hyoid bone was broken. What was the most likely cause of death?


These bones include the organs of hearing and balance and articulate with the mandible


Which bone includes an opening for the ear canal (the external auditory meatus) and articulates with the mandible?

temporal bone

The medial and lateral epicondyle are found on the distal end of the humerus and are used for

tendon attachment

The glenohumeral joint includes

the humerus and scapula

Which is not true of the skull bones?

the skull contains foraminas but no fissures

Which endocrine gland secretes calcitonin (CT)?

thyroid gland

About 25% of all stress fractures involve which bone?


Compact bones is composed of units called osteons. In contrast, spongy bone is composed of [ ? ]


Which of the following is NOT found in compact bone?


This is a spool shaped surface of the humerus medial to the capitulum that articulates with the ulna


Which notch is found between the olecranon and coronoid process?

trochlear notch

Which notch is found between the olecranon and coronoid processes?

trochlear notch

Which of the following bone surface markings forms attachment points for connective tissue?


Cervical vertebrae can generally be identified by the presence of

two transverse foramen

cervical vertebrae can generally be identified by the presence of

two transverse foramen

Which is the longer bone?


During infancy, childhood, and adolescence, bones grow in length when cells in the [ ? ] undergo mitosis

zone of proliferating cartilage

The two bones that form the prominences of the cheeks as well as part of the lateral wall and floor of each orbit are the...

zygomatic bones

Which of the following is NOT found in spongy bone?

Haversian canals

Which of the following is NOT a step in the formation of endochondral bone?

Hyaline cartilage changes to adipose tissue

Which of the following hipbones is superior?


Which of the following is true of the radius?

It articulates with the lunate, scaphoid, & triquetrum at the wrist

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