A&P 2 CH. 22 The Digestive System

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Each of the following organs is a component of the digestive tract except the


The part of the stomach that functions as a mixing chamber for food and secretions is the


The bulk of each tooth consists of a mineralized matrix similar to that of bone called


Identify the segment of the small intestine found within the epigastric region.


Submucosal glands that secrete mucus are characteristic of the


The order of the small intestine segments, from proximal to distal, is

duodenum, jejunum, ileum.

The gastric phase of gastric secretion is triggered by the

entry of food into the stomach

Which of the following is not a function of the digestive system?


Name the four major regions of the stomach in order from its junction with the esophagus to the small intestine.

fundus, cardia, body, pyloric part

The hormone that stimulates secretion and contraction by the stomach is


The ridge of oral mucosa that surrounds the base of a tooth is the


Movements unique to the large intestine are ________ movements


Powerful peristaltic contractions that occur a few times each day in the colon are called

mass movements

The ________ is a double sheet of peritoneal membrane that suspends the visceral organs and carries nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels


The ________ supports most of the small intestine and provides stability and limited movement

mesentery proper

The gastroileal reflex

moves some chyme to the colon.

The lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the


Name the four layers of the digestive tract beginning from the lumen of the digestive tract

mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

Name the layers of the small intestine from superficial to deep.

mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

Gastric pits are

openings into gastric glands.

Starting at the mouth, identify the major organs of the digestive tract

oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of the digestive tract are called


Describe mass movements.

powerful peristaltic contractions that occur in response to distension of the stomach and duodenum

Explain the significance of peritoneal fluid

prevent friction and irritation when digestive organs move

Which of the following is not a function of the adult liver?

producing blood cells

The ________ of the liver lies between the left lobe and the gallbladder

quadrate lobe

Large blood vessels and lymphatics are found in the


Which of the following does not describe how products of fat digestion are absorbed and transported?

Brush border enzymes break down the fats so they can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream.

A structure that helps prevent food from entering the pharynx prematurely is the


Name and briefly describe the important characteristic of each of the three phases of gastric secretion.

1. Cephalic Phase. Stomach is stimulated to secrete gastric and gastric juice. 2. Gastric Phase. Food enters the stomach, secretion of gastric juices increases. 3. Intestinal Phase. Chime enters the duodenum. Signals the medulla oblongata to inhibit stimulation of gastric glands and releases hormones to inhibit gastric secretions.

On average, the body produces ________ of saliva in a day

1.0-1.5 L

Tony is a chronic alcoholic with cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue. Which of the following signs would you expect to observe in Tony?

All of the answers are correct

During deglutition

All of the answers are correct 1. the lower esophageal sphincter opens 2. the larynx elevates and the epiglottis closes. 3. the soft palate elevates.

Define ingestion

Entry of food and liquids into the digestive tract through the mouth

What bacterium is responsible for most peptic ulcers?

Helicobactor pylori

Define hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are distended veins in the distal portion of the rectum.

Describe the outer covering of the liver.

It is covered by a layer of visceral peritoneum and wrapped in a tough fibrous capsule.

________ are teeth with flattened crowns and prominent ridges that are adapted for crushing and grinding


Which of the following statements is false?

Secretin and CCK are produced by the stomach and are important hormones in regulating digestion

Describe the alkaline tide.

The alkaline tide is the sudden influx of bicarbonate ions into the bloodstream.

Describe the orientation of smooth muscle fibers in the muscular layer of the digestive tract

The cells align parallel to each other and form an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer

Which of the following statements about the tongue is false?

The uvula attaches to the base

Explain the function of lacteals

They transport materials that cannot enter blood capillaries.

The enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates is


At what point in the large intestine does the epidermis change from stratified squamous non-keratinized tissue like the oral cavity to stratified squamous keratinized tissue like the skin?


Describe the location of fauces.

arched opening between the oral cavity and the oropharynx


carry absorbed fats to the lymphatic system

An intestinal hormone that stimulates contraction of the gallbladder to release bile is


The articulation between the periodontal ligament and the bone at the base of the tooth is what type of joint?


Trace a drop of bile from the hepatic ducts to the duodenal lumen.

hepatic ducts, common hepatic duct, bile duct, duodenal ampulla and papilla, duodenal lumen

Kupffer cells lurk in the liver, searching for invaders. Where in the liver do they lurk?

hepatic sinusoids

Regions of the stomach include all of the following except


Describe the muscular layer of the esophagus

inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer; superior third is skeletal muscle, middle third is mixed skeletal and smooth muscle, inferior third is smooth muscle

All of the following enzymes are secreted by the pancreas except


The ________ is composed of smooth muscle fibers and is not under voluntary control

internal anal sphincter

The middle segment of the small intestine is the


Which accessory organ of the digestive system is responsible for almost 200 known functions?


Define stellate macrophages, and indicate their functions.

liver macrophages which engulf pathogens, cell debris, and damaged blood cells

Cite the major mechanisms that regulate and control digestive activities

local factors, neural mechanisms, and hormonal mechanisms

In the digestive and urinary systems, rings of smooth muscle, called ________, regulate the movement of materials along internal passageways


Damage to the parotid glands would affect the digestion of which nutrient?


What is the function of the gallbladder?

store and concentrate bile

The ________ salivary glands are covered by the mucous membrane in the floor of the mouth


Which of the following is not true of the Kupffer cells of the liver?

they are also called hepatocytes

What is the primary digestive function of the pancreas?

to produce buffers and enzymes for the digestion of starches, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term "duodenal ampulla"?

where pancreatic juice and bile enter duodenum

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