A Gathering Of Old Men, huge thanks to whoever answered!

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What does Candy plan to do to protect Mathu and the others?

Candy plans to have all the old men gather so that when the mob shows up to lynch Mathu, he will be protected and it will be a fair fight.

Why does Candy send Snookum to deliver messages and gather people to Mathu's house?

Candy will not tell Snookum, but when he runs into Mathu's yard, he sees that Beau has been shot

What emotion do Luke and his friends feel, but will not admit?


Who is the only person Jack Marshall will associate with in the bar and why?

Felix Morgan, because he owned a plantation just like Marshall. They may be business partners, or just good friends because of profession.

How does the previous chapter and the scene in the bar foreshadowed and what is happening in this chapter?

It shows that Luke Will and his gang want to lynch Charlie.

Why does Luke Will want Jack Marshalls permission to take the law into his own hands?

Jack Marshall owns the plantation.

What ultimatum does Lou give Candy in the car, and what is her response?

Lou tells her that she will have to tell him that night her plans for their relationship. Candy calls Lou a no no name. ALSO she slaps Lou which hurt a lot

What begins the climax of the story?

Luke Will and his buddies arrive.

Why does the fighting continue?

Luke Will has never backed down to anyone, so he won't quit now

Who takes the first shot, and who is hit?

Luke Will takes the first shot and he hits Mapes.

What unlikely event occurs at the end of this chapter? Why could it be happening?

No one has come to lynch Mathu yet. This could be happening because there actually is a change occurring in the south.

When Russ tells Gill that ¨sometimes you have to hurt something to help something¨ what does he mean?

Russ means that sometimes, in order to make something better you must first make it worse.

What assumption about Beau has Janey made that she passes on to Miss Merle?

She assumes Beau is dead

What techniques are used in this community to keep people compliant?

Techniques such as brute force are used, an example is when Miss Merle hits Janey.

How does Tee Jack feel about black people?

Tee Jack does not like black people.

What conflict is illuminated as the brothers oppose their father by asking him not to go to Marshall?

There is a family conflict developing as the different members of the family have different opinions about race.

How does the author use the description of Louisiana weather as a metaphor for the LSU vs Mississippi football game?

There was a lot of talk (thunder) before the big game (storm)

What does the customer mean when he tells Jack Marshall that there will always be a debt to pay as long as the violence and prejudice continue?

There will always be fear and suffering (for the blacks and plantation owners included) if they allow prejudice and racism to still exist. Marshall will always have to worry about his plantation if violence/lynchings continue.

In what ways do the people show that they are ready to stand up for themselves?

They all admit they are guilty of the murder even through getting beat up by Mapes

How do the old men defy Mapes order to stay inside?

They all loaded their shotguns with shells from the back of the house

Why does Candy claim that she killed Beau?

To protect Mathu

Why does Candy care so much about Mathu and those living in the quarters, and why does she refer to them as "my people?"

they have been there for her after her parents died. she considers them family

What literary technique is used in this chapter to emphasize the panic that Janey and Miss Merle feel?

they repeat phrases like ¨lord Jesus help me¨ and ¨pray¨ to show their worry

How does Mathu's view of color differ from that of other black people?

He looks down on those with more white blood in the community

How does Charlies appearance conflict with his personality?

He looks like a man but acts like a boy.

How does Fix command respect?

He raises his hand

What is at stake for Fix if he does not go to Marshall for vengeance?

...the family's dignity

The author makes use of two allusions in this chapter to describe the scene Sully and Gil enter at Mathu's house. What are they, and does the reader need to be familiar with these two references to understand his point?

A Bruegal painting and the twilight zone.

Describe Charlies appearance

A very tall, large, black man.

What does Gil say that gives Fix the impression that Gil is not concerned about his brothers death?

Beau is dead and nothing can bring him back

Gable and Coot have not been personally harmed by the Boutons, so why are they there?

Both Coot and Gable want to take a stance against whites before they die. Coot specifically for being discriminated after World War 1. Gable specifically for the unjust execution of his innocent son.

Who enters the house just before the men leave and what does he ask them to do?

Charlie, he asks them to "go find the law".

Describe the social order of these groups of people according to Cherry.

Cherry thinks the black folk look down on the white folk

How is Gil viewed by his family, his school, and the people of Louisiana?

Everybody loves him

In this and previous chapters, what euphemisms are used for the Ku Klux Klan and their activities?

Fix and his boys

Who is the only one to defy Fix's commands? Why does he feel empowered to do so?

Gil defies his commands so that he can keep playing football with Pepper, and if he is wrapped up in the law that may break chances he has of playing with his black friend

Why does Gil hurt Cal's feelings after being told about his brother's death?

Gil ignores and is rude to Cal because his brother was murdered by a non-white person.

Why does Candy want Lou there?

He can be seen as a witness and may influence other prejudiced whites to side with the black community

What happens when Leroy gets shot, and how do his friends respond to him?

He cries and the men are very rude to him and tell him to be quiet.

How does Tee Jack describe Jack Marshall?

He describes Jack Marshall as an intelligent looking man.

What does Snookum do that he normally would not do before this event?

He doesn't listen to his Gram Mon and instead goes beneath the house.

How does Tee Jack feel about Luke Will and his friends?

He is afraid of them.

Who is Lou Dimes and what is his relationship with Candy?

He is her white boyfriend of 3 years

What is Charlies reaction to Luke Will?

He isn't scared but is ready for a fight.

What does Lou keep repeating about Miss Merle, and what does it mean?

He keeps saying that her mouth tightens and he says that because she continues to purse her lips.

What does Snookum witness while he is under the porch?

He sees Mapes giving Lou control of the situation.

What does Snookum see in Mathu's yard?

