A&P 2 Chapter 15

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arrange the following structures in the order in which they vibrate when a sound wave enters the ear 1.eardrum 2.endolymph 3.ossicles 4. oval window 5. perilymph


Arrange the following to reflect the correct sequence an action potential would follow to reach the lateral olfactory area of the brain 1. olfactory bulb 2. olfactory cortex 3. olfactory epithelium 4. olfactory tract


arrange the following structures in order in which they would vibrate as a result of the tympanic membrane vibrating 1. oval window 2. vestibular membrane & endolymph 3. ossicles 4. basilar membrane 5. perilymph


arrange the following list of membranes in correct sequence 1.tecorial membrane 2vestibular membrane 3.tympanic membrane 4. basilar membrane


arrange the following in correct sequence 1.gustatory cell depolarizes 2.action potential stimulation in gustatory neurons 3.food substance dissolves in saliva 4.neurotransmitter released by gustatory cell 5. food substance enters taste pore and attaches to receptor on gustatory hair


arrange the following events in correct order 1.retinal cells generate action potentials 2.person becomes aware of the information obtained by the CNS 3.visual cortex translates action potentials 4.bright light is shone into the eye 5.optic nerve conducts action potential to the CNS


arrange the following parts of the neuronal pathway for hearing in correct order 1. inferior colliculus 2. medial geniculate nucleus 3. superior olivary nucleus 4. auditory cortex 5. cochlear nucleus


night blindness could be caused by

a lack of rhodospin

increased fluid accumulation in the cornea would result in

a scattering of light rays

which of the following cranial nerves innervates an eye muscle


the round window

acts as a mechanical release for waves within the cochlea

the semicircular canals

allow a person to detect movement in all directions

The ability of the olfactory system to adapt to a particular odor may involve

association neurons inhibiting mitral cells or tufted cells

damage to the vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve would result in loss of


In order for a molecule to be detected by the olfactory neurons, it must

be dissolved in fluid covering the olfactory epithelium

cochlear neurons are stimulated by

bending microvilli or stereocilia on the hair cells

you are an airborne molecule that dissolves in the fluid covering the olfactory epithelium. Which of the following must you do in order to depolarize neurons in the olfactory epithelium?

bind to receptor molecules on the olfactory hair membrane

the transparent mucous membrane that covers the anterior surface of the eye is the

bulbar conjuctiva

Taste buds

can only perceive taste if the molecules are in solution

auditory impulses are transmitted by the ______ portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve


Pinkeye is an inflammation of the


the ciliary body

consists of a ciliary ring and ciliary processes

the lacrimal glands

constantly produce a fluid called tears

the optic disc

contains no photoreceptor cells

the transparent anterior portion of the sclera is the


Which of the following statements is true?

damaged olfactory neurons are replaced

the direction from which a sound is coming can be determined by the

difference in the time that sound waves take to reach each ear

humans are able to distinguish several million shades of color because

different proportions of cone cells respond to each wavelength of light

the auditory tube

equalizes air pressure between the middle ear and the outside air

Palpebrae is another name for


some thyroid disorders are characterized by an increase in the width of the palpebral fissure. This would be an increase in the distance between the


Damage to which of the following cranial nerves may impair the sense of taste


you taste a sauce with the "tip of your tongue" these taste sensations would be carried via the _____ cranial nerve


taste buds are not associated with _____ papillae


the lens

focuses light on the retina

the most sensitive taste buds are found in _______ papillae


the area of greatest visual acuity is the

fovea centralis

which of the following is part of the spiral organ (organ of corti)

hair cells

vitreous humor

helps to hold the lens and retina in place

rods, a type of photoreceptor cell, respond to light (stimulus) by


the photoreceptor cells are located

in the photoreceptor layer of the retina

glaucoma can result from

inhibition of the circulation of aqueous humor

which portion of the ear contains sense organs of hearing and balance

inner ear

the contractile structure that surrounds the pupil is the


which of the structures listed below is part of the vascular tunic?


Which of the following is correctly matched?

iris-sphincter pupillae

color vision

is a function of cone cells

the cornea

is a part of the focusing system of the eye

depth perception

is the ability to distinguish between near and far objects and judge their distance

the lateral olfactory area

is the site of conscious perception of odors

the cornea is relatively easy to transplant because

it is easy to access and remove

the blink reflex is designed to

keep the eye moist

the anterior and posterior compartments of the eye are separated by the


light converges as it passes through the

lens, cornea, and humors of the eye

Damage to the left side of the brain near the visual cortex could result in which of the following visual changes

loss of right visual fields from both eyes

Why does inhaling deeply and slowly through the nose help to identify an odor?

more air containing the odor is brought into contact with the olfactory epithelium

which of the following is false

most of the optic tract axons terminate in the medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus

rapid changes in altitude can distort the eardrum. symptoms that may occur include

muffled sounds

blood vessels enter the eye and nerve process exit the eye at the

optic disc

a person loses all vision in their left eye. one possible cause could be damage to the

optic nerve in the left eye

the sensory cells for hearing are located in the

organ of corti or spiral organ

which of the following sequences is correct?

oval window, vestibule, scala vestibuli

which of the following structures is considered to be an accessory structure of the eye?


the correct pathway for impulses leaving the retina is

photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve

the age-associated changes that result in loss of accommodation of the eyes is called


The attenuation reflex

prevents damage to delicate ear structures

light and dark adaptation involves

pupillary reflexes, variations in rod and cone function, and changes in the amount of available rhodospin

to which of the following substances would the taste buds be most sensitive?

quinine (tonic) water

to which colors are the three different kind of cones sensitive?

red, blue, green

which of the following functions is carried out by both aqueous and vitreous humor?

refraction of light rays

which of the following definitions best describes the timbre of sounds

resonance quality

the pigmented layer of the retina

results in increased visual activity

when the rhodospin is exposed to light

retinal separates from opsin

Rhodopsin is found in the


Which of the following is (are) associated with the retina

rods and cones

the outermost tunic of the eyeball is the


sensory receptors for balance are found in the

semicircular canals

the superior olivary nucleus

send efferent impulses that inhibit all hair cells not vibrating maximally

Which of the following is false

sensitivity of taste buds for sweet taste is very high

the main factor affecting depth of focus is the

size of the pupil

Which of the following special senses is relayed directly to the cerebral cortex without going to the thalamus?


more sound volume is perceived when

sound wave amplitude increases

in bright sunlight the pupil of your eye constricts and contracts the

sphincter pupillae

the utricle and saccule are involved in

static balance


stimulate hair cells to produce action potentials

An inflammation of one of the ciliary glands of the eyelashes is called a


Sensory structures that detect taste are

taste buds

why does a person's nose run when he cries?

tears drain into the nasal cavity via the nasolacrimal duct

Which one is true?

the bony core of the cochlea is called the modiolus

for distant vision

the ciliary muscles are relaxed

to focus on objects closer than 20 feet

the ciliary muscles must contract

as an object moves closer to the eye,

the eyes rotate medially

when you try to focus on the tip of your nose

the lens becomes more spherical

increase in the distance from they eye to the near point of vision can be caused by

the lens becoming more rigid with age

the position of the head with respect to gravity is determined by the

the movements of otoliths in response to gravity

the malleus, incus and stapes

transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window

the external ear terminates at the

tympanic membrane

neurons synapsing on the hair cells of the maculae and the crista ampullaris have cell bodies in the

vestibular ganglion

which of the following is part of the bony labyrinth



wash foreign objects away from the eye

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