AAMI - Anatomy 2 - Final

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ascending colon

"ascends" on the right side of the abdomen


3 cornered shaped carpal in the proximal row

head, body, tail

3 portions of the pancreas

Secum, Colon, Rectum and anal canal

4 main regions of the large intestine

ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon

4 parts of the colon

sella turcica

A bony saddle shaped structure on the superior surface of the sphenoid bone

Line or linea

A less prominent ridge of bone than a crest

pancreas, liver and gall bladder

A major portion of digestion and absorption occurs here, the small intestine, and receives pancreatic juice and bile from ducts which lead from the ____ _____ ______, into the duodenum

visceral peritoneum

A portion of the serosa covering is part of the____ ______


A projection above a condyle


A singular bone and is the most superior bone of the ankle. It articulates with the tibia and fibula forming the ankle joint

Vestibule of the oral cavity

A space bounded externally by the cheeks and lips and internally by the gums/gingivae and teeth

oral cavity proper

A space that extends from the gums and teeth to the fauces

dens or odontoid process

A tooth or peg-like process that process that projects upward and articulates with the atlas

The area between the diaphragm and the pelvis


The superior portion of the ventral body cavity containing the stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, most of the small intestine and part of the large intestine.


To take away from the midline of the body


(auxiliary; assisting) This term is applied to a lesser structure that resembles in structure and function, a similar organ, as an example, the accessory pancreatic duct



Acrom means

Hydrochloric acid

Activates the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin, an active enzyme necessary to break down proteins


Adult human skeleton bone number

the digestive system tube from the mouth to the anus, including the mouth or buccal cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and small and large intestines

Alimentary canal


All bone has some ___ between its hard components

Long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid, wormian

All bones in the body can be classified into these six categories

foramina, singular vertebral foramen and the paired transverse foramen

All cervical vertebrae have three _____ , they are:

soluble and absorbable

All the food that we eat must be changed into a _____ and _____ form before our cells can use it


Allow for expansion and contraction when the stomach contains food

superior and middle nasal conchae (turbinates)

Allow for filtration of the inhaled air and to also warm and moisten air

singular vertebral foramen

Allows for passage of the spinal cord through the cervical vertebrae

paired transverse foramen

Allows for passage of the vertebral arteries through the cervical vertebrae

dens or odontoid process

Allows the head to pivot and permits a side to side motion of the head, saying No, Is on the axis


Also known as the calf bone


Although it is longer, it is considerably ______ than the tibia


Although the obturator foramen is covered by a ______, it allows blood vessels and nerves to pass


An entrance to a canal


An opening between the oral cavity and the pharynx

esophageal hiatus

An opening in the diaphragm


An opening through which blood vessels, nerves or ligaments pass

The last 2 or 3 cm. (1 in.) of the rectum; opens to the exterior through the anus

Anal canal

before or in front of; refers to the ventral or abdominal side of the body

Anterior (ventral)

coronoid fossa

Anterior depression of the humerus and receives the coronoid process of the ulna when the forearm is flexed

at the angles of the 2 parietal bones and the frontal bone

Anterior fontanel location

coronoid process

Anterior portion of the ramus and serves as the point of attachment for the temporalis muscle

hard palate

Anterior portion of the roof of the mouth

lesser tubercle

Anterior projection of the humerus

coronoid process

Anterior projection of the ulna


Anterior, inferior portion of the hip bone

pyloric valve/sphincter

Antrum/pylorus connects with the duodenum by the _____

internal anal sphincter, skeletal

Anus guards the ____ _____ ____, made up of "involuntary" smooth muscle and an external anal sphincter composed of _______muscle (voluntary)


Any sharp, slender process

pertaining to an appendix; pertaining to the limbs


the bony structure that makes up the shoulder girdle, upper extremities, pelvis and lower extremities

Appendicular skeleton

alvelolar process

Arch or horse show shaped portion of the mandible that contains 16 alveolar sockets

superior and middle nasal conchae (turbinates)

Are 2 thin, scroll shaped projections on the lateral masses of the ethmoid bone

do not attach directly to the sternum

Are called false ribs because their costal cartilage...

medial and lateral condyles

Are expanded portion of the metaphysis and articulate with the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia

sublingual duct

Are located beneath the tongue; superior to the submandibular glands in the anterior portion of the floor of the mouth

Cuneiform Bones

Are three in number and are wedge shaped. They are located anterior to the navicular bone

superior nuchal line

Are two bony ridges that extend laterally from each side of the external occipital protuberance

The part of the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow.



Arm bone


Articular cartilage is a thin layer of _____ cartilage at articulation joints


Articulates proximally with the tibia

head of the femur

Articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone

acromian process

Articulates with the acromial end of the clavicle, forming the acromioclavicular articulation

head of the fibula

Articulates with the inferior surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia below the level of the knee joint

condylar process

Articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone forming the temporomandibular joint

medial and later condyle of the tibia

Articulates with the medial and lateral condyle of the femur respectively

clavicular notch

Articulates with the sternal end of the clavicle forming the sternoclavicular articulation

temporal bone

Articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone forming the zygomatic arch

the place of union between two or more bones; a joint



As a sesamoid bone the patella develops in the _____ of the quadriceps femoris muscle

smooth, disappear

As the stomach fills the rugae ______ out and ______

the part of the large intestine that passes superiorly from the cecum to the inferior border of the liver, where it bends at the right colic (hepatic) flexure to become the transverse colon

Ascending colon

one of the three small bones of the middle ear called the malleus, incus and stapes

Auditory ossicle

6, 3/ear

Auditory ossicles number

The tube that connects the middle ear with the nose and nasopharynx region of the throat.

Auditory tube

skull, hyoid, auditory ossicles, vertebral column, sternum, ribs

Axial skeleton major bones

The small hollow beneath the arm where it joins the body at the shoulder. Also called the armpit.


The posterior part of the body; the dorsum


distal, carpal

Base of the metacarpals articulate with the ____ row of the _____ bones


Beginning of the large intestine


Bend or curved portion between the body and the rami in the mandible, where the body meets the rami

A secretion of the liver consisting of water, bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, lecithin and several ions; it emulsifies lipids prior to their digestion


common hepatic duct

Bile flows out of the liver through the right and left hepatic ducts, which come together to form the _________

cystic duct

Bile will leave the gall bladder by the ____ _____

pertaining to bile


the organs and ducts that participate in the secretion, storage and delivery of bile in the duodenum

Biliary tract

a membranous sac or receptacle for a secretion


greater and lesser tubercle

Blunt projections of the humerus

navicular or scaphoid

Boat shaped and largest carpal bone


Body aka


Body of the sternum aka

ossification or osteogenesis

Bone formation aka (2)

joining one bone to another, attaching muscle to bone, or allowing structures to pass

Bones have surface marking that function in (3)


Bones in appendicular skeleton


Bones in axial skeleton

pectoral/shoulder girdle, upper extremities, pelvic girdle, lower extremities

Bones of appendicular skeleton

Frontal Bone (1), Parietal Bone (2), Temporal Bone (2), Occipital bone (1), Sphenoid Bone (1), Ethmoid Bone (1)

Bones of the cranium and number


Bones of the wrist called the _____ bones

humerus, ulna radius, carpal, metacarpal, phalanges

Bones of upper extremities

irregular bones

Bones of very complex space that do not fit into any other category

short bones

Bones that make up the wrist and ankle

long bones

Bones with greater length than width and consists of a main portion called the diaphysis

fibrous membrane or hyaline cartilage

Both are shaped like bones and provide the medium for the process of bone formation which is known as ossification or osteogenesis

points of attachment

Both spines of the iliac crest serve as ______ ___ _____ for the muscle of the abdominal wall

thigh, buttocks

Both trochanters of the femur serve as points of attachment for the muscles of the ____ and ____


Both tubercles function as _______ for many muscle of the upper extremeties


Breakdown of food by both mechanical and chemical means

duodenal gland

Bruners gland aka

tubular submucosal

Bruners glands are compound ______ ______ glands


Bucca means

relating to the cheek or mouth


A sac or pouch synovial fluid located at friction points, especially joints



C1 vertebrae aka

a narrow tube, channel or passageway



Canal aka

smooth muscle

Cardiac sphincter is composed of _____ ______

a canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone that transmits the internal carotid artery and the internal carotid plexus of sympathetic nerves

Carotid canal

The eight bones of the wrist. Also called carpals.

