AAA Drivers Ed

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Hand-to-hand steering:

is sometimes called feed steering.

The friction point of the clutch is the point at which the clutch pedal is:

let up part way to a point where the engine starts to move the vehicle

Your eyes see:

What your brain directs them to look at.

You are driving a manual-shift vehicle in third gear at 30 mph and you plan to turn right at the next intersection. The street has a slight uphill grade. It is best to:

downshift to second gear and slow before the turn.

You are changing lanes in traffic on a multiple-lane street. As you start to steer into the other lane, you should:

maintain the same speed

To reverse direction on a two-way street, you will best manage your risk by:

making a two-point turn by backing into a driveway on your right then driving forward into the street.

When you sit upright in the driver's seat your ability to see the driving environment is:


When faced with dangers close to both sides of your pathway you should give up:

more space to the side with the most serious consequences.

Maintaining a proper following interval and visual control zone with identified alternate paths of travel allows you:

more time to make decisions

To more efficiently gather information, a driver should search and identify objects and conditions within four classification, including:

motorized vehicles; signs, signals and markings; non-motorized users; roadway features.

If someone is injured during a collision, you should:

move him or her only if absolutely necessary for their safety

To signal that you are going to make a right turn, you should:

move the turn signal lever up.

When white arrows are painted on the pavement, drivers in those lanes:

must go in the direction of the arrows.

When you perpendicular-park, you should, when possible, select a space that lefts you drive into the facing space so that when you leave you will:

not have to back out.

You should allow space for:

not only those dangers you can see, but also those you cannot see.

Yellow pavement lines indicate:

oncoming traffic is on the opposite side of it.

All of the following are off-road obstacles except:

other drivers

A "no passing" sign is:


A "no passing" sign is:

placed on the left side of the road at the beginning of the no passing zone.

The primary reason for the use of traffic laws is:

prevent traffic crashes and promote the orderly flow of traffic.

The purpose of traffic signs, signals and pavement markings is to:

promote the orderly flow of traffic.

When driving, central vision is used to:

provide details of objects and driving conditions.

Guide signs:

provide information about routes, exits and distances.

Fringe vision:

provides information about lane position and objects close to the travel path.

"Riding the clutch" will:

rapidly wear the clutch's surface

When you are driving, it is most difficult to control the space to your:


If you drive through a posted school zone 20 to 25 miles over the posted speed you may be charged with:

reckless driving.

The most common form of color blindness is the inability to distinguish between:

red and green

The sequence of traffic lights from top to bottom in:

red, yellow, green.

To reduce the forces of a collision with another vehicle, you should:

reduce speed and try to hit other vehicle in front of the front wheels or behind the rear wheels

Which sense is most critical to safe driving?


You should stopped to park a vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission. The next step is to keep your foot on the brake pedal and:

set the parking brake.

A three-point turnabout:

should only be used when there is not much traffic.

When you are angle or perpendicular parking, you should:

signal in the direction of your intended parking space since you are turning.

You are travelling on a narrow two-lane road and are approaching a child riding his bike on the right side of the road. A line of oncoming vehicles following a slow moving truck is approaching in the oncoming lane. You should flash your lights, tap your horn and:

slow down and move closer to the truck.

Which sign are you not likely to see mounted beside the road?

slow-moving vehicle sign.

When the vehicle is stopped or traveling at a constant speed, the suspension load is:


Administrative laws enable:

state officials to control their highway transportation system.

If you are facing a steady red signal light you should:


Regulatory signs:

tell drivers what they may or may not do.

Drivers with poor visual habits:

tend to be unaware of their own speed.

When using ground viewing you are not looking for:

the color of a vehicle to your side.

You should make a larger reduction in your speed when:

the consequences of the a possible collision are greater

When two drivers approach or enter an intersection from different intersection roads at about the same time, who should yield the right-of-way?

the driver on the left should yield the right-of-way.

The windshield wiper switch could be located on all of the following except:

the driver's floor near the left foot.

Central vision is:

the primary visual function employed in targeting

Driver licenses are issued by:

the state government

All drivers are required to exercise due care to avoid a collision except:

there are no exceptions.

Regulatory signs that have a red circle with a red slash indicate to you:

there is a prohibition.

When your vehicle turns a corner, the tracks made by the rear tires are always:

tighter than those made by your front tires.

Which of the following is not one of the 3 major highway conditions that require you to adjust speed?


A flashing red light indicates:

to stop and proceed only when it is safe.

Dashed white pavement lines separating two lanes indicated:

traffic is traveling in the same direction.

