A&P 1- The Appendicular Skeleton: Bones of the Hand and Feet

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proximal distal middle

The name of each phalanx of the fingers (three names)


The number of metatarsal bones the foot includes


The number of phalanges (toe bones) the foot includes


The number of tarsal bones the foot includes

Fallen arches (flat feet)

The result of weakened tendons and ligaments supporting the arches.


The skeletal system that is composed of the 126 bones of the appendages, pectoral, and pelvic girdles.


The wrist is ________________ to the hand.


These hold the bones firmly in the arched position but still allow a certain degree of give.


bone that lies between the tibia and the calcaneus


heel bone


singular form of phalanges


Anatomical name for the wrist


Bones numbered I to V, medial to lateral, in the foot.


How many bones is the carpus (wrist) composed of?

three phalanges

How many phalanges does each finger contain?

trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate

List the four bones that make up the distal row of carpal bones in the hand.

scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform

List the four bones that make up the proximal row of carpal bones in the hand.

Calcaneus talus

List the two largest tarsals, where the body weight is concentrated, and forms the posterior aspect of the foot.

Proximal distal

List the two phalanges of the thumb.


Name of the group of eight bones that make up the wrist (carpus).

Medial longitudinal arch

Name the arch that #1 referring to.

Transverse arch

Name the arch that #2 is referring to.

Lateral longitudinal arch

Name the arch that #3 is referring to.

Sesamoid bones

Name these highlighted bones of the thumb.

Metatarsal bones

Name this group of highlighted foot bones.

Tarsal bones

Name this group of highlighted foot bones.

Metacarpal bones

Name this group of highlighted hand bones, numbered I to V.

Carpal bones

Name this group of highlighted hand bones.

Capitate bone

Name this highlighted bone of the hand.

Hamate bone

Name this highlighted bone of the hand.

Lunate bone

Name this highlighted bone of the hand.

Pisiform bone

Name this highlighted bone of the hand.

Triquetrum bone

Name this highlighted bone of the hand.


Name this highlighted bone that connects through your little finger.


Name this highlighted bone that connects through your thumb.


Name this highlighted carpal bone.


Name this highlighted carpal bone.


Name this highlighted carpal bone.

Intermediate cuneiform

Name this highlighted tarsal bone.

Medial cuneiform

Name this highlighted tarsal bone.


Name this highlighted tarsal bone.


Name this highlighted tarsal bone.

Lateral cuneiform

Name this highlighted tarsal bone. (Next one over from intermediate cuneiform)


Name this part of the talus bone.


The anatomical name for the finger bones (14 of them)


The anatomical name for the thumb

Three arches

The bones in the foot are arranged to produce how many arches?


Which bones are measured from I to V from the thumb side of the hand toward the little finger?

Proximal phalanges

What are the highlighted bones called? (both hand and foot)


What binds the foot bones together?

Transverse arch

One arch of the foot bone


True or False? Like the fingers of the hand, each toe has three phalanges, except the great toe, which has two.

longitudinal arches

Two arches (medial and lateral) of the foot

Distal phalanges

What are the highlighted bones called? (both hand and foot)

Middle phalanges

What are the highlighted bones called? (both hand and foot)

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