A&P Blood

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What ions are necessary for both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of the coagulation cascade?

Calcium ions

Which of the following characteristics is not associated with erythrocytes?

Capable of protein synthesis

What activates the intrinsic/contact activation pathway of coagulation?

Factor XII contacts exposed collagen fibers.

What event initiates the intrinsic or contact pathway of coagulation?

Factor XII contacts exposed collagen fibers.

A class of drugs known as directly acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) or novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) inhibit enzymes in the common pathway of coagulation. Which of these would be a likely target of these drugs?

Factor Xa

Which of the following events must occur first during hemostasis?

Formation of thrombin

What cell gives rise to all formed elements?

Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)

What is the oxygen-binding protein found in erythrocytes?


What process does agglutination promote?


What process involves a series of events that minimizes the amount of blood lost from an injured blood vessel?


Athletes have been known to abuse erythropoietin. What potential benefit might athletes hope to derive with erythropoietin?

Increased oxygen delivery to tissues

A centrifuged sample of blood shows 53% plasma, 1% buffy coat, and 46% erythrocytes. What percentage of the blood is composed of leukocytes and platelets?


Normal blood pH should fall between __________.


During a transfusion, if incompatible antigens are introduced, antibodies can bind to foreign antigens, causing them to clump together, or:


Carbohydrate groups on the surfaces of erythrocytes determine blood type and are known as __________.


The ABO blood group is based on which antigen(s)?

antigens A and B

Nora was exposed to radiation that caused her red bone marrow to make fewer red blood cells. This condition is known as __________.

aplastic anemia

Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis?

blood oxygen levels fall below normal

Fibrin converts the soft, liquid platelet plug into a more solid mass by the process of ______________.


Some rat poisons contain a toxin that blocks the liver's ability to use vitamin K. Animals that consume this poison would have problems with __________.


Some rat poisons contain a toxin that blocks the liver's ability to utilize vitamin K. Animals that consume this poison would have problems with:


Lepirudin is a drug that inhibits thrombin. It will have an effect specifically on the __________.

common pathway of coagulation

The hormone released by the kidneys in the figure above is __________.


The intrinsic or contact activation pathway begins with the activation of ______________.

factor XII

All leukocytes arise from:

hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)

Lymphocytes and monocytes both arise from:

hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)

Bilirubin comes from the breakdown of:

heme molecules of hemoglobin that lack iron.

Which of the following is a characteristic of erythrocytes?

large surface area to volume ratio

Which type of leukocyte may produce antibodies?


What cells are categorized as agranulocytes?

lymphocytes and monocytes

When fibrin levels increase, thrombin production is inhibited. This is an example of a __________.

negative feedback loop

All red blood cells in an adult originate in the __________.

red bone marrow

Medications known as anticoagulants interfere with:

the coagulation cascade.

The enzyme that converts fibrinogen into fibrin is _________________.


Where do T lymphocytes mature?

thymus gland

The primary function of red blood cells is to __________.

transport oxygen and carbon dioxide

What chemical is produced by endothelial cells at the site of injury during the first step of platelet plug formation?

von Willebrand factor

The most abundant component of plasma is __________.


What plasma protein is most important for the blood's colloid osmotic pressure?


Which of the following solutes is a plasma protein?


A person with type AB blood will have which of the following antigens?

A and B

Which antigens does a person with blood type A- have on the surface of his or her erythrocytes?

A antigens

Which of the following statements about Rh is CORRECT?

An Rh- person will only make antibodies against Rh after being exposed to the Rh antigen.

Which of the following antibodies does a person with type B+ blood have in their plasma?

Anti-A antibodies

A person with type A blood will have which antibodies?

Anti-B antibodies

Mr. Ramirez, whose blood type is AB-, has been injured and requires a blood transfusion. Which blood type may be acceptable for Mr. Ramirez to acquire?


Which of the following characteristics is associated with erythrocytes?

Biconcave shape

Which of the following products from the breakdown of hemoglobin is excreted as a waste product by the liver?


Which of the following statements about blood is FALSE?

Blood pH normally falls between 6.5 and 6.8.

How can hydrophobic steroids travel in the blood?

By binding to hydrophilic transport proteins

What organ serves as the control center for the regulation of erythropoiesis?


Decreased albumin levels in the plasma would ______.

Lead to edema.

Which of the following organs produce most of the plasma proteins?


Certain chemotherapy drugs for cancer inhibit cell division. How will this affect megakaryocytes?

Megakaryocytes would decrease in size and thereby decrease platelet count.

Which of the following components is not one of the formed elements in blood?


Hemostasis is mediated by which of the following formed elements?


Which of the following functions is not associated with blood?

Protecting internal organs

Which of the following substances does not inhibit coagulation?


Which organ traps older erythrocytes so they will be removed from circulation?


A patient with type O blood is given a transfusion of type A blood. Which of the following will occur?

The anti-A antibodies of the patient will react with the A antigens of the transfusion blood.

Select how an erythrocyte's structure relates to its function.

The biconcave shape allows flexibility to pass through capillaries and increase surface area. Submit

What is hematocrit?

The percentage of blood composed of erythrocytes

Which of the following characteristics is not associated with platelets?

They are incapable of oxidative catabolism.

What enzyme coverts fibrinogen to fibrin?


What process dissolves a blood clot?


What condition results in the formation of an inappropriate blood clot?


Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin, a mesh that glues together the platelet plug and helps seal the damaged vessel.


A sample reacts with anti-A and anti-B antibodies, but it does not react with anti-Rh antibodies. What is the sample's blood type?

Type AB-

What is the functional consequence of vascular spasms during hemostasis?

Vascular spasms decrease blood vessel diameter to limit blood loss.

Select the appropriate pathway for the steps of hemostasis.

Vascular spasms, platelet plug formation, coagulation, clot retraction, and thrombolysis

The venom of certain snakes contains substances that activate factors V, IX, and X. Which of the following effects would occur if exposed to human blood.

Venom would increase coagulation

In the common pathway of coagulation, what factor combines with factor Va and calcium ions to form prothrombin activator?


Glanzmann's thrombasthenia is a rare genetic disorder in which platelets lack an important receptor for fibrin. This will have an effect on the formation of _______.

a clot

Transfusion reactions are caused by the

recipient's antibodies.

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