When you are turning, you should:

Yield only to pedestrians in the cross walk.

You are travelling on a multi-lane street and the lane you are in is blocked ahead. You should:

Yield to traffic in the clear lane before changing lanes.

Each state has its own laws regarding use and ownership of motor vehicles.


You generally steer where you look.


When you curb-park facing up hill a curb to your right, you should leave your front wheels:

turned away from the curb.

When giving hand and arm signals to indicate your vehicle's movement, you should:

use your left arm and hand.

When you intend to change lanes in heavy, rush-hour city traffic you should:

use your turn signal.

You have greater directional control (steering capabilities) when you are:

using controlled braking

When of the following is most important when judging clearance for braking:

vehicle type.

When selecting a path of travel, you should give attention to:

visibility, space, traffic flow, traction and laws.

When adjusting a safety belt, it is best to:

wear it a low are possible across your hips.

A red arrow illuminated on a traffic light means:

you cannot turn in the direction.

When driving, it is best to place:

your foot in front of the brake and pivot to the accelerator.

When a driver is following you too closely (tailgaiting), you should give additional space to:

your front and at least one side

the main area of focus to guide your vehicle is the:

your intended path of travel

A study conducted by the Federal Highway Administration shows that on average:

fewer than half of drivers stop at stop signs.

In traffic, the best way for you to provide an emergency space path is the maintain adequate space to the:

front and at least one side of your vehicle.

Vehicle acceleration will produce a weight shift from

front to rear.

You have to option of making a two-point turn, U-turn or going counter-clockwise around the block to reverse you direction. You will likely best minimize your risk by:

going around the block

When conducting outside-the-vehicle checks, you should inspect your:


Anti-lock braking system (ABS):

helps drivers maintain steering ability under hard breaking.

The first step to ensure the path behind the vehicle is clear prior to backing is:

if possible, check behind your vehicle before entering the vehicle.

If you put groceries in your vehicle, they should be:

in the truck on under a cargo net.

If an error has been committed and you are approaching an object at high speed, the quickness of steering input needed to make a 10- to 12-foot lane change:

increases, compared to low speed.

You have placed your vehicle in Drive and are preparing to move forward:

You should check your mirrors and blind areas before pivoting your foot from the brake to the accelerator.

Alcohol affects: a. Judgment first so you have difficulty deciding how much or if you should continue to drink b. Your physical abilities first so you will test your ability to drive c. Your automatic responses first so you will continue to breath after you pass out d. All parts of your brain and body at the same time


An airbag/safety belt combination helps to keep the driver: a. From striking the steering wheel and column b. In the correct seat position c. In position to maximize head restraint effectiveness d. All of the above are correct


Animals are especially dangerous when you see them near the roadway because: a. Their actions are erratic and unpredictable b. They are attracted by vehicle exhaust fumes c. They have a basic fear of vehicles and will always run from them d. They are generally too small to cause any damage to your vehicle if you hit them


Children under twelve years of age should always ride in the back seat. a. True b. False


Emotional responses are: a. Learned and can be changed b. Learned and cannot be changed c. Inherited and can be changed d. Inherited and cannot be changed


Freeway speed-change (weave) lanes are: a. Used for both acceleration and deceleration b. Never use for both acceleration and deceleration c. Used only for acceleration when merging d. Only used for deceleration


Hybrid vehicles feature two forms of propulsion. a. True b. False


If you are driving and become fatigued you should: a. Stop driving and get rest b. Play the radio at high volume c. Open the windows d. All of the above are correct


If you are upset or distracted when you are driving you may: a. Miss seeing important information needed to drive safely b. Become fatigued between 1 and 5 P.M. c. Reduce your social inhibitions d. All of the above are correct


If your vehicle is equipped with airbags you: a. Still need to wear your safety belt b. Do not need to wear your safety belt c. Should wear the safety belt in the back seat only if there are no air bags in the back seat area d. Should disable the airbags if you wear your safety belt


In one hour a male that weights 150 pounds will oxidize (get rid of) approximately how much alcohol? a. .015 percent B.A.C. b. .105 percent B.A.C. c. Two standard drinks d. Three standard drinks


Inexperienced drivers are likely: a. To have little experience with alcohol b. To have a lot of experience with alcohol c. To know when alcohol affects their ability to drive safely d. Use alcohol but only in moderation


It could take pedestrians as much as ten seconds to cross a two-lane street. Which pedestrian should you expect to take the longest to cross the street? a. An elderly person b. A child with a bike c. An adult with stereo headset on d. All will take about the same amount of time


