A&P 1- CHapter 12 learnsmart

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the nervous tissue of a young adult may contain up to ______ glial cells

1 triliion

which of the choices is an acronym which is used to describe a postsynaptic graded potential in which the membrane becomes more negative on the inside


before a vesicle of neurotransmitter can be released which of the following must occur

action potential reaches synaptic knob, voltage gated calcium channel open

the term ______ means "inflowing"


sensory ______ neuron carry information ______ the central nervous system

afferent, towards

the components of the somatic sensory division are

hearing, taste, pain

the nervous system collects information through


which of the following statements describes the flow sodium ions in the meylinated regions of an axon

sodium diffuses through the axoplasm

______/_______ pumps are needed to maintain the resting membrane potential


a substance synthesize at the cell body must undergo ______ transport to reach the synaptic knobs


the plasma membrane of an axon is called the


the nervous system is composed of the ______, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia


the central nervous system is made of the ______ and spinal ______

brain, cord

the ependymal cells help produce

cerebrospinal fluid

unequal distribution of a substance across a membrane creates a ______ gradient


what is the basic function of a neuron?

conduct nerve impulses

______ nerves extend from the brain, which ______ nerves extend from the spinal cord

cranial, spinal

a positive change in the membrane potential is called ______


which of the following processes are occurring during the synaptic delay

diffusion of neurotransmitter, binding of neurotransmitter to receptors, release of neurotransmitter

the net diffusion of a given ion is dependent upon is ______ ______

electrochemical gradient

the "E" in EPSP stands for ______, meaning that the potential makes the inside of the postsynaptic cell more ______

excitatory, positive

an increase in the response of a postsynaptic neuron to a neurotransmitter is known as


true or false: ion channels use the energy of ATP to maintain concentration gradients across neuron membrances


when chemically or voltage gated channels open, there is a change in ion ______ across a membrane


neurons are classified ______ depending on the direction the nerve impulse travels


a cluster of neuron cells bodies found along a peripheral nerve is known as a ______


nervous tissue is made of neurons and ______ cells


negatively charged proteins and other large organic molecules are found in

greater amounts inside a neuron

_______ occurs when the inside of a cell becomes more negative than the resting membrane potential


following the repolarization of an action potential the membrane undergo ______ before returning to the resting membrane potential


if you were moving across a neuron's membrane from the receptive segment toward the transmissive segment, where would you first encounter large number of voltage gated Na+ and K+ channels

initial segment

the electrical gradient in a resting neuron is such that the ______ of the cell is negative relative to the ______

inside, outside

nerves are usually ______ and neurons are usually ______

macroscopic, microscopic

the difference in charge formed from the electrical gradient is referred to as the

membrane potential

which glial cells acts as phagocyte

microglial cell

the autonomic division of the nervous system is part of the ______ nervous system


which functional division of the nervous system consists of all axons that transmit a nerve impulse from the CNS to a muscle or gland

motor nervous system

the sequential opening of voltage gated sodium channels is followed by the sequential opening of voltage gated ______ channels


voltage is a measure of relative ______ energy


what type of neuron transmits an impulse through its axon toward the synapse

presynaptic neuron

______ are specialized nervous system structures that detect stimuli


during ______ ______ an axon is either incapable of generating an action potential or requires a larger than normal stimulus

refractory period

which of the following are functions of astrocytes

replaces damaged neurons, helps form the blood brain barrier, regulates the composition of interstitial fluid

the opposition to the movement of electrical charge is known as ______


which of the following are considered types of effectors?

skeletal muscle, glands, cardiac muscle

which of the following are true of neurolemmocytes

they create the myelin sheath in the PNS, they are also called Schwann cells

sensory nerves carry information

to the central nervous system

true or false: graded potentials vary in size depending on stimulus


pseudounipolar is another name for a ______ neuron


which of the following are structural classification of neurons?

unipolar, multipolar, bipolar

which division of the nervous system transmits nerve impulses from blood vessels and viscera to the central nervous system

visceral sensory division

which of the following is essential for the generation of an action potential

voltage gated channels

according to Ohms law, current is directly related to ______, and inversely directed to _____

voltage, resistance

the somatic nervous system (SNS) is another name for the _______ division of the nervous system


the movement of charge particles can be harnessed to do


______ nerves always relay information to the CNS


the endoneurium is made of

areolar connective tissue

a fascicle is a bundle of


the main activity of ______ is nerve impulse conduction


a synpase is a junction

between a neuron and another cell

satellite cells are found surrounding

cell bodies

a soma is another name for the

cell body

dendrites branch off of the

cell body

which structural division of the nervous system contains the brain

central nervous system

the epineurium is made of ______ connective tissue

dense irregular

tissue that responds to neural input by changing its activity is called


tissues that receive nerve impulses from motor neurons are called


the motor nervous system is also referred to as the ______ division


what type of neuron is also called an association neuron


the autonomic nervous system is also known as the

involuntary nervous system

the resting membrane potential is measure in


which type of neurons is most common/


synapses occur where axons contract

muscle cells, gland cells, other neurons

which cell type is considered "nerve glue"

neuroglial cells

the regulation of the response of neurons to neurotransmitters is known as


nervous tissue is composed of glial cells and


______ are chemicals released from synaptic knobs and bind to receptors on postsynaptic membrances


______ are large cells that ensheath many different axons


bipolar neurons have one axon and ______ dendrite


a graded potential caused by the opening of chemically gated channels on a postsynaptic membrane is known as

postsynaptic potential

flow of which ion is the most common cause of repolarzation


_____ are membrane molecules that use the energy of ATP to move ions against a concentration gradient


the peripheral nervous system is a ______ division of the nervous system


a change in membrane potential insufficient to cause an action potential is known as a

subthreshold value

the process by which postsynaptic potentials are added together at the initial segment is known as


a junction between an axon and another cell is called a


if several EPSPs occur at a synapse over a shot period of time, they undergo ______ at the initial segment

temporal summation

the myelin sheath covers

the axon

the all or none law refers to the fact that action potentials will only occur if the initial segment reaches ______


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