Carpal bones

transverse, four

Carpal bones are arranged in two _____ rows, one proximal and distal of ___


Carpal bones are united to each other by ____


Carpal bones in the distal row will articulate with the ______ bones


Carpal number (upper)

A collective term for the eight bones o the wrist


A type of connective tissue consisting of chondrocytes in lacunae embedded in a dense network of collagen and elastic fibers and a matrix of chondroitin sulfate



Cartilage of ribs ___ ____ and ____ attach to each other and then attach to the cartilage of the 7th rib

A joint without a synovial (joint) cavity where the articulating bones are held tightly together by cartilage, allowing little or no movement

Cartilagenous joint

Pertaining to any tail-like structure; inferior in position


ethmoidal sinuses

Cavities that communicate, drain or empty into the nasal cavity

sphenoidal sinuses

Cavities within the sphenoid bone that are lined with a mucous membrane and drain into the nasal cavity


Cavity within a bone

A blind pouch at the proximal end of the large intestine that attaches to the ileum


situated at or pertaining to a center


7, 7

Cervical vertebrae number in adults and infants

Atlas or C1

Cervical vertebrae that has no body or spinous process and is described as being a ring of bone

C2 or Axis

Cervical vertebrae the has a body or structure called the dens or odontoid process


Chemical digestion is accomplished by

principle enzyme pepsinogen

Chief cells secrete...



The milky-appearing fluid found in the lacteals of the small intestine after absorption of lipids in food.

Chyle / Chyli

The semi-fluid mixture of partly digested food and digestive secretions found in the stomach and small intestine during digestion of a meal


The origin of the thoracic duct

Cisterna Chyli


Clavicle lie ____ to the first rib


Clavicle number

on each side of the jugular notch

Clavicular notch location

funnel-shaped openings, especially of the posterior nares; one of the communicating passageways between the nasal fossae and the pharynx


The fused bones at the inferior end of the vertebral column



Coccyx vertebrae number in adults and infants


Collar bones

The large intestine from the end of the cecum to the anal canal that surrounds the anus; the portion of the large intestine consisting of ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid portions


gastric juice

Combination of all muscle cell secretions

A tube formed by the union of the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct that empties bile into the duodenum at the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater)

Common Bile Duct

ductus choledochus

Common bile duct aka

zygomatic or malar bones

Commonly called cheek bones

Bone tissue that contains few spaces between osteons

Compact (dense)Bone Tissue

diaphysis, epiphysis

Compact or dense bone is thicker in the _____ than in the ____

one of the three nasal conchae; a scroll-like bone


temporoandibular joint

Condylar process articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone and forms the

a rounded protuberance at the end of the bone forming an articulation


One of the most abundant of the four basic tissue types in the body; performing the functions of binding and supporting; consists of relatively few cells in a generous matrix (the ground substance and fibers betweenthe cells)

Connective Tissue

Upper esophageal sphincter

Consists of skeletal muscleregulates the movement of food from the pharynx to the esophagus


Constricted portion of the femur located just distal to the head

Alveolar Process

Contains 16 sockets for the teeth

cribiform plate or horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone

Contains olfactory foramina through which the olfactory nerves pass

frontal and two parietal bones

Coronal suture located between the

Pertaining to a rib


Hyaline cartilage that attaches a rib to the sternum

Costal cartilage


Coxal bone aka

A subdivision of the dorsal body cavity formed by the cranial bones and containing the brain

Cranial cavity

The skeleton of the skull that protects the brain and the organ of sight, hearing and balance; includes the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, sphenoid and ethmoid bones


horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone

Cribiform plate aka

A crest or ridged structure. A small elevation in the ampulla of each semicircular duct that contains receptors for dynamic equilibrium


short bones

Cube shaped bones nearly equal in length and width

a normal or abnormal bending or sloping away; a curve


of or pertaining to a cyst; pertaining to the gallbladder; pertaining to the urinary bladder


The discharge of feces from the rectum



Defecation from those substances that are indigestible and cannot be absorbed

The act of swallowing



Dense connective tissue that surrounds the bone surface wherever it is not covered by articular cartilage

Movement in which a part of the body moves inferiorly


jugular notch or suprasternal notch

Depression in the medial superior portion of the manubrium

intercondylar fossa

Depression on the posterior surface of the femur, situated between the medial and lateral condyles

The part of the large intestine descending from the left colic (splenic) flexure to the level; of the left iliac crest

Descending colon


Destroys certain bacteria and old, worn out white and red blood cells

reduction of toxic properties of a poisonous substance


The shaft of a long bone



Diaphysis aka

A freely moveable joint; types are gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle and ball-and-socket



Different organs secrete difference _____ to chemically act on different foods

The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food to simple,molecules that can be absorbed and used by body cells


Farther from the attachment of a limb to the trunk; farther from the point of origin or attachment; farthest from the center, from a medial line, or from the trunk; opposite to proximal



Distal and proximal ends of long bones

capitulum, trochlea, coronoid fossa, olecranon fossa

Distal end features of the humerus (4)

multangular major, multangular minor, capitate, hamate

Distal row of metacarpals from lateral to medial

calvaria or calivarium

Domelike superior portion of the cranium

see posterior


The first 25cm. (10 in.) of the small intestine, which connects the stomach and the ileum


single, three, 23

Each hip bone is a _____bone, but is discussed as if it were ______ separate bones. In the infant, the bone is three separate pieces separated by cartilage which fused together by the time we reach ____ years old

maxillary sinus

Each maxilla contain the ______ _____ and are filled with a mucous membrane and communicate with the nasal cavities

base, shaft, distal

Each of the metacarpals has a proximal ____, ____ and distal ____

condylar process, coronoid process and mandibular notch

Each ramus has a (3)

external auditory meatus

Ear canal aka


Ear ossicles and some facial bones are _____ bones

Malleus/hammer, Incus/Anvil, Stapes/Stirrups

Ear ossicles and their shapes

a prominence or projection, especially of a bone




The layer of the heart wall composed of endothelium and smooth muscle that lines the inside of the heart and covers the valves and tendons that holds the valves open


an internal secretion, pertaining to a gland that secretes directly into the bloodstream


A gland that secretes hormones into intestinal fluid and then the blood; a ductless gland

Endocrine gland

The end of a long bone, usually larger in diameter that the shaft (diaphysis)


The tissue that forms innermost and outermost surfaces of body structures and forms glands

Epithelial tissue

A mature red blood cell


The process by which red blood cells are formed


The hollow muscular tube that connects the pharynx and the stomach



Esophagus begins at the inferior end of the______

esophageal hiatus

Esophagus passes through the _______ _____(an opening in the diaphragm)

superior portion of the stomach

Esophagus terminates in the...

Feminizing sex hormones produced by the ovaries; govern development of oocytes, maintenance of female reproductive structures, and appearance of secondary sex characteristics; also affects fluid and electrolyte balance and protein anabolism. Examples are beta-estradiol, estrone and estriol


The movement of the sole laterally at the ankle joint


humerus, radia, ulna, femur, tibia, fibula

Examples of long bones in extremities (6)

glycogen, fat

Excess glucose (sugar) can be stored as ________ (animal starch) or converted to ___ in the liver

The process of eliminating waste products from the body; also the products excreted


a term applied to the external secretion of a gland


A gland that secretes its products into ducts that carry the secretions into body cavities, into the lumen of an organ, or the outer surface of the body

Exocrine gland

medial and lateral condyles

Expanded proximal ends of the tibia

An increased angle between two bones; restoring a body part to its anatomical position after flexion


exterior; the opposite of internal


A curved tube in the temporal bone that leads to the middle ear; the lateral, outer opening of the external auditory canal

External auditory canalor meatus

eye orbit

Eye socket aka

The anterior aspect of the head


A sheet of parietal peritoneum between two principal lobes of the liver. The ligamentum teres or remnant of the umbilical vein lies within its fold

Falciform ligament

parietal peritoneum

Falciform ligament is a fold of the _____ _____


Femur number


Fibrous membranes in which ossification has not yet taken place

talus bone of the ankle

Fibula Articulates distally with the _____


Fibula number


Finger bones, toe bones, metacarpal and metatarsals are _____ bones


Finger-like projections located along the mucosal lining of the small intestines

true ribs

First 7 pair of ribs that attach directly to the sternum by their own costal cartilage

A groove, fold or slit tat may be normal or abnormal


ingestion, peristalsis, digestion, absorption, elimination

Five basic activities of digestion

Support and Stabilize surrounding tissue, Protect vital organs, Assists in body movement, storage area for mineral salts, manufacture blood cells