Nearly all states prohibit passengers from riding in a trailer while it is in motion a. True b. False


Some insurance companies give an additional discount for students with good grades. a. True b. False


Strong emotions can affect our ability to make safe driving decisions. a. True b. False


The effects of alcohol will start with the: a. 1st drink b. 2nd drink c. 3rd drink d. 4th drink


The fastest way to stop your vehicle with or without ABS is: a. Controlled braking b. Pumping your brakes c. Stabbing your brakes d. Skidding


To help maintain alertness, drivers should stop every _____ hours for exercise and fresh air. a. two b. four c. six d. eight


When drugs are combined, it is likely that there will be a synergistic effect on your body, meaning: a. The combined drugs will have a greater effect than if taken separately b. The drugs cancel out each other's effects c. The first drug taken will be the only drug that has any effect on you d. The last drug you take will be the only drug that has any effect on you


When making a left turn with a trailer in tow, you will need to: a. Proceed farther into the intersection before starting the turn b. Start making the turn sooner c. Start turning at about the same place as you would with out the trailer d. Keep your vehicle in the center of your lane at all times


When turning a vehicle with a trailer attached, you should: a. Signal sooner so other drivers can adjust to your intended action b. Signal later because you are larger than most other vehicles c. Not bother to signal since the lights probably do not work d. Signal in the opposite direction of your intended turn since you will likely have to move in that direction first


When you drink alcohol: a. Mental judgment is affected before your physical coordination b. Physical coordination is affected before your mental judgment c. Both physical coordination and your mental judgment are affected at the same time d. Neither mental judgment nor physical coordination is affected


When your vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS) you will: a. Retain some ability to steer while braking hard b. Stop your vehicle faster c. Not be able to lock the doors of your vehicle with auto-lock d. Skid on any surface as soon as you depress the brake pedal


Which is not considered a vehicle operating system? a. Stereo system b. Fuel system c. Lubricating system d. Safety system


Which of the following is an indication that the driver you observe has poor spatial judgement? a. The driver is tailgating another vehicle b. The driver is giving an incorrect signal c. The driver did not stop at the stop sign d. The driver did not remove the snow from the rear window of his car


Which of the following is not a reason to communicate with other drivers? a. Express your frustration at their actions b. Tell them where you are c. Tell them what your plan to do d. Warn them of a danger


Which of the following is the most important insurance a driver can have? a. Liability b. Collision c. Comprehensive d. No-fault


You should avoid passing another vehicle: a. As you approach a hill crest b. When the sun is setting c. When a police officer is present d. None of the above is correct


You should have your headlights on when you drive during daylight hours because it is easier: a. For others to see your vehicle b. For you to see the road ahead c. To see the edge of the road d. For you to see others


You should replace your tires: a. When the tread wear indicator bars show across the tread b. When they are smooth c. Every 100,000 miles d. Once a year


Young drivers between the ages of 16-19 with a B.A.C. of .085 percent (approximately three to four drinks) are _____ times more likely to be killed in a crash than a sober driver. a. 40 b. 60 c. 80 d. 90


Your vehicle will run best if you use high octane fuel: a. Only if your vehicle requires high octane fuel b. Only if your vehicle requires regular fuel c. Only if your vehicle requires ethanol fuel d. Only if your vehicle requires diesel fuel


A solid yellow pavement line indicates:

a no passing zone

Steering quickly results in:

a shift of weight from one side of the vehicle to the other.

When driving, blind areas include those areas you cannot see when:

all of the above are correct (Checking mirrors, ground viewing, scanning from side to side)

When driving, you control the vehicle with the:

all of the above are correct (brakes, steering wheel, accelerator)

Peripheral vision:

all of the above are correct (detects color and motion, provides info about stationary objects that could be threats along the intended path of travel).

Traffic control devices include:

all of the above are correct (signal and traffic lights, pavement markings).

An adequate space margin is one that provides a driver with:

all of the above are correct (time, space, visibility)

Your vehicle's operating space is:

all of the above of correct (the space in front of the vehicle, the space behind the vehicle, the space to the sides of your vehicle).

Total stopping time is made up of:

all the above are correct (reaction, braking, and perception time).

If you do not operate the clutch properly you could:

all the above are correct (stall your engine, experience bumpy jerks, have vehicle jerk forward when you attempt to accelerate)

Traffic control devices such as signs, signals and marking affect:

all traffic

When shifting gears with a manual transmission, the clutch must be:

always be pushed all the way to the floor

A vehicle's suspension balance is affected by all of the following with the exception of:

angle of the driver's seat.