He sees a tractor that is still running, and Beau laying in the weeds all bloody

What advice does Russ give to Gill as he is leaving?

He tells Gil to play football the next day and not let the confrontation phase him.

What does Luke Will want to do when he realizes that the old men are fighting back, and that Mapes will not help him?

He tells Sharp to take care of his family if he doesn't make it.

What does Mapes do that angers his deputy and causes him to make an attempt at being authoritative?

He tells him to go on a walk and that he will call him if he needs him.

What story does Tucker tell that reinforces why they are all there?

He tells the story about when he did nothing to stand up for his brother and he knows the others can relate.

How does Reverend Jameson feel about Candy's plan?

He thinks it is ridiculous

What point is Gil trying to make in his confrontation with Candy?

He tries to make the point that she can't act above other white people just because she supports the blacks because she still has the same skin as all of the other whites.

What terms does he use that indicate that he is prejudiced against others as well?

He uses sallow and the N-word

What happened in Mat's life that causes him to harbor resentment towards white people?

He worked for the whites making them richer and the black workers continued to be poor

Why would the customer openly disagree with Luke Will?

He's not from around there. ALSO, Luke Will is used to having everyone agree with him (for example Tee Jack). The quiet customer wanted to show Will that not everyone agrees with him all the time.

Why does Gil find it so difficult to express his feelings to his father?

His father thinks it is disrespectful that Gil won't defend his brothers honor

Why has Jacob, a mulatto, joined the group?

His sister was killed

How does the author's use of repetition during Johhny Paul's speech create drama?

It emphasizes that everybody but Mapes understands what he is talking about.

Why is everyone showing Reverend Jameson a lack of respect?

Jameson wants the community to give in to the law and turn themselves in

What does Johnny Paul try to explain to Mapes?

Just because you dont see something doesnt mean it wasnt once there

Who does Mapes blame for Fix not showing up? Why?

Mapes blames the men because they had pushed for equality and justice for so long they were finally getting it.

Who encouraged Charlie to shoot Beau?


How does Mathu feel about it?

Mathu is proud of the men for finally taking a stand but thinks that they should just go home.

Why did Charlie want Mathu to take the blame for killing Beau?

Mathu was old and should protect his godson.

Who is the only person Candy will listen to and why?

Mathu, because he practically raised her.

Charlie is the only one who does not have a nickname. What does he now want to be called?

Mr. Biggs.

What are the names of the various groups of people based on their color?

Mulatto - Biracial, Albino - pale white, n word- slur for black person.

How does Candys demeanor change when Clatoo orders her not to follow the men inside Mathus house?

She gets very angry.

What does Miss Merle begrudgingly do for everyone?

She hands out sandwiches

Describe Candy's appearance, and the impression it gives others.

She is small, wears casual clothing, and usually gives people a comfortable and relaxed feeling

Why does she feed them, even though she is angry with them?

She knows they are hungry and does still support what they are doing.

Describe Miss Merle's relationship with Candy

She raised her with Mathu since she was 6

How does Janey treat Snookum?

She treats him like a child and threatens to punish him. She tells him to use more respectful dialect toward whites

Why does Uncle Billy, a religious man, go against the Bible to claim he killed Beau?

Similiar to the other men, Uncle Billy wants to stand up to the whites before he dies, he says ¨sometimes you have to go against your bible.¨

What does Lou observe that Candy and Mapes miss?

That people were leaving the front yard one by one

How is the dialect of the people living on the Bayou different from that of the people in the quarters?

The Cajuns speak with French words mixed in with their english

Why does the quiet customer start a conversation with Jack Marshall?

The quiet customer wants to know his opinions.

What do the men feel as they begin to shoot? Why?

The men feel pride because they are finally standing up for themselves.

What do the men do as Mapes is shot, and who takes charge?

The men run out and Charlie takes charge.

While in Mathus house what do the old men debate?

The old men debate what they should do. Whether they should go to Bayonne or just go home.

Who does Mapes claim made the change happen?

The old men.

What factors do Chimley and Mat consider when deciding whether to join the others at Mathu's?

Their age/how much time they have left. And the height of their bed to see if they would fit if they could hide when Fix would come to town

What fear causes both women to begin to pray?

They are both afraid that Fix will come

How can Mapes and his deputy be seen as stereotypes?

They are the typical racist white in the rural south who use violence,

How are the men's wives treated in this society?

They are treated very poorly

Why does Chimley resent white people?

They bought up the river he fishes in

How do the old men react when Mapes tells them that Fix is not coming?

They do not believe Mapes and think he is lying.

Describe the rising action that occurs with Charlies appearance at the house

They go to get the sheriff and everyone gathers into the house.

Describe the unusual relationship between Mapes and Mathu.

They have hunted together before and Mapes likes Mathu.

What is unique about Gil and Cal's relationship?

They were good friends but were nothing alike. Gil was white and Cal was black.

Describe the feelings of Mat, Chimley, and the others as they drive towards Marshall.

They were nervous about what was going to happen but they were excited to help

How can the gathering of these old men be seen as a mob mentality?

all of the men have shotguns

Why does Chimley focus on describing Fue's physical appearance?

chimley says fue has a sissy - looking face so that says fue won't stand up to fix and he's scared

Why does Griffin get on Mape's nerves?

he constantly tries to show authority and act knowledgeable at Mathu's

Although it is not clear yet who Fix is, what can be inferred about him?

he is a racist white man related to beau

Based on what has been said in previous chapters, and the story of Mathu's fight with Fix, how are disagreements settled in the parish?

if someone doesn't do what the other person says there will be a fight

What else does Snookum notice about the scene?

mathu has a shotgun

What manner of addressing people is used as a form of respect, and who is entitled to that respect?

referring to the elders with mr, mrs, miss, etc

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