Five functions of a skeleton

acromion process

Flattened, expanded portion of the spine

Movement in which there is a decrease in the angle between two bones



Floating ribs only point of attachment is posteriorly to the ____ vertebrae

A fibrous connective tissue membrane-filled space where bone formation is not yet complete, especially between the cranial bones of an infant's skull


ease, override

Fontanels ___ the process of birth because they allow bones to ______ each other to help accommodate the skull to the size of the birth canal -

soft spots

Fontanels aka

chime or chili

Food becomes a milky white substance known as

The terminal part of the lower limb, from the ankle to the toes


A passage or opening; a communication between two cavities of an organ, or a hole in a bone for passage of vessels or nerves. Plural is foramina




An opening in the fetal heart in the septum between the right and left atria

Foramen ovule

The part of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist


squama / squamous portion

Form the anterior and superior part of the temple (region of the head in front of the ear)


Formed by the fusion of the ilium, pubis, and ischium

olecran process

Forms the bump in the elbow


Forms the floor of the oral cavity

xiphoid or ensiform process

Forms the most inferior portion of the sternum

perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

Forms the superior portion of the nasal septum

a furrow or shallow depression


lambdoidal suture

Found between the parietal and occipital bones

squamosal suture

Found between the parietal and temporal bone

sagittal suture

Found between the two parietal bones

lambdoidal suture

Found between the two parietal bones and the occipital bone

sternal angle or angle of Louis

Found where the manubrium meets the body

Frontal, Ethmoid, Maxillary, Sphenoid

Four paranasal sinuses

cardia/cardiac, fundus, body/corpus, pylorus/antrum

Four parts of the stomach

multangular minor/trapezoid

Four sided carpal figure with NO two sides parallel

multangular major/Trapezium

Four sided carpal figure with two sides parallel

forehead, anterior portion of the roof of the skull, part of the eye orbit

Frontal bone forms the (3)

a rounded prominence on either side of the median line and a little below the center of the frontal bone

Frontal eminence

18 to 24 month

Frontal fontanel closes in about

an irregular cavity in the frontal bone on either side of the midline above the nasal bridge, One may be larger than the other

Frontal sinuses

Gall bladder

Function is to store and concentrate the bile produced by the liver until it is needed in the small intestines

completion of water absorption, manufacture and absorption of certain vitamins, formation and elimination of feces

Function of large intestine (3)

lower extremities.

Functionally this pelvis provides strong support for the_____

protect, mechanical effort

Functionally, sesamoid bones _____ the tendon and increase its ______ _____

Softens and lubricates food, Dissolves a portion of the food so that it can be tasted, Cleanses the mouth and teeth.

Functions of saliva (3)

A small pouch located inferior to the liver that stores bile and empties by means of the cystic duct; a pear-shaped sac on the underside of the right lobe of the liver that stores bile received from the liver

Gall bladder


Gall bladder is attached to the underside of the _____

pear shaped sac/organ

Gall bladder shape

combining form that means stomach


A continuous tube running through the ventral body cavity extending from the mouth to the anus. Also called the alimentary canal

Gastrointestinal (GI) tract

Alimentary Tract, Alimentary Canal

Gastrointestinal Tract aka (2)

They cover the alveolar process of the mandible and maxilla and extend slightly into each socket

Gingivae Gums.

on the lower part of the forehead just above the medial ends of the eyebrows

Glabella location

Specialized epithelial cell or cells that secrete substances; may be exocrine or endocrine; a secretory organ or structure; a cell or group of cells that can manufacture secretion discharged and used in some other part of the body


glenoid fossa

Glenoid cavity aka

glenoid cavity, cavity of the scapula

Glenoid fossa aka (2)

transverse colon

Goes across the abdomen

descending colon

Goes down (descends) on the left side of the abdomen to the iliac crest (part of the colon)

below the posterior superior iliac spine

Greater sciatic notch location


Greatest number of peyers patches found in the____


Gums aka

Pertaining to taste


The anterior portion of the roof of the mouth, formed by the maxillae and palatine bones and lined by mucous membrane

Hard palate

petrous portion of the temporal bone

Hardest part of the temporal bone

The superior part of a human; cephalic to the neck. The superior or proximal part of a structure


glenoid fossa, cavity of the scapula

Head of the humerus that articulates with the ________ or _______


Head shaped carpal on the distal row

zygomatic bones or malar bones

Help form the prominences of the cheek and the latter wall and floor of the eye orbit

sphenoid bone

Helps form part of the floor, side walls and rear wall of the eye orbit

Blood cell production, which occurs in red bone marrow after birth. Also called hematopoiesis


the liver


Refers to the liver


The flow of blood from the gastrointestinal organs to the liver before returning to the heart

Hepatic portal circulation

ampulla of vater

Hepato pancreatic duct aka

A small, raised area in the duodenum where the combined bile duct and main pancreatic duct empty into the duodenum. Also called the ampulla

Hepatopancreatic ampulla

a gland that has both endocrine and exocrine functions (ex:Pancreas]

Heterocrine :

medullary canal or cavity

Hollow chamber within the diaphysis that contains yellow bone marrow which consist of a lot of fat cells

coracoid process

Hook like projection located on the anterior, superior surface of the lateral end of the scapula


Hooked shaped carpal on the distal row


Horizontal portion of the mandible

palatine process of the maxilla

Horizontal portion that forms the anterior portion of the hard palate

petrous portion of the temporal bone

Houses the internal and middle ear, the structures involved in hearing and equilibrium

axial and appendicular

Human skeleton divisions

scapula, radius, ulna

Humerus articulates proximally with the _______ and distally with the ____ and ____


Humerus number

does not articulate with any other bone

Hyoid bone articulation

styloid process, temporal

Hyoid bone is suspended from the _____ _____ of the ______ bone by ligaments and muscles


Hyoid bone number

cervical, mandible, thyroid cartilage, larynx

Hyoid is located in the _____ region and is inferior to the _______ and superior to the ______ cartilage of the _____

A fold of mucous membrane that guards the opening from the ileum into the large intestine. Also called the ileocecal valve

Ileocecal sphincter

The terminal part of the small intestine


ileocecal valve

Ileum joins the ______ _____, the opening into the large intestines which allows materials from the small intestines to pass into the large intestines

anterior superior iliac spine

Iliac crest ends anteriorly as the ____

posterior superior iliac spine

Iliac crest ends posteriorly as the _____

coronal suture

Immovable joint found only between skull bones


In growing bones ______ is where the cartilage is replaced with bone

greater sciatic notch

In the ilium, this allows for passage of the sciatic nerve

pituitary gland

In the sella turcica, the depression of the saddle contains the ______ ____

Away from the head or towards the lower part of a structure. May also be referred to as caudad or caudal. Beneath; lower; used medically in reference to the undersurface of an organ or indicating a structure below another structure


lesser trochanter

Inferior and medial to the greater trochanter

a facial bone

Inferior nasal concha


Inferior portion of the pharynx

shock absorbers

Intervertebral discs as a

C2 to Sacrum

Intervertebral discs location


Involuntary muscle contractions


Involuntary physical movement of food through the body


Is a combination of the different enzymes produced by each of the salivary gland

mandibular fossa

Is a depression located on the inferior, posterior surface of the zygomatic process on each temporal bone

lateral malleolus of the fibula

Is a lateral projection of the fibula that articulates with the talus bone of the ankle. You can also feel this at the lateral surface of the ankle

medial malleolus

Is a medial projection which articulates with the talus bone of the ankle. You can feel this on the medial side of the ankle

external occipital protuberance

Is a prominent midline projection on the posterior surface just above the foramen magnum

tibial tuberosity

Is a roughened process for the attachment of the patellar ligament

cuboid bone

Is a singular and cubed shaped bone that lies lateral to the cuneiform bones


Is a singular bone and forms the lower jaw

Patella Surface

Is a slight depression on the anterior surface of the femur situated between the condyles. The patella or kneecap is situated in front of this

Crista Galli

Is a triangular process that serves as a point of attachment for the meninges, which are the membranes that cover the brain

mechanical / physical digestion

Is accomplished by a process known as peristalsis and by chewing which grinds the food into smaller particles

alveolar process

Is and arch or horse-shoe shaped portion of the bone

mastoid process of the temporal bone

Is located posterior and inferior to the external auditory meatus (the ear canal, where you insert the Qtip) which directs sound waves into the ear

muscularis/muscular coat

Is located under the serosa and is composed of visceral (smooth involuntary) muscle tissue


Is the central portion of the pharynx


Is the innermost layer of the stomach, which secretes mucous to protect the stomach from its own digestive juices

anal canal

Is the terminal (last) 1 inch of the colon

a tiny isolated mass of one kind of tissue within the another type


cluster of cells in the pancreas

Islets of Langerhans


It binds the mucosa to the muscularis


It connects the esophagus to the duodenum, the first part of the small intestines and has the capability of stretching, BUT is not meant to hold large quantities of food