Warning signs:

are generally diamond shaped.

You should turn your turn signal on:

as soon as possible without creating confusion.

When starting the engine, you should release the key:

as soon as the engine starts.

If you are involved in a collision you must stop at the scene and:

assist the injured, notify the police, and exchange information

A reasonable and proper speed for any set of conditions is a speed that:

assures a safe travel path.

A common cause of a skid is: a. Attempting a pass b. Braking hard c. Misaligned wheels d. Driving distracted


A rear-facing infant child safety seat should be properly secured in: a. The front seat b. The back seat c. Any seat that has a safety belt d. The cargo area


Alcohol affects men and women the same. a. True b. False


Alcohol affects your behavior as soon as it: a. Is swallowed b. Reaches your brain c. Is oxidized d. Enters the bloodstream


Almost all recreational or utility trailers are equipped with their own braking systems a. True b. False


Backing and turning with a trailer a generally easier when turning to your: a. Right b. Left


Barbiturates and tranquilizers are: a. Stimulants b. Depressants c. Narcotics d. Hallucinogens


During the winter, your vehicle speed must be high for you to cause your vehicle to skid: a. True b. False


Fatigue can be a problem for drivers: a. Only at night b. All the time c. Only on long trips d. When they eat too much


It is important to conduct routine preventative maintenance on your vehicle because: a. It is the law b. It will help to prevent breakdowns c. It will keep your vehicle warranty in effect until your vehicle is sold d. It makes your vehicle appear cleaner


Not having your headlights aimed properly is dangerous because: a. You will not be able to flash from low to high beams when an oncoming vehicle does not dim its high beams b. You may blind other drivers that are approaching you c. Your steering will not be responsive d. You may not be aware you are driving faster at night


Once you are of legal age, if you drink alcohol you should: a. Drink as much as possible as quickly as possible b. Space your drinks out over a long period of time c. Keep pace with others around you d. Set your limit after your third drink


PCV stands for: a. Public commuting vehicle b. Positive crankcase ventilation c. Perfect condition vehicle d. Positions can vary


Since the trailer is attached to your vehicle additional insurance for the trailer is never needed. a. True b. False


The effect of alcohol on the central nervous system is the same as any other: a. Stimulant b. Depressant c. Narcotic d. Hallucinogen


The loss-damage waiver covers you should something be stolen from your rental car. a. True b. False


When a person is affected by marijuana he/she will: a. Still be capable of driving safely b. Be at a higher risk because of reduced concentration c. Be more relaxed and drive better d. See better at night


When driving a recreational vehicle, you should: a. Maintain the same following distance as you would in a passenger vehicle b. Increase your following distance due to increased stopping distance c. Decrease your following distance since the vehicle is longer than a passenger vehicle d. Decrease your following distance since the motor home brakes are much better than most passenger vehicles' brakes


When driving, a "closing-probability" is: a. The chance that another vehicle will be in the same place you plan to be at the same time b. The chance that a vehicle and another object will move closer together as they move along a projected path of travel c. The chance that the oncoming vehicle on a two-lane roadway will veer into your lane d. The change that you will have a crash


When loading a trailer you should put about: a. 50 percent of the weight to the rear half of the trailer b. 60 percent of the weight to the front half of the trailer c. 70 percent of the weight to the side of the trailer opposite the driver's side d. 80 percent to the weight of the front half of the trailer


When purchasing new tires, cost is the most important factor. a. True b. False


When taking a long trip, drivers should: a. Leave late at night to avoid traffic b. Drive during their normal awake time c. Drink energy drinks to stay awake d. None of the above is correct


When you are backing and turning a trailer, you should: a. Turn the steering wheel in the same direction you want the trailer to go b. Turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction you want the trailer to go c. Neither A nor B is correct; you cannot back up with a trailer attached d. Both A and B are correct, your steering wheel position does not affect where the trailer goes when backing


When you are driving a vehicle with a trailer, you will need: a. Less time to pass since you will be more aerodynamic b. More time to pass since your total length is longer c. To honk your horn as you pass the other vehicle d. Keep to the right and never pass other vehicles


When you are driving and encounter heavy fog you should: a. Reduce your speed and turn on your high beam headlights b. Reduce your speed and make sure your low beam headlights are on c. Maintain the posted speed limit d. Turn off head lights


