A&P Chapter 5

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Of the four main types of tissue, ___ tissue fills the spaces between other tissues and binds tissues to one another.


The tissue found covering body surfaces, lining body cavities, forming the internal and external linings of many organs, and constituting most gland tissue is ___ tissue.


A single skeletal muscle cell is also called a muscle ___.


A cellular component of blood or lymph is a ___ element.


By definition, a(n) ___ is a cell or organ that secretes substances for use elsewhere in the body.


What is a noncontinuous patch-like area that mechanically links two cells together via plaques and J-shaped proteins?


What is the ability of stem cells to differentiate into a diverse number of mature cell types called?

Developmental plasticity

What is the main characteristic of nervous tissue?

The ability to communicate by using electrical signals

What is endoderm?

The inner layer of the primary germ layers

What is mesoderm?

The middle layer of the primary germ layers

Which of the following is an example of a cutaneous membrane? The lining of the knee joint The lining of the abdominal cavity The lining of the digestive tract The skin

The skin

Which of the following best describes tight junctions?

They consist of transmembrane cell-adhesion proteins around the upper part of a cell and hold neighboring cells together.

What is the function of transitional epithelium?

To allow stretching

What is the primary function of blood?

To transport cells, nutrients, gases and dissolved matter through the body

How would an exocrine gland that is branched with sacs at the end of each branch be classified?

Compound acinar

In histology, a very thin slice of a tissue is a referred to as what?

A histological section A tissue layer Reason: This term is too general. A microtissue section Reason: This term does mean "very small tissue" section, but it is not the correct term.

What is an osteocyte?

A mature bone cell located in a lacuna

Cartilage is best described as which of the following?

A relatively stiff connective tissue with a rubbery matrix

Which tissue would be the best at resisting pulling forces applied from several directions?

Dense irregular connective tissue

What is a histological section?

A thin slice of tissue prepared for microscopic observation

Which are functions of epithelial tissue?

Absorption Protection Excretion

Which connective tissue contains loosely arranged cells, elastic fibers, and collagenous fibers?

Areolar connective tissue

Which tissue type is found in tissue sections from most parts of the body?

Areolar tissue

What is the shrinkage of a tissue called?


Which surface of an epithelial cell faces the basement membrane? Basal Apical


Which layers within a stratified epithelium undergo mitosis?

Basal layers

The image shows a bone cut in a(n) ___ section.

Blank 1: cross, transverse, Cross, Transverse, or cross section

Glands classified as ____ glands release their secretions by exocytosis.

Blank 1: merocrine, eccrine, or Merocrine

How are the different types of fibrous connective tissue distinguished from one another?

By whether the arrangement of fibers is dense or loose

What are the two types of bone tissue?

Calcified and noncalcified Reason: These two terms refer to bone development, not what the two types of bone tissue are. Spongy and compact Dense regular and dense irregular Reason: These are two types of connective tissue.

What are the three types of muscle tissue?

Cardiac Skeletal Smooth

Which of the following is a relatively avascular class of connective tissue?


___ is a type of supportive connective tissue with a relatively rigid, but flexible matrix.


How do holocrine glands release their secretions?

Cell lysis

What are two processes by which tissues grow?

Cells increase in number Existing cells get larger

What is a cartilage cell that has become enclosed in a lacuna called?

Chondrocyte Chondroblast Reason:Chondroblasts secrete the cartilage matrix, and become embedded in it in small cavities, lacunae. Once enclosed in the matrix, the cells are called chondrocytes.

What type of gland is shown in the figure?


Which tissue class is comprised of widely-spaced cells and abundant extracellular material?

Connective Muscular Reason: Muscular tissue consists of long, cylindrical cells packed tightly together into bundles. Nervous Reason: Nervous tissue consists of neurons and neuroglia (glial) cells. There is little extracellular material. Epithelial Reason: Epithelial tissue will be found on the surface of an organ or space and will consist of a cells of various shapes that have a free surface.

What are the three main types of body membranes?