It extends from the ileum to the anus and is wider, not longer, than the small intestine

external occipital protuberance

It is the bump you feel at the back of the head

epigastric, left hypochondriac and umbilical regions

It lies inferior to the diaphragm in the ______, _____ ______ and _____ regions of the body on the left side of the body

external auditory meatus

It runs from the outer ear to the middle ear allowing sound to enter the ear


It serves as a reservoir for food

mastoid process of the temporal bone

It's the bump you feel behind your ear


Its function is to simply transport the food (bolus) from the pharynx to the stomach

The middle part of the intestine


the point of juncture between two bones; A joint is usually formed of fibrous connective tissue and cartilage


cranial sutures

Joints of the cranial bones are called

suprasternal notch

Jugular notch aka

head, metacarpal

Knuckles are formed by the _____ of the ______ bones when the hand is closed

One of many lymphatic vessels in villi of the intestines that absorbs triglycerides and other lipids from digested foods



Large central portion of the stomach inferior to the fundus

semi lunar or trochlear notch

Large curved area of the humerus between the olecranon process and the coronoid process


Large disc shaped portion of the vertebrae

thoracic vertebrae

Large in size than the cervical vertebrae and the spinous processes project inferiorly

The portion f the gastrointestinal tract extending from the ileum of the small intestine to the anus, divided structurally into the cecum, colon, rectum and anal canal

Large intestine

ileum, anus

Large intestine extends from the ____ to the ____

5 feet, 2.5 inches

Large intestine length and diameter

foramen magnum

Large opening located in the inferior portion of the occipital bone

greater trochanter

Large roughened projection, located on the lateral side of the femur


Large rounded portion of the humerus that articulates with the glenoid fossa or cavity of the scapula

scapula (s)

Large, flat, triangular bone referred to as your shoulder blade


Large, rounded, usually roughened projection larger than a tubercle

tibial tuberosity

Large, rounded, usually roughened projection of the tibia


Large, roundlike protuberance at the end of a bone at a point of articulation with another bone


Larger and medial bone of the leg


Largest and strongest bone of the upper extremeties


Largest and strongest of the facial bones

lumbar vertebrae

Largest and strongest vertebrae


Largest digestive organ

obturator foramen

Largest foramen of the skeleton

parotid glands

Largest of the three salivary glands


Largest part of large intestine


Largest sesamoid bone


Largest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body

The inferior portion of the pharynx, extending downward from the level of the hyoid bone that divides posteriorly into the esophagus and anteriorly into the larynx.


hyoid, anteriorly, posteriorly

Laryngopharynx begins at level of _____ bone and opens ______ to the larynx and ______ to the esophagus

respiratory, digestive

Laryngopharynx function in both____ and ____

The voice box, a short passageway that connects the pharynx with the trachea



Last 8 in of the GI tract

aromial end

Later end of the clavicle

Farther from the midline of the body or a structure; pertaining to the side


acromion process

Lateral end of the spine of the scapula

greater tubercle

Lateral projection just distal to the head of the humerus


Layer under the muscularis where the blood vessels and nerves are found


Least complex portion of the digestive tract

greater curvature, convex lateral, left gastric

Left side of stomach is referred to as the _____ ______, has a _____ _______ border, and is supplied by the ____ _____ artery

The part of the lower limb between the knee and ankle


9 to 10 in

Length of esophagus

linea aspera

Less prominent ridge of bone than a crest of the femur

ethmoid bone

Lies anterior to the sphenoid bone and posterior to the nasal bone... is a bone

external auditory meatus

Lies below the squama and in front of the mastoid process


Line aka


Linear Aspera serves as muscle attachments for the ____ muscles

right hypochondriac, epigastric

Liver is located the _____ _____ region and ______ regions

falciform ligament

Liver is separated into a right and left lobe by the_____ ______


Liver located just below the _____

circle of willis

Located around the pituitary gland

inferior nasal conchae

Located inferior to the middle conchae, these filter and warm air

cribiform plate

Located on the anterior floor of the cranium and forms the roof of the nasal cavity

in the duodenum

Location of bruners glands

right side of body

Location of secum

slightly curved

Long bones are ____ _____ for strength

Diaphysis or shaft

Long, cylindrical, main portion of long bone

sciatic nerve

Longest nerve in the body is the

Capitulum, lateral

Looks like a round know and articulates with the head of the radius, it is located on the _____ side of the humerus

cardiac sphincter

Lower esophageal sphincter aka

femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal, metatarsal, phalanges

Lower extremities consist of

Region of the back and side between the ribs and pelvis; loin



Lumbar vertebrae number in adults and infants

An oval or bean-shaped structure located along lymphatic vessels

Lymph node

A large vessel that collects lymph from lymphatic capillaries and converges with other lymphatic vessels to form the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts

Lymphatic vessel



internal carotid artery

Main blood supply to the brain

Bruners Glands

Main function is to produce a mucus-rich alkaline secretion (containing bicarbonate)

protect duodenum from acidic content of chyme, provide alkaline conditions for intestinal enzymes to be active, lubricates the intestinal walls

Main function is to produce a mucus-rich alkaline secretion (containing bicarbonate) in order to (3)

ethmoid bone

Major superior supporting structure of the nasal cavity

body, rami, angle

Mandible consists of (3)

the depression in the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible fits

Mandibular fossa

a boundary such as the edge of a structure of the anatomy


Soft, sponge-like materials in the cavities of bone; Red bone marrow produces blood cells; yellow bone marrow contains adipose tissue that stores triglycerides





Maxillae articulate with every other facial bone except the

floor of the eye orbits, lateral walls and floor of the nasal cavity, most of the hard palate (roof of the mouth)

Maxillae help form (3)

a passage or opening


chewing or mastication

Mechanical digestion in the mouth results from_____ or ______

Nearer the midline of the body or a structure; pertaining to the middle


sternal end

Medial end of the clavicle that articulates with the clavicular notch forming the sternoclavicular articulation


Medial/pinky side bone of the forearm

The space within the diaphysis of a bone that contains yellow bone marrow. Also called marrow cavity

Medullary cavity

A thin, flexible sheet of tissue composed of epithelial layer and an underlying connective tissue layer, as in a epithelial membrane, or of areolar connective tissue only, as in a synovial membrane




A fold of peritoneum attaching the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall



Metacarpal (upper) number

A collective term for the five bones that make up the palm



Metaphyses is where bone _____


Metatarsal number

body or gladiolus

Middle and largest portion of the sternum


Middle region of the hand

metacarpal bone

Middle region of the hand is made up of these five bones

A vertical plane through the midline of the body that divides the body or organs into equal right and left sides. Also called a median plane

Midsagittal plane

deciduous teeth

Milk teeth aka

tall centers never take shots from corners (Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular, Third Cuneiform, Second Cuneiform, First Cuneiform, Cuboid)

Mnemonic for learning the ankle bones


Moon shaped carpal in the proximal row

endochondral ossification

Most bones in the body are formed in this way


Most inferior portion of the vertebral column

C7 or cervical prominens

Most prominent of the cervical vertebrae because it possesses a large Non-Bifid spinous process

cheeks, hard and soft palate and tongue.

Mouth is formed by the (4)


Mucous cells secrete _____ which protects the stomach from its own digestive juices

A membrane that lines a body cavity that opens to the exterior. Also called the mucosa

Mucous membrane

The thick fluid secretion of goblet cells, mucous cells, mucous glands, and mucous membranes


An organ composed of one of three types of muscle tissue (skeletal, cardiac or smooth), specialized for contraction to produce voluntary or involuntary movement of parts of the body


A muscular layer (coat or tunic) of an organ


serosa, visceral, smooth involuntary

Muscularis is located under the ______ and is composed of _______ (_____ _____) muscle tissure

serosa, muscularis/muscular coat, submucosa, mucosa

Name the four layers of the stomach

parotid glands, submandibular glands, sublingual glands

Name the three pair of salivary glands

Milk/deciduous teeth and permanent teeth

Name two sets of teeth


Narrow inferior portion of the stomach that connects with the duodenum (first part of the small intestines) by the pyloric valve /sphincter


Narrow ridge of bone

iliac crest

Narrow ridge of bone of the hip bone


Narrow slit between adjacent parts of bone through which blood vessels or nerves pass

a vertical portion of bone (perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and vomer) and cartilage, covered with a mucous membrane, separating the nasal cavity into left and right sides; the partition that divides the nasal cavity into two nasal cavities

Nasal septum

perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (superior), vomer (inferior and posterior), septal cartilage (anterior and inferior)