When your vehicle begins to skid you should: a. Brake or accelerate even more to "pull" your vehicle out of the skid b. Ease off the brake or the accelerator and look and steer where you need your vehicle to go c. Look at whatever you do not want to run into d. Apply the emergency brake so the rear wheels will lock up and "pull" your vehicle out of the skid


Which of the following conditions will likely cause a bicyclist to make an unexpected maneuver? a. Signs indicating there is a bicycle route ahead b. Storm grates on the side of the road where the bicyclist is riding c. Both A and B are correct d. Neither A nor B is correct


Which type of vehicle is the safest choice for new drivers? a. Van b. Midsize sedan c. Sports car d. Sport utility vehicle


You are about to collide with another vehicle. You should: a. Throw yourself on the floor of your vehicle and tel your passengers to do the same b. Use controlled braking and steer so that you collide with the other vehicle at an angle c. Lock your brakes and steer hard to the right side of the roadway d. Turn off your engine


You have better control of your vehicle during emergency maneuvers if you are not wearing your safety belt. a. True b. False


You should always change your oil every 3,000 miles. a. True b. False


You should avoid driving for extended periods of time beside a large truck because: a. The air currents created by large trucks will force you off the road b. Large trucks have large blind areas and the truck driver may not realize you are there c. The dirt, dust, and smoke from a large truck will create visibility problems for you d. None of the above is correct


You should tailgate the vehicle in front of you just before you pass the vehicle so your time to pass is shortened. a. True b. False


________ helps reduce tailpipe emissions and your personal fuel cost. a. Ethanol fuel b. Carpooling c. Diesel fuel d. Speeding


You are driving about 45 mph when a situation occurs and you must avoid a collision by either braking or steering. You have a clear path to your right. You should: a. Hit the brakes because that will take less time b. Steer out of danger because it will take less distance c. Use both steering and braking because that will take about the same distance d. None of the above is correct


When shifting gears, you should:

be able to shift without looking at the pedals or shift lever.

If you employ a good visual search while driving, you will:

be searching 20 to 30 seconds ahead of your vehicle.

To develop a selective search pattern, you should:

both a and b are correct ( know where to direct your search and classify information into major groups)

A driver license is issued to a person that:

both a and b are correct (has demonstrated knowledge of traffic laws, has demonstrated the ability to properly operate a vehicle).

how fast you drive is determined by:

both a and b are correct (posted speed limit and highway conditions)

When you park and leave a manual-shift vehicle, it is best to set the parking brake and shift to:

both a and c are correct (first gear and reverse)

When steering using the hand-to-hand method:

both hands will always maintain contact with the steering wheel.

Prior to starting the engine, always place your foot on the:

brake pedal.

A vehicle ahead of you can increase your risk by: a. Suddenly stopping b. Swerving into your lane c. Both A and B are correct d. Neither A nor B is correct


As a driver you have a responsibility to pedestrians that is: a. Legal b. Moral c. Both A and B are correct d. Neither A nor B is correct


Circadian rhythm will: a. Allow you to go extended periods of time without sleep b. Wake you up if you fall asleep while driving c. Cause you to be less alert, even drowsy, between approximately 2 and 4 P.M. d. Stop when your vehicle stops


Communicating should be thought of as: a. Sending information b. Receiving information c. Exchanging information d. Providing feedback


If a tire suddenly goes flat while you are driving you should: a. Ease up the accelerator, keep a firm grip on steering wheel and brake hard until the vehicle slows b. Accelerate to regain steering control while keeping a firm grip on the steering wheel c. Continue to look down your intended path of travel, keep a firm, steady grip on the steering wheel and maintain a straight course d. None of the above is correct


In cold climates, check your vehicle's cooling system each: a. Fall and Summer b. Fall and Winter c. Fall and Spring d. Fall


Oxidation, the process by which 90 percent of alcohol is eliminated from the body, takes place in the: a. Brain b. Stomach c. Liver d. Lower intestine


Strong emotions can affect your: a. Physical coordination before your mental judgment b. Mental judgment before your physical coordination c. Ability to think, reason and make decisions d. Physical skills before your metal skills


The use of alcohol will: a. Sharpen your ability to focus b. Have little effect on your ability to see c. Relax your eye muscles making it difficult to focus d. All you to see better in a low-light environment


Tires with low tread depth: a. Are best to keep your vehicle from hydroplaning b. Provide the greatest traction possible for your vehicle on wet surfaces c. Increase the possibility of hydroplaning d. Will wear unevenly


When planning a long trip, drivers should avoid driving more than _____ miles per day. a. 300 b. 400 c. 500 d. 600