Cutaneous Serous Mucous

Where would dense irregular connective tissue be found?

Deeper part of dermis

What are the two broad categories of fibrous connective tissue based on their relative abundance of fibers?

Dense and loose

Identify the three primary germ layers.

Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm

What are the three fiber types found in fibrous connective tissue?

Elastic Collagenous Reticular

While preparing some chicken wings for cooking you observe white fibers connecting the bones and the muscles to bone. What type of fibers are these?

Elastic Reason: Tendons connect muscle to bone. What kind of fibers are these made of? Reticular Collagenous Myosin

Muscular tissue consists of what type of cells or fibers?

Elongated fibers (cells) that are specialized to contract

What are the two broad classes of glands?

Endocrine and exocrine

What is the tissue shown in the figure?

Hyaline cartilage

What is the most abundant type of formed element in the blood?


Which of the following are formed elements of blood?

Erythrocytes Leukocytes Platelets

Which type of gland consists of a secretory region and a duct running to a surface?


What is the difference between exocrine and endocrine glands?

Exocrine glands secrete onto a surface. Endocrine glands secrete into the blood.

Which cell produces collagen fibers and ground substance?


Which cell types are found in fibrous connective tissue?

Fibroblasts, macrophages, white blood cells, adipocytes

Identify the two ways that tissue can be repaired.

Fibrosis Regeneration

Loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue are classified as what type of connective tissue?


Which is a location of dense irregular connective tissue?

Fibrous sheath around bones

What are the cells and cell fragments of blood collectively referred to as?

Formed elements

What are two processes by which tissues grow?

Hyperplasia Hypertrophy

Where is dense regular connective tissue found?


Where would transitional epithelium be found?

Lining the lumen of the urinary bladder

______ are connective tissue cells that arise from monocytes.


Which cell types are found in fibrous connective tissue?

Macrophages Fibroblasts Mast cells Adipocytes

What is the extracellular material of a tissue called?

Matrix Ectoderm Reason: The ectoderm is one of the germ layers. Epithelium Reason: Epithelium is a type of tissue, not extracellular material. Mesenchyme

Cutaneous, mucous, and serous are terms that refer to which of the following? Membranes Connective tissues Epithelial tissues Exocrine glands


What is the ability of an epithelium to change from one type of tissue to another called?


Children have red bone marrow in their long bones which changes to yellow bone marrow (fat) by adulthood. This is an example of which of the following?

Metaplasia (a change from one type of mature tissue to another)

Which tissue can exert physical force on other tissues and organs?


The type of epithelium shown in the image is ciliated ___ columnar epithelium.


Which tissue type covers body surfaces, lines body cavities, forms the internal and external linings of many organs, and constitutes most gland tissue?

Muscular Reason: Muscle tissue would not be found at surfaces. Epithelial Nervous Reason: Nervous tissue would not be at surfaces. Connective Reason: Connective tissue is found in deeper tissues.

Identify the four primary tissue types.

Nervous Muscle Epithelial Connective

What is a small space in tissue such as bone or cartilage that contains a chondrocyte or osteocyte called?

Osteocyte Reason: This is a cell type within a lacuna of bone. Foramen Reason: A foramen is a small hole in the bone for the passage of blood vessels or nerves. Lacuna Chondrocyte Reason: This is a cell type found within a lacuna of cartilage.

What are the stem cells that can develop into any embryo cell type but not the accessory structures of pregnancy called?

Pluripotent Unipotent Reason: Unipotent cells can produce only one mature cell type. Multipotent Reason: Multipotent cells have the potential to develop into two or more types of cells, but not into an unlimited variety of cell types. Totipotent Reason: Totipotent cells can differentiate into any cell type, including the accessory structures of pregnancy.

Which layers give rise to all of the body's mature tissues?

Primary germ

Which epithelial type is shown in the image?