Nasal septum is formed by these three structures

The superior portion of the pharynx, lying posterior to the nose and extending inferiorly to the soft palate



Nasopharynx functions only in

nasal cavity, soft palate

Nasopharynx lies posterior to the ______and extends to the_____


Navicular aka

scaphoid bone

Navicular bone aka

Intrinsic factor

Necessary chemical for the body's absorption of Vitamin B12, a vitamin necessary for hemopoiesis

The part of the body connecting the head and the trunk. A constricted portion of the an organ such as the neck of the femur or uterus



No ______digestion occurs in the esophagus


No mechanical digestion occurs in the esophagus as a result of ______

mandibular notch

Notch or depression between the condylar and coronoid process


Number of carpal bones in each wrist

10 including the two pair of floating ribs (11 and 12)

Number of false ribs, including

20 or 10/jaw

Number of milk teeth

32 or 16/jaw

Number of permanent teeth


Number of phalanges per hand

12 pairs

Number of ribs


Number of ribs

26, 33

Number of vertebrae in adults and infants

anatomical neck

Oblique groove that lies distally to the head of the humerus

between the pubis and the ischium

Obturator foramen location

in the midline between the two parietal bones and the occipital bone

Occipital Fontanel location

two months

Occipital fontanel closes about ___ _______ after birth

distal and posterior portion of the humerus

Olecranon fossa

Pertaining to smell


sense of smell

Olfactory meaning


Only moveable bone of the skull

The bony pyramid-shaped cavity of the skull that holds the eyeball


A structure composed of two or more different kinds of tissues with a specific function and usually a recognizable shape


accessory organs

Organs that lie outside the gastrointestinal tract are called

teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, pancreas

Organs that lie outside the gastrointestinal tract include (6)

Any aperture or opening; the mouth, entrance, or outlet of any anatomical structure; opening


The intermediate portion of the pharynx, lying posterior to the mouth and extending from the soft palate to the hyoid bone


soft palate to hyoid

Oropharynx extends from the ____ to the ____ bone

digestive and respiratory

Oropharynx is both ____ and ____ in function

oral cavity proper.

Oropharynx lies posterior to the...



any small bone, especially one of the three bones of the ear the small bones of the middle ear (malleus, incus, stapes)


Formation of bone. Also called osteogenesis



Ossification aka

6th or 7th

Ossification begins around the ___ or ___ week of embryonic life and continues into adulthood


Ossification that occurs only in formation of bones in the cranium

Intramembrano ossification

Ossification that occurs within the fibrous membrane

A mature bone cell that maintains the daily activities of bone tissue


The study of bones


greater curvature of the stomach

Pacrease lies posterior to the...


Paired bones that unite to form the upper jaw

nasal bones

Paired oblong shaped bones that sit side by side at the upper and middle parts of the face

lacrimal bones

Paired thin bones the size and shape of fingernails

The horizontal structure separating the oral and nasal cavities, the roof of the mouth


A soft, oblong organ lying along the greater curvature of the stomach and connected by a duct to the duodenum. It is both an exocrine gland (secreting pancreatic juice) and an endocrine gland (secreting insulin, gluagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide)


small oblong shaped organ 6in long

Pancreas shape and size

A single large tube that unites with the common bile duct from the liver and fall bladder and drains pancreatic juice into the duodenum at the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vader). Also called the duct of Wirsung

Pancreatic duct

A cluster of endocrine gland cells in the pancreas that secretes insulin, glucagons, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. Also called an islet of Langerhans

Pancreatic islet

A mucus-lined air cavity in a skull that communicates with the nasal cavity; they are located in the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid bones

Paranasal sinus

pertaining to, or forming, the wall of a cavity; pertaining to the parietal bone


HCL/hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor

Parietal cells secrete (2)

stensens duct

Parotid duct aka

One of the paired salivary glands located inferior and anterior to the ears and connected to the oral cavity via a duct (Stensen's) that opens into the inside of the cheek opposite the maxillary (upper) second molar tooth

Parotid gland

parotid duct or stensens duct

Parotid glands secretion gain entrance to the mouth by way of the (2)


Part of humerus that looks like a pulley or spool shaped surface


Part of pelvic bone is a ____ bone


Part of the pharynx behind the nose


Part of the ulna that articulates with the carpal bones

olecranon process

Part of the ulna that forms the prominence of the elbow


Passage of digested food from the digestive tract into the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems for distribution to the cells of the body

anterior to the knee joint

Patella location


Patella number

small, triangular, sesamoid

Patella size, shape and type of bone


Pea shaped carpal in the proximal row

concerning the chest; Pertaining to the chest or breast


clavicle and scapula

Pectoral girdle composed of

clavicle and scapula

Pectoral girdle consists of these (2)

Inferior portion of the abdominopelvic cavity that contains urinary bladder, sigmoid colon, rectum, and internal female and male reproductive structures

Pelvic cavity

hip or coxal bone

Pelvic girdle composed of

The basin-like structure formed by the two hip bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx. The expanded, proximal portion of the ureter, lying within the kidney and into which the major calyces open


The membrane that covers cartilage


The membrane that covers bone and consists of connective tissue, osteogenic cells and osteoblasts; is essential for bone growth, repair and nutrition


Successive muscular contractions along the wall of a hollow muscular structure


The largest serous membrane of the body that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the viscera


at right angles to another surface



Perpendicular/Vertical portion of the mandible on each side


Petrous means


Phalanges (upper) number


Phalanges number (lower)

The throat; a tube that starts at the internal nares and runs partway down the neck, where it opens into the esophagus posteriorly and larynx anteriorly


digestive and respiratory

Pharynx is both ______ and _____in function and takes air from the nasal cavity to the larynx and food from the mouth to the esophagus

intervertebral discs

Pieces of fibrous cartilage located between the bodies of each vertebrae from C2 to sacrum


Pituitary gland aka


Plural of foramen

concerning an entrance to an organ, especially that through which the blood is carried to the liver



Portion of the pharynx behind the mouth

calvaria or calivarium

Portion of the skull removed during cranial autopsy

Nearer to or at the back of the body; opposite of anterior

Posterior (dorsal)


Posterior and inferior portion of the hip bone


Posterior fontanel is _____ than the anterior fontanel

soft palate

Posterior portion of the mouth and located between the oropharynx and nasopharynx

condylar process

Posterior portion of the ramus

Endochondral ossification

Process is which bone forms in cartilage

ossification or osteogenesis

Process of bone formation

trochlea of the humerus

Process shaped like a pulley or spool of the humerus


Process shaped like a pulley or spool of thread

styloid process

Projects from the inferior surface of the temporal bone

perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

Projects inferiorly from the cribiform plate

temporal process

Projects posteriorly from the zygomatic bone

Crista Galli

Projects superiorly from the cribiform plate


Protects, nourishes and assists in fracture repair of bones

a part that is prominent beyond a surface, like a knob


superior and middle nasal conchae (turbinates)

Provide a turbulence for inhaled air trapping many inhaled particles in the mucous membrane

hyoid bone

Provides attachment sites of the tongue and neck muscles

compact/dense bone

Provides protection, support and helps long bones resist the stress of weight placed on them

nearest point of attachment, center of body or point of reference, the opposite of distal


medial and lateral condyles, intercondylar eminence, tibial tuberosity

Proximal end of the tibia contains (2)


Proximal portion of the hand

Navicular/scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

Proximal row of carpals from lateral to medial

A slightly moveable cartilaginous joint between the anterior surfaces of the hip bones; the junction of the public bones in the midline in front; the bony eminence under the pubic hair

Pubic symphysis


Pubis consists of a disc of ______

A thickened ring of smooth muscle through which the pylorus of the stomach communicates with the duodenum. Also called the pyloric valve; the smooth muscle around the opening of the stomach into the duodenum

Pyloric sphincter


Pylorus aka


Radius number

olecran fossa

Receives the olecranon process of the ulna when the forearm is extended

The last 20 cm. (8 in.) of the gastrointestinal tract, from the sigmoid colon to the anus



Rectum lies ____ to sacrum and coccyx

articular cartilage

Reduces friction and shock at freely moveable joints


Regions in mature bones where the diaphysis meets the epiphysis

Lower esophageal sphincter or cardiac sphincter

Regulates the movement of food from the esophagus into the stomach

floating ribs

Ribs 11 and 12 (pairs) are designated as

false ribs

Ribs 8 through 12


Ribs are ____ bones

posteriorly, anteriorly, costal

Ribs attach ____ to the thoracic vertebrae and _____ to the sternum by way of the ______ cartilage

floating ribs

Ribs having no anterior attachment to the sternum directly or indirectly

first, seventh, twelfth

Ribs increase in length from the ____ to the ____ then decrease in length to the _____