When safety belts are used by front sear occupants, the chances of a fatal injury are reduced by: a. 100 percent b. 80 percent c. 45 percent d. 5 percent


When you are driving with a trailer in tow and the road curves to the right, you should: a. Keep your vehicle in the center of your lane b. Move closer to the edge of the roadway c. Allow more distance from the edge of the pavement d. Move your vehicle over into the oncoming traffic lane while traveling through the curve


When you pass a motorcycle you: a. Need not make a full lane change since the motorcycle is smaller b. Should honk your horn sharply just as the front of your vehicle comes even with the motorcycle c. Give the motorcycle as much room as you would any other vehicle you pass d. None of the above is correct


Which of these is not necessary to safely tow a trailer? a. The proper size hitch b. Larger side view mirrors c. High intensity headlights d. Heavy duty suspension


You fail to stop at a stop sign and hit another vehicle. Which type of insurance will pay for the repair of your vehicle? a. Liability b. Medical Payments c. Collision d. Comprehensive


__________ are/is a common cause of a vehicle not starting. a. A quarter tank of fuel b. Poor tire tread c. Corroded battery connections d. All of the above are correct


Locked doors on your vehicle:

can be less likely to open during a rollover

Your first duty in the event of a collision is to:

check for injuries and call 911

You have just parked your vehicle on a quiet neighborhood street and are preparing to open your door to exit the vehicle; you should:

check mirrors and blind areas for traffic.

You are driving between two parked vehicles, with a minimum amount of space available, you should position your vehicle:

closer to the left vehicle.

When shifting from first to second, the correct procedure is:

clutch pedal down, shift, accelerator pedal up

You are driving at 30 mph and you realize you are quickly approaching a street you want to turn right onto; you should:

continue straight ahead and consider if you need to turn around or if you can turn right at the next street and return to your intended route.

An effective control device that is the least used in emergency situations is the: a. Steering wheel b. Brakes c. Horn d. Accelerator


Approximately how many fatal traffic crashes involve alcohol? a. Over 70 percent b. Under 10 percent c. One out of every 200 crashes d. Nearly half


Drivers are at increased risk at becoming drowsy if they: a. Are shift workers b. Take long trips c. Are young drivers d. All of the above are correct


During a storm a tree falls on your parked vehicle. What type of insurance is going to cover the damage to your vehicle? a. Liability b. Medical Payments c. Collision d. Comprehensive


If you collide with an unattended vehicle, you: a. Should attempt to locate the owner b. Attach a written notice with your contact information to the vehicle c. Write down the license number of the other vehicle d. All of the above are correct


In normal traffic, you should maintain a visual control zone ahead of you vehicle for a distance equal to at least:

12 to 15 seconds.

First gear in a vehicle with a manual transmission should be used for speeds up to approximatley:

15 mph

You will generally have ample time and space to make decisions and control you vehicle if you maintain a visual lead of:

20 to 30 seconds

To operate a vehicle smoothly and safely you should direct your attention ahead:

20 to 30 seconds.

A recent study of more than 11,000 crashes revealed that what percentage of drives took no action to avoid a collision?

37 percent

For safe travel you should identify a stopping zone ahead along your path of travel of at least:

4 to 5 seconds

fourth and fifth gears are generally engaged at speeds over:

40 - 50 mph

When you are new driver and practicing turning right or left with good traction and normal conditions, your speed should not exceed:

5 to 15 mph

If your exhaust system leaks, the greatest danger is: a. Your engine will overheat b. You will suffer greatly reduced fuel mileage c. You will not be able to start the vehicle d. Carbon monoxide may enter your vehicle


To steer a vehicle smoothly and precisely you need:

A visual target to use as a reference point.

Driver error contributes to apx. :

A. 90% of all traffic crashes

AS your vehicle moves closer to an object you will be required to:

A. Increase your steering input to avoid hitting it.

Nearly a quarter of all new drivers will be involved in a collision or convicted of a traffic offense during their first year of driving.

A. True

Parents should work as a team with the driving instructor to provide practice for the new driver.