Pseudostratified Stratified Reason: This epithelium does have every cell touching the basement membrane; however, they do not all extend to the surface. The nuclei are at various levels. but there is only one layer of cells. Simple Reason: This epithelium does have every cell touching the basement membrane; however, they do not all extend to the surface. The nuclei are at various levels. Transitional Reason: This epithelium does have every cell touching the basement membrane; however, they do not all extend to the surface. The nuclei are at various levels. but there is only one layer of cells. This is pseudostratified columnar epithelium (also note the cilia).

Which epithelium lines the respiratory tract from the nasal cavity to the bronchi?

Pseudostratified columnar

What is the replacement of dead or damaged cells by the same type of cells as before called?


Which connective tissue is composed of loosely arranged reticular fibers and lymphocytes?

Reticular connective tissue

Which function of epithelial tissues is best suited to detecting changes in the environment? Multiple choice question. Protection Secretion Excretion Sensation


What type of gland is shown in the figure?

Simple coiled tubular

Which type of epithelium makes up the air sacs of the lungs, inner lining of the heart and blood vessels, and serous membranes of the viscera?

Simple squamous

Where is reticular connective tissue found?


What are cells that have the potential to differentiate into one or more types of mature functional cells called?


What are the four types of stratified epithelia?

Stratified columnar, stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, and transitional

True or false: The class of epithelium depicted is pseudostratified.

True Reason: Pseudostratified epithelium consists of tall columnar cells and shorter basal cells. All cells resting on the basement membrane creating a false appearance of stratification. This is simple epithelium (one layer). Notice that all of the cells contact the basement membrane and extend to the free surface. False

Where would areolar connective tissue be found?

Visceral pleura Surrounding blood vessels Fascia between muscles

The epithelial cell shape shown is


A(n) ___ is another term for a fat cell.


Functions of ______ tissue include energy storage and thermal insulation.


Small numbers of ___ stem cells are found within mature organs and tissues throughout one's life.


The free surface of the epithelial layer describes the ___ surface.


An exocrine gland with a branched duct is said to be ___.


A specialized layer that serves to anchor an epithelium to the connective tissue below is a ____ membrane.


Between an epithelium and underlying connective tissue lies a layer known as the ______ membrane.


The image shows a type of connective tissue called ___.


The image shows a section of ___ tissue, a type of connective tissue.


What is another name for osseous tissue?


A cartilage cell that has become enclosed in a lacuna in the cartilage matrix is called a ___.


In dense regular connective tissue, the collagen fibers are ______.

closely packed

Cells that have a square or round shape, such as those shown, are classified as ___ cells.


The intercellular junction shown within the circle is a


Cartilage in the outer ear is ______.

elastic cartilage

The innermost layer of the primary germ layers is the


The study of tissues is called


Growth of a tissue due to an increase in cell number is called __.


A small cavity in a tissue such as bone or cartilage is a(n) ___.


A tissue cut on its long axis is called a ______.

longitudinal section

Large phagocytic cells that wander through the connective tissues are called __.


The middle layer of the embryonic germ layers is the


The basal cells of a stratified epithelium undergo ___ allowing more epithelial cells to be produced.


Premature, pathological tissue death due to trauma, toxins, or infection is called ___.


The type of cell indicated by the arrow in the image is a ___.


The ground substance of blood is ______.


The liquid portion of blood is called ___.


Stem cells have various degrees of developmental ___, , or diversity of mature cell types to which they can give rise.


The cells at the tip of the arrow form ___ squamous epithelium.


The epithelium consisting of one layer of cells in which all cells rest directly on the basement membrane, but appear to be arranged in layers, is ______ epithelium.


Epithelial cells that have a flat and scaly shape are classified as ______ cells.


The epithelial cell shape shown is


Undifferentiated cell that can divide and differentiate into more functionally specific cell types such as blood cells and germ cells are called ___.

stem cells

Considering the number of cell layers only, the type of epithelium shown is ___ epithelium.


The type of cell junction that holds cells together and seals off the space between adjacent cells making it difficult for substances to pass between them is a ___ junction.


A group of similar cells and cell products performing a common function is a(n)


Leukocyte is another term for a ___ blood cell.


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