A vessel of the lymphatic system that drains lymph from the upper right side of the body and empties it into the right subclavian vein

Right lymphatic duct

lesser curvature, concave medial, right gastric artery

Right side of stomach is referred to as the _____ ______, has a _____ _______ border, and is supplied by the ____ _____ artery


Round mass of soft, flexible, easily swallowed food

head of the femur

Rounded articular projection of the femur


Rounded articular projection supported on the constricted portion of the neck

sigmoid colon

S shaped portion of the colon


Sacrum vertebrae number in adults and infants

A clear, alkaline, somewhat viscous secretion produced mostly by the three pairs of salivary glands: contains various salts, mucin, lysozyme, salivary amylase and lingual lipase (produced by glands in the tongue)



Saliva is ___ % water

pertaining to, producing or formed from saliva


One of the three pairs of glands that lie external to the mouth and pour their secretory product (saliva) into ducts that empty into the oral cavity; the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands; a gland of the oral cavity that secretes saliva

Salivary gland

submandibular glands

Salivary gland found below the base of the tongue and in the floor of the mouth

accessory glands, exocrine glands, produce watery secretion of different chemical compounds called saliva

Salivary glands are (3)

adjacent to the mouth

Salivary glands are located...

side of the rami of the mandible, infererior, anterior

Salivary glands located and the side of the ______... and _____ and ______ to the ear


Scapula is a ____ bone

dorsal, 2nd, 7th

Scapula location is located in the ______ portion of the thorax, situated between the ___ and ___ ribs


Scapula number

trochlear notch

Semi lunar notch aka


Semi lunar notch also forms part of the ____ joint

gustation or gustatory

Sense of taste aka (2)

a wall dividing two cavities


biliary system

Series of small ducts that transfer secretions produced and stored in the liver, gall bladder and pancreas into the small intestine

A membrane that lines a body cavity that does not open to the exterior. The external layer of an organ formed by a serous membrane. The membrane that lines the pleural, pericardial and peritoneal cavities. Also called a serosa

Serous membrane

styloid process

Serves as a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments of the tongue,neck and hyoid bone

superior nuchal line

Serves as the origin for the occipitofrontalis muscle

Small bones usually found in tendons; an oval nodule of bone or fibrocartilage in a tendon playing over a bony surface. The patella is the largest one

Sesamoid bone

wrist, foot

Sesamoid bones can be found in the ____ and ____

frontal, ethmoid, maxillary, sphenoid, palatine, lacrimal, zygomatic

Seven bones that help form the eye orbit/socket


Shallow depression


Shaped like a top or any of the nasal conchae


Sharp ridge that runs diagonally along the dorsal aspect of the scapula

spinous process of the vertebra

Sharp, slender process of the vertebra


Shin bone aka

spongy except for a thin layer of compact bone at surface

Short bones texture

The S-shaped part of the large intestine that begins at the level of the left iliac crest, projects medially and terminates at the rectum at about the level of the third sacral vertebra

Sigmoid colon

iliac crest

Sigmoid colon begins near the _____ ____ and projects medially


Single finger bone is called a


Single triangular shaped bone that form the inferior and posterior portion of the nasal septum

occipital bone

Singular bone situated at the posterior part and most of the base of the cranium

sphenoid bone

Singular bone, bat or wing shaped, and situated at the middle part of the base of the skull


Singular bone, flat, sword or dagger shaped and called the breast bone

hyoid bone

Singular, U shaped or horse shoe shaped bone that supports the tongue

ethmoid bone

Singular, light, spongy irregular shaped bone located on the midline in the anterior part of the floor of the cranium between the orbits

A hollow in a bone (paranasal sinus) or other tissue; a channel for blood (vascular sinus); a cavity within a bone; a dilated channel for venous blood; any cavity having a relatively narrow opening


nasal bones

Sit side by side and form part of the bridge of the nose

pertaining to the skeleton


An organ specialized for contraction, composed of striated muscle fibers (cells), supported by connective tissue, attached to a bone by a tendon or an aponeurosis and stimulated by somatic motor neurons

Skeletal muscle

vertebral column, sternum, ribs

Skeleton of the trunk of the body is formed by

The skeleton of the head consisting of the cranial and facial bones


22, 8 cranium and 14 facial

Skull includes how many bones


Slender S shaped bone that lies horizontally in the superior and anterior part of the thorax

styloid process

Slender process that projects form the posterior portion of the ulna for muscle attachment

glenoid cavity or glenoid fossa

Slight indentation on the lateral aspect of the scapula

Intercondylar eminence of the tibia

Slight upward projection between the medial and lateral condyle of the tibia


Small bump you can feel between the medial ends of the eyebrows

wormian or sutural bones

Small clusters of isolated bones that are found in the joints of cranial bones

A long tube of the gastrointestinal tract hat begins at the pyloric sphincter o the stomach, coils through the central and inferior part of the abdominal cavity and at ends at the large intestine; divided into three segments: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum

Small intestine

23 feet and 1 inch wide

Small intestine length and width

central, lower

Small intestine located in the ____ and ____ portion of the abdominal cavity

sesamoid bones

Small nodular bones typically found in locations where a tendon passes over a joint


Small rounded projection, usually blunt


Small smooth elevation that lies between the superciliary arches


Smallest of the facial bones and are located posterior

xiphoid or ensiform process

Smallest portion of the sternum


Smooth flat articular surface

superior facet

Smooth flat articular surface of the vertebra

A tissue specialized for contraction, composed of smooth muscle fibers (cells), located in the walls of hollow internal organs, and innervated by automatic motor neurons

Smooth muscle

oropharynx, nasopharynx, mucous membrane

Soft palate is located between the ______ and the ______ and is covered by a ____ _____


Some cranial bones are ____ bones

posterior and slightly superior to the nasal cavities

Sphenoid bone location


Sphenoid bone referred to as the _______ of the cranial floor, because it articulates with all other cranial bones

a circular muscle constricting an orifice


A sharp or thorn-like process or projection. Also called a spine. A sharp ridge running diagonally across the posterior surface of the scapula

Spinous process

cancellous bone

Spongy bone aka

body of short, flat, irregular shaped bones and ephiphysis of long bones

Spongy bone locations

Flat or scale-like


angle of Louis

Sternal angle aka

sternal end of the clavicle and the clavicular notch

Sternoclavicular articulation is made up of the


Sternum articulates with the


Sternum is a ____ bone

anterior midline of the chest

Sternum location

The J-shaped enlargement of the gastrointestinal tract directly inferior to the diaphragm in the epigastric, umbilical and left hypochondriac regions of the abdomen, between the esophagus and small intestine


vertebral column

Strong, flexible group of vertebrae that allows us to move anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally


Styloid process also provides attachment for the ligaments of the ___

rivinus duct

Sublingual duct aka

sublingual ducts or the Rivinus duct

Sublingual ducts gain entrance into the mouth by way of the ...

One pair of salivary glands situated in the floor of the mouth deep into the mucous membrane and to the side of the lingual frenulum, with a duct (Rivinus') that opens into the floor of the mouth

Sublingual gland

whartons duct

Submandibular duct aka

One pair of salivary glands found inferior to the base of the tongue deep to the mucous membrane in the posterior part of the floor of the mouth, posterior to the sublingual glands, with a duct (Wharton's) situated to the side of the frenulum. Also called the submaxillary gland

Submandibular gland

submandibular duct or whartons duct

Submandibular glands gain entrance to mouth by the (2)

A layer of connective tissue located deep to a mucous membrane, as in the gastrointestinal tract or the urinary bladder; the submucosa connects the mucosa to the muscularis layer



Suffix -ase will always indicate an

Toward the head or upper part of a structure. Also called cephalad; higher than; situated above something else



Superior and largest portion of the hip bone

iliac crest

Superior border of the ilium


Superior orbital fissure is a narrow slit of the ___ bone


Superior triangular portion of the sternum

C1 or atlas

Supports the skull and articulates with the occipital condyles of the occipital bone

Lower esophageal sphincter or cardiac sphincter

Surrounds the esophagus just as it enters the stomach

relating to a suture (the line of union in an immovable articulation, as those between skull bones)


A small bone located within a suture between certain cranial bones. Also called Wormian bone

Sutural bone

An immovable fibrous joint that joins skull bones



Swallowing aka

A line of union. A slightly movable cartilaginous joint such as the pubic symphysis; a line of fusion between two bones that are separated in early development