A. True

In a group of friends, the designated driver is: a. The relief driver on a long trip b. The most experienced driver in the group c. The driver who has a provisional driver's license d. The driver who has agreed not to use alcohol and will drive friends home


It is recommended that you have your headlights on any time you are driving because it is easier for: a. You to avoid a collision b. You to see the edges of the roadway c. You to see signs, signals and markings d. Others to see your vehicle


One of the best ways to prevent fatigue while driving on a long trip is to: a. Take food along so you can avoid drive-through restaurants b. Play the radio at high volume c. Leave early (3 A.M. to 5 A.M.), eat regular meals and drive at the speed limit d. Stop, get out of the vehicle and walk around for at least ten minutes every two hours


Prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs can hinder your ability to drive by: a. Reducing your ability to perform complex tasks b. Reducing your level of alertness c. Causing drowsiness d. All of the above are correct


The amount of alcohol in a drink is determined in part by: a. The cost of the drink b. The drinker's body weight c. If it is served in a glass or a mug d. The strength of the beverage


The driver ahead of you is having a lively conversation with passengers in the vehicle. You can expect that driver to: a. Drive too fast for conditions b. Turn too wide c. Stop suddenly d. All of the above are correct


Tires with adequate tread: a. Do not help prevent hydroplaning b. Will prevent hydroplaning if the tires are new c. Will give you greater traction on dry pavement d. Will help to reduce the likelihood of hydroplaning


To help you keep your emotions from affecting your driving you should not: a. Direct your emotions at a person's actions rather than the individual b. Delay driving when you are upset c. Expect other drivers to make mistakes d. Use calming drugs before driving


Too much weight loaded to the front of the trailer will: a. Cause your headlights to be misaligned b. Increase your probability of hydroplaning c. Cause steering and braking problems d. All of the above are correct


Under-inflated tires will: a. Not have an effect on fuel economy b. Improve fuel economy c. Provide a harsher ride d. Decrease fuel economy


You backing:

All of the above are correct (brace your right arm over the back of the passenger seat, grip the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock position with your left hand, move the wheel left or right in the direction you want the rear of the vehicle to go).

Before you shift your vehicle into drive, you should:

All of the above are correct (let your engine idle for 15 to 20 seconds, check that all gauges are working, turn on your low beam headlights if the vehicle does not have DRLs)

Although each state may differ slightly, generally drivers are required to stop when they encounter a school bus that is:

All of the above are correct (loading and unloading children, stopped with lights flashing).

Drivers may show proof of financial responsibility by:

All of the above are correct (possessing automobile liability insurance, depositing bonds or other securities with the state, depositing cash in a required amount with the state).

Under which conditions(s) can a driver be charged with reckless driving?

All of the above are correct (the driver intentionally drives in a dangerous manner and knows he/she is placing others at risk, the conditions make the increase in risk obvious).

When you are driving you should be able to determine whether you can safely move your vehicle into a space located:

All of the above are correct (to the side, front, and rear).

Your vehicle is parked at the curb. As you approach it, you should:

Approach the driver's door facing traffic.

Most of today's drivers believe they may be at fault if they are involved in a collision.

B. False

Successfully completing a driver education course will guarantee that you become a safe driver.

B. False

The fatality rate per million miles driven for drivers under the age of 20 is:

B. Higher than other drivers

Which of the following is not a characteristic of risk?

B. Perceived risk doesn't differ from actual risk.

What coin should be used when checking tire tread to see if your tires are safe for use? a. Dime b. Penny c. Nickel d. Quarter


When purchasing a vehicle you should consider: a. An extended warranty b. Mileage c. Crash history d. All of the above are correct


When ensuring that your tires are properly inflated during a pre-drive check, you should always check:

Both A and B are correct (The headlights, brake lights, turn signals, taillights; the direction which your tires are pointed.)

GDL programs usually involve ________ stages

C. 3

Per miles driven, novice drivers have a crash rate _____ times higher than experienced drivers.

C. 4

Which of the following is the best procedure for making a lane change to the right?

Check all sides for a safe gap in traffic, signal right, re-check blind areas to the rear in the direction you plan to move, steer into the lane when safe then cancel the signal.

As you approach your vehicle and perform checks it is not necessary to always:

Check the spare tire for proper inflation.

Which are these is not part of a normal under-the-hood check?

Checking the shock absorbers.

Which of these is not part of a daily pre-driving check?

Checking under the hood.

GDL programs usually include which of the following

D. All of the above. (Some form of nighttime driving restrictions........Requirements for supervised practice driving time........A limit to the # of passengers in the car.)

to enhance your ability to asses and manage risk in specific driving situations, you should:

D. All of the above. (consider the possibility that a dangerous situation might prepared to take action to effectively manage the sit. ............ consider the consequences of your actions)

Over-estimating your ability to asses traffic/roadway conditions may result in:

D. All of the above. (responding late to a situation.......responding in an inappropriate manner..........a failure to respond to a situation)

drivers who are unaware of risk involved in driving will:

D. Both A and B are false. (Tend to take action required to control obvious risks........ Tend to insist that any crash they're involved in isn't their fault.)

which of the following presents the greatest advantage of a Parent-Teen Driving Agreement:

D. The teen and parent will be able to est. clear communication channels & expectations with respect of the vehicle.

When you are towing a trailer with good traction and visibility your following distance should be: a. Approximately 2 seconds b. Approximately 3 seconds c. Approximately 4 seconds d. Approximately 5 to 6 seconds


When you shop for insurance for your vehicle, you should: a. Only consider insurance companies that allow you to pay monthly premiums b. Not be concerned with different policy provisions since all insurance policies are the same by law c. Compare only the cost d. Get a full explanation of coverage and costs before you purchase


When your vehicle's engine is checked and maintained as recommended in its owner's manual you may expect to: a. Reduce air pollution b. Get better gas mileage c. Reduce the likelihood of expensive repairs d. All of the above are correct


Which factors help determine the cost of automobile insurance? a. Age of driver b. Kind and age of the vehicle c. Where the driver lives d. All of the above are correct


Which of the following is not a vision error that could increase risk? a. Failing to check your rearview mirror b. Failing to check your blind areas c. Dialing your cell phone d. Searching 20 to 30 seconds ahead for your vehicle for possible conflicts


Which of the following will help someone sober up from the effects of alcohol? a. Fresh air or a cold shower b. Coffee or milk c. Food in the stomach d. Time


You are driving a vehicle with three passengers and towing a trailer; the heaviest passenger should sit in the: a. Driver side back seat b. Middle back seat c. Passenger side back seat d. Passenger side front seat


How often should you perform pre-driving checks?

Every time you drive.

"Rules of the road" are in effect only when signs, signals or markings are posted.


When you adjust your side mirrors, position your head straight ahead as it you were driving.


You do not have to obey regulatory signs. These signs are in place to provide you guidance about applicable laws at that particular place.


You must press hard on the accelerator as you start the engine.


Which of the following is considered a vehicle communication system?

Hazard flashers.

You are driving on a two-lane roadway and you encounter a fire truck coming toward you with sirens and emergency lights on, you should: a. Slow, but continue in your lane since the truck has the other lane available to drive in b. Maintain your speed and lane position c. Move off the roadway, but slow only enough to maintain control of your vehicle d. Pull over as far as possible to the right and stop until the fire truck passes you


Your vehicle has 5 seats with safety belts (including driver seat). You have 6 people, including yourself, that need to go somewhere. You should: a. Choose the smallest person to sit on someone's lap in the back seat b. Have four people sit in the back seat without using safety belts c. Allow one person to sit in the cargo area (SUV) d. Leave at least one person behind


Many of today's automobiles come equipped with automatic:

daytime running lights

It is more difficult to steer if you fail to:

Maintain an upright seating position.

When you approach a stop sign you should:

None of the above is correct.

When you shift to reverse you should:

Press the bake pedal.

It's a beautiful day and you are travelling in the right lane of a two-way highway, but need to make an emergency stop; however there is a tractor-trailer following you. You should:

Signal and steer off the road and then stop.

When your mirrors are properly adjusted, which of the following is true?

The rearview mirror will be adjusted allowing you to see as much of the rear window as possible.

Which principle, with respect to right-of-way, is not correct?

The right-of-way is taken, not given.

One reason to develop the habit of checking behind you using your mirrors is:

To help you avoid collisions when conditions changes suddenly.

Developing skills to check traffic behind you may help avoid collisions when conditions change suddenly.


Drivers involved in a collision must show proof of their ability to pay for any damages.


In the event of an emergency, if you are driving a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), apply maximum pressure to the break pedal to active the system.


Road grime - dirt, oil, water and other debris can reduce headlight output by up to 90 percent.


Safety belts help keep a driver behind the steering wheel and in control during a crash.


The high/low beam headlight switch on some older model vehicles may be located on the floor, beneath the parking brake pedal.


The radio/MP3/CD player should not be used by new drivers.


When you direct your attention 20 to 30 seconds ahead of your vehicle and to both sides of the vehicle, you are most likely to identify the objects or conditions that could increase your level of risk.


When securing your vehicle in a parking lot, you should:

Turn off all accessories and lights then turn off the ignition.

To check your blind areas, you should:

Turn your head slightly and check over your shoulder in the direction of the blind area.

When the signal light ahead turns to yellow you should.

Understand your right-of-way is about to expire and clear intersection.

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