Tail bone aka


Taking food into the body


Talus aka

The seven bones of the ankle

Tarsal bones


Tarsal number

A collective term for the seven bones of the ankle


Accessory structures of digestion composed of calcified connective tissue and embedded in bony sockets of the mandible and maxilla that cut, shred, crush and grind food. Also called dentes



Teeth aka

alveolar sockets, mandible and maxillae

Teeth or Dentes are accessory organs of the digestive system located in the _________of the alveolar processes (the arch) of the _______ and ______

A white fibrous cord of regular connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone


sigmoid colon

Terminates at the rectum

dens, odontoid

The Axis has a body and a structure called a _____ or ______ process


The C2 through C6 vertebrae has a _____ spinous process

superciliary arches

The Supraorbital margins lie inferior to the


The ___ of the metacarpals articulates with the proximal phalanges


The ____ of the femur is usually the part that gets broken


The ____ of the pancreas fits in the C shaped curve of the duodenum

exocrine portion

The _____ ______ of the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes called pancreatic juices which leave the pancreas through the pancreatic duct

medial mealleolus

The _____ is on the distal end of the tibia

zygomatic process

The ______ ______ projects from the inferior portion of the squama

pelvic girdle

The _______ of the bony pelvis connects the bones of the lower extremity to the axial skeleton


The _________ (worm shaped) appendix projects from the cecum


The ______is described a being a J-shaped organ

liver, liver

The _____contains various enzymes that either breakdown poisons or transforms them into less harmful substances. If the body cannot break them down and excrete them, the_____ will store them


The acetabulum is a deep ____

aromial end of the clavicle and the acromian process of the scapula

The acromioclavicular articulation is made up of the

horizontal plate of the palatine bone

The actual part of the palatine bone that forms the posterior portion of the hard palate


The alveolar processes are covered by the _____


The area of the stomach that surrounds the cardiac sphincter/lower esophageal sphincter


The big toe or hallux has __ phalanges while the remaining four toes have ___phalanges


The bodies of the cervical vertebrae are ______ than the other vertebrae

prominent, non bifid

The cervical prominens is the most _____ of the cervical prominens and possesses a large ____ _____ spinous process

lateral walls of the oral cavity.

The cheeks form the...

mental eminence

The chin or bony projection of the chin

common bile duct or ductus choledochus.

The common hepatic duct and the cystic duct unite and form the...(2)

cystic duct

The common hepatic duct joins with the duct coming from the gall bladder called the _____ _____ to form the common bile duct


The coronoid fossa is a shallow depression of the _____

coronoid fossa, humerus, trochlea

The coronoid process receives the _____ of the ____ when the forearm is flexed. It also receives the ____ of the humerus

gall bladder.

The cystic duct comes out of the _____ _____


The endocrine portion is called the Islets of Langerhans or pancreatic islets and secretes the hormone ______directly into the bloodstream

islets of Langerhans or pancreatic islets

The endocrine portion of the pancreas is called the ______ or _______ and secretes the hormone insulin directly into the bloodstream

bone forming

The endosteum contains_____ ______ cells

two, upper esophageal sphincter and lower esophageal sphincter/cardiac sphincter

The esophagus has ____ sphincters. Name them

1: part of the anterior portion of the cranial floor, 2: medial wall of the eye orbits, 3: superior part of the nasal septum, 4: most of the sidewall of the nasal cavities

The ethmoid bone helps form (4)

temporal bone

The external auditory meatus is a canal of the


The fibula Lies parallel and lateral to the ¬¬¬¬____


The foot is made up of the ____ bones


The foramen magnum is an foramen of the _____ bone


The frontal sinus is a cavity of the ____ bone

superciliary, nasal

The frontal sinuses lie medially behind the ________ arches and drain into the _____ cavities

head, humerus, glenoid cavity

The glenohumeral articulation is formed by the articulation of the ______ of the _____ and the ______ ______


The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum forming the ____ joint


The inferior nasal conchae are completely _______ of the superior and middle nasal conchae of the ethmoid bone

medulla oblongata

The inferior portion of the brain stem that connects to the spinal cord


The kneecap


The lacrimal bones help form the ______ border of the eye orbits

anterior or frontal

The largest of the fontanels


The lateral and medial condoyle is a large roundlike protuberance of the ____

left lobe of the liver.

The left hepatic duct emerges from the...

fat, duodenum, hepatic ducts

The liver Produces bile salts that breakdown ____. These bile salts are sent to the _______ of the small intestines for the emulsification and absorption of fats by the right and left _____ _____

Urea, kidney or the sweat glands

The liver converts ammonia to ______ (which is harmless) that is then excreted by the_____ or the _____


The liver is an _____ organ of digestion

falciform ligament

The liver is divided into two principal lobes, a right lobe and a smaller left lobe, by the _____ _____

heparin, prothrombin, thrombin

The liver manufactures the anticoagulant _____ and most other plasma proteins, such as ______ and _______ which are involved in the clotting mechanism of blood


The lower extremities and pelvic girdle consist of ___ bones


The main chemical activity of the stomach is to begin the digestion of proteins by the enzyme_____

temporal, condylar, temporamandibular articulation (TMJ)

The mandibular fossa of the ______ bone articulates with the ______ process of the mandible (lower jaw) forming the_______


The manufacture of blood cells is known as


The medial epicondyle is a projection above a condyle in the ____

foramen magnum

The medulla oblongata and the vertebral arteries pass through this opening


The medullary canal contains ____ bone marrow


The medullary canal is a hollow chamber located within the

oral, buccal cavity

The mouth also referred to as the ______ or ______ ___

sesamoid bones

The number of these bones varies in everyone


The occipital condyle articulates with the _____, the first cervical vertebrae and allows you to nod your head up and down

extension of forearm

The olceran process and fossa unite with this body action


The opening of the anal canal to the exterior of the body is called the_____

Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, Large intestine, Small intestine

The organs of the gastrointestinal tract include(6)


The outermost (superficial) layer of the stomach

hard palate, nasal cavity, eye orbit

The palatine bone helps form the posterior portion of the ____ ____, a part of the floor and lateral wall of the ______ _______ and a very small portion of the ____ ____


The pancreas is a ______ gland

Hepato-pancreatic duct or ampulla of vater

The pancreatic duct and the common hepatic duct unit to form the...


The pancreatic duct emerges from the...


The pectoral girdle and the upper extremities are composed of ____ bones

vertebral column

The pectoral girdle does not articulate with the ______ _______

two hip bones called the coxal bones

The pelvic girdle consist of

blood vessels, nerves

The periosteum contains ____ _____ and _____

width, length

The periosteum contains bone forming cells that enables bones to grow in ___ but not ___

carotid canal, foramen

The petrous portion of the temporal bone contains the ______ _____ or ______, through which the internal carotid artery passes

sphenoid and occipital bones

The petrous portion of the temporal bone is located between the


The portion of the skull that encloses the brain

Spongy or compact

The region of bone may be categorized as

thoracic vertebrae

The ribs articulate with these vertebrae

common hepatic duct

The right and left hepatic duct unit to form the...


The right and left pectoral girdle attach the bones of the upper extremity to the _____ skeleton

right lobe of the liver.

The right hepatic duct emerges from the...


The rounded portion of the stomach located above (superior) and to the left of the cardia

posterior, medial, pelvic girdle

The sacrum if is positioned at the ______ portion of the pelvic cavity, _____ to the two hip bones and serve as a strong foundation for the _____ _____


The simpler and more direct method of ossification

Fibrous membrane , hyaline cartilage

The skeleton of the human embryo is composed of either________ _______ or ______ ______.

pyloric sphincter, ileocecal valve

The small intestine is a gastrointestinal organ that originates at the _____ ______of the stomach and terminates at the _____ _____of the large intestine

Peyer's Patches

The small intestines also contain an aggregation (group) of lymph nodes, called ______ _____(Anatomy I), located along the entire length of the small intestine

channels, lighter

The spaces between bones provide ____ for blood vessels and make bones ____


The spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae project _____


The stomach gently mixes food about every ___ to ___ seconds

inferior, parietal

The temporal bones lie _____ to the _____ bones

the condylar process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone

The temporomandibular joint if formed by

pubic symphysis

The two pubic portions (right and left) unite and join anteriorly to form the

short, thick

The various processes of the lumbar vertebrae are ____ and ____


The villi contain_____, small ducts that convey chyme or chyli from the villi of small intestines to the thoracic duct so that these nutrients may enter the circulatory system to be transported to the trillions of cells in the body

process, bone, arch

The zygomatic ______ of the temporal bone articulates with the temporal process of the zygomatic ____ forming the zygomatic ____

zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the temporal process of the zygomatic bone

The zygomatic arch is formed by the


The______ is an accessory organ is the special organ for the sense of taste (called gustation or gustatory) via taste buds


There are __ phalanges in each foot

wormian or sutural bones

These bones are never included in the total number of bones as the number greatly varies with the individual

parotid glands

These salivary glands become infected with the mumps


These secretions of enzymes are produced by cells along the____ and will break food down chemically

pubic symphysis, sacroiliac joints

These two hip bones unite anteriorly at a joint called the _______ and posteriorly with the sacrum at the ______


They increase the absorption area for nutrients of the small intestines

axillary border

Thick lateral border of the scapula, located near the axilla

The portion of the lower limb between the hip and the knee


Flat bones

Thin bones found wherever there is a need for extensive muscle attachment

Articular cartilage

Thin layer of hyaline cartilage cover the epiphysis where the bone forms an articulation joint with another bone

vertebral border

Thin medial border of the scapula


Thin membrane lining the medullary cavity

squama or squamous portion

Thin vertical, flat portion of the temporal bone

hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum

This complete ring of bone made up of the 2 _____, _______ and the ____ forms a deep basin-like structure called the bony pelvis

olecran process

This inserts into the olecran fossa of the humerus when the forearm is extended or straightened

Gastrointestinal Tract

This is long continuous tube running through the ventral body cavity and extends from the mouth to the anus. These organs contain the food from the time it is ingested to the time it is eliminated as a solid mass

pyloric valve / sphincter

This valve or sphincter prevents the back flow of partially digested food-stuff and digestive juices from the duodenum to the stomach

A lymphatic vessel that begins as a dilation called the cisternachili, receives lymph form the left side of the head, neck and chest, the left arm and the entire body below the ribs, and empties into the left subclavian vein. Also called the left lymphatic duct

Thoracic duct


Thoracic vertebrae number in adults and infants

the chest


Duodenum (12in), Jejunum (8 ft), ileum (14 ft)

Three division of the small intestine in order and their lengths

nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx

Three divisions of the pharynx

Amylase, protease, lipase

Three enzymes secreted by the pancreas

pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, biceps brachii

Three muscles that attach to the coracoid process

Manubrium, body or gladiolus, xiphoid or ensiform process

Three portions of the sternum

chief/zymogenic cells, parietal cells, mucous cells

Three types of stomach secreting cells


Throat aka


Thumb aka


Tibia articulates _____ with the femur and fibula


Tibia articulates _____ with the fibula and the talus bone of the ankle


Tibia number

anterior surface of the tibia

Tibial tuberosity location

palatine bones

To facial bones described as L-shaped

A large skeletal muscle covered by a mucous membrane located on the floor of the oral cavity


assists chewing, lubricates and boluses food, forces bolus to back of mouth for swallowing

Tongue provides the following three functions

The portion of the large intestine extending across fro the abdomen from the right colic (hepatic) flexure of the left colic (splenic) flexure

Transverse colon


Triangular bone formed by the union of the five sacral vertebrae of the infant


Triangular in shape and formed by the fusion of the four coccygeal vertebrae

petrous portion of the temporal bone

Triangular in shape and located in the floor of the cranial cavity


Trochlea articulates with the ____

distal end of the humerus and medially to the capitulum

Trochlea location

half moon

Trochlear notch shape

The part of the body to which the upper and lower limbs are attached


canal or meatus

Tube like opening or a tunnel coursing through a bone


Tubercles are usually

consisting of tubes and alveoli; as in a tubulo-alveolar salivary gland


temporal bones

Two bones situated at the sides (lateral aspect of the cranium) and the base of the skull (cranial floor)

parietal bones

Two bones that form the greater portion of the sides and roof of the cranial cavity

Anterior/Frontal and Posterior/Occipital

Two main fontanels

Gastrointestinal tract and Accessory Organs

Two main groups of the digestive system

Hard outer shell/compact/dense and Inner spongy/porous/ called cancellous or spongy

Two main layers of bones

Depressions / openings and Processes that are projections / outgrowths

Two major types of surface markings

occipital condyle

Two oval shaped processes locate on either side of the foramen magnum

frontal eminences

Two rounded prominences located at the upper part of the forehead

Supraorbital Margins

Two things that appear where the frontal bones thickens above both of the eye sockets

superciliary arches

Two things that extend laterally from the glabella

Intramembrano us ossification and Endochondral Ossification

Two types of bone formation

Mechanical/physical and chemical digestion

Two types of digestion

greater and lesser trochanter of the femur

Two very large projections found only on the femur

inferior nasal conchae or turbinates

Two, thin, scroll shaped bones on the lateral walls of the nasal cavities

humerus, carpal/wrist, radius

Ulna articulates proximally with the ______ and distally with the _____ bones and is longer than the ____


Ulna number

The appendage attached at the shoulder girdle, consisting of the arm, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers. Also called upper extremity

Upper limb

supraorbital margins

Upper rim of the eye socket

flat bones

Usually curved and afford considerable protection for soft or vital parts of the body

any one of various membranous structures in a hollow organ or passage that temporarily closes to permit the flow of fluid in one direction only


A twisted, coiled tube attached to the cecum; a long, narrow, worm shaped tube connected to the cecum

Vermiform appendix

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx

Vertebrae from top to bottom


Vertebrae is considered an ______ bone

vertebral column

Vertebral border lies closer to the ______ _____

A cavity within the vertebral column formed by the vertebral foramina of all vertebrae and containing the spinal cord. Also called the spinal canal

Vertebral canal

The 26 vertebrae of an adult and the 33 vertebrae of a child; encloses and protects the spinal cord and serves as a point of attachment for the ribs and back muscles. Also called the backbone, spine, or spinal column

Vertebral column

spinal cord, head, ribs

Vertebral column encloses and protects the ____ ____, supports the _____ and serves as a point of attachment for the _____

26, 33 in infants

Vertebral column number

linear aspera

Vertical ridge located on the posterior surface of the diaphysis of the femur


Very large projection found only on the femur

A small space or cavity at the beginning of the canal, especially the inner ear, larynx, mouth, nose and vagina


A projection of the intestinal mucosal cells containing connective tissue, blood vessels and a lymphatic vessel; functions in the absorption of the end products of digestion. Pleural is villi


The organs inside the ventral body cavity. Singular is viscus


Pertaining to the organs or the covering of an organ; pertaining to viscera (internal organs enclosed within a cavity, especially the abdominal organs)



Weight of liver

maxillae and palatine bone

What two bones form the hard palate

common hepatic duct and the cystic duct

What two ducts join to form the common bile duct?

mucous membrane

What type of membrane covers the hard palate


What we sit on

bond matrix

When blood calcium levels are increased, the excess calcium is stored in the ____ ____ of bones

glycogen and fat

When needed, the liver can then transform _____ and ____into glucose

right colic hepatic flexure

When the ascending colon reaches the inferior or undersurface of the liver, it turns to the left to form the...

left colic splenic flexure

When the transverse colon reaches the inferior end of the spleen on the left side, it turns and forms the...


When there is no food in the stomach, the mucosa lies in large muscular folds called____


Where the clavicles and the first rib articulate

sternal angle or angle of Louis

Where the second rib articulates

sutural bones

Wormian aka

intramembranous ossification

Wormian bones form as a result of ________ _____

Sword-shaped. The inferior portion of the sternum is the xiphoid process



Xiphoid means

angle of the mandible

You can feel the submandibular glands medial to the ...

a thin projection from the temporal bone bounding its squamous portion; a part of the malar bone helping to form the zygoma

Zygomatic process


_____ bone marrow can be found in the large spongy spaces of spongy/cancellous bones

Teeth or dentes

_____ or _____ are accessory organs of the digestive system located in the alveolar sockets of the alveolar processes (the arch) of the mandible and maxillae

Pharynx or Throat

_____ or_____is a funnel shaped organ that is located posterior to the nasal and oral cavities and larynx

the aromial end, acromioclavicular articulation

______ is the thinner, flatter, and broader end of the clavicle that articulates with the acromion process of the scapula form the _________ _______

Navicular or scaphoid bone

_______is a singular bone and is located immediately anterior to the talus bone. Like the navicular in the wrist, it is also shaped like a boat


______breaks down carbohydrates into glucose


______breaks down fats into glycerol and 3 fatty acids


______breaks down proteins into amino acids


______make up the distal portion of the foot and resemble those in the hand both in number and arrangement


_____acts as an emulsifying agent


_____is the heel bone. It is a singular bone and is located in the posterior part of the foot. It is the largest and strongest tarsal bone

a secretion of endocrine cells that alters the physiological activity of target cells in a body


either side of the nasal septum.

superior and middle nasal conchae (turbinates) are located on

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